Level 30 on Europe Server

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Likes Received:
    Elo Rating: 1975
    Total Influence Points: 10000
    Total Runes: 23
    Total Skins: 9
    All Champions (List): - Ahri - Akali - Alistar - Amumu - Anivia - Annie - Ashe - Blitzcrank - Brand - Cassiopeia - Cho'gath - Diana - Dr. Mundo - Evelynn - Fiddlesticks - Fizz - Galio - Garen - Gragas - Heimerdinger - Irelia - Janna - Jarvan IV - Jax - Karma - Karthus - Kassadin - Katarina - Kayle - Kennen - LeBlanc - Lee Sin - Lux - Malphite - Maokai - Mastery Yi - Mordekaiser - Morgana - Nasus - Nidalee - Nocturne - Nunu - Olaf - Orianna - Pantheon - Poppy - Ryze - Shen - Shyvana - Singed - Sion - Sivir - Skarner - Soraka - Swain - Syndra - Taric - Teemo - Tristana - Tryndamere - Twisted Fate - Veigar - Warwick - Xin Zhao - Zed - Zilean - Zyra
    All Runes (List): Greater Mark of Penetration x6 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage x9 Greater Mark of Attack Speed x9 Greater Seal of Ability Power x9 Greater Seal of Gold x9 Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Armor x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Mana x9 Greater Seal of Armor x9 Greater Glyph of Ability Power x9 Greater Glyph of Mana x9 Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration x3 Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Attack Damage x1 Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9 Greater Quintessense of Armor Penetration x1 Greater Quintessense of Attack Damage x3 Greater Quintessense of Gold x3 Greater Quintessense of Mana x3 Greater Quintessense of Movement Speed x3 Greater Quintessense of Ability Power x3
    All Skins (List): - Unchained Alistar - Vandal Brand - Desperada Cassiopeia - Hillbilly Gragas - Infiltrator Irelia - Victorious Janna - Phantom Karthus - French maid Nidalee - Riot girl Tristana
    Account Creation Date: June 2012

    Additional Information

    Total Riot Points
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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