Selling I want to sell my account. Server: EUNE League:...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Haskó Kristóf, 4/22/13.

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  1. Haskó Kristóf

    Haskó Kristóf
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    I want to sell my account. Server: EUNE League: S.IV. Champions/skins: Akali Alistar - Unchained Amumu - Pharaoh Annie Ashe Blitzcrank - iBlitzcrank Cho'Gath Corki Dr. Mundo Evelynn - Masquerade Ezreal - Nottingham Fiddlesticks Fiora Garen Gragas Janna - Victorious Jax - Vandal Karma - Sakura Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Lux - Spellthief Malphite Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Nami Nasus - Galactic Nidalee - Leopard Nunu Olaf Pantheon - Full Metal Poppy Ryze Shaco Shen - Blood Moon Singed Sion Sivir Sona Soraka Taric Teemo - Badger - Panda Tristana - Riot Girl Tryndamere - King Twisted Fate - High Noon Twitch - Medieval (Really really rare!!) Udyr Vayne - Aristocrat Veigar - White Mage Warwick - Grey Warwick (Rare Skin!) Xin Zhao Zed Ziggs - Mad Scientist Zilean 11 Runepage! Runes: Marks: +0,91 Armor (9) +1,3 Armor Pen (9) +0,95 AD (9) +0,87 Magic Pen (9) Seals: +1,4 Armor (9) +1,9 AP/LvL (9) Glyphs: +0,64% Attack Speed (9) -0,65% Cooldown (9) +1,3 Magic Resist (9) +3,1 AP/LvL (9) +1,9 AP (9) Quint: +2,3 AD (3) +3,4% Attack Speed (3) +1 Gold/10 Sec (3) +7,8 AP/LvL (3) Price: 75$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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