Selling Level 100 beastlord, 10k aa's, lvl 93 monk 2800...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/9/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Level 100 beastlord, 10k aa's, lvl 93 monk 2800 aa's This account is for a lvl 100 beastlord, 10300 aa's, every necessary aa. Has everything you could possibly want, da clickies, beza clicky, epic 2.0, j5 merc, seru mount. Full t2 grp gear w/augs. Dont have a magelo for this char as magelo will not work for me. Beastlord is a prime class, very needed for raids and groups and amazing at soloing. 93 monk has 2.0 t1 rof gear and epic clicky. Transferrable to any server. Have sold accounts on here before, positive feedback. Let me know if you have any questions 93 Bard 750AA RoF t1 geared and enabled 2.0 Epic 95 Cleric 2100 AA 2.0 Epic RoF enabled and geared Nothing to special 2100 AA mostly spent on healing full RoF 2000hp/mana gear non prestige so will be able to wear if you let the account go silver. 2.0 Epic J5 Merc 100 alaran Original and only owner. Bard Box all AA's spent on making his cooldowns and songs better. J5 Merc 2.0 Epic I went the route of UF Raid gear on him for visables for the higher instrument mods would be pretty easy to get a full set of Visables for more hp/mana. Orginal and only owner.
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