Selling WTS MY ACC(Might have little change on ip and...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Changhyun Lee, 9/23/13.

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  1. Changhyun Lee

    Changhyun Lee
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    WTS MY ACC(Might have little change on ip and champion) - DIAMOND V in NA Price - $ 350 1318 rp 1874 ip Ahri Akali - blood moon akali alistar - unchained alistar Amumu Anivia annie - frostfire annie Ashe -amethyst ashe Blitz Brand Caitlyn - office caitlyn cassiopeia Chogath Corki - Urfrider Corki Darius Mundo Draven Evelyn Ezreal - pulsefire ezreal fiddlestick fiora fizz gangplank - spooky gangplank graves hecarim irelia janna - victorious, hextech janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Kassadin - pre void kassdin Karthus Katerina Kayle Kennen - Karate Kennen khazix Kog maw - Sonora Kog'maw Leblanc - prestigious leblanc Lee sin - Acolyte Lee sin Leona LuLu Master yi - Assasin Master yi Maokai Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss fortune Morgana Nasus - DreadKnight nasus Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Orianna Pantheon Poppy Riven - battle bunny riven rengar renekton quinn Rumble - Rumble in the jungle Ryze - Dark Crystal Ryze sejuani shaco shen shyvana singed sion - hextech sion sivir skarner - Earthrune Skarner sona soraka syndra Talon - Dragonblade Talon Taric Teemo - cottontail teemo trist - buccaneer tristana tryndamere - demonblade tryndamere Twisted fate - Tango TF Twitch Udyr - Primal Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne - Dragonslayer Vayne Veigar Vi Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong xerath Xinzhao Yorick Ziggs Zelean 17 Rune pages Mark - armor armor pen physical dmg attack speed Crit Chance Magic pen Physical dmg per lvl seals - ability power armor physical damage attack speed crit chance ablity power per level armor per lvl energy regen per lvl Health per lvl mana regen per lvl Glyph - ability power physical damge attack speed magic resist ability power per lvl magic regist per level Quintessences Ability power armor pen physical damage gold per 10 health health regen lifesteal bonus movespeed ability power per lvl
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  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP
    Alexis Javier

    Alexis Javier
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    40 bucks lol im broke
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  4. OP
    Changhyun Lee

    Changhyun Lee
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    You can buy un ranked acc for 40
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  5. OP
    Cho Stephano

    Cho Stephano
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    장사가 잘되는구려!
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