Selling LoL ( League of Legends ) account - $320 (kenosha)...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    LoL ( League of Legends ) account - $320 (kenosha) LoL Account Level 30 Silver-Division IV IP: 15000+ RP: 150 Unlocked Champions: - Own all champions except Quinn + Nami + Syndra + Lissandra. (The account has a lot of runes, with 8 rune pages) Legendary Skins Unlocked: - Pulsefire Ezreal (3250) - Blood Lorrd Vladimir (1820) - Nunu Bot (1820) - Astronaut Teemo (1820) All other skins unlocked: - Headhunter Rengar (975) - Dark Valkyrie Diana (975) - Wildfire Zyra (975) - Augmented Singed (975) - Full Metal Jayce (975) - Foxfire Ahri (975) - Darkflame Shyvana (975) - Lord Darius (975) - Frostblade Irelia (975) - Glaive Warrior Pantheon (975) - Battle Bunny Riven (975) - Mafia Graves (975) - Mad Scientist Ziggs (975) - Asylum Shaco (975) - Officer Caitlyn (975) - Cyrocore Brand (975) - Vandal Brand (520) - Dragonslayer Vayne (975) - Bloodstone Taric (975) - Defender Leona (975) - Pentakill Yorick (975) - Sewn Chaos Orianna (520) - Frostfire Annie (975) - Acolyte Lee Sin (975) - Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV (975) - Almost-Prom King Amumu (520) - Pharaoh Nidalee (975) - Surgeon Shen (975) - Lil' Slugger Trundle (520) - Freljord Rammus (520) - Coral Reef Malphite (975) - Spellthief Lux (975) - Vandal Jax (520) - Sinful Succulent Morgana (975) - Shadow Evelynn (520) - Tribal Ryze (520) - Hot Rod Corki (520) - Boom Boom Blitzcrank (975) - Spooky Gangplank (520) - Tempest Janna (520) - Nurse Akali (975) - Toxic Dr. Mundo (Not Available) - Noxus Hunter Anivia (520) - Woad Ashe (520) - Unchained Alistar - Gras, Esq (975) - Dark Candy Fiddle Stick (Unavailable) - Headless Hecarim (Unavailable) - Slay Belle Katarina (Unavailable) - Swamp Master Kennen (Unavailable) - Artic Ops Kennen (975) - Hextech Sion (Unavailable) - Haunting Nocturne (Unavailable) - Festive Maokai (Unavailable) - Pentakill Mordekaiser (975) - Volcanic Wukong (975) - Leprechaun Veigar (520) - Tengo Twisted Fate (975) - Musketeer Twisted Fate (975) - Feral Warwick (Unavailable) - Sewn Chaos Orianna (975) - Deep One Kassadin (520) - Spectacular Sivir (Unavailable) - Headhunter Nidalee (975) - Shockblade Zed (975) - Steel Legion Lux (975) - Muay Thai Lee Sin (975) - Jurassic Cho'gath (975) - Macha Kha'Zix (1350) - King Tryndamere (450) - Monarch Kog'Maw (975) With all of this added up, the initial cost for it all was easily over $850. I am asking for a small portion of that. Please text me @ 262-344-18TWO7 $320 obo.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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