Selling [EU] Full Storm Legion Account - 60 Rogue, 60...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [EU] Full Storm Legion Account - 60 Rogue, 60 Mage, 60 Warrior, 54 Cleric My personal RIFT Account is now for sale, resulting from real life business. I would appreciate no time wasters/ scammers. I have sold a fair few World of Warcraft Accounts in the past and have experienced quite a few scammers. Be warned, you will be reported if found to be a scammer. I am PayPal verified and will only accept PayPal gifts ('I'm sending money for family and friends' option) as a payment. You will get all the account information including the two secret questions and answers. Account has the following: Half a month of Patron (Paid Game Time) still running on the account. (13 days left [02/08/2013]) Full Tier 1 Loyalty and half the 2nd loyalty (52795/90000) The Original Game and Storm Legion were purchased PRIOR to the gaming going Free to Play. General Currencies: 503 CREDITS (RIFT Store Purchases) 246 Summerfest Merit Badge 60 Warrior: Nearly full epic tanking gear - 3/5 Empyreal Marauder's Half epic DPS gear Armoursmith: 340/375 Runecrafter: 329/375 Mining: 326/375 PVP Rank: Rank 38 Prestige 5 Mounts: (1) 150% (1) 110% (1) 90% (2) 60% 2 Wardrobe Slots 4 Specialisation Roles 250 Platinum 570 Infinity Stones 13786 Planarite 6000 Empyreal Sourcestone 55449 Favor 1446 Empyreal Slayer's Mark 1016 Frozen Eclipse Stone 60 Mage: Nearly Full Epic Gear - 3/5 Empyreal Marauder's PVP Rank: Rank 39 Prestige 4 Mounts: (1) 150% (1) 110% (1) 90% (1) 60% 3 Wardrobe Slots 4 Specialisation Roles 70 Platinum 120 Infinity Stones 791 Planarite 2400 Empyreal Sourcestone 60793 Favor 1165 Empyreal Slayer's Mark 2706 Frozen Eclipse Stone 60 Rogue: Tank Gear: 7/17 Epics DPS Gear: 8/17 Epics Outfitter: 371/375 Runecrafter: 300/375 Butchering: 375/375 PVP Rank: Rank 34 Prestige 4 Mounts: (1) 130% (2) 110% (1) 60% 2 Wardrobe Slots 4 Specialisation Roles 11 Platinum 3411 Infinity Stones 13758 Planarite 12455 Empyreal Sourcestone 36612 Favor 483 Empyreal Slayer's Mark 720 Frozen Eclipse Stone Cleric 54: PVP Rank: Rank 25 Prestige 3 Mounts: (2) 110% (1) 60% 3 Wardrobe Slots 4 Specialisation Roles 9 Platinum 2634 Planarite 1600 Empyreal Sourcestone 50689 Favor 61 Empyreal Slayer's Mark AGAIN: I am PayPal verified and will only accept PayPal gifts ('I'm sending money for family and friends' option) as a payment. You will get all the account information including the two secret questions and answers. I appreciate the time taken to view my Sale Thread. Personal Message (PM) me for any additional information.
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  2. OP
    Roberto Nalette

    Roberto Nalette
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    how much?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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