Selling WTS: EPIC LV 30 LOL account...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/7/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: EPIC LV 30 LOL account (rare,legacy,legendary,seasonal skins) HAVe LOL accounts 4 sale spend over 300$ on skins still have IP boost 1320elo 5400IP (IPboost) 3 rune pages (ap/ad/jugnle/tank AttackSpeed x9 armorpen x9 attack dmg x9 HP x9 armor x9 HP x9 MRper18 x9 MR x9 CDR x9 Attackspeed x3 armor pen x3 crit chance x3 attack dmg x3 have 55 champs and skins some are seasonal rare and legendary Ahari(foxfire ahri) akali(blood moon akali) alistar(unchained alistart) anivia(bird of prey and hextech anivia) annie(frostfire annie) ashe(freljord ashe) chogath(mightmare chogath) corki darius ezreal(frosted ezreal) fiddlesticks(surprise party fiddlestick rare) fiora fizz gankplank(sailor gangplank) garen(desert trooper garen) gragas(scuba gragas) jax karthus(grim reaper karthus) kassaidin(deep one kassindin) katarina(high command katrina) kayle(viridian and judgement kayle) kennen(karate kennen) leblanc lee xin(acolyte Lee sin) lux malphite master yi(ionia master YI) miss fortune(road warrior miss fortune) mordekaiser(Penta Kill MORDe) morga(Sinful Succulence morgana) nausus nidalee(Pharaoh nidalee) nocturne(fronzen terror noc and Haunting nocturne Rare seasonal ) nunu( NUNU BOT) LEGENDNARY SKIN pantheon(ruthless pantheon and perseus pantheon) poppy renekton ryze shaco sion( hextech sion) sivir (Bandit sivir) sona soraka talon taric teemo tristana(riot girl trist n guerilla trist) tryndamere udyr(PRIMAL UDYR) varus vlad(VANDAL VLAD) warwick xin zhao(Imperial xin zhao) serious buyer only lolpro.lolnoob() WTT: WTT Wow account 6 85s many twinks/mounts 21k+ gold etc for LoL account of equal value 6 85s lots of twinks, spent my life on this game for years, lots of tmog/achiev/mounts/gold/toons set up for farming/banktoons w/ bags full of bags full of bags full of bags, you get the point. Looking for a lol account of equal value, considering selling if you're really interested. reply for info, havent played in 2 months so I kinda forget the smaller details that a gamer...
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