[Vând] League of Legends cont pe serverul SUA

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends, 4/15/12.

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  1. League of Legends

    League of Legends
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    WTS lol cont pentru Statele Unite ale Americii, NA server. Am 260 de victorii pe ea ?i 1330 RP peste 10.000 de IP. Acest cont vine cu:Nume utilizator Parola E-mail LoL LoL anexeaz? la contul de email,e-mail lol utilizator Campionilor Pass: Alistar Amumu AnnieCho'Gath Corki Evelynn baliverne Garen Janna Jax Kyle MalphiteMorgana nasus Olaf Pantheon Rammus Rumble Ryze Sivir TeemoTristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Veigar Warwick Zhao Xin ZileanRiven Wukong Skins Annie - Goth Gat Annie Cho - NighmareCho'Gath Corki - OZN Corki Garen - sanguin Garen Olaf - glacialOlaf Rammus - Freljord Rammus Tristana - Riot Fata TristanaWarwick - Tunda Hunter Warwick Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin ZhaoTryndamere - Demonblade Runes Tryndamere pagina completa de?anse critice Runes Runes integral de penetrare Armor Va rugam sa de e-mail-m?, sau PM. V? mul?umim!
    14187 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13886 13879 31 League of Legends 1334499719 14188 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13887 13880 31 League of Legends 1334499812 14189 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13888 13881 31 League of Legends 1334499905 14190 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13889 13882 31 League of Legends 1334499998 14191 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13890 13883 31 League of Legends 1334500092 Practic ceea ce spune titlul. Au Champs 15-20 deblocat. 3 skin-uri,Commons. AD completa, AP ?i rune Tank Caut de numerar, ofer? v? rog.
    14192 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13891 13884 31 League of Legends 1334500184 Campionii i proprii sunt: Akali, Alistar, amumu, Annie, Ashe,blitzcrank, marca, Caitlyn, corki, Mundo, Eva, ezreal, mofturi, Fizz,pasarel?, garen, gragas, morminte, irelia, Janna, jarvan, JAX,karthus, kassadin, kayle kennen, kog'maw, LeBlanc, Lee p?cat, lux,maestru Yi, mordekaiser, Morgana, nasus, nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu,OLAF, orianna, panteonul, mac, rammus. Rumble, ryze, shaco, Shen, semnat, Sion, sivir, skarner, Sona, soraka, Swain, TARIC,teemo, Tristana, tryndamere, soarta r?sucit, contrac?ie, udyr, vayne,veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, volibear, Warwick, wukong , xerath, ZhaoXin, Yorick. Skins: Lion dans kog'maw, galben, jacheta Shen,Highland Tryndamere, contrac?ia pivotului, Nottingham ezreal, marer?u Warwick, desc?tu?at Alistar, urf Rider, corki, skarnersandscourge, revolta fata de Tristana, Xin comando Runes Zhao:armura ?i m?rcile Magic Pen . Armor, DMG plat, HP Regen pentru fiecare nivel de sigilii. magie rezista pe simbolurile de nivel. Stilouarmura ?i cvinte viteza de deplasare. PM ME pentru orice informa?iisau s? fac? o ofert?
    14193 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13892 13885 31 League of Legends 1334500277 Deci, salut tot ce vreau sa vinzi contul meu, astfel contul cu adev?ratbune pentru piele Hawe frumos am mai multe informa?ii despre mine pe skipe Martis-GE. Pot s? v? ar?t toate pe TeamViewer 14194 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13893 13886 31 League of Legends 1334500372 14195 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13894 13887 31 League of Legends 1334500463 14196 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13895 13888 31 League of Legends 1334500556 14197 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13896 13889 31 League of Legends 1334500650 14198 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13897 13890 31 League of Legends 1334500743 Vanzarea contul meu lol sau de tranzac?ionare pentru BLC Account Info cont Titan: 35 de campioni: Akali, Alistar, Annie, Mundo,evelynn, ezreal, fiddlesti CKS, garen, gragas, heimerdinger, Janna,kayle, kennen, L eblanc, malphite, dor de avere , mordekaiser,nasus, nidalee, OLAF, mac, renek tone, shaco, semnat, Sion,sonna, soraka, Swain, Tristana, rostogoli, udyr, Vladimir, Warwick,Zhao Xin, zilean 10 skin-uri: Mr.Mundoverse Masquarade Evelynn *Mos Craciun Gragas Piltover vamale Heimerdinger PentakillMordekaiser barbare Sion driad? Soraka Bilgewater Swain de gheril? Tristana Commando Xin Runes Zhao: Mark 9x Mark mai mare de Fortitude 9x Mari Marcu al Insight Marcu 4x mai mare de r?utate Seal Seal 4x mai mare de Seal For?ei de 5x mai mare de luciditate mai mare de 3x Seal Seal Malice 5x mai mare de poten??Sigiliul 9x mai mare de reaprovizionare Glyph Glyph 5x mai mare deGlyph Acumen 4x mai mare de Glyph For?ei de 5x mai mare de poten?? Quintessence 1x Quintessence mai mare de InsightQuintessence 3x mai mare de r?utate 2x Quintessence mai marede Quintessence 1xGreater Poten?a de rezilien?? 168RP + 3816IPPret: 90 Euro Acceptarea OnlyWestern Contractul Uniunii Skype ID:giannis_kissouras
    14199 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13898 13891 31 League of Legends 1334500836 Au 29 ?i Champs 3 pagini pline rune. i.imgur / UPlNv rune T3 i au:rosii 9x plate ap. 9x plate vizite 9x plate mp galben 9x apartamentarmura 9x circulatie mana / lvl albastru 9x CDR / LVL 9x AP / LVL 9xDl / lvl cvinte hp 3x plate au rune pentru anun? transporta, ap. de purtare, jungl?, ?i rezervor. Cu o selec?ie a acestor decent Champsde?inute.Numai piele i-au demn de men?ionat este OZN corki. Am, de asemenea, 5k IP + pentru tine de a petrece pe cont. Solicitareapentru 30 $, de asemenea, dispus s? comer?ului pentru un gamecardwow neutilizat. Daca sunteti interesati Obiectivul meu estereelsmallturkeys emustevehotmail sau e-mail
    14200 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13899 13892 31 League of Legends 1334500929 14201 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13900 13893 31 League of Legends 1334501023 Vanzarea nivelul 30, League of Legends, am 41 campion, 1 de pieleaproape 400 de jocuri jucate runes si bune. Caut de 30 $ prin PayPalsau a unui cont de Hon. Trimite?i-mi kaze_dragon0hotmail sauadauga-ma pe Pentru informatii si imagini.
    14202 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13901 13894 31 League of Legends 1334501114 14203 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13902 13895 31 League of Legends 1334501206 Ambele conturi sunt ale mele, ?i ambele sunt mo?tenire. Eu sunt OO.A? dori s? le comer?ului, fie pentru un cont SCO2 / CD Key sau un cont LoL. Cont # 1 - Minima MMR / PSR cont # 2 - proaspete (1 jocjucat) AIM: eriley2751
    14204 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13903 13896 31 League of Legends 1334501298 Am un nou cont de lvl 30 LoL exist? jocuri jucate de rang (s-au jucat 4clasat pre) i-au 5-6 skin-uri decente, de asemenea.
    14205 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13904 13897 31 League of Legends 1334501390 14206 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13905 13898 31 League of Legends 1334501484 O parte PvP uneltele ?i se monteaz? rare OO ?i ID-ul SCAN c?utarepentru scopul stackked cont lol pentru mai multe informa?ii ?i c? are timp. ?i are ALTS 14207 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13906 13899 31 League of Legends 1334501577 14208 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13907 13900 31 League of Legends 1334501670 14210 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13908 13901 31 League of Legends 1334501762 14212 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13909 13902 31 League of Legends 1334501853 14213 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13910 13903 31 League of Legends 1334501947 14214 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13911 13904 31 League of Legends 1334502040 Titlul spune totul pe AIM legitfox99 - Contul vine cu scan?ri id. A face numai cu membrii REPPED
    14215 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13912 13905 31 League of Legends 1334502132 14216 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13913 13906 31 League of Legends 1334502222 14217 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13914 13907 31 League of Legends 1334502318 14218 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13915 13908 31 League of Legends 1334502409 Scurta prezentare a contului. 35 Champs 14 piei de 1300 nominal?que solo, evaluare pozitiv?. 4,5 k IP 218 RP. Este nivelul 30, Statele Unite, dac? dori?i mai multe informa?ii nu ezita?i s? m? mesaj de peAIM Tot ce vreau pentru acest lucru este un american de WoWCataclysm CD Key. AIM - Liightskinded.
    14219 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13916 13909 31 League of Legends 1334502502 14220 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13917 13910 31 League of Legends 1334502594 Nivel de comercializare a cotelor de 30 NA lol considerare pentruorice cont de WoW nivel de 85, cu elemente decente. I dont nevoie de ceva imens i394 sau ceva, dar ceva, cel pu?in i378 sau a?a, deoarece acest cont LoL ma costat o sum? bun? de bani ?i de timppentru a ob?ine prelucrate, Champs, etc nici o clas? specific? necesar?. Tranzac?ionare, de asemenea, un cont de WoW (NA), care are un ?aman draenie 80, 71 r?zboinic, 70 twink DK toate alian??,toate au seturi complete brutale gladiator, simple, la nivel. AIM:cazhill10 mesaj Vreau sa ma acolo. POST PLEASEE
    14221 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13918 13911 31 League of Legends 1334502686 Am comer?ului contul meu de aburi cu 104 jocuri. Vreau un cont lolfrumos cu ELO ?i toate Champs ?i piei, etc .. accoun mea abur este evaluat la mai mult de 1000 de $ USD ?i vreau un cont LOL frumos.V? rug?m s? ad?uga?i-mi bellido89. Thx puteti vedea pozele mele cu abur.
    14222 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13919 13912 31 League of Legends 1334502778 14223 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13920 13913 31 League of Legends 1334502869 14224 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13921 13914 31 League of Legends 1334502961 Titlul spune totul mi mesaj
    14225 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13922 13915 31 League of Legends 1334503054 s-au 800 de victorii 54 de Champs cheltui 30 $ pe Champs runes si3 de tip runes (3 pagini, crit, ap. ...) 1 pielii corki OZN-uri ?i................... ...
    14226 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13923 13916 31 League of Legends 1334503147 14227 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13924 13917 31 League of Legends 1334503242 Hei toate, am vrea s?-mi comer?ului 398 restaurare druid, restaurare375 piele de capr? neagr? ?i 372 Prot prietenos pentru un cont deLoL VS 30 cu cel pu?in 20 de campioni deblocat. Mesaj de mai jos sipot sa te armurarii. text: 207-607-2535
    14228 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13925 13918 31 League of Legends 1334503334 14229 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13926 13919 31 League of Legends 1334503428 14230 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13927 13920 31 League of Legends 1334503521 14231 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13928 13921 31 League of Legends 1334503615 14232 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13929 13922 31 League of Legends 1334503708 14233 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13930 13923 31 League of Legends 1334503801 14234 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13931 13924 31 League of Legends 1334503893 14235 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13932 13925 31 League of Legends 1334503988 14236 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13933 13926 31 League of Legends 1334504081 14237 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13934 13927 31 League of Legends 1334504174 14238 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13935 13928 31 League of Legends 1334504265 14239 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13936 13929 31 League of Legends 1334504360 14240 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13937 13930 31 League of Legends 1334504449 14241 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13938 13931 31 League of Legends 1334504542 Buna ziua! Vreau s? comer?ului contul meu LoL. 1500 ELO, 1500victorii suedeze, toate, cu excep?ia Champs unul nou, a primit o multime de rune (Chek mea runa pagini IGN meu este Z3BY). Deci,vreau s? comer? pentru c? fie un Diablo 3 cheie sau un cont de WoW.
    14242 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13939 13932 31 League of Legends 1334504634 14243 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13940 13933 31 League of Legends 1334504726 M-am plictisit de joc LoL, a?a vreau s? tranzactiona 2 conturi LoLpentru Battlefield 3. Desigur, ambele conturi sunt de 30 la nivel.Exist? aproximativ 60 de Champs dac? num?ra ambele conturi, pe de o ELO este de 500 ?i, pe de o parte aproximativ 700. 2 paginigravat pe ambele, runes penetrare Armor, daune de atac, de putereCapacitatea de ... PM-m? pentru mai multe informa?ii. Mesaj adaugat---------- 03-28-2012 la 02:39 AM ---------- Bump. Mesaj adaugat ---------- 03-28-2012 la 02:43 AM ---------- Bump.
    14244 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13941 13934 31 League of Legends 1334504819 14245 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13942 13935 31 League of Legends 1334504912 14246 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13943 13936 31 League of Legends 1334505004 14247 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13944 13937 31 League of Legends 1334505097 14248 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13945 13938 31 League of Legends 1334505192 14249 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13946 13939 31 League of Legends 1334505285 Rogue, Mage, druid, preot, DK Adauga:jakemalhas12
    14250 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13947 13940 31 League of Legends 1334505378 14251 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13948 13941 31 League of Legends 1334505473 14252 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13949 13942 31 League of Legends 1334505564 14253 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13950 13943 31 League of Legends 1334505657 14254 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13951 13944 31 League of Legends 1334505752 14255 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13952 13945 31 League of Legends 1334505842 14256 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13953 13946 31 League of Legends 1334505934 14257 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13954 13947 31 League of Legends 1334506027 Am deja un fir de pe aici, dar am decis s? accepte, de asemenea,codul de DLC (e) pentru Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox360) sau Battlefield3 (PS3). Eu va accepta coduri DLC, cum ar fi fondator de elita,pentru MW3 ?i r?zboi fizic? pentru Battlefield 3. Voi accepta, de asemenea, GFX dac? e?ti bun la asta, vreau un fundal youtube /logo-ul si vreau un fundal de potrivire pentru calculatorul meu ?i PS3 ?i Xbox. Dac? dori?i s? l?sa?i tranzactiona doar un mesaj cuinformatiile de contact si putem vorbi. Aici este firul original:.Vbforums / liga-le...ard-money.html
    14258 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13955 13948 31 League of Legends 1334506120 Vreau s?-mi comer?ului vechiul cont Guild Wars, cu toate expansiunile ?i au bonusuri atat de mult pentru o liga buna de contLVL legenda 30, mi-am! P
    14259 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13956 13949 31 League of Legends 1334506212 Alt Flint pielii Alt Valkyrie monede cutanate suficiente pentruschimbare de nume ?i de piei mai cauta pentru orice cont de nivelul de 30 lol, nu conteaza, statistici sau runes sau Champs. PM-m? sauAIM: eriley2751
    14260 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13957 13950 31 League of Legends 1334506305 HoN cont de tranzac?ionare abia a jucat pentru contul LOL. mesaj privat mine.
    14261 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13958 13951 31 League of Legends 1334506398 14262 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13959 13952 31 League of Legends 1334506491 14263 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13960 13953 31 League of Legends 1334506584 14264 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13961 13954 31 League of Legends 1334506676 A? dori s? comer?ului contul meu leage cu fiecare campion, dar ca 8-9 hmu pe skypre jtincher1 14265 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13962 13955 31 League of Legends 1334506769 Hei baieti, vreau s? comer?ului ACC mea pentru binele Bloodlinecampion ACC, i se poate vinde aswell. Contul au RP 457 ?i 103 IPAici campioni ?i piei, mai multe informatii la priv. De?inut?Campionilor - Piei de Alistair - fara piele Amumu - nu Cho'Gath piele- Gentleman / Nightmare Corki - fara piele Dr. Mundo - nu balivernede piele - fara piele Galio - Hextech pasarel? - nu Gragas piele -Scufundari in costum de Jax - Pax Karthus - fara piele Kassadin -fara piele Kog'Maw - Sonoran Lee Sin - fara piele Maestrul Yi -Assassin Mordekaiser - fara piele nasus - Galactic Nocturne - nu Olafpiele - fara piele Pantheon - Perseu Ryze - fara piele Shaco - fara piele semnat - nu Sion piele - nu Soraka piele - nu Swain piele - nuTryndamere piele - Highland Twitch - Urgot gangsteri - fara piele XinZhao - fara piele
    14266 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13963 13956 31 League of Legends 1334506862 Cump?rat dou? conturi la eliberare. Nu au jucat prea mult. Una este1700 alt? denumire de origine controlat? este de 1500. Privind pentru a comer?ului pentru Puncte de strad? sau din Liga a contuluiLegends sau vinde-le. PM-m?, sau Scop HeadShot214.
    14267 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13964 13957 31 League of Legends 1334506956 14268 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13965 13958 31 League of Legends 1334507051 14269 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13966 13959 31 League of Legends 1334507148 14270 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13967 13960 31 League of Legends 1334507239 14271 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13968 13961 31 League of Legends 1334507330 hi eu am cont de un nivel cu 30 LoL cu Buccaneer Tristana, Olafcongelate, Mordekaiser ro?u ?i galben ?i eu cred c? un cuplu mai mare ?i un nivel de 74 cont runescape cu armura dragonan ?i arme ?i armuri ?i arme de granit toate acestea pentru 1monthof gametimeWoW
    14272 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13969 13962 31 League of Legends 1334507423 14273 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13970 13963 31 League of Legends 1334507520 14274 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13971 13964 31 League of Legends 1334507612 14275 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13972 13965 31 League of Legends 1334507704 14276 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13973 13966 31 League of Legends 1334507797 14277 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13974 13967 31 League of Legends 1334507889 Vreau s? comer?ului LoL cont pentru contul HoN mo?tenire: DetaliiLoL cont abbout: - 700 WIN - nivelul de 30 la 2 c?r?i de runnes - 50-55Fotografii campioni: 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png
    14278 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13975 13968 31 League of Legends 1334507983 14279 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13976 13969 31 League of Legends 1334508076 14280 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13977 13970 31 League of Legends 1334508169 14281 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13978 13971 31 League of Legends 1334508261 14282 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13979 13972 31 League of Legends 1334508353 14283 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13980 13973 31 League of Legends 1334508446 Am 48-50 de caractere => unele piei, nu 1350 rang fost interzise(deci, dac? un alt eveniment ca si cum ai primi 500 de RP dac? nu a?i fost interzis intampla) .. AM Skype pentru mai multe informa?ii:insanedude99 sau Scop: crazy_alex_1994yahoo
    14284 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13981 13974 31 League of Legends 1334508539 14285 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13982 13975 31 League of Legends 1334508634 14286 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13983 13976 31 League of Legends 1334508727 14287 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13984 13977 31 League of Legends 1334508821 14288 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13985 13978 31 League of Legends 1334508917 14289 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13986 13979 31 League of Legends 1334509009 Un complet cont de WoW cataclism, nr 85, dar are o 75DK ?i un83DK, ?i contul de bnet vine cu starcraft2 sau dou? conturi LegacyHON! Au o cantitate decenta de campioni deblocat! AIM:Sirmarshmeloooow
    14290 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13987 13980 31 League of Legends 1334509100 14291 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13988 13981 31 League of Legends 1334509196 14292 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13989 13982 31 League of Legends 1334509289 14293 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13990 13983 31 League of Legends 1334509380 Titlul ^ spune c? este tot Utilizator: RS Thunda195 pe E-mail:LightYuichiYahoo 14294 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13991 13984 31 League of Legends 1334509475 14295 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13992 13985 31 League of Legends 1334509569 14296 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13993 13986 31 League of Legends 1334509665 14297 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13994 13987 31 League of Legends 1334509756 Im caut? s? comer?ului contul meu pentru un cont de WoW. Am in prezent, au peste 50 de Champs deblocat (o mul?ime de 6300ipChamps), 11 skin-uri, 5 pagini de gravat ?i peste 100 de runediferite. Pentru mai multe informatii, m? vizeaz? doubtmenow666
    14298 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13995 13988 31 League of Legends 1334509844 14299 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13996 13989 31 League of Legends 1334509938 14300 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13997 13990 31 League of Legends 1334510030 14301 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13998 13991 31 League of Legends 1334510122 STEAM meu are: - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - COD Black Ops -Company of Heroes - Counter Strike - Counter-Strike, Condition Zero- Counter Strike Source - Day of Defeat - Ziua Sursa Defeat - DC Universe Online - Mod Garry lui - DeathMatch Classic - Grand Theft Auto 4 - HL2 - HL2 Episode 1 - HL2 Episode 2 - L4D2 - Portal -Richochet - TF2 - Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War 2 LoL conttrebuie s? aib? aproape de la toate Champs ?i o cantitate decent?de skin-uri!! Posteaza aici sau PM ME!!
    14302 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    13999 13992 31 League of Legends 1334510216 14303 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14000 13993 31 League of Legends 1334510308 14304 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14001 13994 31 League of Legends 1334510402 14305 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14002 13995 31 League of Legends 1334510494 14306 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14003 13996 31 League of Legends 1334510588 14307 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14004 13997 31 League of Legends 1334510682 14308 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14005 13998 31 League of Legends 1334510775 14309 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14006 13999 31 League of Legends 1334510869 14310 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14007 14000 31 League of Legends 1334510961 Salut, Ai contul meu personal LoL a vrut sa vada ceea ce ofer?primesc pentru asta. Champions: Ahri Alistar (piele Unchained)Annie Ashe Brand (Frostfire pielii) Cho'Gath Ezreal baliverne FizzGaren Janna Jarvan IV Jax Kayle Lee P?catul de Master Yi nasusNocturna Nunu Renekton (piele Galactic) Riven (piele R?scump?ra?i)Ryze Shaco (piele de azil) Sivir Soraka Teemo Tristana TryndamereTwisted Fate Veigar (alb Mage pielii), Vladimir Volibear (Domnul apielii) Runes: Armura Magic Pen MP5 Nu o mul?ime de rune, lucruride baz?. LF: Orice Xfire mi Ezechiel
    14311 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14008 14001 31 League of Legends 1334511057 14312 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14009 14002 31 League of Legends 1334511148 Privind pentru League of Legends UE cont de Vest, care este nivelul de 30 ... Contul de origine ...
    14313 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14010 14003 31 League of Legends 1334511241 14314 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14011 14004 31 League of Legends 1334511334 14315 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14012 14005 31 League of Legends 1334511425 14316 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14013 14006 31 League of Legends 1334511518 14317 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14014 14007 31 League of Legends 1334511610 14318 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14015 14008 31 League of Legends 1334511703 14319 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14016 14009 31 League of Legends 1334511796 14320 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14017 14010 31 League of Legends 1334511887 Cont Steam cu mwf2, op cod negru, ?i portalul. AIM sau PM mine. 14321 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14018 14011 31 League of Legends 1334511979 14322 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14019 14012 31 League of Legends 1334512071 14323 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14020 14013 31 League of Legends 1334512163 14324 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14021 14014 31 League of Legends 1334512262 14325 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14022 14015 31 League of Legends 1334512349 14326 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14023 14016 31 League of Legends 1334512441 14327 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14024 14017 31 League of Legends 1334512532 am lvl 30 lol CCA, sc2, Minecraft pentrucomer? 14328 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14025 14018 31 League of Legends 1334512628 14329 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14026 14019 31 League of Legends 1334512720 14330 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14027 14020 31 League of Legends 1334512812 14331 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14028 14021 31 League of Legends 1334512905 14332 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14029 14022 31 League of Legends 1334512995 Ei bine, vreau s? tranzactiona un nivel de cont RS 104 (evident, mod de greu la nivelul de atunci un LOL ACC), nivelul total este de 1515are dharok complete cu privire la caracterul mare de bani ?i PvPvorbi cu mine pe! numele meu este Kimbacat41 cont pe numele meueste Garrett Sherman, eu nu folosesc Yahoo, ?i nu ave?i nevoie s? tasta?i un set cu casc? pe, doar desc?rca ?i ave?i posibilitatea s? tasta?i s?-mi daca u nu-l au!
