Selling WTS: LVL 30 NA 83 Champions. (paypal - $40) Not...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/19/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: LVL 30 NA 83 Champions. (paypal - $40) Not really any skins other than the ones you can find for free. 6 rune pages. Add my - itzkozy WTS: LvL 30 EUNE Champions : 1 Ahri 2 Akali - Nurse Akali 3 Alistar - Unchained Alistar 4 Amumu 5 Anie 6 Ashe - Sheerwood Ashe 7 Blitzcrank 8 Brand - Zombie Brand 9 Caitlyn - Officer Caitlyn 10 Cho Gath -BattleCast Cho`gath 11 Darius 12 Dr.Mundo 13 Draven - SoulRiver Draven 14 Evelyn 15 Ezreal - Pulsefire 16 Fiddlestick - DarkCandy Fiddlestick 17 Fizz 18 Garen 19 Hecarim 20 Janna 21 Khartus 22 Katarina 23 Kayle 24 Kog`Maw 25 Lee Sin 26 Master YI 27 Mordekaiser 28 Morgana 29 Nidalee - Leopard Nidalee 30 Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne 31 Nunu 32 Olaf 33 Phanteon - Glaive Warrior Phanteon 34 Poppy - Noxus Poppy 35 Rengar - HeadHunter Rengar 36 Riven 37 Shaco 38 Singed 39 Sion 40 Sivir 41 Sona 42 Soraka 43 Taric 44 Teemo 45 Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana 46 Tryndamere - Demonblade Tryndamere 47 Udyr 48 Varus 49 Vayne - Aristrocat Vayne 50 Veigar 51 Vi - Neonstrike Vi 52 Warwick - Hyena Warwick 53 Zed - Shockblade Zed RunePages : 3 Runes : x9 Greater Mark of Armor x9 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration x9 Greater Mark of Atack Speed x9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage x9 Greater Seal of Ability Power x9 Greater Seal of Armor x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power x9 Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Rezist x3 Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x3 Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration x3 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage Post here if you are interested with offer. WTS: ACC lvl.30 NA 700+ win WTS - ACCOUNT lvl 30 NA 750 win 68 Champ 53 Skin - Pulsefire Ez, Astronaut teemo, Battlecast cho, Gatekeep galio and more other 9 Runepages (1adc, 1supp, 1jung, the other for top ad/ap and mid) WTS cause restart on EUW server Add me on : dancing_noxtrooper , i wts it fast cause want to buy a few champ and skin^^ WTT: LoL account for Eve...
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