US 11x90 3x80 Gandiva account!

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    ccount Details
    Race: Hume M; short brown hair hume
    Transfer up
    Has a SE ID but is not attached to the token
    8.8 Million gil on hand!
    All atmas / maws

    Nyzul Isle: Floor 100
    Moogle: Complete
    ACP: Complete
    AsHanton: Complete
    Sandy: Rank 10
    Second Lieutenant

    Warrior 90 Monk 90
    White Mage 90 Black Mage 90
    Red Mage 90 Thief 90
    Paladin 90 Dark Knight 58
    Beastmaster 10 Bard 84
    Ranger 90 Samurai 90
    Ninja 90 Scholar 88
    Corsair 90 Dancer 83


    5/5 HQ Staves
    Twilight Knife
    Gandiva (Level 80; 6/50 Buhkis Wings)
    Mozu (Trial 1509, Briarus trial; 14/50 helms with 2/3 of a pop already farmed)
    Magnatus (Trial 898, Feurenke VNM with 1/6 on kills)
    Vision Bow
    Mekki Shaki
    Dynamis Bow (With Fragment on hand, just need currency)
    Vermail Bhuj (Have a Alfrad pop on hand for widowmaker)

    Orison cap +2
    Iga Zukin +2
    Sylvan Gapette +2
    Ravager's Mask +1
    Navarch's Tricone +1
    Bahamut's Mask
    Hero's Galea
    Duelist Chapeau
    Summoner's Horn
    Hecatomb Cap +1
    Varagin Helm

    Navarch's frac +1
    Loki's Kaftan
    Iga Ningi +2
    Ares's Cuirass
    Orison Bliaud +2
    Sylvan Caban +2
    Creed Cuirass +1
    Skadi's Cuirie
    Valor Surcoat

    Blessed Mitts
    Navarch's gants +1
    Sylvan Glovelettes +1
    Raider's Armlets +1
    Assaian's Armlets (TH +1)
    Eradico Mitts
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Skadi's Bazubands
    Dusk Gloves
    Iga Tekko +2
    Ravager's Muffler's +1
    Tantra Gloves +1
    Heafoc Mitts

    Navarch's Culottes +1
    Crimson Cuisses
    Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Tantra Hose +1
    Raider's Culottes +2
    Sylvan Bragues +2
    Iga Hakama +2
    Skadi Chausses

    Ravager's Calligae +2
    Raider's Poulaines +2
    Iga Kyahan +2
    Orison Duckbills +1
    Sylvan Bottilons +1
    Navarch's Bottes +2
    Rostrum Pumps

    Navarch's Collar
    Hope Torque
    Peacock Charm
    Iga Erimaki
    Creed Collar
    Fortitude Torque
    Morgana's Choker

    Swift Belt
    3/5 Obi (Ice, Wind, Lightning)
    Aristo Belt
    Twilight Belt
    Cognition Belt
    Impulse Belt
    Scout's Belt

    Twilight Cape
    Merciful Cape
    Forban Cape
    Orison Cape

    Hecate's Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Volley Earring
    Clearview Earring

    Raja's Ring
    Luzaf's Ring
    Stormsoul Ring
    Omega Ring
    Jalzahn's Ring
    Pyrasoul Ring
    Heed Ring

    Lots of other items on the account; PM for any questions and will answer them soon as I can!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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