EU Elvaan 4x90s Standard gear cheap account! buyout $350

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Account Details~
    Elvaan M Face - 6 Hair - A
    Transfer is available
    Comes with 500k gil
    Not Linked to Square Enix ID.
    Original owner information available
    CD keys available

    RotZ - The Celestial Nexus
    CoP - Dawn
    ToAU - Eternal Mercenary
    Assault -
    Altana - Cait Sith
    C.Prophecy - The Echo Awakens
    M.KupoD'etat - x
    S.Ascension - x

    WAR90 MNK90
    WHM11 BLM17
    RDM01 THF37
    PLD75 DRK75
    BST00 BRD22
    RNG47 SAM90
    NIN90 DRG00
    SMN00 BLU00
    COR00 PUP00
    DNC45 SCH00


    Erlking's Kheten (DMG+5 STR+3)
    Bonesplitter [Trial371]
    Bibiki Seashell
    Smart Grenade
    Olibanum Sachet
    Sekka +2 (AGI+9 EVA+20)
    Radennotachi [Trial648]
    Soboro Sukehiro

    Ravager's Mask +1
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Walahra Turban
    Optical Hat
    Unkai Kabuto +1
    Shura Zunari Kabuto

    Ravager's Lorica

    Ravager's Mufflers +1
    Seiryu's Kote
    Hecatomb Mittens
    Ochimusha Kote

    Ravager's Cuisses +1
    Byakko's Haidate
    Melee Hose

    Askar Gambieras
    Hecatomb Leggings
    Aurum Sabatons
    Denali Gamashes
    Rutter Sabatons
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate

    Parade Gorget

    Swift Belt

    Atheling Mantle
    Unkai Sugemino

    Brutal Earring
    Aesir Ear Pendant

    Rajas Ring
    Ulthalam's Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Iota Ring

    Beastmen's Seal x20
    Kindred's Seal x60
    Kindred's Crest x54
    H. Kindred's Crest x22
    PLD Seal: Head x2
    PLD Seal: Body x1
    PLD Seal: Hands x1
    NIN Seal: Hands x1
    SAM Seal: Legs x8
    WAR Seal: Feet x2
    Wieldance Stone x1

    Bids start @ $200
    Buyout @ $350
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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