Nilly's Client Enhancement Modification Notes

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheRealArkani, 12/23/16.

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  1. TheRealArkani

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Here is a bunch of notes for myself. Would appreciate if people are able to fill in unknown ???? monster identification numbers. Reply in comments below.

    [Message Notifications]
    /cn add -s w "Whisper Sound" ".*" "button_click"

    [Monster Ignore List / Aim Assist]
    /aig 3454 - Oryx Suity of Armor
    /aig 1550 - Red Gelatinous Cube
    /aig 1551 - Purple Gelatinous Cube
    /aig 1552 - Green Gelatinous Cube
    /aig 3418 - Cube Overseer
    /aig 3419 - Cube Defender
    /aig 3420 - Cube Blaster
    /aig 2370 - Crystal Prisoner Clone
    /aig 2309 - Rock Bot (Construct)
    /aig 2310 - Paper Bot (Construct)
    /aig 2311 - Steel Bot (Construct)
    /aig 1619 - Sprite Child

    [Monster Exception List / Auto Ability]
    /aex 3448 - Oryx Stone Guardian Right
    /aex 3449 - Oryx Stone Guardian Left
    /aex 5952 - Oryx the Mad God 1
    /aex 2354 - Oryx the Mad God 2
    /aex 29070 - Oryx the Mad God Deux
    /aex 24108 - Golden Oryx Effigy
    /aex 29086 - Golden Oryx Effigy Deux
    /aex 3412 - Grand Sphinx
    /aex 3368 - Tomb Defender (Bes)
    /aex 3366 - Tomb Support (Nut)
    /aex 3367 - Tomb Attacker (Geb)
    /aex 3369 - Active Sarcophagus
    /aex 3372 - Inactive Sarcophagus
    /aex 2342 - Bonegrind the Butcher
    /aex 1713 - Evil Chicken God
    /aex 3472 - Septavius the Ghost God
    /aex 3334 - Limon the Sprite God
    /aex 3523 - Mixcoatl the Masked God
    /aex 3670 - Masked Party God
    /aex 24101 - Beer God
    /aex 1768 - Lucky Ent God
    /aex 1784 - Lucky Djinn
    /aex 1755 - Kage Kami
    /aex 2369 - Crystal Prisoner
    /aex 5943 - Coffin (Manor of the Immortals)
    /aex 5920 - Lord Ruthven
    /aex 29082 - Lord Ruthven Deux
    /aex 3613 - Abyss Idol
    /aex 2314 - Archdemon Malphas
    /aex 29084 - Archdemon Malphas Deux
    /aex 3639 - Ghost Ship
    /aex 3634 - Davy Jones
    /aex 2343 - Dreadstump the Pirate King
    /aex 2352 - Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King
    /aex 3622 - Snakepit Guard
    /aex 2327 - Stheno the Snake Queen
    /aex 29085 - Stheno the Snake Queen Deux
    /aex 2358 - Arachna the Spider Queen
    /aex 5894 - Thessal the Mermaid Goddess
    /aex 5892 - Thessal the Mermaid Goddess Wounded
    /aex 2422 - Dr Terrible
    /aex 24092 - Horrific Creation
    /aex 28714 - Son of Arachna
    /aex 28780 - Epic Larva
    /aex 28781 - Epic Mama Megamoth
    /aex 28795 - Murderous Megamoth
    /aex 29071 - Murderous Megamoth Deux
    /aex 24137 - Candy Gnome
    /aex 24132 - Gigacorn (Candy Land)
    /aex 24133 - Swoll Fairy (Candy Land)
    /aex 24134 - Desire Troll (Candy Land)
    /aex 24135 - Spoled Creampuff (Candy Land)
    /aex 24136 - MegaRototo (Candy Land)
    /aex 24351 - Troll 3 (Cemetery)
    /aex 24582 - Ghost of Skuld (Cemetery)
    /aex 24327 - Arena Ghost Bride (Cemetery)
    /aex 24371 - Arena Statue Left (Fate)
    /aex 24336 - Arena Statue Right (Glory)
    /aex 24363 - Arena Grave Caretaker (Cemetery)
    /aex 29517 - shtrs Defence System (Avatar)
    /aex 29563 - shtrs Loot Balloon Mage
    /aex 29564 - shtrs Loot Balloon King
    /aex 29466 - shtrs Loot Balloon Bridge
    /aex 29578 - shtrs Encounter Chest
    /aex 29003 - shtrs Bridge Sentinel (The Forgotten Sentinel)
    /aex 29021 - shtrs Twilight Archmage (Twilight Archmage)
    /aex 29039 - shtrs The Forgotten King (The Forgotten King)
    /aex 29580 - vlntns Botany Bella
    /aex 29712 - vlntns Loot Balloon Bella
    /aex 29745 - md1 Loot Balloon Shaitan
    /aex 29723 - md1 Head of Shaitan
    Not Active:
    [Message Notifications]
    /cn add -s g "Guild Sound" ".*" "error"

    [Monster List - Extras]
    /aex 7746 - Treasure Enemy (Treasure Mimic)
    /aex 24124 - Treasure Pot
    /aex 24130 - Gumball Machine

