Selling [NA] Gold 2, All Champions except 5, 66 skins, 5k...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    [NA] Gold 2, All Champions except 5, 66 skins, 5k IP, 400 RP [14 Days Free Insurance] Account owns all champions except 5: Aatrox, Lissandra, Lucian, Nami, Quinn 66 skins: 1.Midnight Ahri 2.Nurse Akali 3.Unchained Alistar 4.Pharoah Amumu 5.Bird of Prey Anivia 6.Cryocore Brand 7.Safari Caitlyn 8.Desperada Cassiopeia 9.Jurassic Cho'Gath 10.Lord Darius 11.Nottingham Ezreal 12.Fiddle Me Timbers 13.Nightraven Fiora 14.Enchanted Galio 15.Reaper Hecarim 16.Aviator Irelia 17.Frostblade Irelia 18.Victorious Janna 19.Commando Jarvan 20.Vandal Jax 21.Jaximus 22.Full Metal Jayce 23.Grim Reaper Karthus 24.Judgment Kayle 25.Kennen M.D. 26.Arctic Ops Kennen 27.Prestigious Leblanc 28.Traditional Lee Sin 29.Dragon Fist Lee Sin 30.Shadow Prince Malzahar 31.Assassin Master Yi 32.Dragon Knight Mordekaiser 33.Sinful Succulence Morgana 34.Galactic Nasus 35.French Maid Nidalee 36.Frozen Terror Nocturne 37.Brolaf 38.Ruthless Pantheon 39.Scarlet Hammer Poppy 40.Freljord Rammus 41.Bloodfury Renekton 42.Redeemed Riven 43.Battle Bunny Riven 44.Rumble in the Jungle 45.Tribal Ryze 46.Uncle Ryze 47.Asylum Shaco 48.Yellow Jacket Shen 49.Blood Moon Shen 50.Ironscale Shyvana 51.Hextech Sion 52.Renegade Talon 53.Recon Teemo 54.Astronaut Teemo 55.Super Teemo 56.Junkyard Trundle 57.Highland Tryndamere 58.Demonblade Tryndamere 59.Musketeer Twisted Fate 60.Primal Udyr 61.Dragonslayer Vayne 62.Aristocrat Vayne 63.White Mage Veigar 64.Baron Von Veigar 65.Blood Lord Vladimir 66.Pentakill Yorick
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