    14333 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14030 14023 31 League of Legends 1334513087 Titlul spune totul. Skype - Vlad1faknd MSN - Wonky_tonkyhotmail
    14334 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14031 14024 31 League of Legends 1334513179 Am un cont de WoW pe care eu nu le mai folosi?i, ?i am r?mas peste1 carte. Dracu ', dac? vrei pot s? v? dau cont de WoW, LVL prea 63Preot NE, Extinderi de vanilie si BC. Oricum, da. Mesaj / PM minepentru oferte!
    14335 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14032 14025 31 League of Legends 1334513273 14336 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14033 14026 31 League of Legends 1334513365 14337 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14034 14027 31 League of Legends 1334513458 14338 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14035 14028 31 League of Legends 1334513550 Am primit un swtor + Wow Wow acnt: nivelul de 85 la nivel de r?zboi85 Rouge nivelul 80 de blocare swtor: nivelul de 50 la nivel tropper 50PO dispus s? arate fotografii ecrane, etc ... trebuie s?-mi add-onpentru fotografii ecrane ?i armuri waterbottle56: Eu sunt dispus s?Da?i toate INFO PRIMA (ID-SCAN, CD Key, etc) pentru a verifica numai UTILIZATORI!!! MSG ASAP de asemenea, dispus pentru a vinde pentru o ofert? bun? VREAU A LIGI DE CONT LEGENDS
    14339 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14036 14029 31 League of Legends 1334513643 Im caut? o UE sau ne lol cont de spirit piei de editii limitate contul nu are gametime pe ea, dar i se poate dovedi usor de pus ?i gametimepe care le am cont 80-80-preot DK 81-85-prietenos druid prietenos?i Druid au horsemans f?r? cap de montare obiectiv mine aircash23
    14340 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14037 14030 31 League of Legends 1334513736 14341 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14038 14031 31 League of Legends 1334513827 14342 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14039 14032 31 League of Legends 1334513922 14343 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14040 14033 31 League of Legends 1334514014 14344 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14041 14034 31 League of Legends 1334514107 85 preot-ilvl 391 85 druid-ilvl 392 85 Rogue-ilvl 386 85 DK-ilvl 385 85MAGE-372 ilvl toate alian??, Rogue are nivelul de 25 la sol de breasl? ?i de montare de zbor. poate arata in joc. Cauti un nivel cu 30cont pe LoL, cu o sum? bun? de campioni ?i piei.Contact-Skype-tom.bro.chill de e-mail-jjowns911
    14345 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14042 14035 31 League of Legends 1334514199 14346 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14043 14036 31 League of Legends 1334514292 14347 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14044 14037 31 League of Legends 1334514386 Bine. Primesc disperata ... la punctul I sunt dispus s? comer?uluicontul meu LoL pentru o carte de joc WoW. 6300 --- Noct Brand LeeSin Vlad Cait Mal Rene Kennen mul?ime de alte Champs inclus!Pune-m? pe ceea ce scop sunt! De asemenea, unele piei:) Scop -Pigblankeyy AVEA DE ASEMENEA WOW: CATA KEY / CHEIEStarCraft 2 / Rift (Desi eu va tranzactiona doar un ..., nu include contullol)
    14348 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14045 14038 31 League of Legends 1334514478 14349 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14046 14039 31 League of Legends 1334514573 14350 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14047 14040 31 League of Legends 1334514668 14351 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14048 14041 31 League of Legends 1334514761 14352 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14049 14042 31 League of Legends 1334514854 14353 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14050 14043 31 League of Legends 1334514948 14354 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14051 14044 31 League of Legends 1334515040 14355 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14052 14045 31 League of Legends 1334515134 14356 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14053 14046 31 League of Legends 1334515228 Practic ceea ce spune titlul. Au Champs 15-20 deblocat. 3 skin-uri,Commons. AD completa, AP ?i rune Tank c?utare pentru SUA,Cd-cheie pentru WotLK ?i Cata Negociabil.
    14357 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14054 14047 31 League of Legends 1334515318 14358 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14055 14048 31 League of Legends 1334515411 14359 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14056 14049 31 League of Legends 1334515503 Privind pentru a tranzactiona un cont SCO2 SUA pentru o Lig?Level30 de cont Legends cu campionii Unlocked! Alte oferte potface: 3 conturi de Hon Legacy (Rift) 50Cleric HK Edition Readycolec?ionari! AIM: Sirmarshmeloooow
    14360 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14057 14050 31 League of Legends 1334515594 14361 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14058 14051 31 League of Legends 1334515687 14362 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14059 14052 31 League of Legends 1334515780 14363 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14060 14053 31 League of Legends 1334515874 Wow acnt WOW: nivelul de 85 la nivel de r?zboi 85 Rouge nivelul 80pentru a ar?ta dispus ecrane fotografii, etc ... trebuie s?-mi add-onpentru fotografii ecrane, cu scopul arsenalul de blocare: big0le0 eu sunt dispus s? ofere tuturor INFO PRIMA (ID-SCAN, CD Key, ETC )PENTRU UTILIZATORI verifica numai!! MSG ASAP de asemenea, dispus pentru a vinde pentru o ofert? bun?
    14364 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14061 14054 31 League of Legends 1334515964 14365 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14062 14055 31 League of Legends 1334516056 14366 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14063 14056 31 League of Legends 1334516147 14367 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14064 14057 23 SWTOR 1334517195 14370 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14065 14058 23 SWTOR 1334517419 14371 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14066 14059 23 SWTOR 1334517522 14372 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14067 14060 23 SWTOR 1334517598 14373 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14068 14061 23 SWTOR 1334517673 14374 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14069 14062 23 SWTOR 1334517746 14375 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14070 14063 23 SWTOR 1334517823 14376 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14071 14064 23 SWTOR 1334517899 14377 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14072 14065 23 SWTOR 1334517971 14378 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14073 14066 23 SWTOR 1334518047 14379 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14074 14067 23 SWTOR 1334518122 14380 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14075 14068 23 SWTOR 1334518200 14381 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14076 14069 23 SWTOR 1334518276 14382 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14077 14070 23 SWTOR 1334518349 14383 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14078 14071 23 SWTOR 1334518423 14384 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14079 14072 23 SWTOR 1334518497 14385 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14080 14073 23 SWTOR 1334518572 14386 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14081 14074 23 SWTOR 1334518648 14387 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14082 14075 23 SWTOR 1334518724 14388 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14083 14076 23 SWTOR 1334518801 14389 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14084 14077 23 SWTOR 1334518876 14390 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14085 14078 23 SWTOR 1334518952 14391 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14086 14079 23 SWTOR 1334519028 14392 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14087 14080 23 SWTOR 1334519102 14393 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14088 14081 23 SWTOR 1334519179 14394 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14089 14082 23 SWTOR 1334519254 14395 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14090 14083 23 SWTOR 1334519329 14396 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14091 14084 23 SWTOR 1334519403 14397 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14092 14085 23 SWTOR 1334519478 14398 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14093 14086 23 SWTOR 1334519553 14399 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14094 14087 23 SWTOR 1334519628 14400 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14095 14088 23 SWTOR 1334519705 14401 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14096 14089 23 SWTOR 1334519781 14402 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14097 14090 23 SWTOR 1334519855 14403 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14098 14091 23 SWTOR 1334519931 14404 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14099 14092 23 SWTOR 1334520009 14405 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14100 14093 23 SWTOR 1334520082 14406 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14101 14094 23 SWTOR 1334520156 14407 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14102 14095 23 SWTOR 1334520232 14408 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14103 14096 23 SWTOR 1334520305 14409 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14104 14097 23 SWTOR 1334520381 14410 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14105 14098 23 SWTOR 1334520456 14411 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14106 14099 23 SWTOR 1334520530 14412 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14107 14100 23 SWTOR 1334520605 14413 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14108 14101 23 SWTOR 1334520685 14414 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14109 14102 23 SWTOR 1334520759 14415 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14110 14103 23 SWTOR 1334520832 14416 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14111 14104 23 SWTOR 1334520908 14418 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14112 14105 10 Eve Online 1334520958 14419 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14113 14106 23 SWTOR 1334520983 14420 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14114 14107 23 SWTOR 1334521058 Tengo 2 llaves disponibles. Se pueden utilizar en cualquier cuenta deSWTOR BioWare siempre y cuando no hayan sido invitados acualquiera de las otras pruebas beta o pruebas futuras. $ 50 cada uno.
    14421 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14115 14108 23 SWTOR 1334521133 14422 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14116 14109 23 SWTOR 1334521212 14423 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14117 14110 23 SWTOR 1334521283 14424 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14118 14111 23 SWTOR 1334521359 14425 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14119 14112 23 SWTOR 1334521434 14426 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14120 14113 23 SWTOR 1334521512 14427 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14121 14114 23 SWTOR 1334521586 14428 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14122 14115 23 SWTOR 1334521664 14429 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14123 14116 23 SWTOR 1334521737 14430 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14124 14117 23 SWTOR 1334521816 14431 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14125 14118 23 SWTOR 1334521895 Comercio 4 Cata Keys WoW para Star Wars Old Republic Key.gene8484 14432 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14126 14119 23 SWTOR 1334521967 14433 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14127 14120 23 SWTOR 1334522040 14435 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14128 14121 23 SWTOR 1334522117 14436 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14129 14122 23 SWTOR 1334522189 14437 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14130 14123 23 SWTOR 1334522266 14438 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14131 14124 23 SWTOR 1334522342 14439 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14132 14125 23 SWTOR 1334522418 14440 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14133 14126 23 SWTOR 1334522494 14441 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14134 14127 23 SWTOR 1334522568 14442 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14135 14128 23 SWTOR 1334522643 14443 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14136 14129 23 SWTOR 1334522722 14444 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14137 14130 23 SWTOR 1334522798 14445 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14138 14131 23 SWTOR 1334522872 14446 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14139 14132 23 SWTOR 1334522948 14447 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14140 14133 23 SWTOR 1334523022 14449 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14141 14134 23 SWTOR 1334523097 14450 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14142 14135 23 SWTOR 1334523171 14451 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14143 14136 23 SWTOR 1334523248 14452 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14144 14137 23 SWTOR 1334523322 14453 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14145 14138 23 SWTOR 1334523398 14454 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14146 14139 23 SWTOR 1334523472 14455 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14147 14140 23 SWTOR 1334523550 14456 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14148 14141 23 SWTOR 1334523624 14457 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14149 14142 23 SWTOR 1334523699 14458 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14150 14143 23 SWTOR 1334523772 14459 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14151 14144 23 SWTOR 1334523849 Todos los detalles o capturas de pantalla, etc en: Nivel 50 ImperialAgente Operativo Especificaciones Sanador y engranajes - comprar cuentas wow Comprar cuenta World of Warcraft 14460 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14152 14145 23 SWTOR 1334523919 14461 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14153 14146 23 SWTOR 1334523996 14462 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14154 14147 23 SWTOR 1334524071 14463 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14155 14148 23 SWTOR 1334524147 14464 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14156 14149 23 SWTOR 1334524221 14465 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14157 14150 23 SWTOR 1334524299 14466 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14158 14151 23 SWTOR 1334524372 14467 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14159 14152 23 SWTOR 1334524451 14468 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14160 14153 23 SWTOR 1334524522 14469 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14161 14154 23 SWTOR 1334524599 14470 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14162 14155 23 SWTOR 1334524675 14471 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14163 14156 23 SWTOR 1334524752 14472 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14164 14157 23 SWTOR 1334524828 14473 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14165 14158 23 SWTOR 1334524904 14474 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14166 14159 23 SWTOR 1334524981 14475 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14167 14160 23 SWTOR 1334525054 14476 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14168 14161 23 SWTOR 1334525130 14477 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14169 14162 23 SWTOR 1334525207 14478 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14170 14163 23 SWTOR 1334525282 14479 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14171 14164 23 SWTOR 1334525358 14480 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14172 14165 23 SWTOR 1334525432 14481 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14173 14166 23 SWTOR 1334525509 14482 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14174 14167 23 SWTOR 1334525585 14483 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14175 14168 23 SWTOR 1334525663 14484 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14176 14169 23 SWTOR 1334525735 The account is a collectors edition account as well I should mention. 50 powertech is on The FatMan (US East) Commando and Scoundrel are on Saber Of Exar Kun (US East) Powertech is Valor Rank 69 currently, will probably be 70 before I sell the account (This is War Hero) - Has main battlemaster pieces (weapon, offhand, chest, boots, belt, wrist, helmet) as well as implants, earpiece etc. - Has matrix cube, all the biochem adrenals, maxed professions (biochem/analysis/underworld trading) - Has full champion tank set, 1000 warzone/mercenary commedations, 377 champion commedations, 558 centurion, 121 fleet. 2 million credits Some PVE gear 99.9% of the time I am top DPS in all Warzones, pyrotech powertech is fun to play, and easily one of the best DPS in the game. Character has all the tanking items to go right in to hardmode operations and tank fine. Commando has 56+ valor rank - Full champion set - Extra commendations etc - 600k+ credits - 400 cybertech/scavenging/underworld trading (has all rakata grenades) - Has nearly full sets of every other type of set (healing, etc) in champion - All companions are maxed affection - Character destroys in PvP like the powertech Both of these characters have everything else a typical level 50 has, 110% speed mount, etc. 42 scoundrel is ready to be leveled to max and played as a healer or awesome dps as well. Either way, hit me up with an offer and we'll see. 14485 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14177 14170 23 SWTOR 1334525812 14486 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14178 14171 23 SWTOR 1334525887 14487 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14179 14172 23 SWTOR 1334525963 14488 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14180 14173 23 SWTOR 1334526034 14489 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14181 14174 23 SWTOR 1334526110 14490 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14182 14175 23 SWTOR 1334526257 14491 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14183 14176 23 SWTOR 1334526330 14492 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14184 14177 23 SWTOR 1334526406 14493 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14185 14178 23 SWTOR 1334526482 14494 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14186 14179 23 SWTOR 1334526559 14495 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14187 14180 23 SWTOR 1334526632 14496 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14188 14181 23 SWTOR 1334526707 14497 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14189 14182 23 SWTOR 1334526780 14498 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14190 14183 23 SWTOR 1334526856 14499 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14191 14184 23 SWTOR 1334526930 14500 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14192 14185 23 SWTOR 1334527006 14501 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14193 14186 23 SWTOR 1334527079 14502 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14194 14187 23 SWTOR 1334527155 14503 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14195 14188 23 SWTOR 1334527230 14504 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14196 14189 23 SWTOR 1334527306 14505 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14197 14190 23 SWTOR 1334527381 14506 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14198 14191 23 SWTOR 1334527456 14507 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14199 14192 23 SWTOR 1334527528 14508 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14200 14193 23 SWTOR 1334527609 14509 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14201 14194 23 SWTOR 1334527682 14510 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14202 14195 23 SWTOR 1334527753 14511 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14203 14196 23 SWTOR 1334527828 14512 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14204 14197 23 SWTOR 1334527901 14513 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14205 14198 23 SWTOR 1334527976 14514 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14206 14199 23 SWTOR 1334528049 14515 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14207 14200 23 SWTOR 1334528124 14516 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14208 14201 23 SWTOR 1334528200 14517 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14209 14202 23 SWTOR 1334528274 14518 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14210 14203 23 SWTOR 1334528348 14519 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14211 14204 23 SWTOR 1334528421 14520 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14212 14205 23 SWTOR 1334528496 14521 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14213 14206 23 SWTOR 1334528574 14522 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14214 14207 23 SWTOR 1334528647 14524 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14215 14208 23 SWTOR 1334528720 14525 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14216 14209 23 SWTOR 1334528795 14526 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14217 14210 23 SWTOR 1334528871 14527 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14218 14211 23 SWTOR 1334528946 14528 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14219 14212 23 SWTOR 1334529022 14529 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14220 14213 23 SWTOR 1334529099 14530 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14221 14214 23 SWTOR 1334529173 14531 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14222 14215 23 SWTOR 1334529249 14532 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14223 14216 23 SWTOR 1334529322 14533 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14224 14217 23 SWTOR 1334529398 14534 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14225 14218 23 SWTOR 1334529472 14535 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14226 14219 23 SWTOR 1334529549 14536 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14227 14220 23 SWTOR 1334529627 14537 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14228 14221 23 SWTOR 1334529699 14538 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14229 14222 23 SWTOR 1334529776 14539 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14230 14223 23 SWTOR 1334529850 14540 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14231 14224 23 SWTOR 1334529924 14541 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14232 14225 23 SWTOR 1334530000 14542 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14233 14226 23 SWTOR 1334530075 14543 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14234 14227 23 SWTOR 1334530151 14544 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14235 14228 23 SWTOR 1334530226 14545 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14236 14229 23 SWTOR 1334530301 14546 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14237 14230 23 SWTOR 1334530376 14547 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14238 14231 23 SWTOR 1334530452 14548 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14239 14232 23 SWTOR 1334530528 14549 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14240 14233 23 SWTOR 1334530603 14550 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14241 14234 23 SWTOR 1334530680 14551 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14242 14235 23 SWTOR 1334530755 14552 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14243 14236 23 SWTOR 1334530832 14553 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14244 14237 23 SWTOR 1334530909 14554 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14245 14238 23 SWTOR 1334530982 14555 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14246 14239 23 SWTOR 1334531058 14556 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14247 14240 23 SWTOR 1334531133 14557 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14248 14241 23 SWTOR 1334531208 14558 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14249 14242 23 SWTOR 1334531282 14559 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14250 14243 23 SWTOR 1334531356 14560 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14251 14244 23 SWTOR 1334531432 14561 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14252 14245 23 SWTOR 1334531507 14562 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14253 14246 23 SWTOR 1334531583 14563 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14254 14247 23 SWTOR 1334531661 14564 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14255 14248 23 SWTOR 1334531734 14565 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14256 14249 23 SWTOR 1334531809 14566 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14257 14250 23 SWTOR 1334531885 14567 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14258 14251 23 SWTOR 1334531961 14568 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14259 14252 23 SWTOR 1334532035 14569 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14260 14253 23 SWTOR 1334532110 14570 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14261 14254 23 SWTOR 1334532186 14571 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14262 14255 23 SWTOR 1334532262 14572 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14263 14256 23 SWTOR 1334532336 14573 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14264 14257 23 SWTOR 1334532410 14574 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14265 14258 23 SWTOR 1334532486 14575 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14266 14259 23 SWTOR 1334532564 14576 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14267 14260 23 SWTOR 1334532634 14577 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14268 14261 23 SWTOR 1334532713 14578 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14269 14262 23 SWTOR 1334532792 14579 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14270 14263 23 SWTOR 1334532863 14580 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14271 14264 23 SWTOR 1334532940 14581 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14272 14265 23 SWTOR 1334533013 Comprar en cuenta SWTOR beta completa por $ 200, el pago dePayPal. Por favor, enviar una propuesta al PM.
