Selling (iOS) Legend Of the Cryptids Selling whole account and deck

Discussion in 'Legend of the Cryptids Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    Price $:
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    BR account: LvL 107 30 energy 1170 attack 15 defense
    (Full account transfer for easy selling of all cards and stuffs in it)
    Would also sell individually but i prefer selling as a whole.
    Okay, i am quitting and would want a quick cash sell for the lot's.. USD & SGD currency.
    No price tag because im looking for a quick sell and willing to negotiate 'bout the prices and offers.
    Interested buyers please LINE me: cashmoney914

    Pwr 19's:
    Pm iolina sk10
    Pm velgo sk10
    Pm anset sk10

    Pwr 18's:
    Pm leone sk10
    Pm shirayuki sk10 x2
    Pm beldine sk10
    Pm reile sk10 & sk1
    Pm romoa sk10 & sk1
    Pm alicia sk1
    Pm Mirs sk10

    Pwr 17's:
    Pm tilda sk10
    Pm evelyn sk10
    Pm forest banquet sk10
    Pm duroch sk10
    Pm osbourne sk10
    Pm veniamin sk10
    Pm patrice sk10
    Pm fort sk10 & 5x pm low skill
    Pm virgo sk8
    Pm celica x2
    Pm anubis x2
    Pm amaria x5
    Pm riviena x7
    Pm Leos x2
    Pm orodin sk6
    Pm zero-four x2
    Pm milla
    Pm solomon

    Pwr 16's 15's 14's :
    Pm vamp lord sk10 x5
    Pm sakuya sk10
    Pm sinful aramis sk10
    Pm henriette sk10
    Pm oathboud sk10
    Pm phanuel dogma sk10
    Pm shadow king core sk10
    Pm tiamat of endowed sk5
    Pm styx 10
    Pm gabriel sk10
    Pm entellous sk10 (pwr15)
    Pm satan sk1
    Pm mistress sk10
    Pm amasols x48 (1x sk10)
    Pm Qosw x6
    Pm Hydarnes x2
    Pm jeremias sk10 & sk5
    Pm vanessa x6
    Pm eze x2
    Pm pupp 10 & 1x low skill
    Pm barbara x3
    Pm dgod x3
    Pm old bartholomaus
    Pm yuis
    Pm hogg
    Pm ramsus
    Pm idunn
    Pm eruk
    Pm azazel x2
    Pm ghoulish x2
    Pm surtr x2
    Pm old aurora x2
    Pm hades x2

    Pm belstegia scholar sk10
    Pm pan insanity sk3
    Pm averill sk10
    Pm alexey sk10
    Pm adonis sk10
    Pm yuriya sk10
    Pm hypnos sk10
    Pm munster sk10

    Fresh UR's (card box and in PL) :
    Hogg x8
    Baha x6
    Azazel x11
    Morrigan x5
    Dahaka x9
    Wandering geryon x13
    Crystal dragon x10
    Dgod x5
    Old bartholomaus x9
    Sedna x7
    Old aurora x14
    Hades x15
    Flamming wolf x11
    Surtr x9
    Old Barbara x9
    Pupp x7
    Old BFCK x6
    Lifeless x6
    Hydarnes x4

    Presents List inventory:
    MBD,MYD,MUD (mix) - 79 pages
    Fresh Rares - 14 pages
    Genius Young Dragons - 14 pages
    Coins (50k & 100k mixed) - 157 pages

    Items inventory:
    Pots: 15k mix heavy on PP
    Coins: 98 million
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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