Selling Age of Wushu Account for Sale Max School Inner Age...

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy and Sell, 6/7/13.

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  1. Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Age of Wushu Account for Sale Max School Inner Age of Wushu Account Hello I've decided to sell off my Age of Wushu account today as I'm moving on to a different game soon. I'm actually really fond of AoW, but I don't have the time to balance both games at once, so I figured I'd try to get something for the months I've put into cultivating my character. The stats for my character are as follows: School: Shaolin Inners: *Lvl 36 Tier 3 Inner (Highest) *Lvl 30 Tier 3 Inner of another School Skills: *Shaolin Fist skills maxed. *Staff skills at varying levels. *Additional expensive Jianghu/school skillsets maxed and/or learned. Crafting: *Master Craftsman and Musician *Rare Recipes Learned Assets: *500+ Unbound Liang *High Reputation *Numerous Lvl 1 Skills from book stealing in my bag, easily worth a few dings or can be learned if you wish. *Multiple Gold-Grade crafts also worth a few dings. +*Numerous other miscellaneous items worth various sums (badges, bags, recipes, etc.) *Good gear *Jump Across the Clouds, Whirlwind Step, Step on High Ladder, Skyward Feint, Walk on Water, and Wild Goose flying skills learned. I'm interested in selling for $65, which is pretty much the cost of the VIP I've paid for. The account is worth much more but I just want to recoup some of the money I've already spent. Pm me here if you are interested. Unfortunately I don't have Skype, but I'll be happy to answer all of your questions should you have any. Thanks
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