Selling WTS Selling epic ranger 60 lvl , MAge 60 lvl, Monk...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/2/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Selling epic ranger 60 lvl , MAge 60 lvl, Monk 60 lvl with 60 lvl ranger rune gear. European server: Observer's market Selling 60 lvl ranger 6/6 epic set( no epic weapons) 1 on Acc 60 lvl mage 4/6 epic set (no epic weapons) 1 on Acc 60 lvl monk 2/6 epic heal set and 1/6 mele epiv set(no epic weapons) with 60 lvl ranger rune gear on same acc can send screen shots Mail me with offers amortal777@ WTS elf male epic ranger with 5200g on android Bloodmoon Wallow evil cloak 2 biting ring Black lotus Red lotus of offense Carrion long bow 2 robust brand Reinforced stealth hunters coat Track killers shoulder pads Keen track killers boots.helmet.gloves.legguards. On android. $99 Want to sell by paypal. More detail slash130s@ [SOLD] For Sale - 1000 gold for 10$ Message Me - IOS I am selling 1000 gold for 10$ Verified paypal any server Place large orders or small. I will contact you directly Paypal Verified Message Me WTS iOS account w/ 3 Decent Toons Archer w/ Sunsaya and Tank w/ Vorpal and a Mage WTS my account with 3 level 60s on full rune gear and accessories. RANGER, TANK, MAGE. all in one account. ONLY for $180. With 5,000 Gold and 80 runes ready to use. via PAYPAL only. (iOS Server) Ranger: LVL60 -With epic Head, Boots, Gloves, and L -Black Lotus and Epic Devil Dagger -Carrion Long Bow -Sunsaya Bow -2pcs Withered Ring of Offense -1pc Swift Brand -Kermodes Tear -Bloodmoon -WITH 12,000 GOLD TANK: LVL 60 -full rune gear -Executioner's Vorpal sword -epic head, boots -ariels abjection -black lotus, epic skeleton -2pcs withered ring of the guardian -2pcs kermode -windcutter MAGE; LVL 60 -all rune gear -epic head and boots -Heartforger of sorcery -evil eye necklace of sorcery -2pcs withered ring of sorcery -2pcs swamp eye account with 5,000 GOLD and 80 Runes all for $160 via PayPal account. iOS server only! WTS Level 60 Epic Ranger and Warrior Account, iOS Warrior. 5/6 Stable Epic Rune Gear. Head,Shoulders,Hand,Leg,Feet. 4/6 Crazy Epic Rune...
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