Selling WTS/WTT 60 Rogue dps/tank/bard RAID RDY, 60 Cleric...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS/WTT 60 Rogue dps/tank/bard RAID RDY, 60 Cleric tank/dps RAID RDY, 52 Warrior Not enough time to play like I would want to, so its time to pass it to someone that will love it more. Currently taking offers for a lvl 60 raid ready rogue and cleric. Im currently either looking for some kind of legit trade and or some cash for my account and time something reasonable of course. Willing to talk about a trade with World of Warcraft gold. Everything would be done threw paypal to insure no trolling. Once u get my account u will have the name, password, secret answer and anything else u would need. Will also change over the email address to one of ur liking. In other words you will have urself ur very own Rift raid ready account with two well off characters and an alt lvl 52 warrior. The account is as is and rdy to play today, has mucho mats and what-knots in the bank Rogue 60 Defiant Full epic dps/bard gear * Pulls about 12-14k dps in raids and experts * Fully upgraded expert dungeon gear, w/ a Touch of Agony from TDQ (last boss upgrades to relic) * Many of the of the end game enchants on gear * 54k health as a tank able to tank experts and TDQ with ease. She has most all expert dungeon gear with a few pieces of epic dungeon drops * Not to far from revered with Torvan.... about 2-3 more SH should do the trick * Purple Tier Loyalty rewards * Hellbug mount, Black tiger mount * Lots of mats in her bank * Outfitter 375/375 all the leather wearing patterns, cloth belt, and most augments ( the ones that matter anyway ) what I don't have I have the marks to get. * Foraging 375/375 Cleric 60 Defiant * Dps gear pulls in the high 9k-12k single target in raids and experts * Fully Upgraded expert dungeon Tank gear, Needs only a seal, neck and trinket. (which are expert blue grade gear atm) * Purple Tier Loyalty rewards
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    Ryan Salinas

    Ryan Salinas
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    how much for the account?
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    Ryan Salinas

    Ryan Salinas
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    how much wow gold do u want?
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    Patrick Kerby

    Patrick Kerby
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    Theres way too much clutter on the picture.
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    Benjamin Toretto Risum

    Benjamin Toretto Risum
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    How much?
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    Anthony J Segarra

    Anthony J Segarra
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    i want to buy this account pm me
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