Selling Wts na plat 4 account every champ 94 skins 12...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eric Kneussle, 9/3/13.

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  1. Eric Kneussle

    Eric Kneussle
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    Wts na plat 4 account every champ 94 skins 12 runepages 10k ip serious account Looking to sell my main account. Includes every champion in the game. 12 Runepages with every main rune used in the game. 10k additional ip. Is plat 4 and was Gold last season. LIST OF SKINS- Foxfire Ahri Nurse Akali Unchained Alistar Hextech Anivia Amethyst Ashe IBlitzcrank Cryocore Brand Zombie Brand Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Mythic Cassiopeia Battlecast Chogath Urfrider Corki Dark Valkyrie Diana TPA Mundo Soul Reaver Draven Gladiator Draven Death Blossom Elise Nottingham Ezreal Frosted Ezreal TPA Ezreal Pulsefire Ezreal Tundra Fizz Oktoberfest Gragas Jailbreak Graves Mafia Graves Riot Graves Reaper Hecarim Infiltrator Irelia Victorious Janna Darkforge Jarvan Jaximus Full Metal Jayce Traditional Karma Phantom Karthus Grim Reaper Karthus Sandstorm Katarina Slay Belle Katarina Judgement Kayle Aether Wing Kayle Swamp Master Kennen Kennen M.D. Mecha Kha'zix Lion Dance Kogmaw Jurassic Kogmaw Traditional Lee Sin Dragon Fist Lee Sin Steel Legion Lux Djinn Malzahar Road Warrior Miss Fortune Lord Mordekaiser Blackthorn Morgana Koi Nami Dreadnight Nasus Leopard Nidalee French Maid Nidalee Pharoah Nidalee Headhunter Nidalee Frozen Terror Nocturne Demolisher Nunu TPA Nunu Brolaf Sewn Chaos Orianna TPA Orianna Full Metal Rammus Headhunter Rengar Battle Bunny Riven Rumble in the jungle Dark Crystal Ryze Traditional Sejuani Asylum Shaco TPA Shen Boneclaw Shyvana Darkflame Shyvana Bandit Sivir Northern Front Swain Crimson Elite Talon Rocketeer Tristana Riot Girl Tristana Traditional Trundle Highland Tryndamere Muskateer Twisted Fate Kingpin Twitch Primal Udyr Battlecast Urgot Blight Crystal Varus Dragon Slayer Vayne Heartseeker Vayne Leprechaun Veigar Blood Lord Vladamir Volcanic Wukong Scorched Earth Xerath Major Ziggs Pool Party Ziggs Wildfire Zyra
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