    14582 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14273 14266 23 SWTOR 1334533087 14583 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14274 14267 23 SWTOR 1334533163 14584 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14275 14268 23 SWTOR 1334533240 14585 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14276 14269 23 SWTOR 1334533310 14586 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14277 14270 23 SWTOR 1334533387 14587 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14278 14271 23 SWTOR 1334533463 14588 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14279 14272 23 SWTOR 1334533537 14589 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14280 14273 23 SWTOR 1334533610 14590 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14281 14274 23 SWTOR 1334533685 14591 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14282 14275 23 SWTOR 1334533760 14592 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14283 14276 23 SWTOR 1334533834 14593 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14284 14277 23 SWTOR 1334533909 14594 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14285 14278 23 SWTOR 1334533981 14595 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14286 14279 23 SWTOR 1334534058 14596 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14287 14280 23 SWTOR 1334534130 14597 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14288 14281 23 SWTOR 1334534205 14598 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14289 14282 23 SWTOR 1334534280 14599 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14290 14283 23 SWTOR 1334534356 14600 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14291 14284 23 SWTOR 1334534429 14601 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14292 14285 23 SWTOR 1334534505 14602 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14293 14286 23 SWTOR 1334534582 14603 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14294 14287 23 SWTOR 1334534657 14604 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14295 14288 23 SWTOR 1334534733 14605 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14296 14289 23 SWTOR 1334534805 14606 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14297 14290 23 SWTOR 1334534879 14607 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14298 14291 23 SWTOR 1334534953 Esto ha sido vendido.
    14608 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14299 14292 23 SWTOR 1334535029 14609 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14300 14293 23 SWTOR 1334535103 14610 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14301 14294 23 SWTOR 1334535179 14611 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14302 14295 23 SWTOR 1334535255 14612 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14303 14296 23 SWTOR 1334535327 14613 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14304 14297 23 SWTOR 1334535401 14614 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14305 14298 23 SWTOR 1334535475 14615 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14306 14299 23 SWTOR 1334535550 14616 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14307 14300 23 SWTOR 1334535628 14617 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14308 14301 23 SWTOR 1334535700 14618 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14309 14302 23 SWTOR 1334535777 14619 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14310 14303 23 SWTOR 1334535854 14620 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14311 14304 23 SWTOR 1334535929 14621 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14312 14305 23 SWTOR 1334536006 14622 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14313 14306 23 SWTOR 1334536082 14623 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14314 14307 23 SWTOR 1334536160 14624 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14315 14308 23 SWTOR 1334536231 14625 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14316 14309 23 SWTOR 1334536306 14626 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14317 14310 23 SWTOR 1334536381 14627 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14318 14311 23 SWTOR 1334536460 14628 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14319 14312 23 SWTOR 1334536536 14629 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14320 14313 23 SWTOR 1334536613 14630 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14321 14314 23 SWTOR 1334536687 14631 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14322 14315 23 SWTOR 1334536762 14632 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14323 14316 23 SWTOR 1334536838 14633 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14324 14317 23 SWTOR 1334536913 14634 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14325 14318 23 SWTOR 1334536988 14635 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14326 14319 23 SWTOR 1334537067 14636 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14327 14320 23 SWTOR 1334537143 14637 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14328 14321 23 SWTOR 1334537217 14638 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14329 14322 23 SWTOR 1334537292 14639 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14330 14323 23 SWTOR 1334537367 14640 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14331 14324 23 SWTOR 1334537444 14641 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14332 14325 23 SWTOR 1334537519 14642 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14333 14326 23 SWTOR 1334537594 14643 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14334 14327 23 SWTOR 1334537669 14644 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14335 14328 23 SWTOR 1334537745 14645 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14336 14329 23 SWTOR 1334537820 14646 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14337 14330 23 SWTOR 1334537894 14647 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14338 14331 23 SWTOR 1334537968 14648 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14339 14332 23 SWTOR 1334538043 14649 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14340 14333 23 SWTOR 1334538121 14650 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14341 14334 23 SWTOR 1334538192 14651 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14342 14335 23 SWTOR 1334538268 14652 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14343 14336 23 SWTOR 1334538345 14653 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14344 14337 23 SWTOR 1334538420 14654 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14345 14338 23 SWTOR 1334538497 14655 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14346 14339 23 SWTOR 1334538575 14656 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14347 14340 23 SWTOR 1334538650 14657 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14348 14341 23 SWTOR 1334538725 14658 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14349 14342 23 SWTOR 1334538802 14659 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14350 14343 23 SWTOR 1334538876 14660 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14351 14344 23 SWTOR 1334538951 14661 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14352 14345 23 SWTOR 1334548704 14664 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14353 14346 23 SWTOR 1334548854 14665 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14354 14347 23 SWTOR 1334548935 14666 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14355 14348 23 SWTOR 1334549006 14667 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14356 14349 23 SWTOR 1334549230 14668 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14357 14350 23 SWTOR 1334549385 14669 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14358 14351 23 SWTOR 1334549610 14670 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14359 14352 23 SWTOR 1334549687 14671 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14360 14353 23 SWTOR 1334549764 14672 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14361 14354 23 SWTOR 1334549934 14673 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14362 14355 23 SWTOR 1334550013 14674 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14363 14356 23 SWTOR 1334550089 14675 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14364 14357 23 SWTOR 1334550167 14676 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14365 14358 23 SWTOR 1334550245 14677 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14366 14359 23 SWTOR 1334550321 Hit me up
    14678 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14367 14360 23 SWTOR 1334550397 14679 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14368 14361 23 SWTOR 1334550474 14680 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14369 14362 23 SWTOR 1334550626 14681 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14370 14363 23 SWTOR 1334550700 14682 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14371 14364 23 SWTOR 1334550853 14683 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14372 14365 23 SWTOR 1334550932 14684 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14373 14366 23 SWTOR 1334551007 14685 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14374 14367 23 SWTOR 1334551162 14686 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14375 14368 23 SWTOR 1334551236 14687 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14376 14369 23 SWTOR 1334551313 14688 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14377 14370 23 SWTOR 1334551388 14689 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14378 14371 23 SWTOR 1334551463 14690 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14379 14372 23 SWTOR 1334551613 14691 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14380 14373 23 SWTOR 1334551690 14692 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14381 14374 23 SWTOR 1334551765 14693 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14382 14375 23 SWTOR 1334551842 14694 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14383 14376 23 SWTOR 1334551918 14695 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14384 14377 23 SWTOR 1334552140 14696 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14385 14378 23 SWTOR 1334552215 14697 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14386 14379 23 SWTOR 1334552294 14698 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14387 14380 23 SWTOR 1334552367 14699 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14388 14381 23 SWTOR 1334552443 14700 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14389 14382 23 SWTOR 1334552517 14701 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14390 14383 23 SWTOR 1334552592 14702 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14391 14384 23 SWTOR 1334552667 14703 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14392 14385 23 SWTOR 1334552743 14704 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14393 14386 23 SWTOR 1334552818 14705 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14394 14387 23 SWTOR 1334552895 14706 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14395 14388 23 SWTOR 1334553045 14707 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14396 14389 23 SWTOR 1334553121 14708 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14397 14390 23 SWTOR 1334553197 14709 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14398 14391 23 SWTOR 1334553272 14710 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14399 14392 23 SWTOR 1334553348 14711 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14400 14393 23 SWTOR 1334553424 14712 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14401 14394 23 SWTOR 1334553500 14713 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14402 14395 23 SWTOR 1334553575 14714 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14403 14396 23 SWTOR 1334553652 14715 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14404 14397 23 SWTOR 1334553729 14716 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14405 14398 23 SWTOR 1334553803 14717 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14406 14399 23 SWTOR 1334553955 14718 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14407 14400 23 SWTOR 1334554030 TSIA. Enviar antes del contacto. La compra de los miembros reppedsolamente.
    14719 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14408 14401 23 SWTOR 1334554105 14720 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14409 14402 23 SWTOR 1334554182 14721 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14410 14403 23 SWTOR 1334554258 14722 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14411 14404 23 SWTOR 1334554408 14723 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14412 14405 23 SWTOR 1334554483 14724 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14413 14406 23 SWTOR 1334554561 14725 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14414 14407 23 SWTOR 1334554639 14726 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14415 14408 23 SWTOR 1334554715 14727 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14416 14409 23 SWTOR 1334554793 14728 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14417 14410 23 SWTOR 1334554870 14729 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14418 14411 23 SWTOR 1334554945 14730 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14419 14412 23 SWTOR 1334555095 14731 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14420 14413 23 SWTOR 1334555170 14732 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14421 14414 23 SWTOR 1334555247 14733 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14422 14415 23 SWTOR 1334555322 14734 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14423 14416 23 SWTOR 1334555399 14735 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14424 14417 23 SWTOR 1334555476 14736 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14425 14418 23 SWTOR 1334555553 14737 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14426 14419 23 SWTOR 1334555630 14738 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14427 14420 23 SWTOR 1334555707 14739 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14428 14421 23 SWTOR 1334555784 14740 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14429 14422 23 SWTOR 1334555858 14741 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14430 14423 23 SWTOR 1334556008 14742 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14431 14424 23 SWTOR 1334556158 14743 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14432 14425 23 SWTOR 1334556235 14744 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14433 14426 23 SWTOR 1334556311 14745 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14434 14427 23 SWTOR 1334556386 14746 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14435 14428 23 SWTOR 1334556462 14747 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14436 14429 23 SWTOR 1334556536 14748 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14437 14430 23 SWTOR 1334556616 14749 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14438 14431 23 SWTOR 1334556692 14750 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14439 14432 23 SWTOR 1334556842 14751 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14440 14433 23 SWTOR 1334556918 14752 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14441 14434 23 SWTOR 1334556995 14753 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14442 14435 23 SWTOR 1334557071 14754 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14443 14436 23 SWTOR 1334557147 14755 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14444 14437 23 SWTOR 1334557297 14756 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14445 14438 23 SWTOR 1334557373 14757 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14446 14439 23 SWTOR 1334557448 14758 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14447 14440 23 SWTOR 1334557598 14759 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14448 14441 23 SWTOR 1334557672 14760 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14449 14442 23 SWTOR 1334557748 14761 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14450 14443 23 SWTOR 1334557823 14762 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14451 14444 23 SWTOR 1334557901 14763 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14452 14445 23 SWTOR 1334557975 14764 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14453 14446 23 SWTOR 1334558051 14765 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14454 14447 23 SWTOR 1334558129 14766 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14455 14448 23 SWTOR 1334558202 14767 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14456 14449 23 SWTOR 1334558278 14768 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14457 14450 23 SWTOR 1334558355 Precio de cada uno: 87USD (cliente no descargado) no dude enponerse en contacto. 14769 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14458 14451 23 SWTOR 1334558507 14770 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14459 14452 23 SWTOR 1334558581 14771 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14460 14453 23 SWTOR 1334558657 14772 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14461 14454 23 SWTOR 1334558735 14773 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14462 14455 23 SWTOR 1334558811 14774 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14463 14456 23 SWTOR 1334558890 14775 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14464 14457 23 SWTOR 1334558964 14776 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14465 14458 23 SWTOR 1334559040 14777 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14466 14459 23 SWTOR 1334559189 14778 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14467 14460 23 SWTOR 1334559266 14779 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14468 14461 23 SWTOR 1334559343 14780 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14469 14462 23 SWTOR 1334559419 14781 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14470 14463 23 SWTOR 1334559494 De cara al comercio esta cuenta para obtener una cuenta swtor ocredos en el jek jek servidor de EE.UU. vbforums./rift-buy-...0-account.html 14782 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14471 14464 23 SWTOR 1334559718 14783 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14472 14465 23 SWTOR 1334559795 14784 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14473 14466 23 SWTOR 1334559872 14785 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14474 14467 23 SWTOR 1334559951 14786 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14475 14468 23 SWTOR 1334560026 14787 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14476 14469 23 SWTOR 1334560102 14788 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14477 14470 23 SWTOR 1334560178 14789 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14478 14471 23 SWTOR 1334560253 14790 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14479 14472 23 SWTOR 1334560329 14791 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14480 14473 23 SWTOR 1334560405 14792 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14481 14474 23 SWTOR 1334560482 14793 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14482 14475 23 SWTOR 1334560557 14794 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14483 14476 23 SWTOR 1334560634 14795 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14484 14477 23 SWTOR 1334560709 Aim-Mortalswing voy a ir primero si ur representante es muy alto, sino el dinero en primer lugar. Me ofrecen un precio. 14796 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14485 14478 23 SWTOR 1334560787 14797 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14486 14479 23 SWTOR 1334560860 14798 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14487 14480 23 SWTOR 1334560936 14799 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14488 14481 23 SWTOR 1334561012 14800 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14489 14482 23 SWTOR 1334561162 14801 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14490 14483 23 SWTOR 1334561238 14802 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14491 14484 23 SWTOR 1334561313 14803 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14492 14485 23 SWTOR 1334561389 14804 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14493 14486 23 SWTOR 1334561465 14805 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14494 14487 23 SWTOR 1334561544 14806 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14495 14488 23 SWTOR 1334561622 14807 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14496 14489 23 SWTOR 1334561773 14808 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14497 14490 23 SWTOR 1334561847 borrado debido a la beta abierta invita han salido
    14809 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14498 14491 23 SWTOR 1334561923 14810 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14499 14492 23 SWTOR 1334562000 14811 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14500 14493 23 SWTOR 1334562079 14812 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14501 14494 23 SWTOR 1334562155 14813 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14502 14495 23 SWTOR 1334562232 14814 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14503 14496 23 SWTOR 1334562312 14815 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14504 14497 23 SWTOR 1334562385 14816 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14505 14498 23 SWTOR 1334562460 14817 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14506 14499 23 SWTOR 1334562534 14818 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14507 14500 23 SWTOR 1334562683 14819 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14508 14501 23 SWTOR 1334562833 14820 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14509 14502 23 SWTOR 1334562909 14821 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14510 14503 23 SWTOR 1334562987 14822 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14511 14504 23 SWTOR 1334563135 14823 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14512 14505 23 SWTOR 1334563209 14824 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14513 14506 23 SWTOR 1334563286 14825 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14514 14507 23 SWTOR 1334563362 14826 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14515 14508 23 SWTOR 1334563436 14827 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14516 14509 23 SWTOR 1334563512 14828 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14517 14510 23 SWTOR 1334563730 14829 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14518 14511 23 SWTOR 1334563805 14830 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14519 14512 23 SWTOR 1334563881 14831 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14520 14513 23 SWTOR 1334563957 14832 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14521 14514 23 SWTOR 1334564032 14833 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14522 14515 23 SWTOR 1334564108 14834 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14523 14516 23 SWTOR 1334564183 14835 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14524 14517 23 SWTOR 1334564258 PM me lo que quiere para uno.
    14836 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14525 14518 23 SWTOR 1334564478 14837 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14526 14519 23 SWTOR 1334564554 14838 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14527 14520 23 SWTOR 1334564629 14839 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14528 14521 23 SWTOR 1334564704 14840 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14529 14522 23 SWTOR 1334564779 14841 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14530 14523 23 SWTOR 1334564854 14842 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14531 14524 23 SWTOR 1334564928 14843 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14532 14525 23 SWTOR 1334565004 14844 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14533 14526 23 SWTOR 1334565078 14845 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14534 14527 23 SWTOR 1334565155 14846 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14535 14528 23 SWTOR 1334565230 14847 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14536 14529 23 SWTOR 1334565308 14848 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14537 14530 23 SWTOR 1334565382 14849 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14538 14531 23 SWTOR 1334565457 14850 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14539 14532 23 SWTOR 1334565610 14851 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14540 14533 23 SWTOR 1334565686 14852 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14541 14534 23 SWTOR 1334565762 14853 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14542 14535 23 SWTOR 1334565838 14854 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14543 14536 23 SWTOR 1334565913 14855 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14544 14537 23 SWTOR 1334566062 14856 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14545 14538 23 SWTOR 1334566137 14857 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14546 14539 23 SWTOR 1334566212 14858 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14547 14540 23 SWTOR 1334566289 14859 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14548 14541 23 SWTOR 1334566508 14860 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14549 14542 23 SWTOR 1334566584 14861 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14550 14543 23 SWTOR 1334566659 14862 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14551 14544 23 SWTOR 1334566734 14863 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14552 14545 23 SWTOR 1334566809 14864 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14553 14546 23 SWTOR 1334566885 14865 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14554 14547 23 SWTOR 1334566962 14866 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14555 14548 23 SWTOR 1334567035 14867 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14556 14549 23 SWTOR 1334567109 14868 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14557 14550 23 SWTOR 1334567185 14869 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14558 14551 23 SWTOR 1334567262 14870 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14559 14552 23 SWTOR 1334567339 14871 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14560 14553 23 SWTOR 1334567415 14872 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14561 14554 23 SWTOR 1334567492 14873 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14562 14555 23 SWTOR 1334567640 14874 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14563 14556 23 SWTOR 1334567789 14875 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14564 14557 23 SWTOR 1334567865 14877 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14565 14558 11 Final Fantasy XI 1334567926 99 Ninja, Thief, Warrior, Dark Knight and 90 Samurai - well geared! Abyssea, Dynamis + Sea

