Selling WTB: League of Legends (US) LVL30 Account Please...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/19/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTB: League of Legends (US) LVL30 Account Please let me know the following information: 1) Does the character have a NORMAL name. I prefer something with no numbers and it must be appropriate. 2) How many heroes are unlocked and any additional skins. 3) Your win/lose ratio (not too important). 4). Your asking price. Thank you! WTS: /WTT LVL30 US Beta account! Hi, Selling an US lvl 30 beta account account with 52 champs, 12 skin, LOTS of runes, 3,2k IP, 400 RP. Solo que ranked : 2W-1L Premade 5v5: 1W-1L About 340 normal wins. PM for more detailed information. Accepting cash. Trading for NCSoft time cards, Complete set of GW CD keys. Feel free to PM other trade offers (Game accounts for example.). 4 Prefer EVE,Aion,GW,L2,Rift related. WTS: [EU] League of Legends Account Selling lvl30 [EU]League of Legends Account 9 Pages of Runes! 2969 Riot Points available! Owned Champions (56 of 74): -Akali -Alistar -Amumu -Anivia -Ashe -Blitzcrank -Cho'gath -Corki -Dr.Mundo -Evelynn -Ezreal -Fiddlesticks -Gangplank -Garen -Gragas -Heimerdinger -Janna -Jax -Karma -Karthus -Kassadin -Katarina -Kayle -LeBlanc -Malphite -Malzahar -Master Yi -Miss Fortune -Mordkaiser -Morgana -Nasus -Nidalee -Nunu -Olaf -Poppy -Rammus -Renekton -Ryze -Shaco -Singed -Sion -Sivir -Sona -Soraka -Swan -Taric -Teemo -Tristana -Tryndamere -Twisted Fate -Twitch -Udyr -Veigar -Vladimir -Warwick -Zilean NOT Owned Champions (18 of 74): -Annie -Brand -Caitlyn -Cassiopeia -Galio -Irelia -Jarvan IV -Kennen -Kog'Maw -Lee Sin -Lux -Maokai -Nocturne -Pantheon -Shen -Trundle -Urgot -Xin Zhao Owned Runes: -Quintessences: 3x Greater Quintessence of Avarice (+1.0 Gold per 10) 3x Greater Quintessence of Frosty Fortitude (+26 Health) 3x Greater Quintessence of the Deadly Wreath (+3.3 Armor Pen.) 3x Greater Quintessence of the Piercing Present (+1.9 Magic Pen.) 1x Greater Quintessence of Celerity ( -2.39% Cooldown at level 18) 1x Greater Quintessence of Force (+7.8 Ability Power at level 18) 1x Greater...
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