Selling WTT: My Na account For your EuWest account My is -...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/11/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTT: My Na account For your EuWest account My is - (mirkerim2) WTT: DIablo3, dota2 invites On our Euwest account in league of legends - mirkerim2 trading my lol account for wow expansion mist of pandaria hi im trading my lol account for cataclysm expansion on wow im lvl 30 got platin framerate and gold in s3 i got 92 champions and 10 skins all runes you need to play all champs add me on sype and we can make a deal name : freelancer1995 Normal wins 1.3k elo 1452 we can screenshare in if you want to see the account i will give you [SOLD] Na level 30 Willing to spend ~$50. Post or pm stats of account. WTS EUW 30 acc with 90champs, clean elo S3!!! 1500wins WTS EU W clean account, lvl 30 with no ranked games played, you got a fresh start at your elo carrer! Champions with some skins: -Ahri -Akali -Alistar -Ammumu -Annie -Ashe -Blitzcrank -Brand -Caitlyin -Cho'Gath -Darius -Diana -Dr.Mundo -Draven -Elise -Evelynn -Fiddlesticks (Spectral Fiddlesticks) -Fiora -Fizz -Gangplank -Garen -Graves -Hecarim -Heimerdinger -Jax -Karma -Karthus -Kassadin -Katarina -Kayle (Judgment Kayle) -Kha'Zix -LeBlanc (Wicked LeBlanc) -Lee Sin -Lulu -Lux -Malphite -Malzahar -Master Yi -Morgana -Nami -Nasus -Nautilus -Nocturne ( Ravager Nocturne) -Nunu -Olaf -Orianna -Rammus -Rengar -Rumble -Ryze -Shaco -Shen -Singed -Sion -Sivir -Soraka -Swain -Syndra -Talon -Teemo -Tristana -Tryndamere -Twisted Fate -Urgot -Varus -Veigar (Baron Von Veigar,Laprechaun Veigar) -Viktor -Vladimir -Volibear -Warwick -Wukong -Xerath -Yorick -Zed -Ziggs -Zilean IF interested add me on : danijel_ze92 awaited price: 40euro, but #, happy que times WTB: Blank Europe West/NA Level 30 Account Blank Europe West or NA Level 30 Account Skins or champions doesn't matter as long as you have not played any ranked games! WTS: 25$ need gone ASAP/ level 30 NA all champs, over 50 skins Region N/A Level 30 Silver boarder last season current elo 1200 need gone ASAP only 25$sor we can make some sort of deal. add me...
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