    Well-geared hume character, with Ninja, Thief, Warrior, and Dark Knight leveled to 99, and Samurai leveled to 90. Dancer is leveled as a sub-job to 50. This character has completed the Abyssea storyline, has all expansions and add-ons, and has access to Dynamis and to Sea. The character is Rank 6 in San D'Oria. Gear for Ninja includes full Empyrean +2 armor, Ninja Chainmail, Ninja Hatsuburi, Iga Erimaki, Iga Mimikazari, Iga Douchugappa, Kakesu, Kamome, Hochomasamune, Danzo Sune-ate, and Mozu with +8 damage (This weapon needs 48 Briarius Helms to unlock Kannagi). Thief is also full Empyrean +2, and includes the Raider's Boomerang, STR path Thokcha, Triplus Dagger, Rapidus Sax, Auric Dagger, and Oynos Knife. Other notable gear includes Loki's Kaftan, Epona's Ring, Rajas Ring, Brutal Earring, Ocelomeh Headpiece, Ballerines, Ambusher's Hose, Jingang Hose, Strider Boots, Twilight Belt, Atheling Mantle, Anguinus Belt, Soil Gorget, Thunder Gorget, Agasaya's Collar, Tiercel Necklace, and Twilight Torque. Warrior has +2 Empyrean legs, feet, and hands, with +1 mask. Other gear includes Widowmaker, Ravager's Orb, Veloce Zuchetto, Varangian Helm, Jelly Ring, Dark Ring with -5% physical damage taken augment and Bullwhip Belt. Dark Knight has +2 Empyrean head and hands, with +1 feet. Other gear includes Darklinn playerup.com, Kriegsmesser, Timarli Jawshan, Bale Earring, and Ace's Leggings. Samurai has +1 Empyrean head, Soboro Sukeheiro and Asa-Arashi. All jobs have various merits, with fully merited Blade: Shun and Exenterator weaponskills. Ninja and Warrior have all Red Proc weaponskills for Abyssea. Notable Atma include Apocalypse, Gnarled Horn, Razed Ruin, Voracious Violet, Sanguine playerup.com, Stout Arm, Mounted Champion, and Atma of the Lion. There are numerous more, but these are the most useful for these jobs. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to know more about the character. 14878 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14566 14559 23 SWTOR 1334568013 14880 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14567 14560 13 Lord of the Rings 1334568016 LIFETIME account!
    Has Moria and Mirkwood expansions. Character has not received his first legendary items yet, but is ready to get started in Moria. Over 8000 Turbine Points. Supreme Master Cook, Supreme Master Farmer, Supreme Master Tailor 14881 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14568 14561 23 SWTOR 1334568090 14882 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14569 14562 23 SWTOR 1334568165 14883 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14570 14563 23 SWTOR 1334568238 14884 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14571 14564 23 SWTOR 1334568314 14885 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14572 14565 23 SWTOR 1334568389 14886 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14573 14566 23 SWTOR 1334568464 14887 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14574 14567 23 SWTOR 1334568613 14888 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14575 14568 23 SWTOR 1334568690 14889 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14576 14569 23 SWTOR 1334568909 14890 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14577 14570 23 SWTOR 1334568986 14891 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14578 14571 23 SWTOR 1334569061 14892 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14579 14572 23 SWTOR 1334569209 14893 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14580 14573 23 SWTOR 1334569284 Estoy buscando una cuenta beta SWTOR. De cara al gastar alrededor de $ 150 a lo largo de Paypal. Mensaje / PM me por favor, gracias.
    14894 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14581 14574 23 SWTOR 1334569359 14895 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14582 14575 23 SWTOR 1334569434 14896 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14583 14576 23 SWTOR 1334569509 14897 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14584 14577 23 SWTOR 1334569585 14898 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14585 14578 23 SWTOR 1334569659 14899 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14586 14579 23 SWTOR 1334569734 14900 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14587 14580 23 SWTOR 1334569811 14901 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14588 14581 23 SWTOR 1334569886 14902 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14589 14582 23 SWTOR 1334569963 14903 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14590 14583 23 SWTOR 1334570040 14904 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14591 14584 23 SWTOR 1334570113 14905 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14592 14585 23 SWTOR 1334570189 14906 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14593 14586 23 SWTOR 1334570265 14907 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14594 14587 23 SWTOR 1334570341 14908 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14595 14588 23 SWTOR 1334570490 damienrobbins @ yahoo HMU con ofertas. 14909 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14596 14589 23 SWTOR 1334570566 14910 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14597 14590 23 SWTOR 1334570642 14911 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14598 14591 23 SWTOR 1334570719 14912 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14599 14592 23 SWTOR 1334570794 acaba de conseguir que me pm,
    14913 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14600 14593 23 SWTOR 1334570871 14914 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14601 14594 23 SWTOR 1334571022 el doble de publicar lo siento
    14915 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14602 14595 23 SWTOR 1334571099 14916 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14603 14596 23 SWTOR 1334571249 14917 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14604 14597 23 SWTOR 1334571324 14918 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14605 14598 23 SWTOR 1334571399 Todo Vendido
    14919 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14606 14599 23 SWTOR 1334571475 14920 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14607 14600 23 SWTOR 1334571552 14921 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14608 14601 23 SWTOR 1334571626 14922 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14609 14602 23 SWTOR 1334571777 14923 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14610 14603 23 SWTOR 1334571853 14924 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14611 14604 23 SWTOR 1334571928 14925 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14612 14605 23 SWTOR 1334572003 14926 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14613 14606 23 SWTOR 1334572080 14927 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14614 14607 23 SWTOR 1334572156 14928 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14615 14608 23 SWTOR 1334572232 14929 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14616 14609 23 SWTOR 1334572379 14930 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14617 14610 23 SWTOR 1334572455 14931 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14618 14611 23 SWTOR 1334572531 Tengo una tarjeta de 60 Swtor y desea cambiarlo por una tarjeta de60 el tiempo de la UE wow
    14932 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14619 14612 23 SWTOR 1334572606 14933 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14620 14613 23 SWTOR 1334572683 14934 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14621 14614 23 SWTOR 1334572833 14935 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14622 14615 23 SWTOR 1334572912 14936 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14623 14616 23 SWTOR 1334572986 14937 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14624 14617 23 SWTOR 1334573062 14938 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14625 14618 23 SWTOR 1334573211 14939 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14626 14619 23 SWTOR 1334573287 14940 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14627 14620 23 SWTOR 1334573362 14941 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14628 14621 23 SWTOR 1334573438 14942 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14629 14622 23 SWTOR 1334573514 14943 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14630 14623 23 SWTOR 1334573589 14944 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14631 14624 23 SWTOR 1334573666 14945 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14632 14625 23 SWTOR 1334573743 14946 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14633 14626 23 SWTOR 1334573817 14947 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14634 14627 23 SWTOR 1334573966 14948 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14635 14628 23 SWTOR 1334574041 14949 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14636 14629 23 SWTOR 1334574115 14950 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14637 14630 23 SWTOR 1334574264 14951 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14638 14631 23 SWTOR 1334574342 14952 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14639 14632 23 SWTOR 1334574417 14953 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14640 14633 23 SWTOR 1334574492 14954 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14641 14634 23 SWTOR 1334574567 $ 750 USD objetivo d2spacemonkey 14955 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14642 14635 23 SWTOR 1334574643 14956 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14643 14636 23 SWTOR 1334574721 14957 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14644 14637 23 SWTOR 1334574795 14958 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14645 14638 23 SWTOR 1334574871 14960 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14646 14639 23 SWTOR 1334574947 14961 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14647 14640 23 SWTOR 1334575022 14962 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14648 14641 23 SWTOR 1334575173 14963 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14649 14642 23 SWTOR 1334575248 Que desee comprar un cd key SWTOR, dispuesto a ir primero a los miembros repped, puesto antes de contacing. : timtimtim_x 14964 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14650 14643 23 SWTOR 1334575324 14965 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14651 14644 23 SWTOR 1334575401 : El contacto Nolimitsnipers mensaje b4favor 14966 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14652 14645 23 SWTOR 1334575473 14967 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14653 14646 23 SWTOR 1334575622 14968 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14654 14647 23 SWTOR 1334575698 14969 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14655 14648 23 SWTOR 1334575774 14970 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14656 14649 23 SWTOR 1334575849 14971 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14657 14650 23 SWTOR 1334575925 14972 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14658 14651 23 SWTOR 1334576004 14973 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14659 14652 23 SWTOR 1334576077 14974 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14660 14653 23 SWTOR 1334576154 14975 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14661 14654 23 SWTOR 1334576229 14976 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14662 14655 23 SWTOR 1334576305 Tuve suerte hoy y me dieron una llave para el juego, pero no me gusta y quiero venderla. 14977 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14663 14656 23 SWTOR 1334576381 14978 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14664 14657 23 SWTOR 1334576457 Hit me up
    14979 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14665 14658 23 SWTOR 1334576533 14980 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14666 14659 23 SWTOR 1334576610 14981 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14667 14660 23 SWTOR 1334576684 14982 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14668 14661 23 SWTOR 1334576762 14983 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14669 14662 23 SWTOR 1334576837 14984 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14670 14663 23 SWTOR 1334576912 Mirando al comercio 600k en el lado de Pall Imp Ajunta de 500k en el infinito puerta, han anyquestions ponerse en contacto con objetivopogo.2008 @ 14985 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14671 14664 23 SWTOR 1334576987 14986 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14672 14665 23 SWTOR 1334577063 14987 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14673 14666 23 SWTOR 1334577139 14988 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14674 14667 23 SWTOR 1334577214 14989 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14675 14668 23 SWTOR 1334577289 14990 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14676 14669 23 SWTOR 1334577370 14991 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14677 14670 23 SWTOR 1334577442 14992 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14678 14671 23 SWTOR 1334577518 14993 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14679 14672 23 SWTOR 1334577594 Tema en contacto conmigo por @ Umokthar 14994 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14680 14673 23 SWTOR 1334577672 14995 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14681 14674 23 SWTOR 1334577750 14996 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14682 14675 23 SWTOR 1334577828 14997 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14683 14676 23 SWTOR 1334577979 14998 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14684 14677 23 SWTOR 1334578054 14999 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14685 14678 23 SWTOR 1334578130 15000 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14686 14679 23 SWTOR 1334578206 15001 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14687 14680 23 SWTOR 1334578281 15002 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14688 14681 23 SWTOR 1334578356 15003 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14689 14682 23 SWTOR 1334578432 15004 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14690 14683 23 SWTOR 1334578508 15005 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14691 14684 23 SWTOR 1334578585 15006 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14692 14685 23 SWTOR 1334578736 15007 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14693 14686 23 SWTOR 1334578884 Veela LOT imperio venta de ese metal LOTE DE VENTA Veelaimperio de oro Veela imperio VENTA TERRENO DE ORO
    15008 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14694 14687 23 SWTOR 1334578961 15009 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14695 14688 23 SWTOR 1334579037 15010 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14696 14689 23 SWTOR 1334579113 15011 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14697 14690 23 SWTOR 1334579188 15012 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14698 14691 23 SWTOR 1334579264 15013 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14699 14692 23 SWTOR 1334579413 15014 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14700 14693 23 SWTOR 1334579490 15015 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14701 14694 23 SWTOR 1334579640 15016 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14702 14695 23 SWTOR 1334579718 15017 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14703 14696 23 SWTOR 1334579791 15018 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14704 14697 23 SWTOR 1334579866 15019 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14705 14698 23 SWTOR 1334579942 15020 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14706 14699 23 SWTOR 1334580018 Tengo uno que no necesita publicar antes de contactar. 15021 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14707 14700 23 SWTOR 1334580093 15022 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14708 14701 23 SWTOR 1334580169 15023 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14709 14702 23 SWTOR 1334580245 15024 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14710 14703 23 SWTOR 1334580323 15025 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14711 14704 23 SWTOR 1334580397 15026 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14712 14705 23 SWTOR 1334580474 Me cambio de juegos para SWTOR. Mirando para cambiar la divisa de mi wow para la moneda SWTOR. No estoy interesado en intercambiar el oro a otro servidor. Valoro mi wow gold alrededor de $ 100. Gracias por tu tiempo y espero que podamos llegar a un acuerdo! <3 Sierra
    15027 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14713 14706 23 SWTOR 1334580549 15028 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14714 14707 23 SWTOR 1334580627 15029 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14715 14708 23 SWTOR 1334580706 15030 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14716 14709 23 SWTOR 1334580855 15031 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14717 14710 23 SWTOR 1334580931 15032 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14718 14711 23 SWTOR 1334581007 15033 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14719 14712 23 SWTOR 1334581084 15034 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14720 14713 23 SWTOR 1334581233 15035 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14721 14714 23 SWTOR 1334581308 15036 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14722 14715 23 SWTOR 1334581388 15037 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14723 14716 23 SWTOR 1334581682 15038 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14724 14717 23 SWTOR 1334581755 15039 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14725 14718 23 SWTOR 1334581831 15040 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14726 14719 23 SWTOR 1334581906 15041 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14727 14720 23 SWTOR 1334581981 WTB 50 Yelmo de la SIDE Graush IMPERIO DEL SERVIDOR!-Virtuamd 15042 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14728 14721 23 SWTOR 1334582056 15043 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14729 14722 23 SWTOR 1334582134 15044 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14730 14723 23 SWTOR 1334582206 15045 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14731 14724 23 SWTOR 1334582283 15046 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14732 14725 23 SWTOR 1334582429 15047 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14733 14726 23 SWTOR 1334582577 15048 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14734 14727 23 SWTOR 1334582653 15049 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14735 14728 23 SWTOR 1334582729 15050 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14736 14729 23 SWTOR 1334582804 15051 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14737 14730 23 SWTOR 1334582877 WTB LOCO TOR CUENTA! DPS DE CLASE! PvP engranajes!-Virtuamd
    15052 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14738 14731 23 SWTOR 1334582951 15053 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14739 14732 23 SWTOR 1334583025 15054 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14740 14733 23 SWTOR 1334583102 15055 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14741 14734 23 SWTOR 1334583178 15056 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14742 14735 23 SWTOR 1334583254 15057 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14743 14736 23 SWTOR 1334583333 15058 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14744 14737 23 SWTOR 1334583408 15059 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14745 14738 23 SWTOR 1334583485 15060 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14746 14739 23 SWTOR 1334583559 15061 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14747 14740 23 SWTOR 1334583637 15062 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14748 14741 23 SWTOR 1334583711 15063 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14749 14742 23 SWTOR 1334583789 15064 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14750 14743 23 SWTOR 1334583862 15065 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14751 14744 23 SWTOR 1334584011 15066 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14752 14745 23 SWTOR 1334584085 15067 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14753 14746 23 SWTOR 1334584161 15068 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14754 14747 23 SWTOR 1334584237 15069 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14755 14748 23 SWTOR 1334584314 15070 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14756 14749 23 SWTOR 1334584537 15071 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14757 14750 23 SWTOR 1334584613 15072 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14758 14751 23 SWTOR 1334584689 15073 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14759 14752 23 SWTOR 1334584838 15074 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14760 14753 23 SWTOR 1334584992 El mirar para comprar nuevos sin usar de Star Wars cd key $ 40PayPal
    15075 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14761 14754 23 SWTOR 1334585065 WTB Star Wars Old tecla R
    15076 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14762 14755 23 SWTOR 1334585214 15077 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14763 14756 23 SWTOR 1334585288 15078 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14764 14757 23 SWTOR 1334585363 15079 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14765 14758 23 SWTOR 1334585440 15080 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14766 14759 23 SWTOR 1334585514 Tengo que gastar 300,00 ser de fiar y listo para probarlo. En cuanto a todas las clases. : Twiztidfate321
    15081 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14767 14760 23 SWTOR 1334585589 15082 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14768 14761 23 SWTOR 1334585665 15083 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14769 14762 23 SWTOR 1334585739 15084 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14770 14763 23 SWTOR 1334585813 15085 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14771 14764 23 SWTOR 1334585889 15086 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14772 14765 23 SWTOR 1334585963 15087 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14773 14766 23 SWTOR 1334586038 15088 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14774 14767 23 SWTOR 1334586188 15089 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14775 14768 23 SWTOR 1334586264 15090 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14776 14769 23 SWTOR 1334586338 15091 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14777 14770 23 SWTOR 1334586413 el pago de PayPal 200USD 15092 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14778 14771 23 SWTOR 1334586488 Como dice el titulo estoy buscando una cuenta, por la tarde meofrece. 15093 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14779 14772 23 SWTOR 1334586563 15094 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14780 14773 23 SWTOR 1334586639 15095 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14781 14774 23 SWTOR 1334586715 15096 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14782 14775 23 SWTOR 1334586795 15097 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14783 14776 23 SWTOR 1334586869 15098 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14784 14777 23 SWTOR 1334586944 Por ahora kingdancy34 15099 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14785 14778 23 SWTOR 1334587020 15100 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14786 14779 23 SWTOR 1334587095 15101 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14787 14780 23 SWTOR 1334587172 15102 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14788 14781 23 SWTOR 1334587246 15103 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14789 14782 23 SWTOR 1334587323 15104 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14790 14783 23 SWTOR 1334587472 15105 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14791 14784 23 SWTOR 1334587622 15106 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14792 14785 23 SWTOR 1334587771 15108 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14793 14786 23 SWTOR 1334587845 15109 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14794 14787 23 SWTOR 1334587927 15110 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14795 14788 23 SWTOR 1334587999 15111 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14796 14789 23 SWTOR 1334588074 15112 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14797 14790 23 SWTOR 1334588222 15113 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14798 14791 23 SWTOR 1334588302 15114 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14799 14792 23 SWTOR 1334588448 15115 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14800 14793 23 SWTOR 1334588523 15116 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14801 14794 23 SWTOR 1334588599 15117 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14802 14795 23 SWTOR 1334588676 15118 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14803 14796 23 SWTOR 1334588749 15119 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14804 14797 23 SWTOR 1334588824 15120 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14805 14798 23 SWTOR 1334588901 15121 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14806 14799 23 SWTOR 1334588975 15122 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14807 14800 23 SWTOR 1334589052 15123 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14808 14801 23 SWTOR 1334589200 15124 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14809 14802 23 SWTOR 1334589276 15125 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14810 14803 23 SWTOR 1334589426 15126 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14811 14804 23 SWTOR 1334589499 15127 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14812 14805 23 SWTOR 1334589579 15128 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14813 14806 23 SWTOR 1334589727 15129 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14814 14807 23 SWTOR 1334589803 15130 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14815 14808 23 SWTOR 1334589879 15131 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14816 14809 23 SWTOR 1334589957 15132 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14817 14810 23 SWTOR 1334590105 15133 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14818 14811 23 SWTOR 1334590181 Link to Post vbforums. / Estrella wars...-Us-realm.html objetivomandi25chris
    15134 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14819 14812 23 SWTOR 1334590261 15135 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14820 14813 23 SWTOR 1334590334 15136 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14821 14814 23 SWTOR 1334590408 15137 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14822 14815 23 SWTOR 1334590487 15138 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14823 14816 23 SWTOR 1334590560 15139 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14824 14817 23 SWTOR 1334590637 15140 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14825 14818 23 SWTOR 1334590714 15141 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14826 14819 23 SWTOR 1334590790 15142 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14827 14820 23 SWTOR 1334590865 15143 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14828 14821 23 SWTOR 1334590941 15144 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14829 14822 23 SWTOR 1334591013 El acceso a la WTS SWTOR fin de semana beta de 11-13 hit me up
    15145 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14830 14823 23 SWTOR 1334591163 15146 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14831 14824 23 SWTOR 1334591239 15147 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14832 14825 23 SWTOR 1334591315 15148 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14833 14826 23 SWTOR 1334591469 Ponte en contacto conmigo il lo venden muy barato 15149 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14834 14827 23 SWTOR 1334591543 15150 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14835 14828 23 SWTOR 1334591618 15151 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14836 14829 23 SWTOR 1334591694 15152 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14837 14830 23 SWTOR 1334591771 15153 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14838 14831 23 SWTOR 1334591919 15154 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14839 14832 23 SWTOR 1334591995 15155 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14840 14833 23 SWTOR 1334592071 15156 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14841 14834 23 SWTOR 1334592223 15157 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14842 14835 23 SWTOR 1334592297 15158 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14843 14836 23 SWTOR 1334592372 15159 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14844 14837 23 SWTOR 1334592447 Hola, estoy vendiendo mi cuenta de swtor. Puedes jugar a 07.07 PM me Considera que su oferta,
    15160 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14845 14838 23 SWTOR 1334592524 15161 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14846 14839 23 SWTOR 1334592598 15162 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14847 14840 23 SWTOR 1334592674 15163 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14848 14841 23 SWTOR 1334592749 15164 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14849 14842 23 SWTOR 1334592824 15165 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14850 14843 23 SWTOR 1334592903 15166 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14851 14844 23 SWTOR 1334592979 15167 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14852 14845 23 SWTOR 1334593055 15168 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14853 14846 23 SWTOR 1334593132 15169 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14854 14847 23 SWTOR 1334593287 15170 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14855 14848 23 SWTOR 1334593363 15171 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14856 14849 23 SWTOR 1334593511 15172 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14857 14850 23 SWTOR 1334593587 15173 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14858 14851 23 SWTOR 1334593664 15174 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14859 14852 23 SWTOR 1334593814 15175 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14860 14853 23 SWTOR 1334593889 15176 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14861 14854 23 SWTOR 1334593965 15177 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14862 14855 23 SWTOR 1334594041 15178 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14863 14856 23 SWTOR 1334594117 15179 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14864 14857 23 SWTOR 1334594194 vendido
    15180 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14865 14858 23 SWTOR 1334594273 15183 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14866 14859 23 SWTOR 1334594498 15184 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14867 14860 23 SWTOR 1334594573 15185 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14868 14861 23 SWTOR 1334594648 15186 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14869 14862 23 SWTOR 1334594798 15187 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14870 14863 23 SWTOR 1334594873 15188 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14871 14864 23 SWTOR 1334594949 15189 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14872 14865 23 SWTOR 1334595027 WTS Imperio Sith Marauder Doble Speaers Tiene toneladas demorados de EV Flashpoint y lugar 15190 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14873 14866 23 SWTOR 1334595104 15191 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14874 14867 23 SWTOR 1334595181 15192 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14875 14868 23 SWTOR 1334595257 15193 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14876 14869 23 SWTOR 1334595332 15194 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14877 14870 23 SWTOR 1334595407 15195 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14878 14871 23 SWTOR 1334595557 15196 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14879 14872 23 SWTOR 1334595631 15197 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14880 14873 23 SWTOR 1334595708 15198 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14881 14874 23 SWTOR 1334595857 15199 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14882 14875 23 SWTOR 1334595931 15200 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14883 14876 23 SWTOR 1334596007 15201 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14884 14877 23 SWTOR 1334596155 15202 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14885 14878 23 SWTOR 1334596231 15203 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14886 14879 23 SWTOR 1334596306 15204 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14887 14880 23 SWTOR 1334596383 15205 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14888 14881 23 SWTOR 1334596458 15206 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14889 14882 23 SWTOR 1334596535 15207 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14890 14883 23 SWTOR 1334596610 15208 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14891 14884 23 SWTOR 1334596685 15209 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14892 14885 23 SWTOR 1334596832 15210 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14893 14886 23 SWTOR 1334596909 15211 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14894 14887 23 SWTOR 1334596988 15212 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14895 14888 23 SWTOR 1334597137 15213 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14896 14889 23 SWTOR 1334597215 15214 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14897 14890 23 SWTOR 1334597292 15215 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14898 14891 23 SWTOR 1334597439 15216 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14899 14892 23 SWTOR 1334597515 15217 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14900 14893 23 SWTOR 1334597592 15218 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14901 14894 23 SWTOR 1334597666 15219 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14902 14895 23 SWTOR 1334597744 15220 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14903 14896 23 SWTOR 1334597823 15221 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14904 14897 23 SWTOR 1334597970 15222 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14905 14898 23 SWTOR 1334598045 15223 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14906 14899 23 SWTOR 1334598119 15224 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14907 14900 23 SWTOR 1334598197 Hi everyone, I am selling my SWTOR account. I got invited earlier last week. This account has been activated/played on and there are characters on the account (which can be easily deleted). I live in Canada, but the account can go to anyone in the United States. I can and will explain more about this in any PMs I get that are interested in the account, I am sure it won't be a problem. I will provide screenshots to back up everything I say and prove that I have access to the beta. I will be on all day and check my messages frequently so that anyone interested can have a quick and smooth purchase. I am PayPal verified, and it would be awesome if the buyer was as well. In the case anything bad happens, I will also offer a refund. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 04:24 PM ---------- Woops, put the wrong price in the title, I meant to drop it to 300$. The beta group I am in has no end-date and they want us to complete the storyline for at least one character (ala 50) so this phase is expected to last at least for a while, likely until Launch. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 05:25 PM ---------- Dropping price to $250. I want to get my graphics card really bad! Will respond quickly to PM's and will answer and provide any information you want. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 08:08 PM ---------- Still available as of 8:00 Central. Still here and will answer any PMs ASAP. 15225 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14908 14901 23 SWTOR 1334598272 15226 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14909 14902 23 SWTOR 1334598348 15227 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14910 14903 23 SWTOR 1334598497 15228 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14911 14904 23 SWTOR 1334598648 15229 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14912 14905 23 SWTOR 1334598796 15230 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14913 14906 23 SWTOR 1334598872 15231 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14914 14907 23 SWTOR 1334598948 15232 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14915 14908 23 SWTOR 1334599095 15233 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14916 14909 23 SWTOR 1334599173 15234 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14917 14910 23 SWTOR 1334599249 15235 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14918 14911 23 SWTOR 1334599327 15236 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14919 14912 23 SWTOR 1334599474 15237 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14920 14913 23 SWTOR 1334599550 15238 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14921 14914 23 SWTOR 1334599626 15239 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14922 14915 23 SWTOR 1334599701 15240 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14923 14916 23 SWTOR 1334599923 15241 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14924 14917 23 SWTOR 1334600000 15242 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14925 14918 23 SWTOR 1334600076 15243 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14926 14919 23 SWTOR 1334600226 15244 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14927 14920 23 SWTOR 1334600304 15245 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14928 14921 23 SWTOR 1334600377 15246 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14929 14922 23 SWTOR 1334600453 15247 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14930 14923 10 Eve Online 1334600495 You are paying for a 120mil skill point character , one of the oldest characters in eve with 4 bill in isk and hundreds of ships ranging from capitals , T3's and faction/pirate ships. This character is not to be missed!

