Ffrk global: End game clearing account. Multiple bsb's ssb's sg

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Migelito, 12/3/16.

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  1. Migelito

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    - Started March 2016. Started Clearing Ultimates around Cait Sith/Arena Event and cleared all ever since
    - will continue to clear until sold, so probably will include FFiii and FFVIII event.
    - Multiple honed high tier abilities. tons of orbs, growth eggs memory crystals ,ii,iii, upgrade mats and 16M Gil
    - 167 stamina. around 20 story dungeons left (40 with elite) so that's 40 mythril at least left to claim
    - have 2 tries left at Shout in tyro selection 2. I haven't chosen the freebies yet.
    - Have all accessories since Caitsith event.
    - Didn't touch nightmare dungeons. but available selection more than capable.
    - Main team of Lightning (99) P. Cecil (99), Tyro (99), Wakka (80), random healer clears U++ with ease so far.


    BSB Twin Lance - Squall
    BSB Ninurta- Hope
    BSB Lunar Stinger - Serah
    BSB Sun Blade - Firion
    BSB Masamune - Greg
    BSB Excalibur - P. Cecil
    BSB Overture - Lightning
    BSB Glorious Armguard - Wakka
    BSB Ashe Model - Ashe

    SSB: Sword of Paine - Paine (x2) (haste)
    SSB: Wizard Rod, Garnet (haste)
    SSB: Wizard Staff - Aeris (Medica)
    SSB: Excalibur - Bartz
    SSB: Physicians Staff- Vanille (medica)
    SSB: Healing Staff - Ovelia (medica)
    SSB: Stoneblade - Ashe
    SSB: Chaos Blade - Gabranth
    SSB: Aldebaran - Balthier
    SSB: Punisher - Kuja
    SSB: Defender - Leon
    SSB: Fairy Flute - Eiko (Medica)
    SSB: Sirius Side Arm -Sazh
    SSB: Elder Staff - Arc - (regen/magic mirage)
    SSB: Exeaths Cuirass - Exdeath
    SSB: CrescentWish - Selphie (Medica/Magic mirage)

    Notable SB:
    SG (Tyro), Cleansing Strike (Agrias) and lots more for collection (buster sword)

    EMAIL: [email protected]
    Feel free to contract me if you need any more information.

    Prefer paypal for deal. Asking is 250 USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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