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Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DrznK, 1/11/17.

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  1. DrznK

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    Summoner Name: DrznK
    RP: 35
    IP: 10,700
    Season 4: Gold 1
    Season 5: Plat 3
    Season 6: Plat 2
    Season 7: Plat 4 currently (30-18)

    here's a list of skins I have:

    Sweeper Alistar
    Surprise Party Amumu
    Bird of Prey Anivia
    Hextech Anivia
    Annie in Wonderland
    Panda Annie
    Reverse Annie
    Sweetheart Annie
    Franken Tibbers Annie
    Frostfire Annie
    Freljord Ashe
    Heartseeker Ashe
    Woad Ashe
    Sherwood Forest Ashe
    Gravelord Azir
    Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
    Dragonslayer Braum
    El Tigre Braum
    Headhunter Caitlyn
    Safari Caitlyn
    Nightmare Cho'Gath
    Jurassic Cho'Gath
    Executioner Mundo
    Shadow Evelynn
    Masquerade Evelynn
    Nottingham Ezreal
    Pulsefire Ezreal
    Spectral Fiddlesticks
    PROJECT: Fiora
    Atlantean Fizz
    Gatekeeper Galio
    Hextech Galio
    Captain Gangplank
    Minuteman Gangplank
    Steel Legion Garen
    Superfan Gragas
    Vandal Gragas
    Gragas, Esq.
    Fnatic Gragas
    Santa Gragas
    Pool Party Graves
    Riot Graves
    Reaper Hecarim
    Piltover Customs Heimerdinger
    Frost Queen Janna
    Forecast Janna
    Hextech Janna
    Nemesis Jax
    The Mighty Jax
    Angler Jax
    Full Metal Jayce
    Mafia Jinx
    Sakura Karma
    Order of the Lotus Karma
    Fnatic Karthus
    Red Card Katarina
    Mercenary Katarina
    Aether Wing Kayle
    Viridian Kayle
    *Riot Kayle
    Lion Dance Kog'Maw
    Prestigious LeBlanc
    Wicked LeBlanc
    *Mistletoe LeBlanc
    Dragon Fist Lee Sin
    PROJECT: Leona
    Pool Party Leona
    Defender Leona
    Blade Queen Lissandra
    Bloodstone Lissandra
    Striker Lucian
    Bittersweet Lulu
    Pool Party Lulu
    Steel Legion Lux
    Sorceress Lux
    Shamrock Malphite
    *Victorious Maokai
    Samurai Yi
    Headhunter Master Yi
    Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    Arcade Miss Fortune
    Infernal Mordekaiser
    Lord Mordekaiser
    Blackthorn Morgana
    Exiled Morgana
    Sinful Succulence Morgana
    River Spirit Nami
    Dreadknight Nasus
    Archduke Nasus
    Subterranean Nautilus
    Pharaoh Nidalee
    French Maid Nidalee
    Headhunter Nidalee
    *Bewitching Nidalee
    Workshop Nunu
    Sasquatch Nunu
    Grungy Nunu
    Demolisher Nunu
    Forsaken Olaf
    Pentakill Olaf
    TPA Orianna
    Gothic Orianna
    Dragonslayer Pantheon
    Myrmidon Pantheon
    Ruthless Pantheon
    Scarlet Hammer Poppy
    Night Hunter Rengar
    Battle Bunny Riven
    Redeemed Riven
    Uncle Ryze
    Professor Ryze
    Blood Moon Shen
    Surgeon Shen
    Hextech Sion
    Lumberjack Sion
    Warmonger Sion
    Victorious Sivir
    Arcade Sona
    Pentakill Sona
    Silent Night Sona
    Sweetheart Sona
    *DJ Sona
    Reaper Soraka
    SSW Talon
    *Bloodstone Taric
    Happy Elf Teemo
    Badger Teemo
    Panda Teemo
    SSW Thresh
    *Firefighter Tristana
    Earnest Elf Tristana
    Guerilla Tristana
    Rocket Girl Tristana
    Junkyard Trundle
    *Traditional Trundle
    High Noon Twisted Fate
    Kingpin Twitch
    Gangster Twitch
    *Whistler Village Twitch
    Heartseeker Varus
    Aristocrat Vayne
    Heartseeker Vayne
    Curling Veigar
    Leprechaun Veigar
    Arclight Vel'Koz
    Creator Viktor
    Runeguard Volibear
    Marauder Warwick
    Jade Dragon Wukong
    Volcanic Wukong
    Mad Scientist Ziggs
    Master Arcanist Ziggs
    *Haunted Zyra

    about $1,000 put into this account. let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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