    Ive owned this Character for a lot of years now , he is perfectly spec'd for PvP , is able to fly every ship in the game and has a excellent kill / death ratio

    Race: Caldari
    Gender: Male
    Sec status - Postive
    Jumpclones: x5 including slave , crystal and snake set implants
    15249 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14931 14924 23 SWTOR 1334600528 15250 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14932 14925 23 SWTOR 1334600605 15251 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14933 14926 23 SWTOR 1334600754 15252 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14934 14927 23 SWTOR 1334600828 15254 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14935 14928 23 SWTOR 1334601050 15255 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14936 14929 23 SWTOR 1334601125 15256 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14937 14930 23 SWTOR 1334601199 15257 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14938 14931 23 SWTOR 1334601276 15258 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14939 14932 23 SWTOR 1334601349 15259 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14940 14933 23 SWTOR 1334601423 15260 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14941 14934 23 SWTOR 1334601497 15261 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14942 14935 23 SWTOR 1334601574 15262 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14943 14936 23 SWTOR 1334601648 15263 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14944 14937 23 SWTOR 1334601724 15264 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14945 14938 23 SWTOR 1334601798 15265 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14946 14939 23 SWTOR 1334601874 vbforums. / wow-EE.UU.-a...red rogue.html-Ese es el hilo. Hit me upen el interior de la misma y hablaremos. Yo soy el OO. 15266 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14947 14940 23 SWTOR 1334601950 15267 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14948 14941 23 SWTOR 1334602028 15268 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14949 14942 23 SWTOR 1334602102 15269 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14950 14943 23 SWTOR 1334602178 15270 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14951 14944 23 SWTOR 1334602254 15271 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14952 14945 23 SWTOR 1334602329 15272 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14953 14946 23 SWTOR 1334602408 15273 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14954 14947 23 SWTOR 1334602558 15274 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14955 14948 23 SWTOR 1334602709 15275 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14956 14949 23 SWTOR 1334602786 15276 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14957 14950 23 SWTOR 1334602861 15277 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14958 14951 23 SWTOR 1334603011 15278 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14959 14952 23 SWTOR 1334603085 15279 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14960 14953 23 SWTOR 1334603159 Raspe esta entrada
    15280 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14961 14954 23 SWTOR 1334603309 15281 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14962 14955 23 SWTOR 1334603386 15282 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14963 14956 23 SWTOR 1334603459 15283 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14964 14957 23 SWTOR 1334603535 15284 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14965 14958 23 SWTOR 1334603609 15285 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14966 14959 23 SWTOR 1334603685 15286 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14967 14960 23 SWTOR 1334603836 15287 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14968 14961 23 SWTOR 1334603909 15288 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14969 14962 23 SWTOR 1334603985 15289 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14970 14963 23 SWTOR 1334604136 15290 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14971 14964 23 SWTOR 1334604211 15291 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14972 14965 23 SWTOR 1334604289 15292 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14973 14966 23 SWTOR 1334604365 15293 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14974 14967 23 SWTOR 1334604439 15294 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14975 14968 23 SWTOR 1334604514 15295 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14976 14969 23 SWTOR 1334604590 15296 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14977 14970 23 SWTOR 1334604668 15297 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14978 14971 23 SWTOR 1334604743 15298 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14979 14972 23 SWTOR 1334604820 15299 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14980 14973 23 SWTOR 1334604895 15300 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14981 14974 23 SWTOR 1334604971 15301 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14982 14975 23 SWTOR 1334605047 15302 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14983 14976 23 SWTOR 1334605124 15303 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14984 14977 23 SWTOR 1334605200 15304 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14985 14978 23 SWTOR 1334605277 15305 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14986 14979 23 SWTOR 1334605354 15306 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14987 14980 23 SWTOR 1334605430 15307 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14988 14981 23 SWTOR 1334605507 15308 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14989 14982 23 SWTOR 1334605583 15309 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14990 14983 23 SWTOR 1334605659 15310 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14991 14984 23 SWTOR 1334605734 15311 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14992 14985 23 SWTOR 1334605884 15312 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14993 14986 23 SWTOR 1334605960 15313 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14994 14987 23 SWTOR 1334606036 15314 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14995 14988 23 SWTOR 1334606115 15315 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14996 14989 23 SWTOR 1334606193 15316 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14997 14990 23 SWTOR 1334606265 15317 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14998 14991 23 SWTOR 1334606341 15318 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    14999 14992 23 SWTOR 1334606417 15319 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15000 14993 23 SWTOR 1334606493 15320 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15001 14994 23 SWTOR 1334606568 15321 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15002 14995 23 SWTOR 1334606719 15322 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15003 14996 23 SWTOR 1334606793 15323 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15004 14997 23 SWTOR 1334606868 15324 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15005 14998 23 SWTOR 1334606944 15325 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15006 14999 23 SWTOR 1334607021 15326 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15007 15000 23 SWTOR 1334607095 15327 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15008 15001 23 SWTOR 1334618949 15338 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15009 15002 23 SWTOR 1334619098 15339 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15010 15003 23 SWTOR 1334619186 15340 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15011 15004 23 SWTOR 1334619252 15341 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15012 15005 38 FFXI Accounts 1334619292 15342 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15013 15006 23 SWTOR 1334619403 15344 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15014 15007 23 SWTOR 1334619554 15345 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15015 15008 38 FFXI Accounts 1334619582 15346 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15016 15009 23 SWTOR 1334619629 15347 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15017 15010 38 FFXI Accounts 1334619838 (90nin 90 THF 78 smn) (88 rdm, 78 WHM, 70 +THF)
    15348 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15018 15011 23 SWTOR 1334619859 15349 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15019 15012 23 SWTOR 1334619939 15350 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15020 15013 23 SWTOR 1334620015 15351 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15021 15014 38 FFXI Accounts 1334620074 15352 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15022 15015 23 SWTOR 1334620093 15353 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15023 15016 23 SWTOR 1334620169 15354 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15024 15017 23 SWTOR 1334620246 15355 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15025 15018 23 SWTOR 1334620322 15356 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15026 15019 38 FFXI Accounts 1334620332 15357 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15027 15020 23 SWTOR 1334620400 15358 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15028 15021 23 SWTOR 1334620476 15359 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15029 15022 23 SWTOR 1334620557 15360 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15030 15023 23 SWTOR 1334620630 15361 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15031 15024 38 FFXI Accounts 1334620702 15362 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15032 15025 23 SWTOR 1334620706 15363 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15033 15026 38 FFXI Accounts 1334620767 15364 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15034 15027 23 SWTOR 1334620782 15365 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15035 15028 23 SWTOR 1334620859 15366 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15036 15029 23 SWTOR 1334620935 15367 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15037 15030 23 SWTOR 1334621012 15368 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15038 15031 23 SWTOR 1334621088 15369 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15039 15032 23 SWTOR 1334621166 15370 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15040 15033 23 SWTOR 1334621242 15371 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15041 15034 23 SWTOR 1334621320 15372 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15042 15035 38 FFXI Accounts 1334621340 15373 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15043 15036 23 SWTOR 1334621397 15374 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15044 15037 23 SWTOR 1334621474 15375 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15045 15038 38 FFXI Accounts 1334621478 15376 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15046 15039 23 SWTOR 1334621550 visent sfn133 Si vous avez moins de rep que moi, vous irez d'abord.
    15377 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15047 15040 23 SWTOR 1334621628 15378 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15048 15041 38 FFXI Accounts 1334621668 15379 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15049 15042 23 SWTOR 1334621702 15380 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15050 15043 38 FFXI Accounts 1334621776 15381 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15051 15044 23 SWTOR 1334621778 15382 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15052 15045 23 SWTOR 1334621854 15383 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15053 15046 38 FFXI Accounts 1334621928 15384 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15054 15047 23 SWTOR 1334622006 15385 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15055 15048 38 FFXI Accounts 1334622031 15386 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15056 15049 23 SWTOR 1334622088 15387 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15057 15050 38 FFXI Accounts 1334622108 15388 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15058 15051 23 SWTOR 1334622165 15389 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15059 15052 38 FFXI Accounts 1334622183 15390 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15060 15053 23 SWTOR 1334622241 15391 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15061 15054 38 FFXI Accounts 1334622260 15392 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15062 15055 38 FFXI Accounts 1334622336 15393 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15063 15056 23 SWTOR 1334622391 15394 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15064 15057 23 SWTOR 1334622466 15395 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15065 15058 23 SWTOR 1334622543 15396 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15066 15059 23 SWTOR 1334622619 15397 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15067 15060 23 SWTOR 1334622695 15398 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15068 15061 23 SWTOR 1334622772 15399 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15069 15062 23 SWTOR 1334622850 15400 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15070 15063 23 SWTOR 1334622930 15401 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15071 15064 23 SWTOR 1334623003 15402 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15072 15065 23 SWTOR 1334623079 15403 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15073 15066 23 SWTOR 1334623155 15404 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15074 15067 23 SWTOR 1334623234 15405 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15075 15068 23 SWTOR 1334623308 15406 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15076 15069 23 SWTOR 1334623385 15407 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15077 15070 23 SWTOR 1334623462 15408 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15078 15071 23 SWTOR 1334623539 15409 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15079 15072 23 SWTOR 1334623617 15410 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15080 15073 23 SWTOR 1334623693 15411 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15081 15074 23 SWTOR 1334623770 15412 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15082 15075 23 SWTOR 1334623847 15413 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15083 15076 38 FFXI Accounts 1334623847 15414 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15084 15077 38 FFXI Accounts 1334623907 15415 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15085 15078 23 SWTOR 1334623928 15416 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15086 15079 23 SWTOR 1334624006 15417 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15087 15080 23 SWTOR 1334624083 15418 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15088 15081 38 FFXI Accounts 1334624095 15419 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15089 15082 23 SWTOR 1334624160 15420 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15090 15083 38 FFXI Accounts 1334624232 15421 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15091 15084 23 SWTOR 1334624236 15422 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15092 15085 23 SWTOR 1334624389 15423 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15093 15086 23 SWTOR 1334624542 15424 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15094 15087 23 SWTOR 1334624692 15425 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15095 15088 23 SWTOR 1334624768 15426 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15096 15089 23 SWTOR 1334624920 15427 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15097 15090 23 SWTOR 1334624996 15428 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15098 15091 23 SWTOR 1334625148 15429 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15099 15092 23 SWTOR 1334625226 15430 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15100 15093 23 SWTOR 1334625303 15431 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15101 15094 23 SWTOR 1334625378 15432 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15102 15095 23 SWTOR 1334625454 15433 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15103 15096 23 SWTOR 1334625531 15434 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15104 15097 23 SWTOR 1334625608 15435 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15105 15098 23 SWTOR 1334625764 15436 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15106 15099 23 SWTOR 1334625840 15437 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15107 15100 23 SWTOR 1334625989 15438 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15108 15101 23 SWTOR 1334626065 15439 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15109 15102 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626124 Je cherche un compte FFXI, aucun emploi ok, mais il doit est de l'UE et de Hume F.if quelqu'un a eu lui et veux le vendre. PM moi ok. 15440 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15110 15103 23 SWTOR 1334626142 15441 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15111 15104 23 SWTOR 1334626217 15442 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15112 15105 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626244 15443 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15113 15106 23 SWTOR 1334626296 15444 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15114 15107 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626349 15445 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15115 15108 23 SWTOR 1334626375 15446 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15116 15109 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626440 15447 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15117 15110 23 SWTOR 1334626452 15448 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15118 15111 23 SWTOR 1334626529 15449 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15119 15112 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626543 15450 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15120 15113 23 SWTOR 1334626606 15451 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15121 15114 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626644 15452 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15122 15115 23 SWTOR 1334626682 15453 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15123 15116 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626746 15454 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15124 15117 23 SWTOR 1334626759 15455 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15125 15118 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626849 15456 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15126 15119 23 SWTOR 1334626912 15457 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15127 15120 38 FFXI Accounts 1334626950 15458 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15128 15121 23 SWTOR 1334626989 15459 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15129 15122 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627053 15460 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15130 15123 23 SWTOR 1334627067 15461 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15131 15124 23 SWTOR 1334627143 15462 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15132 15125 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627153 15463 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15133 15126 23 SWTOR 1334627218 15464 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15134 15127 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627255 15465 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15135 15128 23 SWTOR 1334627295 15466 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15136 15129 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627357 15467 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15137 15130 23 SWTOR 1334627374 The account is a collectors edition account as well I should mention. 50 powertech is on The FatMan (US East) Commando and Scoundrel are on Saber Of Exar Kun (US East) Powertech is Valor Rank 69 currently, will probably be 70 before I sell the account (This is War Hero) - Has main battlemaster pieces (weapon, offhand, chest, boots, belt, wrist, helmet) as well as implants, earpiece etc. - Has matrix cube, all the biochem adrenals, maxed professions (biochem/analysis/underworld trading) - Has full champion tank set, 1000 warzone/mercenary commedations, 377 champion commedations, 558 centurion, 121 fleet. 2 million credits Some PVE gear 99.9% of the time I am top DPS in all Warzones, pyrotech powertech is fun to play, and easily one of the best DPS in the game. Character has all the tanking items to go right in to hardmode operations and tank fine. Commando has 56+ valor rank - Full champion set - Extra commendations etc - 600k+ credits - 400 cybertech/scavenging/underworld trading (has all rakata grenades) - Has nearly full sets of every other type of set (healing, etc) in champion - All companions are maxed affection - Character destroys in PvP like the powertech Both of these characters have everything else a typical level 50 has, 110% speed mount, etc. 42 scoundrel is ready to be leveled to max and played as a healer or awesome dps as well. Either way, hit me up with an offer and we'll see. 15468 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15138 15131 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627458 15469 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15139 15132 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627561 15470 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15140 15133 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627756 15471 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15141 15134 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627856 15472 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15142 15135 38 FFXI Accounts 1334627958 15473 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15143 15136 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628060 Vous cherchez un compte de l'UE FFXI. Hume F seulement. aucun emploi ok 15474 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15144 15137 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628163 15475 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15145 15138 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628265 15476 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15146 15139 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628462 15477 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15147 15140 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628662 15478 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15148 15141 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628859 15479 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15149 15142 38 FFXI Accounts 1334628959 15480 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15150 15143 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629061 15481 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15151 15144 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629163 15482 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15152 15145 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629268 15483 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15153 15146 23 SWTOR 1334629386 15484 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15154 15147 23 SWTOR 1334629465 15485 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15155 15148 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629465 15486 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15156 15149 23 SWTOR 1334629540 15487 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15157 15150 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629565 15488 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15158 15151 23 SWTOR 1334629615 15489 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15159 15152 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629670 [WTB] [US] 2 compte Relic 15490 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15160 15153 23 SWTOR 1334629693 15491 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15161 15154 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629772 15492 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15162 15155 23 SWTOR 1334629843 15493 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15163 15156 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629879 15494 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15164 15157 23 SWTOR 1334629919 15495 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15165 15158 38 FFXI Accounts 1334629983 envoyez-moi un msg si youve a obtenu quelque chose et ce que vous recherchez. 15496 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15166 15159 23 SWTOR 1334629995 15497 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15167 15160 23 SWTOR 1334630074 15498 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15168 15161 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630087 15499 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15169 15162 23 SWTOR 1334630154 15500 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15170 15163 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630189 15501 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15171 15164 23 SWTOR 1334630228 15502 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15172 15165 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630298 15503 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15173 15166 23 SWTOR 1334630305 15504 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15174 15167 23 SWTOR 1334630382 15505 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15175 15168 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630401 15506 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15176 15169 23 SWTOR 1334630458 15507 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15177 15170 23 SWTOR 1334630535 15508 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15178 15171 23 SWTOR 1334630614 15509 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15179 15172 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630699 15510 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15180 15173 23 SWTOR 1334630764 15511 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15181 15174 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630800 15512 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15182 15175 23 SWTOR 1334630842 15513 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15183 15176 38 FFXI Accounts 1334630905 15514 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15184 15177 23 SWTOR 1334630915 15515 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15185 15178 23 SWTOR 1334630992 15516 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15186 15179 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631010 15517 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15187 15180 23 SWTOR 1334631071 15518 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15188 15181 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631117 15519 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15189 15182 23 SWTOR 1334631147 15520 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15190 15183 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631219 15521 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15191 15184 23 SWTOR 1334631226 15522 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15192 15185 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631321 15523 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15193 15186 23 SWTOR 1334631377 15524 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15194 15187 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631425 15525 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15195 15188 23 SWTOR 1334631452 15526 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15196 15189 23 SWTOR 1334631528 15527 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15197 15190 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631544 15528 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15198 15191 23 SWTOR 1334631605 15529 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15199 15192 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631650 15530 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15200 15193 23 SWTOR 1334631679 15531 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15201 15194 23 SWTOR 1334631757 15532 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15202 15195 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631757 15533 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15203 15196 23 SWTOR 1334631835 15534 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15204 15197 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631866 WTB 15535 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15205 15198 23 SWTOR 1334631908 15536 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15206 15199 38 FFXI Accounts 1334631967 15537 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15207 15200 23 SWTOR 1334631984 15538 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15208 15201 23 SWTOR 1334632060 15539 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15209 15202 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632076 15540 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15210 15203 23 SWTOR 1334632134 15541 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15211 15204 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632179 15542 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15212 15205 23 SWTOR 1334632211 15543 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15213 15206 23 SWTOR 1334632287 15544 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15214 15207 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632297 15545 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15215 15208 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632401 15546 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15216 15209 23 SWTOR 1334632438 15547 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15217 15210 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632508 15548 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15218 15211 23 SWTOR 1334632515 15549 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15219 15212 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632616 15550 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15220 15213 23 SWTOR 1334632665 15551 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15221 15214 38 FFXI Accounts 1334632729 15552 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15222 15215 23 SWTOR 1334632741 15553 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15223 15216 23 SWTOR 1334632821 15554 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15224 15217 23 SWTOR 1334632971 15555 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15225 15218 38 FFXI Accounts 1334633054 15556 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15226 15219 23 SWTOR 1334633121 15557 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15227 15220 38 FFXI Accounts 1334633173 15558 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15228 15221 23 SWTOR 1334633199 15559 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15229 15222 23 SWTOR 1334633275 15560 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15230 15223 23 SWTOR 1334633350 15561 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15231 15224 23 SWTOR 1334633427 15562 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15232 15225 23 SWTOR 1334633578 15563 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15233 15226 23 SWTOR 1334633658 15564 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15234 15227 23 SWTOR 1334633805 15565 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15235 15228 23 SWTOR 1334633880 15566 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15236 15229 23 SWTOR 1334633956 15567 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15237 15230 23 SWTOR 1334634105 15568 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15238 15231 23 SWTOR 1334634181 15569 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15239 15232 23 SWTOR 1334634257 15570 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15240 15233 23 SWTOR 1334634334 15571 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15241 15234 23 SWTOR 1334634411 Le titre dit tout cela, si vous avez un niveau 50 sur l'Empire Veela, jevais donner un moyen de beaucoup pour votre compte, laissez-moime connaissent Texte sur: 418 929 9602
    15572 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15242 15235 23 SWTOR 1334634488 15573 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15243 15236 23 SWTOR 1334634567 15574 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15244 15237 23 SWTOR 1334634644 15575 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15245 15238 23 SWTOR 1334634722 15576 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15246 15239 23 SWTOR 1334634798 15577 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15247 15240 23 SWTOR 1334634875 15578 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15248 15241 23 SWTOR 1334634952 15579 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15249 15242 23 SWTOR 1334635028 15580 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15250 15243 23 SWTOR 1334635106 15581 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15251 15244 23 SWTOR 1334635332 15582 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15252 15245 23 SWTOR 1334635406 15583 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15253 15246 23 SWTOR 1334635481 15584 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15254 15247 23 SWTOR 1334635557 15585 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15255 15248 23 SWTOR 1334635634 15586 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15256 15249 23 SWTOR 1334635781 15587 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15257 15250 23 SWTOR 1334635857 15588 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15258 15251 23 SWTOR 1334635931 15589 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15259 15252 23 SWTOR 1334636008 15590 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15260 15253 23 SWTOR 1334636087 15591 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15261 15254 23 SWTOR 1334636232 15592 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15262 15255 23 SWTOR 1334636308 15593 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15263 15256 23 SWTOR 1334636384 15594 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15264 15257 23 SWTOR 1334636463 15595 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15265 15258 23 SWTOR 1334636539 15596 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15266 15259 23 SWTOR 1334636617 15597 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15267 15260 23 SWTOR 1334636693 15598 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15268 15261 23 SWTOR 1334636769 15599 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15269 15262 23 SWTOR 1334636919 15600 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15270 15263 23 SWTOR 1334636993 15601 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15271 15264 23 SWTOR 1334637070 15602 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15272 15265 23 SWTOR 1334637218 15603 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15273 15266 23 SWTOR 1334637295 15604 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15274 15267 23 SWTOR 1334637371 15605 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15275 15268 23 SWTOR 1334637518 15606 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15276 15269 23 SWTOR 1334637668 15607 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15277 15270 23 SWTOR 1334637744 15608 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15278 15271 23 SWTOR 1334637821 15609 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15279 15272 23 SWTOR 1334637897 15610 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15280 15273 23 SWTOR 1334637975 15611 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15281 15274 23 SWTOR 1334638049 15612 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15282 15275 23 SWTOR 1334638125 15613 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15283 15276 23 SWTOR 1334638202 15614 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15284 15277 23 SWTOR 1334638282 15615 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15285 15278 23 SWTOR 1334638436 15616 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15286 15279 23 SWTOR 1334638582 15617 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15287 15280 23 SWTOR 1334638732 15618 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15288 15281 23 SWTOR 1334638954 15619 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15289 15282 23 SWTOR 1334639106 15620 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15290 15283 23 SWTOR 1334639178 15621 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15291 15284 23 SWTOR 1334639254 15622 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15292 15285 23 SWTOR 1334639332 15623 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15293 15286 23 SWTOR 1334639407 15624 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15294 15287 23 SWTOR 1334639486 15625 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15295 15288 23 SWTOR 1334639563 15626 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15296 15289 23 SWTOR 1334639639 15627 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15297 15290 23 SWTOR 1334639789 15628 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15298 15291 23 SWTOR 1334639865 15629 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15299 15292 23 SWTOR 1334640017 15630 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15300 15293 23 SWTOR 1334640094 15631 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15301 15294 23 SWTOR 1334640171 15632 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15302 15295 23 SWTOR 1334640247 15633 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15303 15296 23 SWTOR 1334640324 15634 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15304 15297 23 SWTOR 1334640401 15635 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15305 15298 23 SWTOR 1334640552 15636 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15306 15299 23 SWTOR 1334640628 15637 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15307 15300 23 SWTOR 1334640705 15638 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15308 15301 23 SWTOR 1334640782 15639 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15309 15302 23 SWTOR 1334640862 15640 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15310 15303 23 SWTOR 1334640940 15641 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15311 15304 23 SWTOR 1334641017 15642 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15312 15305 23 SWTOR 1334641093 15643 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15313 15306 23 SWTOR 1334641172 15644 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15314 15307 23 SWTOR 1334641249 15645 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15315 15308 23 SWTOR 1334641328 15646 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15316 15309 23 SWTOR 1334641480 15647 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15317 15310 23 SWTOR 1334641556 15648 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15318 15311 23 SWTOR 1334641633 15649 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15319 15312 23 SWTOR 1334641710 15650 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15320 15313 23 SWTOR 1334641788 15651 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15321 15314 23 SWTOR 1334641863 15652 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15322 15315 23 SWTOR 1334641939 15653 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15323 15316 23 SWTOR 1334642016 15654 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15324 15317 23 SWTOR 1334642092 15655 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15325 15318 23 SWTOR 1334642168 15656 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15326 15319 23 SWTOR 1334642246 15657 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15327 15320 23 SWTOR 1334642322 15658 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15328 15321 23 SWTOR 1334642399 15659 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15329 15322 23 SWTOR 1334642475 15660 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15330 15323 23 SWTOR 1334642629 15661 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15331 15324 23 SWTOR 1334642707 15662 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15332 15325 23 SWTOR 1334642785 15663 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15333 15326 23 SWTOR 1334642863 15664 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15334 15327 23 SWTOR 1334642939 15665 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15335 15328 23 SWTOR 1334643015 15666 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15336 15329 23 SWTOR 1334643092 15667 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15337 15330 23 SWTOR 1334643167 15668 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15338 15331 23 SWTOR 1334643246 15669 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15339 15332 23 SWTOR 1334643322 15670 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15340 15333 23 SWTOR 1334643475 15671 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15341 15334 23 SWTOR 1334643553 15672 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15342 15335 23 SWTOR 1334643706 15673 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15343 15336 23 SWTOR 1334643784 15674 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15344 15337 23 SWTOR 1334643859 15675 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15345 15338 23 SWTOR 1334643938 15676 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15346 15339 23 SWTOR 1334644016 15677 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15347 15340 23 SWTOR 1334644092 15678 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15348 15341 23 SWTOR 1334644172 15679 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15349 15342 23 SWTOR 1334644249 15680 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15350 15343 23 SWTOR 1334644323 Hit Me Up
    15681 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15351 15344 23 SWTOR 1334644398 15682 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15352 15345 23 SWTOR 1334644475 15683 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15353 15346 23 SWTOR 1334644552 15684 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15354 15347 23 SWTOR 1334644633 15685 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15355 15348 23 SWTOR 1334644710 15686 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15356 15349 23 SWTOR 1334644787 15687 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15357 15350 23 SWTOR 1334644865 15688 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15358 15351 23 SWTOR 1334644943 15689 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15359 15352 23 SWTOR 1334645019 15690 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15360 15353 23 SWTOR 1334645173 15691 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15361 15354 23 SWTOR 1334645323 15692 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15362 15355 23 SWTOR 1334645397 15693 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15363 15356 23 SWTOR 1334645474 15694 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15364 15357 23 SWTOR 1334645623 15695 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15365 15358 23 SWTOR 1334645700 15696 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15366 15359 23 SWTOR 1334645776 15697 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15367 15360 23 SWTOR 1334645853 15698 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15368 15361 23 SWTOR 1334645930 15699 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15369 15362 23 SWTOR 1334646010 15700 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15370 15363 23 SWTOR 1334646083 15701 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15371 15364 23 SWTOR 1334646161 15702 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15372 15365 23 SWTOR 1334646308 15703 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15373 15366 23 SWTOR 1334646384 15704 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15374 15367 23 SWTOR 1334646464 15705 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15375 15368 23 SWTOR 1334646541 15706 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15376 15369 23 SWTOR 1334646617 15707 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15377 15370 23 SWTOR 1334646693 15708 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15378 15371 23 SWTOR 1334646769 15709 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15379 15372 23 SWTOR 1334646844 15710 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15380 15373 23 SWTOR 1334646923 15711 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15381 15374 23 SWTOR 1334646998 15712 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15382 15375 23 SWTOR 1334647075 15713 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15383 15376 23 SWTOR 1334647152 15714 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15384 15377 23 SWTOR 1334647232 Mois Frais de gametime. Toutes les infos inclus. Frappez-moi surbut, le prix de vente
    15715 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15385 15378 23 SWTOR 1334647380 15716 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15386 15379 23 SWTOR 1334647455 15717 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15387 15380 23 SWTOR 1334647532 15718 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15388 15381 23 SWTOR 1334647683 15719 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15389 15382 23 SWTOR 1334647760 15720 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15390 15383 23 SWTOR 1334647836 15721 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15391 15384 23 SWTOR 1334647914 15722 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15392 15385 23 SWTOR 1334647990 15723 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15393 15386 23 SWTOR 1334648069 TSIA. Message avant de contacter. Acheter des membres reppedseulement.
