Sold 7,5 bil power account + 40 mil gold + 160,5 mil troops T4

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by czmk, 12/3/16.

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  1. czmk

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    due to family reasons (my wife is going to kill me :)) I have to sell my personal account in Mobile Strike. It was built from scratch and I have spent a lot of money in it.

    The account:
    - 7,5 bil power (can be upgraded to 10+ bil immediately)
    - 160,5 mil T4 troops
    - mercenary troops (T1) opened
    - all traps available
    - lots of speedups (1000s days)
    - lots of unique gear
    - lots of resources (100s billions for every rss)
    - ca. 40 mil gold
    - member of Daily Bonus Club (elite member)
    - VIP activated forever (current lvl 96, almost 97)
    - commander lvl 61
    - all buildings lvl 22 (lots of hospitals etc.)
    - lots of mods, shields and other specials

    The account is longtime member of the strongest alliance in our state (COQA, #505).

    PRICE: offer

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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