Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    WTS My Elvaan male Masamune 90 sam mnk nin thf, also has 75 smn pup.
    Missions - Zilart - done, Promathia - done, Aht urhgan - done, WoG - Caith sith

    Crafts - Woodworking:71, Alchemy:59, Cooking:57, Leathercraft:37, Goldsmithing:40, Fishing:23, Smithing:31, Clothcraft:8, Bonecraft:5

    Has every atma needed, 3 lunar abyssites, gets 3 stones a aday, has max time for each stone
    Looking for 400$, Prefer WU, but will accept paypal if high rep! MM is prefered, but at buyers expense!

    Pictures will be added if people want them!

    Transfer is UP!

    Notable Items
    Ravanant fist +2 (Victory Smite)
    Twilight knife,
    Masamune, (Tachi: Fudo) - (Have light belt/ Light Gorget for WS)
    thew bomblet,
    unkai kabuto +1,
    Iga Zukin +1,
    Varangian helm,
    Loki's Kaftan,
    Aurore Doublet,
    Haubergeon +1,
    Ace's Mufflers,
    Heafoc mitts,
    Seiryu's Kote,
    Saotome Kote,
    Bustle Dirts,
    Unkai Haidate +1,
    Iga Hakama +2,
    Ace's sabatons,
    Unkai sun-ate+1,
    Iga Kyahan +2,
    Danzo sune-ate,
    Ninja Kyahan +1,
    Twlight torque,
    Unkai Nodowa,
    Iga Erimaki,
    Light gorget,
    Twilight belt,
    Light belt,
    Bullwhip belt,
    Anguinus Belt,
    Atheling Mantle,
    Unkai Sugemino,
    Boxer's mantle,
    Kemas Earring,
    Iga Mimikazari,
    Brutal Earring,
    Epona's Ring,
    Triumph ring,
    ulthalams' ring,
    Rajas ring,
    Searing cape,
    Myochin kote +1,
    Meridian ring,
    Ultion mantle,
    Eradico Mitts,
    Unkai kote +1,
    Tantra tathlum,
    Heofon knuckles,
    Tantra Crown +1,
    Temple crown +1,
    Shura Togi,
    sasuke tekko,
    Temple gloves +1,
    Tantra hose +2,
    Temple Hose +1,
    Tantra gaiters +1,
    Black belt,
    Trantra earring,
    snow/thunder sachet,
    Olibanum sachet,
    Carpenter's apron,
    carpenter's gloves,
    Serpentes cuffs,
    Byakko's haidate,
    Shura haidates,
    Snow belt,
    Melody earring +1,
    Loquacious earring,
    Swift belt,
    Evoker's ring,
    Raider's boomerang,
    Tokon hachimaki,
    rapparee harness,
    Theif's knife,
    Raider's poulaines +1,
    Agasaya's collar,
    Qirmiz tathlum,
    Soil Gorget,
    Kanja hachimaki,

    Merits: h2h 8/8, GK 8/8, Evasion 4/4, HP8/8, STR5/5, Ninjutsu 8/8, enmity + 4/4, crit rate 4/4, (MNK) Counter 5/5, kick atk 5/5, Invigorate 5/5, Penance 4/5, Formless strikes 1/5, (Thief) Trick atk reset 5/5, Triple attack 5/5, Assassins charge 5/5, Feint 5/5, (SAM) STP 5/5, Meditate recast 5/5, Blade bash 4/5, Shikikoyo 1/5, Overwhelm 5/5, (NIN), Subtle blow 5/5, katon,hyoton, doton, raiton, suiton all 1/5, Ninja tool expertise 5/5, Katon, hyoton, doton, raiton, suiton san's all 1/5 (Merits 20/20) (9999/10,000)

    Looking for 400$, Prefer WU, but will accept paypal if high rep!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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