    15724 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15394 15387 23 SWTOR 1334648143 15725 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15395 15388 23 SWTOR 1334648222 15726 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15396 15389 23 SWTOR 1334648298 15727 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15397 15390 23 SWTOR 1334648377 15728 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15398 15391 23 SWTOR 1334648455 15729 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15399 15392 23 SWTOR 1334648533 15730 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15400 15393 23 SWTOR 1334648609 15731 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15401 15394 23 SWTOR 1334648688 15732 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15402 15395 23 SWTOR 1334648839 15733 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15403 15396 23 SWTOR 1334648918 15734 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15404 15397 23 SWTOR 1334648995 15735 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15405 15398 23 SWTOR 1334649072 15736 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15406 15399 23 SWTOR 1334649148 15737 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15407 15400 23 SWTOR 1334649299 15738 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15408 15401 23 SWTOR 1334649377 15739 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15409 15402 23 SWTOR 1334649455 15740 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15410 15403 23 SWTOR 1334649531 15741 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15411 15404 23 SWTOR 1334649607 15742 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15412 15405 23 SWTOR 1334649684 15743 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15413 15406 23 SWTOR 1334649833 15744 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15414 15407 23 SWTOR 1334649908 15745 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15415 15408 23 SWTOR 1334649984 15746 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15416 15409 23 SWTOR 1334650058 15747 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15417 15410 23 SWTOR 1334650138 15748 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15418 15411 23 SWTOR 1334650215 15749 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15419 15412 23 SWTOR 1334650293 15750 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15420 15413 23 SWTOR 1334650368 15751 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15421 15414 23 SWTOR 1334650444 15752 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15422 15415 23 SWTOR 1334650521 15753 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15423 15416 23 SWTOR 1334650596 Comme le titre dit je veux au commerce compte 2x pour gametimeSWTOR. Contact Skype: Insanedude99 15754 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15424 15417 23 SWTOR 1334650673 15755 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15425 15418 23 SWTOR 1334650749 15756 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15426 15419 23 SWTOR 1334650825 15757 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15427 15420 23 SWTOR 1334650899 15758 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15428 15421 23 SWTOR 1334650977 15759 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15429 15422 23 SWTOR 1334651053 15760 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15430 15423 23 SWTOR 1334651129 15761 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15431 15424 23 SWTOR 1334651279 15762 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15432 15425 23 SWTOR 1334651356 15763 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15433 15426 23 SWTOR 1334651432 15764 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15434 15427 23 SWTOR 1334651582 15765 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15435 15428 23 SWTOR 1334651659 15766 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15436 15429 23 SWTOR 1334651735 15767 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15437 15430 23 SWTOR 1334651809 15768 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15438 15431 23 SWTOR 1334651888 15769 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15439 15432 23 SWTOR 1334651965 15770 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15440 15433 23 SWTOR 1334652042 15771 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15441 15434 23 SWTOR 1334652118 Quel est le prix va maintenant?
    15772 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15442 15435 23 SWTOR 1334652194 15773 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15443 15436 23 SWTOR 1334652271 15774 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15444 15437 23 SWTOR 1334652347 15775 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15445 15438 23 SWTOR 1334652422 15776 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15446 15439 23 SWTOR 1334652498 15777 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15447 15440 23 SWTOR 1334652575 15778 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15448 15441 23 SWTOR 1334652650 15779 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15449 15442 23 SWTOR 1334652726 Mon compte a l'origine Battlefield 3 sur elle ainsi que SWTOR ...Quand j'essaie de changer mon adresse e-mail sur SWTOR il change mon login e-mail d'origine ainsi .. Est-il un moyen de contourner cela?
    15780 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15450 15443 23 SWTOR 1334652803 15781 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15451 15444 23 SWTOR 1334652879 15782 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15452 15445 23 SWTOR 1334652955 15783 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15453 15446 23 SWTOR 1334653033 15784 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15454 15447 23 SWTOR 1334653112 15785 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15455 15448 23 SWTOR 1334653189 15786 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15456 15449 23 SWTOR 1334653265 15787 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15457 15450 23 SWTOR 1334653342 15788 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15458 15451 23 SWTOR 1334653418 15789 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15459 15452 23 SWTOR 1334653495 15790 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15460 15453 23 SWTOR 1334653572 15791 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15461 15454 23 SWTOR 1334653648 15792 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15462 15455 23 SWTOR 1334653725 15793 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15463 15456 23 SWTOR 1334653800 15794 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15464 15457 23 SWTOR 1334653876 15795 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15465 15458 23 SWTOR 1334653954 15796 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15466 15459 23 SWTOR 1334654032 15797 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15467 15460 23 SWTOR 1334654105 Poster ce que vous avez ici avant de contacter. : srt4_mania 15798 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15468 15461 23 SWTOR 1334654181 15799 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15469 15462 23 SWTOR 1334654257 15800 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15470 15463 23 SWTOR 1334654332 15801 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15471 15464 23 SWTOR 1334654408 15802 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15472 15465 23 SWTOR 1334654486 15803 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15473 15466 23 SWTOR 1334654563 15804 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15474 15467 23 SWTOR 1334654639 15805 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15475 15468 23 SWTOR 1334654716 15806 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15476 15469 23 SWTOR 1334654867 15807 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15477 15470 23 SWTOR 1334654948 15808 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15478 15471 23 SWTOR 1334655025 15809 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15479 15472 23 SWTOR 1334655101 N / A VENDU
    15810 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15480 15473 23 SWTOR 1334655177 15811 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15481 15474 23 SWTOR 1334655254 15812 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15482 15475 23 SWTOR 1334655329 15813 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15483 15476 23 SWTOR 1334655480 Comme l'indique le titre je vends une marque nouvelle Beta SWTORpleine acheteurs AccountOnly graves. Postez ici en premier.Contactez-moi sur avec l'offre: vous the1337kamikazeThank!
    15814 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15484 15477 23 SWTOR 1334655556 15815 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15485 15478 23 SWTOR 1334655708 15816 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15486 15479 23 SWTOR 1334655784 15817 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15487 15480 23 SWTOR 1334655860 15818 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15488 15481 23 SWTOR 1334655936 15819 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15489 15482 23 SWTOR 1334656014 15820 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15490 15483 23 SWTOR 1334656093 15821 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15491 15484 23 SWTOR 1334656169 15822 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15492 15485 23 SWTOR 1334656246 15823 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15493 15486 23 SWTOR 1334656322 15824 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15494 15487 23 SWTOR 1334656397 15825 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15495 15488 23 SWTOR 1334656474 15826 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15496 15489 23 SWTOR 1334656548 15827 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15497 15490 23 SWTOR 1334656625 15828 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15498 15491 23 SWTOR 1334656701 15829 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15499 15492 23 SWTOR 1334656781 15830 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15500 15493 23 SWTOR 1334656855 15831 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15501 15494 23 SWTOR 1334657007 15832 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15502 15495 23 SWTOR 1334657156 15833 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15503 15496 23 SWTOR 1334657229 Hey, i Vendre Acess Beta SWTOR complet, je vous propose e-mailavec une invitation aussi. Le prix est 180 $. Contact e-mail: @Den1mar Je vous remercie. 15834 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15504 15497 23 SWTOR 1334657308 15835 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15505 15498 23 SWTOR 1334657382 15836 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15506 15499 23 SWTOR 1334657457 15837 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15507 15500 23 SWTOR 1334657534 15838 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15508 15501 23 SWTOR 1334657609 15839 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15509 15502 23 SWTOR 1334657684 15840 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15510 15503 23 SWTOR 1334657761 15841 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15511 15504 23 SWTOR 1334657836 15842 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15512 15505 23 SWTOR 1334657913 15843 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15513 15506 23 SWTOR 1334657990 15844 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15514 15507 23 SWTOR 1334658064 15845 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15515 15508 23 SWTOR 1334658214 15846 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15516 15509 23 SWTOR 1334658291 PM moi ce que vous voulez pour un.
    15847 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15517 15510 23 SWTOR 1334658367 15848 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15518 15511 23 SWTOR 1334658518 15849 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15519 15512 23 SWTOR 1334658593 15850 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15520 15513 23 SWTOR 1334658673 15851 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15521 15514 23 SWTOR 1334658748 15852 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15522 15515 23 SWTOR 1334658898 15853 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15523 15516 23 SWTOR 1334658975 Comme il est dit, Beta 150 $! EDIT: Contactez-moi sur Ashund1337
    15854 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15524 15517 23 SWTOR 1334659051 15855 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15525 15518 23 SWTOR 1334659126 15856 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15526 15519 23 SWTOR 1334659202 15857 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15527 15520 23 SWTOR 1334659280 15858 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15528 15521 23 SWTOR 1334659431 15859 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15529 15522 23 SWTOR 1334659508 poster ici en premier ..
    15860 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15530 15523 23 SWTOR 1334659583 PM vos offres.
    15861 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15531 15524 23 SWTOR 1334659733 15862 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15532 15525 23 SWTOR 1334659883 15863 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15533 15526 23 SWTOR 1334659960 15864 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15534 15527 23 SWTOR 1334660036 15865 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15535 15528 23 SWTOR 1334660113 15866 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15536 15529 23 SWTOR 1334660188 15867 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15537 15530 23 SWTOR 1334660265 15868 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15538 15531 23 SWTOR 1334660342 15869 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15539 15532 23 SWTOR 1334660420 15870 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15540 15533 23 SWTOR 1334660496 15871 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15541 15534 38 FFXI Accounts 1334660559 15872 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15542 15535 23 SWTOR 1334660569 comme le titre le dit, seul face avec les utilisateurs repped.
    15873 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15543 15536 23 SWTOR 1334660645 15874 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15544 15537 38 FFXI Accounts 1334660668 15875 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15545 15538 23 SWTOR 1334660721 15876 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15546 15539 38 FFXI Accounts 1334660770 15877 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15547 15540 23 SWTOR 1334660797 15878 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15548 15541 38 FFXI Accounts 1334660870 15879 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15549 15542 23 SWTOR 1334660873 15880 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15550 15543 23 SWTOR 1334660951 15881 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15551 15544 38 FFXI Accounts 1334660973 15882 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15552 15545 23 SWTOR 1334661025 15883 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15553 15546 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661074 15884 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15554 15547 23 SWTOR 1334661102 15885 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15555 15548 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661175 15886 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15556 15549 23 SWTOR 1334661178 15887 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15557 15550 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661277 15888 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15558 15551 23 SWTOR 1334661329 15889 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15559 15552 23 SWTOR 1334661405 15890 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15560 15553 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661472 15891 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15561 15554 23 SWTOR 1334661482 15892 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15562 15555 23 SWTOR 1334661558 15893 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15563 15556 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661573 15894 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15564 15557 23 SWTOR 1334661705 15895 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15565 15558 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661768 15896 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15566 15559 23 SWTOR 1334661781 15897 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15567 15560 23 SWTOR 1334661858 15898 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15568 15561 23 SWTOR 1334661932 15899 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15569 15562 38 FFXI Accounts 1334661963 15900 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15570 15563 23 SWTOR 1334662008 15901 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15571 15564 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662063 15902 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15572 15565 23 SWTOR 1334662085 15903 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15573 15566 23 SWTOR 1334662165 15904 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15574 15567 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662166 15905 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15575 15568 23 SWTOR 1334662240 15906 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15576 15569 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662268 15907 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15577 15570 23 SWTOR 1334662316 15908 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15578 15571 23 SWTOR 1334662393 15910 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15579 15572 23 SWTOR 1334662468 15911 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15580 15573 23 SWTOR 1334662544 comme le titre de poste et dire me pm
    15912 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15581 15574 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662559 15913 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15582 15575 23 SWTOR 1334662618 15914 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15583 15576 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662665 15915 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15584 15577 23 SWTOR 1334662694 15916 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15585 15578 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662780 15917 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15586 15579 38 FFXI Accounts 1334662883 15918 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15587 15580 23 SWTOR 1334662915 15919 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15588 15581 23 SWTOR 1334662991 15920 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15589 15582 23 SWTOR 1334663068 15921 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15590 15583 23 SWTOR 1334663143 WTB SWTOR Beta compte pour 150 $ en paypal - PM moi thx!
    15922 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15591 15584 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663174 15923 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15592 15585 23 SWTOR 1334663218 15924 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15593 15586 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663274 15925 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15594 15587 23 SWTOR 1334663294 15926 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15595 15588 23 SWTOR 1334663371 15927 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15596 15589 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663376 15928 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15597 15590 23 SWTOR 1334663447 15929 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15598 15591 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663478 15930 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15599 15592 23 SWTOR 1334663523 15931 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15600 15593 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663581 15932 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15601 15594 23 SWTOR 1334663600 15933 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15602 15595 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663683 15934 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15603 15596 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663785 15935 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15604 15597 23 SWTOR 1334663822 15936 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15605 15598 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663889 15937 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15606 15599 23 SWTOR 1334663896 15938 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15607 15600 23 SWTOR 1334663976 15939 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15608 15601 38 FFXI Accounts 1334663993 15940 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15609 15602 23 SWTOR 1334664051 15941 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15610 15603 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664094 15942 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15611 15604 23 SWTOR 1334664126 15943 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15612 15605 23 SWTOR 1334664202 15944 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15613 15606 23 SWTOR 1334664279 15945 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15614 15607 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664298 15946 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15615 15608 23 SWTOR 1334664351 Postez ici PM moi ou: Swtech Merci
    15947 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15616 15609 23 SWTOR 1334664427 15948 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15617 15610 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664498 15949 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15618 15611 23 SWTOR 1334664502 damienrobbins @ yahoo HMU avec des offres. 15950 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15619 15612 23 SWTOR 1334664579 15951 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15620 15613 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664601 15952 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15621 15614 23 SWTOR 1334664656 15953 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15622 15615 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664704 15954 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15623 15616 23 SWTOR 1334664733 15955 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15624 15617 23 SWTOR 1334664807 il vient de se PM moi
    15956 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15625 15618 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664807 15957 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15626 15619 23 SWTOR 1334664883 15958 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15627 15620 38 FFXI Accounts 1334664910 15959 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15628 15621 23 SWTOR 1334664959 15960 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15629 15622 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665015 15961 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15630 15623 23 SWTOR 1334665108 15962 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15631 15624 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665119 15963 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15632 15625 23 SWTOR 1334665186 15964 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15633 15626 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665225 15965 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15634 15627 23 SWTOR 1334665263 15966 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15635 15628 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665329 15967 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15636 15629 23 SWTOR 1334665337 Cd key LF seulement l'achat d'objectif utilisateur repped;chatisboring 15968 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15637 15630 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665432 15969 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15638 15631 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665535 15970 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15639 15632 23 SWTOR 1334665635 15971 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15640 15633 23 SWTOR 1334665711 15972 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15641 15634 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665739 15973 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15642 15635 23 SWTOR 1334665790 15974 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15643 15636 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665840 15975 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15644 15637 23 SWTOR 1334665870 15976 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15645 15638 38 FFXI Accounts 1334665941 15977 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15646 15639 23 SWTOR 1334665944 15978 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15647 15640 23 SWTOR 1334666019 15979 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15648 15641 38 FFXI Accounts 1334666044 15980 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15649 15642 23 SWTOR 1334666095 15981 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15650 15643 23 SWTOR 1334666172 15982 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15651 15644 23 SWTOR 1334666246 15983 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15652 15645 23 SWTOR 1334666323 15984 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15653 15646 23 SWTOR 1334666400 15985 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15654 15647 23 SWTOR 1334666474 15986 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15655 15648 38 FFXI Accounts 1334666540 WTB un compte sur le serveur sylphide, pst avec le compte et le prix 15987 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15656 15649 23 SWTOR 1334666551 15988 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15657 15650 23 SWTOR 1334666700 15989 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15658 15651 38 FFXI Accounts 1334666739 15990 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15659 15652 38 FFXI Accounts 1334666843 15991 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15660 15653 23 SWTOR 1334666852 15992 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15661 15654 23 SWTOR 1334666927 15993 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15662 15655 23 SWTOR 1334667003 15994 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15663 15656 23 SWTOR 1334667079 15995 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15664 15657 23 SWTOR 1334667156 15996 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15665 15658 23 SWTOR 1334667232 15997 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15666 15659 23 SWTOR 1334667309 15998 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15667 15660 23 SWTOR 1334667386 15999 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15668 15661 23 SWTOR 1334667462 16000 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15669 15662 23 SWTOR 1334667541 16001 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15670 15663 23 SWTOR 1334667618 16002 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15671 15664 23 SWTOR 1334667697 16003 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15672 15665 23 SWTOR 1334667772 16004 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15673 15666 23 SWTOR 1334667922 16005 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15674 15667 23 SWTOR 1334667998 16006 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15675 15668 23 SWTOR 1334668074 16007 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15676 15669 23 SWTOR 1334668151 Comme le titre l'indique. Seulement relations avec les usagersrepped.
    16008 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15677 15670 23 SWTOR 1334668228 16009 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15678 15671 23 SWTOR 1334668303 16010 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15679 15672 23 SWTOR 1334668455 16011 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15680 15673 23 SWTOR 1334668528 Est-ce que vendre pour 40 $
    16012 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15681 15674 23 SWTOR 1334668605 750 $ USD but d2spacemonkey 16013 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15682 15675 23 SWTOR 1334668681 16014 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15683 15676 23 SWTOR 1334668757 16015 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15684 15677 23 SWTOR 1334668833 16016 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15685 15678 23 SWTOR 1334668909 16017 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15686 15679 23 SWTOR 1334668986 16018 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15687 15680 23 SWTOR 1334669062 Dispose d'un mois de temps de jeu, un niveau 19 Sith Marauder et un niveau 11 Powertech. Vous souhaitez obtenir 50 $: spiderlemur 16019 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15703 15696 23 SWTOR 1334670433 16035 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15704 15697 23 SWTOR 1334670510 Hit Me Up
    16036 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15718 15711 23 SWTOR 1334671584 16050 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15719 15712 23 SWTOR 1334671658 Sujet Contactez-moi via @ Umokthar 16051 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15721 15714 23 SWTOR 1334671812 16053 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15735 15728 23 SWTOR 1334673033 16067 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15736 15729 23 SWTOR 1334673109 16068 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15737 15730 23 SWTOR 1334673185 16069 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15738 15731 23 SWTOR 1334673262 16070 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15739 15732 23 SWTOR 1334673412 16071 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15744 15737 23 SWTOR 1334673797 16076 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15745 15738 23 SWTOR 1334673946 16077 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15746 15739 23 SWTOR 1334674096 J'ai eu une n'avez pas besoin de l'afficher avant de contacter. 16078 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15747 15740 23 SWTOR 1334674175 16079 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15748 15741 23 SWTOR 1334674252 16080 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15749 15742 23 SWTOR 1334674328 16081 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15750 15743 23 SWTOR 1334674405 16082 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15751 15744 23 SWTOR 1334674483 16083 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15752 15745 23 SWTOR 1334674559 16084 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15753 15746 23 SWTOR 1334674637 16085 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15754 15747 23 SWTOR 1334674714 16086 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15755 15748 23 SWTOR 1334674791 16087 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15756 15749 23 SWTOR 1334674867 titre dit tous les vbforums. / wow-usa-a...months-so.html est l'info de laACCNT ....... DOIT AVOIR REP ... poster ici! 16088 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15757 15750 23 SWTOR 1334674945 16089 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15758 15751 23 SWTOR 1334675021 16090 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15759 15752 23 SWTOR 1334675099 16091 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15760 15753 23 SWTOR 1334675247 16093 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15761 15754 23 SWTOR 1334675325 16094 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15762 15755 10 Eve Online 1334675359 16095 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15763 15756 23 SWTOR 1334675400 16096 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15764 15757 23 SWTOR 1334675475 16097 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15765 15758 10 Eve Online 1334675517 As title say Erebus titan class ship + 49 mill SP char Ship - T2 trimarks - dethspace fit on lows Pilot - Gallente titan lvl 5 / high grade slave set 16098 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15766 15759 10 Eve Online 1334675583 16099 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15767 15760 23 SWTOR 1334675625 16100 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15768 15761 10 Eve Online 1334675637 16101 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15769 15762 23 SWTOR 1334675775 16103 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15770 15763 23 SWTOR 1334675854 16104 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15772 15765 23 SWTOR 1334676006 16106 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15773 15766 23 SWTOR 1334676082 WTB 50 Heaume de SIDE Graush EMPIRE SERVEUR! -Virtuamd 16107 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15774 15767 23 SWTOR 1334676158 16108 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15775 15768 23 SWTOR 1334676235 16109 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15777 15770 23 SWTOR 1334676532 16111 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15782 15775 23 SWTOR 1334676986 16116 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15783 15776 23 SWTOR 1334677064 16117 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15784 15777 23 SWTOR 1334677139 Comme le titre l'indique. Je cherche depuis plus de 100k, mechuchoter avec des offres. 16118 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15785 15778 23 SWTOR 1334677216 16119 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15786 15779 23 SWTOR 1334677294 16120 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15792 15785 23 SWTOR 1334677756 16126 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15800 15793 23 SWTOR 1334678365 16134 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15801 15794 23 SWTOR 1334678440 ce que dit le titre
    16135 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15802 15795 23 SWTOR 1334678520 16136 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15803 15796 23 SWTOR 1334678592 16137 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15804 15797 23 SWTOR 1334678671 16138 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15806 15799 23 SWTOR 1334678819 16140 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15807 15800 23 SWTOR 1334678895 16141 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15808 15801 23 SWTOR 1334678969 16142 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15809 15802 23 SWTOR 1334679047 16143 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15810 15803 23 SWTOR 1334679119 16144 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15811 15804 23 SWTOR 1334679195 Star Wars Old WTB touche R
    16145 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15812 15805 23 SWTOR 1334679345 16146 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15813 15806 23 SWTOR 1334679426 16147 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15814 15807 23 SWTOR 1334679499 16148 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15819 15812 23 SWTOR 1334679879 16153 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15822 15815 23 SWTOR 1334680182 16156 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15824 15817 23 SWTOR 1334680333 16158 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15825 15818 23 SWTOR 1334680409 Bonjour, je voudrais acheter SWTOR cd key, paiement via paypal.malades aussi envisager selon d'un membre repped, le niveau n'a pas d'importance. Publiez vos offres ici. thx 16159 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15826 15819 23 SWTOR 1334680484 payer 200USD paypal 16160 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15827 15820 23 SWTOR 1334680635 16161 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15832 15825 23 SWTOR 1334681089 16166 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15833 15826 23 SWTOR 1334681166 16167 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15834 15827 23 SWTOR 1334681240 Payer 100 $ Pas plus payant, envoyez moi un MP OU ME AJOUTER AU: CAMILO0311 16168 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15835 15828 23 SWTOR 1334681316 16169 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15836 15829 23 SWTOR 1334681466 16170 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15843 15836 38 FFXI Accounts 1334681940 16177 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15845 15838 38 FFXI Accounts 1334682037 16179 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15851 15844 38 FFXI Accounts 1334682327 16185 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15852 15845 38 FFXI Accounts 1334682424 16186 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15853 15846 38 FFXI Accounts 1334682522 16187 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15854 15847 23 SWTOR 1334682606 Postez ici ou me rattraper sur la GI pour discuter.
    16188 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15855 15848 38 FFXI Accounts 1334682617 16189 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15856 15849 23 SWTOR 1334682678 16190 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15861 15854 23 SWTOR 1334682909 16195 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15862 15855 23 SWTOR 1334682987 visent = forster93 .. me contacter pour plus d'info /. 16196 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15863 15856 38 FFXI Accounts 1334683000 16197 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15872 15865 38 FFXI Accounts 1334683485 16206 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15879 15872 38 FFXI Accounts 1334683780 16213 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15881 15874 38 FFXI Accounts 1334683879 16215 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15883 15876 38 FFXI Accounts 1334683978 16217 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15889 15882 23 SWTOR 1334684208 16223 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15890 15883 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684273 16224 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15891 15884 23 SWTOR 1334684285 Objectif Link to Post vbforums. / Star-wars...-Us-realm.htmlmandi25chris
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    15892 15885 23 SWTOR 1334684363 16226 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15893 15886 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684370 16227 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15894 15887 23 SWTOR 1334684439 16228 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15895 15888 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684469 16229 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15897 15890 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684568 16231 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15898 15891 23 SWTOR 1334684592 16232 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15899 15892 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684667 16233 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15900 15893 23 SWTOR 1334684669 16234 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15901 15894 23 SWTOR 1334684747 16235 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15902 15895 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684764 16236 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15903 15896 23 SWTOR 1334684824 16237 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15904 15897 23 SWTOR 1334684899 16238 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15905 15898 38 FFXI Accounts 1334684953 16239 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15906 15899 23 SWTOR 1334684975 16240 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15907 15900 23 SWTOR 1334685054 16241 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15908 15901 23 SWTOR 1334685131 16242 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15909 15902 23 SWTOR 1334685207 16243 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15910 15903 23 SWTOR 1334685283 16244 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15911 15904 23 SWTOR 1334685506 16245 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15912 15905 23 SWTOR 1334685581 16246 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15913 15906 23 SWTOR 1334685658 16247 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15914 15907 23 SWTOR 1334685733 merci, et merci de me contacter via yahoo msg ou par courrier 16248 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15915 15908 23 SWTOR 1334685883 16249 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15916 15909 23 SWTOR 1334685958 16250 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15917 15910 23 SWTOR 1334686036 16251 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15918 15911 23 SWTOR 1334686113 16252 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15919 15912 23 SWTOR 1334686190 16253 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15920 15913 23 SWTOR 1334686267 16254 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15921 15914 23 SWTOR 1334686343 16255 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15922 15915 23 SWTOR 1334686422 16256 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15923 15916 23 SWTOR 1334686497 16257 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15924 15917 23 SWTOR 1334686574 Salut, Je vends mon propre compte de SWTOR. Vous pouvez jouer7/7 PM moi votre offre Cordialement,
    16258 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15925 15918 23 SWTOR 1334686651 16259 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15926 15919 23 SWTOR 1334686727 16260 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15927 15920 23 SWTOR 1334686804 il s'agit d'un compte 2ed que j'ai, je ne l'utilisez pas. Vous devez utiliser paypal. Je ne pas utiliser le courriel ou le compte. Eh bienaussi prendre l'offre du. PM moi ici ou poster ici. Utilisez Fire X afin que nous puissions faire la trad en direct sur eux. Aussi ont TS3.
    16261 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15928 15921 23 SWTOR 1334686882 16262 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15929 15922 23 SWTOR 1334686961 16263 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15930 15923 23 SWTOR 1334687039 16264 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15931 15924 23 SWTOR 1334687189 16265 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15932 15925 23 SWTOR 1334687339 16266 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15933 15926 23 SWTOR 1334687418 16267 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15934 15927 23 SWTOR 1334687496 16268 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15935 15928 23 SWTOR 1334687647 16269 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15936 15929 23 SWTOR 1334687723 16270 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15937 15930 23 SWTOR 1334687799 16271 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15938 15931 23 SWTOR 1334687877 16272 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15939 15932 23 SWTOR 1334687954 16273 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15940 15933 23 SWTOR 1334688031 16274 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15943 15936 23 SWTOR 1334688257 16277 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15944 15937 38 FFXI Accounts 1334688314 16278 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15945 15938 23 SWTOR 1334688334 vendu
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    15946 15939 23 SWTOR 1334688486 16280 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15947 15940 38 FFXI Accounts 1334688497 Le titre dit tout cela, si vous avez un compte avec un PM Ebisu moi. Je ne cherche pas pour autant d'autres que cela. Toute embarcation de 100 est essentiellement le seul bonus je me soucie de ce compte. 16281 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15948 15941 23 SWTOR 1334688563 16282 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15949 15942 38 FFXI Accounts 1334688587 16283 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15950 15943 23 SWTOR 1334688640 16284 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15951 15944 23 SWTOR 1334688716 16285 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15953 15946 38 FFXI Accounts 1334688872 16287 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15955 15948 23 SWTOR 1334689019 16289 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15956 15949 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689060 16290 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15957 15950 23 SWTOR 1334689096 16291 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15958 15951 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689157 16292 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15960 15953 23 SWTOR 1334689249 16294 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15961 15954 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689255 16295 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15962 15955 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689356 16296 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15963 15956 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689455 16297 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
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    15965 15958 23 SWTOR 1334689550 16299 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15966 15959 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689553 bonjour

