Selling 360 Billion | Max Research Except Adv. Economics |

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mlight123, 12/7/16.

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  1. Mlight123

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    1. Level 70 Hero & VIP 26
    2. SH & Watchtower level 26, only 14 barracks since packs were offering no shovels, 1 level 25 and the rest level 23.
    3. Research is maxed except the adv. economics tree, and the gem set bonus tree is max to troop attack III which is at level 9, and super wonder rally capacity increase II which is at level 8.
    4. Power is: 89.65 billion research, 241.35 billion troop, 25.22 billion hero, and the rest is quests, buildings etc.
    5. All gear sets, as the Cyber Monday pack was bought.
    6. Almost 7 of all of the gem sets.
    7. Hundreds of core sets to craft, and about 6t stone, wood, and ore. 15.** food, and almost 30t silver.
    8. Speed Up Treasury level 10, Gear Workshop level 24, Training Garrison level 16, and Alchemy Lab level 17 in upgrade for level 18.
    9. Hospital, Villa, Embassy, Marketplace, and Storehouse level 25.
    10. Academy and Hall of War level 23, and the Prison is level 23, in upgrade for level 24. And as you can probably tell, it has a perma 2nd building queue.
    11. VERY capable of being a rally leader, and with a bit more troops it could even be a wonder rally leader.
    12. Please message me with, or post an offer and I will respond asap!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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