Selling Want to sell my EUW Account....

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Edoardo Baldi, 8/26/13.

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  1. Edoardo Baldi

    Edoardo Baldi
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    Want to sell my EUW Account. HipEddy - Europe West - Summoners - League of Legends Aatrox Ahri Akali - Nurse Skin (975) Alistar - Golden (390)/Matador (Rare, Unique)/Unchained Amumu Anivia - Blackfrost (1820) Annie Ashe - Woad (520)/Amethist (975) Blitzcrank Brand - Zombie (1820) (Rare, Unique) Caitlyn - Sheriff (520) Diana - Valkyrie (975) Draven - Gladiator (975) Elise - Death Blossom (975) Ezreal - TPA (975 Rare, Unique) Fiddlestick - Surprise Party (975) Fizz - Tundra (975) Garen - Desert Trooper (520 Rare, Unique) Gragas - Scuba (520 Rare, Unique) Hecarim - Arcade (1350) Irelia - Frostblade (975)/Aviator (975) Janna Jarvan IV Jax - Vandal (520)/Angler (520 Rare, Unique) Jayce - Full Metal (975) Karma - Traditional (975 Rare, Unique) Kassadin - Pre-Void (520) Katarina - Slay Belle (975 Rare, Unique)/Bilgewater (975)/High Command (975) Kyle Kha'Zix - Mecha (975) LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona - Iron Solari (975) Lissandra - Bloodstone (975) Lux - Steel Legion (975) Malphite Master Yi - Headhunter (975)/Samurai (520) Miss Fortune Mordekaiser - Dragon Knight (520 Rare, Unique) Morgana - Blade Mistress (750) Nami - Koi (975) Nasus Nidalee - Headhunter (975)/French Maid (520) Nunu - Sasquatch (520 Rare, Unique)/TPA (975) Quinn Renekton Rengar - Headhunter (975) Riven - Battle Bunny (975) Rumble Ryze - Dark Crystal (975) Shaco Sion - Hextech (520 Rare, Unique) Sivir Sona - Arcade (1350) Soraka Syndra Taric - Bloodstone (975) Thresh Tristana - Riot Girl Tryndamere - Demonblade (1820)/Sultan (975) Twisted Fate Udyr - Primal (975)/Spirit Guard (3250) Varus Vayne - Dragonkiller (975) Vi - Neon Vladimir Volibear Warwick - Big Bad (975) Xerath Xin Zhao - Winged Hussar (975)/Warring Kingdoms (1350) Zac Zed - Shockblade (975) Zilean - Groovy (975)/Time Machine (520 Unique, Rare) Zyra 20 Runes Page. Almost every single runes. Actually Silver 4, high MMR (22/29 points per win, 16/18 per lose).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Ilya Taksis

    Ilya Taksis
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    for who much do you sell you account? just asking
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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