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    15967 15960 23 SWTOR 1334689627 16301 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15968 15961 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689652 16302 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15969 15962 23 SWTOR 1334689703 titre dit tout, je suis le oo. jewshoes1 si vous n'avez pas rep ne pas me contacter poster ici en premier 16303 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15970 15963 23 SWTOR 1334689779 16304 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15971 15964 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689842 J'ai 16305 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15972 15965 23 SWTOR 1334689856 16306 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15973 15966 23 SWTOR 1334689933 16307 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15974 15967 38 FFXI Accounts 1334689947 16308 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15975 15968 23 SWTOR 1334690009 16309 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15976 15969 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690140 16310 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15977 15970 23 SWTOR 1334690160 16311 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15978 15971 23 SWTOR 1334690235 Plein tarif compte SWTOR Beta 200 $ Personne-ressource:Pwla_Da @ yahoo 16313 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15979 15972 23 SWTOR 1334690312 16314 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15980 15973 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690335 16315 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15981 15974 23 SWTOR 1334690388 16316 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15982 15975 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690435 [WTB] [US] compte Femme 16317 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15983 15976 23 SWTOR 1334690465 16318 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15984 15977 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690536 16319 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15985 15978 23 SWTOR 1334690615 16320 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15986 15979 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690641 16321 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15987 15980 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690747 16322 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15988 15981 23 SWTOR 1334690769 16323 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15989 15982 23 SWTOR 1334690845 16324 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15990 15983 38 FFXI Accounts 1334690852 16325 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15991 15984 23 SWTOR 1334690920 16326 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15992 15985 23 SWTOR 1334690997 16327 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15993 15986 23 SWTOR 1334691073 16328 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15994 15987 23 SWTOR 1334691150 16329 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15995 15988 23 SWTOR 1334691226 16330 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15996 15989 23 SWTOR 1334691301 16331 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15997 15990 23 SWTOR 1334691377 16332 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15998 15991 23 SWTOR 1334691454 16333 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    15999 15992 23 SWTOR 1334691531 16334 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16000 15993 23 SWTOR 1334691610 16335 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16001 15994 23 SWTOR 1334691687 16336 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16002 15995 23 SWTOR 1334691762 16337 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16003 15996 23 SWTOR 1334691837 16338 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16004 15997 23 SWTOR 1334691916 16339 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16005 15998 23 SWTOR 1334691990 16340 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16006 15999 23 SWTOR 1334692067 16341 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16007 16000 23 SWTOR 1334692143 16342 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16008 16001 23 SWTOR 1334692220 16343 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16009 16002 23 SWTOR 1334692296 16344 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16010 16003 23 SWTOR 1334692373 Hi everyone, I am selling my SWTOR account. I got invited earlier last week. This account has been activated/played on and there are characters on the account (which can be easily deleted). I live in Canada, but the account can go to anyone in the United States. I can and will explain more about this in any PMs I get that are interested in the account, I am sure it won't be a problem. I will provide screenshots to back up everything I say and prove that I have access to the beta. I will be on all day and check my messages frequently so that anyone interested can have a quick and smooth purchase. I am PayPal verified, and it would be awesome if the buyer was as well. In the case anything bad happens, I will also offer a refund. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 04:24 PM ---------- Woops, put the wrong price in the title, I meant to drop it to 300$. The beta group I am in has no end-date and they want us to complete the storyline for at least one character (ala 50) so this phase is expected to last at least for a while, likely until Launch. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 05:25 PM ---------- Dropping price to $250. I want to get my graphics card really bad! Will respond quickly to PM's and will answer and provide any information you want. ---------- Post added 08-15-2011 at 08:08 PM ---------- Still available as of 8:00 Central. Still here and will answer any PMs ASAP. 16345 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16011 16004 23 SWTOR 1334692449 16346 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16012 16005 23 SWTOR 1334692525 16347 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16013 16006 23 SWTOR 1334692679 16348 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16014 16007 23 SWTOR 1334692757 16349 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16015 16008 23 SWTOR 1334692833 16350 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16016 16009 23 SWTOR 1334692910 16351 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16017 16010 23 SWTOR 1334692986 16352 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16018 16011 23 SWTOR 1334693063 16353 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16019 16012 23 SWTOR 1334693138 16354 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16020 16013 23 SWTOR 1334693215 16355 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16021 16014 23 SWTOR 1334693291 16356 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16022 16015 23 SWTOR 1334693369 16357 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16023 16016 23 SWTOR 1334693443 16358 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16024 16017 23 SWTOR 1334693521 16359 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16025 16018 23 SWTOR 1334693595 16360 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16026 16019 23 SWTOR 1334693672 16361 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16027 16020 23 SWTOR 1334693749 16362 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16028 16021 23 SWTOR 1334693897 16363 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16029 16022 38 FFXI Accounts 1334693955 16364 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16030 16023 23 SWTOR 1334693975 16365 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16031 16024 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694031 16366 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16032 16025 23 SWTOR 1334694051 16367 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16033 16026 23 SWTOR 1334694126 16368 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16034 16027 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694134 16369 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16035 16028 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694237 16370 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16036 16029 23 SWTOR 1334694277 16371 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16037 16030 23 SWTOR 1334694352 16372 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16038 16031 23 SWTOR 1334694433 16373 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16039 16032 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694434 16374 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16040 16033 23 SWTOR 1334694510 16375 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16041 16034 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694534 16376 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16042 16035 23 SWTOR 1334694586 16377 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16043 16036 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694637 16378 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16044 16037 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694739 16379 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16045 16038 23 SWTOR 1334694739 16380 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16046 16039 23 SWTOR 1334694812 16381 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16047 16040 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694841 16382 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16048 16041 38 FFXI Accounts 1334694944 16383 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16049 16042 23 SWTOR 1334694963 16384 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16050 16043 23 SWTOR 1334695039 16385 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16051 16044 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695046 16386 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16052 16045 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695149 Vous cherchez un compte de milieu de gamme pour moins de $ 300. 16387 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16053 16046 23 SWTOR 1334695188 visent sfn133 Message d'abord ici.
    16388 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16054 16047 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695252 16389 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16055 16048 23 SWTOR 1334695266 16390 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16056 16049 23 SWTOR 1334695342 16391 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16057 16050 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695354 16392 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16058 16051 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695459 16393 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16059 16052 23 SWTOR 1334695491 16394 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16060 16053 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695559 titre dit tout .. seins et ghorn peut que je l'ai 16395 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16061 16054 23 SWTOR 1334695567 16396 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16062 16055 23 SWTOR 1334695642 16397 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16063 16056 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695662 Vous recherchez des 20M sur Asura. Le paiement s'effectue par paypal. 16398 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16064 16057 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695767 16399 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16065 16058 23 SWTOR 1334695794 16400 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16066 16059 23 SWTOR 1334695867 16401 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16067 16060 38 FFXI Accounts 1334695867 16402 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16068 16061 23 SWTOR 1334695944 16403 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16069 16062 23 SWTOR 1334696018 16404 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16070 16063 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696065 16405 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16071 16064 23 SWTOR 1334696097 16406 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16072 16065 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696172 16407 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16073 16066 23 SWTOR 1334696174 16408 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16074 16067 23 SWTOR 1334696251 16409 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16075 16068 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696283 16410 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16076 16069 23 SWTOR 1334696327 16411 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16077 16070 23 SWTOR 1334696404 16412 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16078 16071 23 SWTOR 1334696479 16413 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16079 16072 23 SWTOR 1334696556 16414 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16080 16073 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696584 16415 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16081 16074 23 SWTOR 1334696634 16416 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16082 16075 23 SWTOR 1334696709 16417 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16083 16076 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696782 16418 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16084 16077 23 SWTOR 1334696786 16419 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16085 16078 23 SWTOR 1334696861 16420 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16086 16079 38 FFXI Accounts 1334696885 16421 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16087 16080 23 SWTOR 1334696938 16422 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16088 16081 23 SWTOR 1334697013 16423 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16089 16082 23 SWTOR 1334697089 16424 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16090 16083 23 SWTOR 1334697165 16425 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16091 16084 38 FFXI Accounts 1334697180 16426 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16092 16085 23 SWTOR 1334697315 16427 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16093 16086 23 SWTOR 1334697390 Grattez ce poste
    16429 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16094 16087 23 SWTOR 1334697465 16430 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16095 16088 23 SWTOR 1334697541 16431 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16096 16089 38 FFXI Accounts 1334697572 16432 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16097 16090 23 SWTOR 1334697619 16433 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16098 16091 38 FFXI Accounts 1334697681 16434 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16099 16092 23 SWTOR 1334697694 16435 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16100 16093 23 SWTOR 1334697770 16436 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16101 16094 38 FFXI Accounts 1334697789 16437 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16102 16095 23 SWTOR 1334697845 16438 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16103 16096 38 FFXI Accounts 1334697894 16439 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16104 16097 23 SWTOR 1334697921 16440 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16105 16098 23 SWTOR 1334698000 16441 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16106 16099 23 SWTOR 1334698078 16442 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16107 16100 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698093 16443 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16108 16101 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698196 16444 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16109 16102 23 SWTOR 1334698227 16445 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16110 16103 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698303 16446 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16111 16104 23 SWTOR 1334698379 16447 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16112 16105 23 SWTOR 1334698453 16448 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16113 16106 23 SWTOR 1334698530 16449 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16114 16107 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698545 16450 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16115 16108 23 SWTOR 1334698607 16451 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16116 16109 23 SWTOR 1334698682 16452 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16117 16110 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698751 16453 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16118 16111 23 SWTOR 1334698758 16454 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16119 16112 23 SWTOR 1334698835 16455 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16120 16113 23 SWTOR 1334698910 16456 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16121 16114 38 FFXI Accounts 1334698953 16457 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16122 16115 23 SWTOR 1334699062 16458 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16123 16116 23 SWTOR 1334699139 16459 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16124 16117 38 FFXI Accounts 1334699155 16460 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16125 16118 38 FFXI Accounts 1334699263 16461 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16126 16119 23 SWTOR 1334699287 Comme le titre l'indique. Contactez-moi ici par MP ou sur skype @AdamBennett36. Merci ************************ / offe ... name =therage36
    16462 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16127 16120 23 SWTOR 1334699363 16463 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16128 16121 23 SWTOR 1334699439 16464 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16129 16122 23 SWTOR 1334699516 16465 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16130 16123 23 SWTOR 1334699594 16466 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16131 16124 23 SWTOR 1334699670 16467 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16132 16125 23 SWTOR 1334699748 16468 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16133 16126 23 SWTOR 1334699828 16469 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16134 16127 23 SWTOR 1334699905 16470 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16135 16128 23 SWTOR 1334699982 16471 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16136 16129 23 SWTOR 1334700057 16472 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16137 16130 23 SWTOR 1334700133 16473 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16138 16131 23 SWTOR 1334700211 16474 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16139 16132 23 SWTOR 1334700284 16475 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16140 16133 23 SWTOR 1334700360 16476 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16141 16134 23 SWTOR 1334700436 16477 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16142 16135 23 SWTOR 1334700513 16478 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16143 16136 23 SWTOR 1334700662 16479 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16144 16137 23 SWTOR 1334700812 16480 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16145 16138 23 SWTOR 1334700890 16481 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16146 16139 23 SWTOR 1334700966 16482 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16147 16140 23 SWTOR 1334701046 16483 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16148 16141 23 SWTOR 1334701118 16484 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16149 16142 23 SWTOR 1334701194 16485 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16150 16143 23 SWTOR 1334701268 16486 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16151 16144 23 SWTOR 1334701345 16487 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16152 16145 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712071 16488 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16153 16146 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712375 16489 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16154 16147 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712477 16490 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16155 16148 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712582 16491 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16156 16149 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712707 J'ai 16492 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16157 16150 38 FFXI Accounts 1334712820 16493 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16158 16151 38 FFXI Accounts 1334713154 Informations de compte des postes et des prix plz 16494 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16159 16152 23 SWTOR 1334716586 16495 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16160 16153 23 SWTOR 1334716667 16496 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16161 16154 23 SWTOR 1334716742 16497 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16162 16155 23 SWTOR 1334716818 16498 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16163 16156 23 SWTOR 1334716970 16499 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16164 16157 23 SWTOR 1334717047 16500 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16165 16158 23 SWTOR 1334717123 16501 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16166 16159 23 SWTOR 1334717200 16502 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16167 16160 23 SWTOR 1334717278 16503 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16168 16161 23 SWTOR 1334717353 16504 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16169 16162 23 SWTOR 1334717429 16505 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16170 16163 23 SWTOR 1334717578 16506 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16171 16164 23 SWTOR 1334717656 16507 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16172 16165 23 SWTOR 1334717732 16508 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16173 16166 23 SWTOR 1334717807 16509 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16174 16167 23 SWTOR 1334717884 16510 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16175 16168 23 SWTOR 1334717960 16511 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16176 16169 23 SWTOR 1334718038 16512 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16177 16170 23 SWTOR 1334718116 16513 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16178 16171 23 SWTOR 1334718195 16514 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16179 16172 23 SWTOR 1334718267 16515 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16180 16173 23 SWTOR 1334718346 16516 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16181 16174 23 SWTOR 1334718423 16517 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16182 16175 23 SWTOR 1334718501 16518 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16183 16176 23 SWTOR 1334718580 16519 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16184 16177 23 SWTOR 1334718729 16520 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16185 16178 23 SWTOR 1334718805 16521 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16186 16179 23 SWTOR 1334718881 16522 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16187 16180 23 SWTOR 1334718961 16523 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16188 16181 23 SWTOR 1334719034 16524 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16189 16182 23 SWTOR 1334719112 16525 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16190 16183 23 SWTOR 1334719189 16526 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16191 16184 23 SWTOR 1334719266 Wie der Titel schon sagt, nur den Umgang mit Menschen, die rephaben. Suchen, um in der Beta 11/18-11/21 Wochenende zu bekommen.
    16527 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16192 16185 23 SWTOR 1334719342 Ziel sfn133 Wenn Sie weniger als rep mich haben, werden Sie zuerst gehen.
    16528 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16193 16186 23 SWTOR 1334719420 16529 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16194 16187 23 SWTOR 1334719496 16530 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16195 16188 23 SWTOR 1334719572 16531 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16196 16189 23 SWTOR 1334719649 16532 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16197 16190 23 SWTOR 1334719726 16533 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16198 16191 23 SWTOR 1334719803 16534 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16199 16192 23 SWTOR 1334719880 16535 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16200 16193 38 FFXI Accounts 1334719958 16536 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16201 16194 23 SWTOR 1334719962 16537 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16202 16195 23 SWTOR 1334720039 16538 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16203 16196 23 SWTOR 1334720116 16539 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16204 16197 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720124 16540 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16205 16198 23 SWTOR 1334720193 16541 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16206 16199 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720262 16542 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16207 16200 23 SWTOR 1334720269 16543 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16208 16201 23 SWTOR 1334720345 16544 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16209 16202 0 Anonymous 1334720352 16545 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16210 16203 23 SWTOR 1334720421 16546 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16211 16204 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720422 16547 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16212 16205 0 Anonymous 1334720493 16548 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16213 16206 23 SWTOR 1334720497 16549 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16214 16207 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720560 16550 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16215 16208 23 SWTOR 1334720573 16551 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16216 16209 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720629 16552 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16217 16210 23 SWTOR 1334720651 16553 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16218 16211 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720698 16554 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16219 16212 23 SWTOR 1334720729 16555 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16220 16213 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720767 [WTB] [US] mage 16556 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16221 16214 23 SWTOR 1334720806 Wie der Titel besagt, mich auf mein Level 30 + Defiant Schurke aufmein Konto Rift verkaufen. Verschoben auf SWTOR PM oderNachricht, wenn interessiert.
    16557 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16222 16215 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720836 16558 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16223 16216 23 SWTOR 1334720883 16559 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16224 16217 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720905 16560 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16225 16218 23 SWTOR 1334720961 16561 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16226 16219 38 FFXI Accounts 1334720974 16562 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16227 16220 23 SWTOR 1334721039 16563 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16228 16221 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721043 16564 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16229 16222 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721111 16565 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16230 16223 23 SWTOR 1334721116 16566 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16231 16224 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721182 16567 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16232 16225 23 SWTOR 1334721194 16568 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16233 16226 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721250 16569 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16234 16227 23 SWTOR 1334721271 16570 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16235 16228 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721319 16571 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16236 16229 23 SWTOR 1334721348 16572 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16237 16230 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721388 16573 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16238 16231 23 SWTOR 1334721426 16574 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16239 16232 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721457 16575 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16240 16233 23 SWTOR 1334721502 16576 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16241 16234 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721525 16577 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16242 16235 23 SWTOR 1334721579 Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme! Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme!Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme! Mit Blick auf eine extra Rechnungzu verkaufen. Es hat keine Spielzeit im Moment und ist entweder 47 oder 48 Level. Ich bin der OO des Kontos und wird ID-Scan mit dem Kauf bieten. Auf der Suche nach $ 50 obo. Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme! Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme! Beitrag vor der Kontaktaufnahme! Aim - Syrll1
    16578 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16243 16236 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721594 16579 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16244 16237 23 SWTOR 1334721659 16580 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16245 16238 0 Anonymous 1334721665 16581 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16246 16239 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721733 16582 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16247 16240 23 SWTOR 1334721736 16583 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16248 16241 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721802 16584 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16249 16242 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721873 16585 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16250 16243 23 SWTOR 1334721892 16587 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16251 16244 38 FFXI Accounts 1334721943 16588 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16252 16245 23 SWTOR 1334721967 16589 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16253 16246 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722002 16590 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16254 16247 23 SWTOR 1334722041 16591 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16255 16248 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722070 16592 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16256 16249 23 SWTOR 1334722123 16593 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16257 16250 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722140 16594 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16258 16251 23 SWTOR 1334722197 16595 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16259 16252 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722209 16596 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16260 16253 23 SWTOR 1334722273 16597 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16261 16254 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722277 16598 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16262 16255 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722348 16599 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16263 16256 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722417 16600 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16264 16257 23 SWTOR 1334722424 16601 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16265 16258 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722485 16602 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16266 16259 23 SWTOR 1334722501 16603 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16267 16260 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722555 16604 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16268 16261 23 SWTOR 1334722578 16606 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16269 16262 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722623 16607 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16270 16263 23 SWTOR 1334722655 16608 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16271 16264 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722693 16609 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16272 16265 23 SWTOR 1334722733 16610 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16273 16266 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722762 16611 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16274 16267 23 SWTOR 1334722809 16612 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16275 16268 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722831 16613 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16276 16269 23 SWTOR 1334722887 16614 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16277 16270 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722900 16615 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16278 16271 23 SWTOR 1334722965 16616 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16279 16272 38 FFXI Accounts 1334722970 16617 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16280 16273 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723038 16618 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16281 16274 23 SWTOR 1334723042 16619 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16282 16275 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723108 Quoi de bon?

