Selling Selling Platinum 5 ranked account. It has every...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ryan Key, 8/28/13.

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  1. Ryan Key

    Ryan Key
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    Selling Platinum 5 ranked account. It has every champ (including lucian), almost a skin for every champ, 7/11 Legendaries, both ultimate skins, numerous icons, unavailable skins, and multiple skins on champs (all available ezreal skins etc.). If you buy it i'll reset the rune and mastery pages as well as clear the friends/ignore list. Message me with an offer or just message me if you're interested. The account on LoLking: Hibachi Dog - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Pics: Skin List (by champ): Justicar Aatrox Dynasty Ahri Crimson Akali Blood Moon Akali Unchained Alistar Golden Alistar Longhorn Alistar Almost Prom King Amumu Blackfrost Anivia Bird of Prey Anivia Panda Annie Woad Ashe Boom Boom Blitzcrank iBlitzcrank Piltover Customs Blitzcrank Riot Blitzcrank Cryocore Brand Officer Caitlyn Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Dragonwing Corki Hot Rod Corki Woad King Darius Bioforge Darius Dark Valkyrie Diana TPA Mundo Gladiator Draven Death Blossom Elise Victorious Elise (soon) Tango Evelynn Nottingham Ezreal TPA Ezreal Frosted Ezreal Explorer Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Spectral Fiddlesticks Fisherman Fizz Gatekeeper Galio Spooky Gangplank Sailor Gangplank Commando Garen Gragas Esq. Riot Graves Arcade Hecarim Frostblade Irelia Nightblade Irelia Commando Jarvan IV Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Nemesis Jax Angler Jax Debonair Jayce Original Karma Statue of Karthus Pentakill Karthus Pre-Void Kassadin Sandstorm Katarina Aether Wing Kayle Judgement Kayle Karate Kennen Mecha Kha'Zix Lion Dance Kog'Maw Prestigious LeBlanc Dragon Fist Lee Sin Traditional Lee Sin Muay Thai Lee Sin Defender Leona Bloodstone Lissandra Dragon Trainer Lulu Imperial Lux Commando Lux Steel Legion Lux Coral Reef Malphite Glacial Malphite Charred Maokai Chosen One Master Yi Secret Agent Miss Fortune Pentakill Mordekaiser Ghost Bride Morgana Blackthorn Morgana Pharaoh Nasus Subterranean Nautilus Leopard Nidalee Headhunter Nidalee Eternum Nocturne Ravager Nocturne TPA Nunu Brolaf TPA Orianna Glaive Warrior Pantheon Battle Regalia Poppy Phoenix Quinn Full Metal Rammus Blood Fury Renekton Outback Renekton Headhunter Rengar Battle Bunny Riven Rumble in the Jungle Dark Crystal Ryze Uncle Ryze Bear Calvary Sejuani Traditional Sejuani Masked Shaco TPA Shen Warlord Shen Surgeon Shen Darkflame Shyvana Augmented Singed Mad Scientist Singed Warmonger Sion Bandit Sivir Earthrune Skarner Arcade Sona Northern Front Swain Crimson Elite Talon Astronaut Teemo Deep Sea Thresh Riot Tristana Rocket Girl Tristana Traditional Trundle Lil' Slugger Trundle Viking Tryndamere Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Musketeer Twisted Fate Vandal Twitch Gangster Twitch Kingpin Twitch Primal Udyr Spirit Guard Udyr Battlecast Urgot Arclight Varus Dragon Slayer Vayne Heartseeker Vayne Aristocrat Vayne Superb Villain Veigar Neon Genesis Vi Bloodlord Vladimir Northern Storm Volibear Hyena Warwick Tundra Hunter Warwick General Wukong Scorched Earth Xerath Commando Xin Zhao Winged Hussar Xin Zhao Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao Shockblade Zed Pool Party Ziggs Shurima Desert Zilean Wildfire Zyra
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  2. OP
    Ryan Key

    Ryan Key
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    Would like $500, will take $400.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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