Selling 60 Mage: 976 PA lvl's, Relic staff, Full raid...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    60 Mage: 976 PA lvl's, Relic staff, Full raid gear, Orange tier loyalty. School starting and not going to have time to continue playing. My main is a level 60 mage, full raid pve gear, relic staff, 976 PA levels, R77 pvp, Best in slot core and orange tier loyalty. This is a beast of a toon, I'm currently in a a top NA guild that has cleared ALL current raid content (including GA). On this account is also a lvl 60 rogue, 61k hp tank gear 425 toughness 420+ hit. With dps off specs that are also raid ready with 420+ hit. I have 8 role slots on each of my level 60 toons. I had just recently purchased my relic greater essences for my mage so I do not have much plat. Between the 2 toons I have about 500p (but there is nothing you need to buy with this toon). Each level 60 has 10+ mounts and each has the fastest 150% mount that other mounts will scale to. Max conquest power too so no need to grind that. If you have any questions or i have missed something please email me, [email protected]. forgot to say I also have 1000's of plat worth of best in slot lustrous runes on all gear, and all best in slot faction runes from the old SL zones and have the lower quality runes from the new dendrom factions. Forgot to put in the first post I am only looking to get $300 for this toon. From what I've seen similar toons go for, that is a bargain. Also I apologize the pictures don't work right, just click them you can see the screen shot.
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