Sold [Selling] [EU/Jordine] Valkyrie LVL 54 & Sorceress LVL 53 Liverto ValuePack Active

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bario, 7/29/16.

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  1. Bario

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    Hi, I'm selling my BDO accounr because i'm too busy too play, is a multi-character account with 228 Energy/120 Contribution Points, with two character slot used and four free to use
    Sorceress LVL 53 has 540 Skill Points instead my main, the valkyrie, has 614 Skill Points
    The Value Pack is active so you can change the appearance of the character you prefer and dye armors as you wish when you want unlimitedly for 30 days

    Valkyrie has 106 AP/ 182 DP
    Liverto Longsword +12
    Yuria Longsowrd +15
    Axion Shield +15
    Full Grunil Armor +14 except Grunil Gloves +15
    Duo Red Coral Ring
    Pri Red Coral Ring
    Tri Ridell Earring
    Duo Ridell Earring
    Pri Belt of Shulltz the Gladiator
    Scarla Necklace

    If you don't want to play a valk or a sorc in the storage there is a Liverto Weapon Bundle ready to be opened and in the valk inventory GM's Blessing and lucky box to help your new character to level up very fast
    i have also in the storage 2 witch earrings if you want an AP build
    I have 2 horses tier 5, Texmax is lvl 20, Max2 is just born
    I have 2 pet, an eagle and a cute penguin
    Check Images Below
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    80 euro for account

    Contact: [email protected]
    #1 Bario, 7/29/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 7/29/16
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