Selling ACCOUNT TO SELL VERY NICE! ~1200 Wins 487 RP 4500...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Michael Var, 7/1/13.

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  1. Michael Var

    Michael Var
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    ACCOUNT TO SELL VERY NICE! ~1200 Wins 487 RP 4500 IP Silber Season 2 88 Skins (!) 113 Champions (All except Aatrox and Lissandra) Gold V Season 3 Many Limited Summoner-Icons 14 Runenseiten ca. 220 Runen (all important Runes!! -> many Quints) Skins : Foxfire Ahri Blutmond Akali Unchained Alistar Longhorn Alistar Pharao Amumu (limited) Rollentausch Annie Rotanniechen (limited) Freljord Ashe Endeutig Nicht Blitzcrank (Halloween 2011, limited) Widerstands Caitlyn Jadefang Cassiopeia Dragonwing Corki Bioforge Darius Giftiger Dr.Mundo (limited) Alptraum Cho'Gath (limited) Todesblüten Elise Vereister Ezreal Nottingham Ezreal Nightraven Fiora Minuteman Gankplank Special Forces Gankplank Rugged Garen Wüsten Garen (limited) Riot-Graves (Gamescom 2012, limited) Forstklingen Irelia Tempest Janna Phantom Karthus (limited) Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV Angler Jax Richtspruch Kayle (Season 1 reward, limited) Karate Kennen Traditional Karma Harbringer Kassadin Slay Belle Katarina Mecha Kha'zix Sonoran Kog'maw (limited) Prestigious LeBlanc Drachen Faust Lee Sin Iron Solari Leona Spellthief Lux KleeBlatt Malphite (limited) Vizier Malzahar (limited) Chosen Master Yi Mafia Miss Fortune Dragon Knight Mordekaiser (limited) Riot-GSG9 Nasus (Gamescom 2010, limited) Astronautilus (Nautilus) Bewitched Nidalee (Halloween 2011, limited) Void Nocturne Haunting Nocturne (Halloween 2011, limited) Grungy Nunu Glacial Olaf Glaive Warrior Pantheon Noxus Poppy (limited) Full Metal Rammus (Gamescom 2012, limited) Bloodfury Renekton Battle Bunny Riven Traditional Sejuani Werkstatt Shaco (limited) Royal Shaco Yellow-Jackett Shen (limited) Boneclaw Shyvana Darkflame Shyvana Augmented Singed Warmonger Sion Earthrune Skarner Guqin Sona Arcade Sona Renegade Talon Armor of the Fifth Age Taric Panda Teemo Badger Teemo (limited) Tradtitional Trundle Riot-Girl Tristana Highland Tryndamere (limited) Arclight Varus Leprechaun Veigar Aristrocrat Vayne Heartseeker Vayne Neon Strike Vi Count Vladimir Blood Lord Vladimir (LEGENDARY!) Nothern Storm Volibear Volcanic Wukong Feral Warwick (limited) Winged Hussar Xin Zhao Snow Day Ziggs Time Machine Zilean (limited)
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  2. OP
    Michael Var

    Michael Var
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    its on EU-WEST
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Linus Fuhrig

    Linus Fuhrig
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    how much ?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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