Selling WTS Monk + Mage | Cheap Selling a 6/6 healer 6/6...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/2/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Monk + Mage | Cheap Selling a 6/6 healer 6/6 milly Monk All soul gear All drops from dungeon Disciplined Mark + Mage 3/6 with some crit gear on Selling quick via paypal only 80€ Pm me for info/ in game meeting [SOLD] SKilled is a scammer! He sent FAKE paypal confirmation email and told me the money would be on my account soon. Don't trust this fag. WTS Selling iOS Gold. $5 per K ***CHEAPEST*** Selling iOS Gold. $5 Per 1000 Gold. Payment via PayPal. There is a holding time for certain members. [SOLD] WTS 3 lvl 60 account w/ epic gears/trinkets/weapons (Kappa/Lambda/Phi) Sold WTS WTS awesome acc with 4 lvl 60s IOS ( Arcadian Forest ) 4 60s : Orc Male Warrior ( Tank ) : 6/6 Epic Defense ( Gear ) x2 Consolidated Medals and Power arm guard ( Trinkets ) Radical Guard Necklace ( Necklace ) Planet Cloak of Barbarity ( Cloak ) Radical guard ring and Withered ring of Guardian ( Rings ) Battle Axe of Eristars ( Axe ) Evil Crystal Shield ( Shield ) Ultimate Armor Crossbow ( Bow ) . 5/6 Epic Dps ( Gear ) x2 Disciplined Marks and Strength lace ( Trinkets ) PowerFull Blow Necklace ( Necklace ) Planet Cloak of Barbarity ( Cloak ) Powerful blow ring and Dark Assassin Ring ( Rings ) Flouting Cloud Stick and Reinforced Matted Gold Rappier ( Swords ) Bulrinto Scouts Crossbow ( Bow ) . Elf Male Monk ( Divine ) : 6/6 Epic Divine ( Gear ) Silver Brooches , Gindulars Beads and 2 Swamp eyes ( Trinkets ) Infinite Energy Necklace ( Necklace ) Waterboarding Cloak ( Cloak ) Infinite Energy Ring and Crystal Ring of Salvation ( Rings ) Soul-Soothing Staff and Heartforger of Healing ( Staff ) . Elf Male Mage ( SkyFire ) : 5/6 Epic Vanishing ( Gear ) Reinforced Force Magecloth robe and Reinforced Conciliation Magecloth robe ( Robes ) Elfs Hairpin , Ultanjins Wisdom and 2 Swamp eyes ( Trinkets ) Infinite Energy Necklace ( Necklace ) Blood Monk´s Cloak of Sorcery ( Cloak ) Magic Excited Ring , Crystal Ring of Erudition and Withered Ring of Sorcery ( Rings ) Heartforger of...
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