Selling 1445 Wins 1220 Loses Season2 - Solo Que Top...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brian Park, 6/16/13.

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  1. Brian Park

    Brian Park
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    1445 Wins 1220 Loses Season2 - Solo Que Top Rating: 1800~ elo Tier: Gold - Team Ranked Top Rating: 1600~ elo Tier: Gold Season3 - Solo Que Diamond 5 - Team Ranked Tier: Gold 3 ALL Champions are Unlocked (114 Champions Including the newest champ Aatrox) Foxfire Ahri Nurse Akali Matador Alistar Unchained Alistar Pharaoh Amumu Blackfrost Anivia (Legendary) Red Riding Annie Annie in Wonderland (Legacy Legendary) Frostfire Annie Queen Ashe Amethyst Ashe Cryocore Brand Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Officer Caitlyn Siren Cassiopeia Jurassic Cho'Gath Urfrider Corki Lord Darius TPA Mundo (Limited Edition) Soul Reaver Draven Death Blossom Elise Tango Evelynn Frosted Ezreal Explorer Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal (Theme Legendary Skin with Icon and Banner) Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Headmistress Fiora (Halloween Limited Edition) Spooky Gangplank Toy Soldier Gangplank (Christmas Limited Edition) Gragas, Esq. Mafia Graves Headless Hecarim (Halloween Limited Edition) Nightblade Irelia Frostblade Irelia Tempest Janna Victorious Janna (Season 2 Gold Rewards) Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Angler Jax PAX Jax (PAX Limited Edition) Full Metal Jayce Sakura Karma Traditional Karma Grim Reaper Karthus Harbinger Kassadin Sandstorm Katarina Slay Belle Katarina (Christmas Limited Edition) Judgment Kayle (Season 1 End Rewards) Aether Wing Kayle (Legendary Skin) Kennen M.D. Mecha Kha'Zix Monarch Kog'Maw Mistletoe LeBlanc (Christmas Limited Edition) Traditional Lee Sin Dragon Fist Lee Sin Valkyrie Leona Wicked Lulu Spellthief Lux Steel Legion Lux Glacial Malphite Festive Maokai (Christmas Limited Edition) Headhunter Master Yi Waterloo Miss Fortune Secret Agent Miss Fortune Mafia Miss Fortune Pentakill Mordekaiser Sinful Succulence Morgana Blackthorn Morgana Pharaoh Nasus Astro Nautilus French Maid Nidalee Pharaoh Nidalee Frozen Terror Nocturne Brolaf (Legendary Skin) Sewn Chaos Orianna Bladecraft Orianna Noxus Poppy Galactic Renekton Rune Wars Renekton Redeemed Riven Crimson Elite Riven Battle Bunny Riven Championship Riven (Season 2 Championship Limited Edition) Uncle Ryze Traditional Sejuani Royal Shaco Warlord Shen TPA Shen (Limited Edition) Ironscale Shyvana Ice Drake Shyvana Riot Squad Singed (Rare Limited Skin) Surfer Singed Warmonger Sion PAX Sivir (PAX Limited Edition) Earthrune Skarner Pentakill Sona Arcade Sona Divine Soraka Northern Front Swain Justicar Syndra Crimson Elite Talon Bloodstone Taric Super Teemo Riot Girl Tristana Firefighter Tristana (Legacy Legendary Skin) Lil' Slugger Trundle Traditional Trundle Demonblade Tryndamere (Legendary Skin) The Magnificent Twisted Fate (Legacy Legendary Skin) Tango Twisted Fate Musketeer Twisted Fate Medieval Twitch (Limited Edition) Primal Udyr Blight Crystal Varus Dragonslayer Vayne Superb villain Veigar Blood Lord Vladimir (Legendary Skin) Runeguard Volibear Grey Warwick (Limited Edition) Hyena Warwick Volcanic Wukong Scorched Earth Xerath Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Shockblade Zed Snow Day Ziggs (Christmas Limited Edition) Time Machine Zilean Wildfire Zyra 80% of all runes in store I have everything u would need! Full 20 Rune Pages Currently have 2467 rp and 8361 ip I can sell it through paypal individually and talk to Skype I am the original owner. and have the original email address ( will give u the email account also) I have put so much effort onto this account and you will never regret with tons of skins inc very rare skins
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