    [Monster List - Unknown]
    ???? - The Puppet Master 2 (Puppet Master’s Encore)
    ???? - The Pumpkin Master (Halloween Haunted Cemetery)
    ???? - Queen Bee (The Hive)
    ???? - Gulpord the Slime God (Toxic Sewers)
    ???? - Blue Turtle (Toxic Sewers)
    ???? - Orange Turtle (Toxic Sewers)
    ???? - Purple Turtle (Toxic Sewers)
    ???? - Red Turtle (Toxic Sewers)
    29083 - NM Green Dragon God Deux
    29227 - NM Green Dragon Shield Deux
    29228 - NM Green Dragon Shield Counter Deux
    ???? - Feargus the Demented (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Feargus the Obsidian Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Pyyr the Wicked (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Pyyr the Crimson Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Nikao the Defiler (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Nikao the Azure Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Limoz the Plague Bearer (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Limoz the Veridian Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - Ivory Wyvern (Lair of Draconis)
    ???? - The Puppet Master (The Puppet Master's Theatre)
    ???? - Oryx Puppet (The Puppet Master's Theatre)
    ???? - Esben the Unwilling (Ice Cave)
    ???? - Janus the Doorwarden (Oryx's Castle)

    [Chat Notifications - Deactivated]
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Manor of the Immortals" "( |^)[mM][aA][nN][oO][rR]( |$)" "{manor}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Manor" "( |^)[mM][aA][nN][oO][rR]( |$)" "{manor}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Mysterious Crystal" "( |^)[cC][rR][yY][sS][tT][aA][lL]( |$)" "{crystal}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Crystal" "( |^)[cC][rR][yY][sS][tT][aA][lL]( |$)" "{crystal}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "The Shatters" "( |^)[sS][hH][aA][tT][tT][eE][rR][sS]( |$)" "{shatters}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Shatters" "( |^)[sS][hH][aA][tT][tT][eE][rR][sS]( |$)" "{shatters}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Shatts" "( |^)[sS][hH][aA][tT][tT][eE][rR][sS]( |$)" "{shatters}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Mad Lab" "( |^)[lL][aA][bB]( |$)" "{lab}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Lab" "( |^)[lL][aA][bB]( |$)" "{lab}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Tomb of the Ancients" "( |^)[tT][oO][mM][bB]( |$)" "{tomb}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Tomb" "( |^)[tT][oO][mM][bB]( |$)" "{tomb}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Ocean Trench" "( |^)[tT][rR][eE][nN][cC][hH]( |$)" "{trench}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Trench" "( |^)[tT][rR][eE][nN][cC][hH]( |$)" "{trench}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "OT" "( |^)[tT][rR][eE][nN][cC][hH]( |$)" "{trench}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Grand Sphinx" "( |^)[sS][pP][hH][iI][nN][xX]( |$)" "{sphinx}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Sphinx" "( |^)[sS][pP][hH][iI][nN][xX]( |$)" "{sphinx}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Candyland Hunting Grounds" "( |^)[cC][lL][aA][nN][dD]( |$)" "{candy}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Candy Land" "( |^)[cC][lL][aA][nN][dD]( |$)" "{candy}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Candy Gnome" "( |^)[cC][lL][aA][nN][dD]( |$)" "{candy}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Gnome" "( |^)[cC][lL][aA][nN][dD]( |$)" "{candy}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Lair of Draconis" "( |^)[lL][oO][dD]( |$)" "{draconis}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Draconis" "( |^)[lL][oO][dD]( |$)" "{draconis}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "LoD" "( |^)[lL][oO][dD]( |$)" "{draconis}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Abyss of Demons" "( |^)[aA][bB][yY][sS][sS]( |$)" "{abyss}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Abyss" "( |^)[aA][bB][yY][sS][sS]( |$)" "{abyss}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Undead Lair" "( |^)[uU][dD][lL]( |$)" "{undead}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "UDL" "( |^)[uU][dD][lL]( |$)" "{undead}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Haunted Cemetery" "( |^)[cC][eE][mM]( |$)" "{cemetery}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Cemetery" "( |^)[cC][eE][mM]( |$)" "{cemetery}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Headless Horseman" "( |^)[hH][oO][rR][sS][eE]( |$)" "{horse}"
    /cn add -m tts -s l "Horse" "( |^)[hH][oO][rR][sS][eE]( |$)" "{horse}"

    [Realm Notifications - Deactivated]
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Sphinx" "Grand Sphinx" "Grand Sphinx"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Ghost Ship" "Ghost Ship" "Ghost Ship"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Hermit" "Hermit God" "Hermit God"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Cube God" "Cube God" "Cube God"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Skull Shrine" "Skull Shrine" "Skull Shrine"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Pentaract" "Pentaract" "Pentaract Eye"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Lord of the Lost Lands" "Lord of the Lost Lands" "Lord of the Lost Lands"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Beach Bum" "Beach Bum" "Beach Bum"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Rock Dragon" "Rock Dragon" "Rock Dragon Eye"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Almost Closed" "My final Lich" "Closing Realm"
    /cn add -m tts -s m -p "#Oryx the Mad God" "Oryx Closed" "CLOSED THIS REALM" "Closed Realm"

    [Message Notifications - Deactivated]
    /cn add -m command -s m "Dying Thessal" "Is King Alexander alive?" "He lives and reigns and conquers the world."
    [Notification Tutorial]
    Display: /cn list
    Delete: /cn remove "[name]"
    Clear: /cn remove all
    Restore: /cn default

    [Monster Ignore List Tutorial]
    Display: /iglist
    Insert: /aig [id]
    Remove: /rig [id]
    Clear: /igclear
    Restore: /igdefault

    [Monster Exception List Tutorial]
    Display: /exlist
    Insert: /aex [id]
    Remove: /rex [id]
    Clear: /exclear
    Restore: /exdefault

    [Map Tutorial]
    Display: /mscale
    Set: /mscale [number]

    [Links of Interest]
    Translated Names: https: // www realmeye com / wiki / translated-names
    Dialogue: https: // www realmeye com / wiki / dialogue
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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