Selling 1353 WN6 / 54,22% WR / 19k battles / 50 garage...

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Attila Gara, 6/1/13.

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  1. Attila Gara

    Attila Gara
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    1353 WN6 / 54,22% WR / 19k battles / 50 garage slots. Tier X: T57 Heavy, BatChat25t, T110E5, IS-7, FV215b (183). Premium: Type 59, Super Pershing, KV-5, T-34, JagdTiger 8.8, Churchill III, FCM36 PaK40 + 1500 GOLD. Most of the tank trees are done until tier 8 and are in garage. You can pick a custom name + e-mail for account no charge!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Attila Gara

    Attila Gara
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    6 tier IX vehicles are available, 2 in garage!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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