Sold Tried various places to sell my STO account, but...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/19/13.

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  1. Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Tried various places to sell my STO account, but having no luck and don't know why. Anyways, account has a Alien(custom race) Federation Tatical Officer speced in using cruisers and he's currently at the max level of Rear Admiral 5. There's 500 cryptic points on account too. He's copied over to the test shard too. Gear on him's decent, and there's about 310k credits on him. Account's not activated right now, but however, I'll throw in a month if anyone would like to buy it. Asking $80 for it. I can give you the cdkey and login info and such too with no problem. I downloaded the digital deluxe version btw. Reply here or PM me if interested, would love to give it to someone who can actually use it. I just don't got the money anymore to keep playing.
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