    Lookin pour un 80ish compte NIN est cool.


    Lemme sais whatchu obtenu.

    Lookin pour passer 150-200 sommets.

    Merci :) 16620 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16283 16276 23 SWTOR 1334723119 16621 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16284 16277 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723177 16622 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16285 16278 23 SWTOR 1334723196 16623 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16286 16279 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723246 16624 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16287 16280 23 SWTOR 1334723271 16625 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16288 16281 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723314 16626 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16289 16282 23 SWTOR 1334723347 Alle Details hier: Level 50 Imperialen Agenten Operative Healer Specund Getriebemotoren - Buy WoW Accounts kaufen World of Warcraft Account 16627 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16290 16283 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723383 16628 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16291 16284 23 SWTOR 1334723424 16629 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16292 16285 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723452 16630 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16293 16286 0 Anonymous 1334723514 16631 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16294 16287 23 SWTOR 1334723578 16632 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16295 16288 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723581 16633 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16296 16289 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723652 16634 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16297 16290 23 SWTOR 1334723652 16635 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16298 16291 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723722 16636 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16299 16292 23 SWTOR 1334723731 16637 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16300 16293 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723790 16638 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16301 16294 23 SWTOR 1334723806 16639 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16302 16295 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723858 16640 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16303 16296 23 SWTOR 1334723886 16641 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16304 16297 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723929 16642 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16305 16298 23 SWTOR 1334723961 16643 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16306 16299 38 FFXI Accounts 1334723996 16644 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16307 16300 23 SWTOR 1334724035 16645 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16308 16301 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724064 16646 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16309 16302 23 SWTOR 1334724116 16647 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16310 16303 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724134 16648 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16311 16304 23 SWTOR 1334724191 16649 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16312 16305 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724203 16650 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16313 16306 23 SWTOR 1334724268 16651 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16314 16307 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724274 16652 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16315 16308 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724341 16653 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16316 16309 23 SWTOR 1334724350 16654 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16317 16310 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724409 [WTB] [US] RDM ou WHM 75 +... 16655 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16318 16311 23 SWTOR 1334724424 16656 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16319 16312 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724479 16657 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16320 16313 23 SWTOR 1334724500 16658 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16321 16314 23 SWTOR 1334724577 16659 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16322 16315 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724610 16660 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16323 16316 23 SWTOR 1334724655 16661 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16324 16317 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724677 16662 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16325 16318 23 SWTOR 1334724733 16663 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16326 16319 0 Anonymous 1334724748 16664 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16327 16320 23 SWTOR 1334724808 16665 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16328 16321 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724816 16666 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16329 16322 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724885 16667 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16330 16323 23 SWTOR 1334724887 16668 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16331 16324 38 FFXI Accounts 1334724956 16669 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16332 16325 23 SWTOR 1334724965 16670 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16333 16326 23 SWTOR 1334725042 16671 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16334 16327 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725087 Okay, So I am interested in buying a Account on here, I would like a RNG / BLU main job account with pretty decent gear at 75+ Mainly like the Siege Bow / Ebow.I would love it to have some movement speed gear ( striders / Blood cuisses) id love it to have Vbelt and maybe some good gear I dont want the account to have to much AWESOME stuff... cause honestly who wants a account with everything on it? mainly i want this account to play around in Ballista lol. The BLU please have all updated spells and AF2/3 would be amazing. honestly... if anything has good gear I just want something fun to play so just send me some PMS with any decent account my spending limit is about.. 250-300 USD

    I can do WU and ive only bought an account on here once and sold it not long after due to a new baby in my life so i needed the money. so not much feedback please get back with me on sonme offers!! thanks guys!

    16335 16328 23 SWTOR 1334725120 16673 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16336 16329 23 SWTOR 1334725197 The account is a collectors edition account as well I should mention. 50 powertech is on The FatMan (US East) Commando and Scoundrel are on Saber Of Exar Kun (US East) Powertech is Valor Rank 69 currently, will probably be 70 before I sell the account (This is War Hero) - Has main battlemaster pieces (weapon, offhand, chest, boots, belt, wrist, helmet) as well as implants, earpiece etc. - Has matrix cube, all the biochem adrenals, maxed professions (biochem/analysis/underworld trading) - Has full champion tank set, 1000 warzone/mercenary commedations, 377 champion commedations, 558 centurion, 121 fleet. 2 million credits Some PVE gear 99.9% of the time I am top DPS in all Warzones, pyrotech powertech is fun to play, and easily one of the best DPS in the game. Character has all the tanking items to go right in to hardmode operations and tank fine. Commando has 56+ valor rank - Full champion set - Extra commendations etc - 600k+ credits - 400 cybertech/scavenging/underworld trading (has all rakata grenades) - Has nearly full sets of every other type of set (healing, etc) in champion - All companions are maxed affection - Character destroys in PvP like the powertech Both of these characters have everything else a typical level 50 has, 110% speed mount, etc. 42 scoundrel is ready to be leveled to max and played as a healer or awesome dps as well. Either way, hit me up with an offer and we'll see. 16674 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16337 16330 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725214 Okay I am wanting to revise a purchase I am seeking.
    I am wanting to buy a account that has at least 2/3 75+ RNG / DRK / BLU I would like the RNG and DRK to be pretty good geared. I would like the RNG to have some Speed movement gear..

    I am looking to spend around 200-400$ on an account. I know that accounts that was considered 75 and endgame are no longer Pricey unless its 90+ and has Abyssea gear. I would like a good Ballista account... And the Transfer has to be up. Please let me know any offers please include SS's of the Model of character and the Gear on the character please thanks all! Looking to buy this weekend..

    Since I only have done 1 transaction on here i will do WU.. honestly prefer WU and 16675 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16338 16331 23 SWTOR 1334725276 16676 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16339 16332 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725284 WTB Taru account that has either fishing or some jobs over 75. Not looking for a high end character.

    Can pay 50-150$ 16677 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16340 16333 23 SWTOR 1334725352 16678 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16341 16334 0 Anonymous 1334725353 looking to buy a black mage at at least the old level cap with sky sea and salvage and red mage sub job fully leveled. stripped for lower price. 16679 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16342 16335 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725421 Title pretty much says it all

    Along with a 100+ Craft

    Human (Male)
    Taru (Male)
    Mithra (Heshe)

    All expansions
    Sever Transfer Ready

    Depending on Gil, Sellables, Rare/Ex, Jobs and Crafts and Expansion is what will vary price.

    Payment: I prefer Paypal, I can do western union but don't expect me to if you have little to no Feedback.

    Got Something Close to this Shoot me a PM. 16680 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16343 16336 23 SWTOR 1334725429 16681 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16344 16337 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725490 Hello i am looking to get back in to FF and i am more likely looking for an account with Support role jobs like brd/cor any other jobs like whm/rdm/blm/sch would be a plus and a possibly a few dd jobs.

    Only looking to pay around 250 and i dont care if its still level 75 or whatnot doesnt matter if they have emp weapons or not just pm with offers.

    Thank you ~ 16682 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16345 16338 23 SWTOR 1334725506 Mit Blick auf eine ausgerichtete Schurke / Salbei auf einem PvP-Server zu kaufen. Wird nur mit repped Mitglieder umzugehen. PM mich oder Post in diesem Thread. Vielen Dank!
    16683 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16346 16339 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725562 Looking for an accoun with capped Synergy PM me! 16684 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16347 16340 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725629 Main jobs I'm looking for are Whm/Blm/Thf, anything else is a bonus. Server transfer MUST be up, Tav access preferred, gear doesn't matter. Jobs preferred to be 90+.

    Not looking to spend a whole lot, PP preferred. 16685 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16348 16341 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725697 LTB a Taru MAGE account with decent if not amazing gear.

    LV. 95 preferably or close to

    Preferred jobs:

    Would like to have OO info on hand if poss, transfer up or close to. I don't care if male or female. Access to ALL areas, most maps if not all of them and a little gil on hand or in sellables. NO GAMES please!
    I've bought a few accounts off of here and prefer WU or MG, no paypal.

    PM me with what you have. 16686 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16349 16342 23 SWTOR 1334725731 16687 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16350 16343 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725767 Hi, I'm looking for a Taru account ( M or F, EU or US ) with 1 or 2 job 75+.
    Server transfer must be available.

    Pm me~ 16688 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16351 16344 23 SWTOR 1334725807 16689 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16352 16345 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725835 PM me with basic rundowns and prices. Thanks 16690 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16353 16346 38 FFXI Accounts 1334725903 Looking for a cheap taru female any modle.
    Looking to spend $200-$300.
    Job prefrence blm,smn,whm,rdm,brd,thf,bst

    level range 75+
    rank 10 a plus
    smn with odin would make me drool, possible spend more than I intended.

    Please help, GF wants to play and I can't power level her 1-90. 16691 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16354 16347 23 SWTOR 1334725958 16692 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16355 16348 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726035 New buyer here. Looking for an account with a Taru WHM that has server transfer up, abyssea and most good atmas done. Gear and other jobs aren't important. Could be interested in BLM, WAR, BRD, but WHM most important.

    Looking to pay $300 or less depending on quality of the account. Will use or whatever is standard procedure. Guaranteed money via PayPal or whatever payment is preferred. Let's do this deal SOON, this week hopefully! 16693 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16356 16349 23 SWTOR 1334726036 16694 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16357 16350 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726104 Any jobs, multiple jobs, or nothing but whm,
    If you have a taru with anything at 95-99 send me a message!!!! 16695 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16358 16351 23 SWTOR 1334726113 16696 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16359 16352 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726174 Looking to buy an account with atleast RDM 80+ or BRD 80+ and other jobs 75+ PM me account and details. Only paying through Paypal and using . Nothing too stripped please. 16697 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16360 16353 23 SWTOR 1334726189 16698 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16361 16354 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726242 WTB a TaruTaru Jobs I would like is


    Needs to have at least 2 of these jobs 90 Well geared. please PM prices and listing. 16699 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16362 16355 23 SWTOR 1334726266 16700 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16363 16356 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726310 Looking for an account for my RL Girlfriend. She is a taru fan and no other race will do
    any face or size, but i would prefer at least one of these jobs over 75

    Other then that sea/sky would be nice.
    Please pm or just post details. 16701 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16364 16357 23 SWTOR 1334726343 16702 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16365 16358 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726380 looking to buy a thf account
    abyssea preffered but not needed
    stripped or unstripped
    thf has to be 75+
    any race 16703 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16366 16359 23 SWTOR 1334726419 16704 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16367 16360 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726448 Looking to buy a thf account, Would like mithra and th4 with love torque, homam gear and strider boots with x's knife . 16705 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16368 16361 23 SWTOR 1334726495 16706 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16369 16362 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726518 Hey all, I'm looking to buy a pimp thf account can go up to 1000 us dollars via paypal let me know what you got thanks 16707 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16370 16363 23 SWTOR 1334726572 16708 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16371 16364 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726648 Price is # I want this thing top notch relic/mythic/empy the best of the best gear has to be a female hume and or male/female elvaan payment is by paypal PM me if you have a very well rounded account. 16709 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16372 16365 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726716 Wanting to Buy a Ranger,Ninja, or Thief the list of requirements are bellow:

    Relic weapon(Lvl 90)
    All needed rare/ex
    All Needed Atma's
    Sea, Sky, and all other applicable openings

    PM with price and account please and thank you.
    I will entertain all Reasonable accounts 16710 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16373 16366 23 SWTOR 1334726723 16711 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16374 16367 23 SWTOR 1334726801 16712 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16375 16368 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726846 I'm looking to buy two accounts with any high level job.

    Preferably Hume F w/ Face 2 or Face 4 but whatever I can just race change :P
    Preferably a PLD or RDM main job... but again doesn't matter too much.

    Preferably Hume M or Elvaan M
    Preferably MNK or SAM or WAR as main job.

    Please send PM with character info/screenshots/price. Will use . 16713 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16376 16369 23 SWTOR 1334726876 16714 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16377 16370 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726913 Looking to buy two accounts, the first one must be Hume male, the second is one doesn't matter race or gender. Both must have CoP, Rise of Zilart done, lv 75 minimum level for both. Otherwise just looking for basic accounts, i dont need anything crazy but open to all offers.

    Please PM me with your offers, will reply asap! 16715 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16378 16371 23 SWTOR 1334726952 16716 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16379 16372 38 FFXI Accounts 1334726983 Looking to get back into ffxi and willing to spend up to $250 dont want any stripped accounts prefer account that has a mule leveled up slightly as well. Does not have to be uber geared but would prefer nice gear, thank you and let me know what you have. 16717 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16380 16373 23 SWTOR 1334727031 16718 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16381 16374 38 FFXI Accounts 1334727051 I am looking to buy an UP TO DATE account or two I can DB with my current account.

    I am willing to buy Relic (90 only), Myth or Emp weapon

    Looking for any combo of : MNK SAM WAR PLD NIN BLM WHM RDM

    More jobs the better, but want heavy DD, tank and mage.

    Pref OO's with full account details, but I will work with anyone I feel comfortable dealing with.

    I am a serious buyer looking for a serious seller
    I am using PayPal as main payment method unless other arrangements are made
    I am trustwho verified
    Paypal verified for well over 5+ years
    Willing to use 16719 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16382 16375 23 SWTOR 1334727109 16720 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16383 16376 23 SWTOR 1334727185 16721 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16384 16377 23 SWTOR 1334727262 16722 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16385 16378 23 SWTOR 1334727409 16726 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16386 16379 23 SWTOR 1334727485 16727 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16387 16380 23 SWTOR 1334727562 16728 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16388 16381 23 SWTOR 1334727640 16729 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16389 16382 23 SWTOR 1334727715 16730 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16390 16383 23 SWTOR 1334727792 16731 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16391 16384 23 SWTOR 1334727868 16732 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16392 16385 23 SWTOR 1334727947 16733 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16393 16386 23 SWTOR 1334728018 16734 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16394 16387 23 SWTOR 1334728095 16735 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16395 16388 23 SWTOR 1334728173 16736 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16396 16389 23 SWTOR 1334728247 16737 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16397 16390 23 SWTOR 1334728324 16738 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16398 16391 23 SWTOR 1334728401 16739 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16399 16392 23 SWTOR 1334728479 16740 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16400 16393 23 SWTOR 1334728555 16741 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16401 16394 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728584 looking for an account with atleast war and mnk 80+, would love for it to have sam and rng atleast 75+ 16742 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16402 16395 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728653 I'm looking into buying a FFXI account, most preferably a female character.

    The account must atleast have some AF3+1's. Be ready to just get in the game.

    I'm only looking for 1 level 99 with it's sub jobs.

    Price range - 100 - 150$

    Please send messages.

    is required for the transaction. 16743 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16403 16396 23 SWTOR 1334728706 16744 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16404 16397 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728723 Send me pm if you got something for me 16745 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16405 16398 23 SWTOR 1334728785 16746 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16406 16399 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728793 Looking to buy a level 90 whm
    Needs to have

    decent cure set
    at least two atma abyssites (all three would be better)
    and server transfer up

    anything else is just extra
    pm with offers please! 16747 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16407 16400 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728861 I want a Lv.90 WHM account that has all abyssea expansions registered.

    must in ragnarok server, or server transfer is available.

    pay via paypal only.

    thank you 16748 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16408 16401 23 SWTOR 1334728861 16749 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16409 16402 38 FFXI Accounts 1334728931 like it says and would like it to have abyssea ready with atma...
    preferred orison +2 gear.. 16750 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16410 16403 23 SWTOR 1334728940 16751 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16411 16404 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729000 One with server transfer and all 3 abyssea expansions. 16752 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16412 16405 23 SWTOR 1334729013 16753 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16413 16406 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729068 hello im lookin to buy a cheap whm PL account for gill instead of cash exchange plz send me a message if anyone intrested 16754 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16414 16407 23 SWTOR 1334729092 16755 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16415 16408 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729137 i want a power level account ..
    shoot me with offers .. 16756 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16416 16409 23 SWTOR 1334729168 16757 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16417 16410 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729207 Looking for account with 75+ Whm, any race with all abyssea expansions and server xfer up. PM me with offers. Can pay with WU or Paypal and will use 16758 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16418 16411 23 SWTOR 1334729245 16759 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16419 16412 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729276 Main requirements are it has all expansions unlocked, decent set of atmas and transfer available. Cure potency staff already done would be a nice plus.

    If you have one you're looking to move, PM me. 16760 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16420 16413 23 SWTOR 1334729323 16761 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16421 16414 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729347 Would perfer one that has all the Expansions send message with offers. 16762 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16422 16415 23 SWTOR 1334729399 16763 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16423 16416 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729413 Hey.
    I want to buy a WHM acc. can be stripped, need transfer UP, send me PM for offers
    thanks 16764 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16424 16417 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729483 I've made several offers on some different accounts but all I'm really looking for is something with a good WHM on it with quality gear and maybe some xtra gil.

    I could use something with 100+ crafting on it as well...Either a separate account or same as the WHM.

    I'm willing to spend upwards of $300-$400 for a qualifying account but am hoping to find something within $200.

    Thanks. 16765 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16425 16418 23 SWTOR 1334729550 16766 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16426 16419 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729551 (EU or USA) I would like to buy a White Mage account. Gender/face type/race isn't important. Must be level 90, unstripped, Abyssea expansions are a must, and available for transfer. Willing to pay up to $100, paypal preferred but can do WU.
    I'm not looking for anything spectacular, just something to /follow my main around while I fight NMs and cast cures.
    Thank you for any help you might give 16767 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16427 16420 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729620 Hello all, I am currently in the market for an above-average abyssea-standard account.

    Couple things I would like the account to be:

    Must be:
    - WHM at 90
    - Mithra, Hume (female), or Tarutaru (make or female np)
    - RoZ, CoP, and ToAU completed
    - Abyssea add-ons all purchased
    - at least BLM and/or SCH 49 for sub

    - AF3+1/+2 and other JSE gear for WHM
    - WoTG completed
    - Abyssea boss kills + Caturea kills completed
    - Atmas + Abyssites

    Not looking for a $10,000 account or anything, but something along the lines of above standard in FFXI today.

    Nonetheless please do not hesitate to send me any and all PMs of your account with pictures (as they are easier than a description), thanks~ 16768 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16428 16421 23 SWTOR 1334729627 Nur Hit me up in einer Uhr oder zielen auf mich markkoperdak4894 16769 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16429 16422 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729688 I am looking to buy a lvl 90+ WHM BST Fishing account, the account must meet all 3 requirements and have at least AF3+1 gear and decent equipment. Fishing must be at least 90+ skill.

    Must have all 3 of the following completed: Zilart TOAU and COP.
    Should have Dyna Tav access as well.

    I am willing to pay up to $300.00 for an account, seller must provide pics of the actual account for verification, and be willing to accept paypal and service, all keys and info associated with the account must be relinquished upon purchase.

    PM me with any questions.
    thank you. 16770 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16430 16423 23 SWTOR 1334729705 16771 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16431 16424 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729761 75 Hume
    CoP, Sea Acces, Abyssea Expansions
    Can I have it. 16772 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16432 16425 23 SWTOR 1334729785 16773 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16433 16426 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729827 hello i wtb either a whm nin or sch. +75 and up.

    all areas/abyssea access please. no gear/gil needed.

    looking to spend between 100-200 dollars. 16774 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16434 16427 23 SWTOR 1334729857 16775 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16435 16428 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729895 Looking to buy a mage account. Gear is mostly irrelevant to me as it'll be mostly a proc mule. Just looking for at least 80+ blm or whm account with transfer availaible (or on fenrir). If the account has other jobs besides either whm or blm i might still be interested if the price is decent. 16776 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16436 16429 23 SWTOR 1334729935 16777 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16437 16430 38 FFXI Accounts 1334729965 looking for a whm or rdm plvl account pm w/ gear and account details ^^
    hoping to find one for when servers go back up 16778 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16438 16431 23 SWTOR 1334730013 16779 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16439 16432 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730033 [WTB] [US] whm or rdm plvl account 16780 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16440 16433 23 SWTOR 1334730088 16781 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16441 16434 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730104 Looking for an account with WHM 90+. PM with details. Additional jobs(Like BRD, BLM, RDM) are a plus, but not neccesarry. 16782 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16442 16435 23 SWTOR 1334730165 16783 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16443 16436 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730170 Post details here, Want to buy this today via paypal! Must be lvl 90! Stripped is fine. 16784 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16444 16437 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730241 Willing to buy any hume f or taru f lvl 50+ any job. I prefer a melee job if not to be specific, Drk please. I'm looking for faces such as the blonde shantotto haircut for a taru or for hume f the blonde with blonde hair 4B haircut. Willing to pay good money I sold all of my accounts when I quit 11 and now want to come back. Thanks again! I will also take with a 30+ Drk also. 16785 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16445 16438 23 SWTOR 1334730242 16786 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16446 16439 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730310 Willing to pay 50-100 depending on skills, gear, and subjobs 16787 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16447 16440 23 SWTOR 1334730320 16788 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16448 16441 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730379 Looking to buy Ebisu Fishing Rod Accounts~ Please send your post or pm some details about your account~ Thanks 16789 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16449 16442 23 SWTOR 1334730395 16790 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16450 16443 23 SWTOR 1334730472 16791 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16451 16444 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730510 wtb a whm account no galka or elvaan pls level 75+ with all subjobs leveled. 16792 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16452 16445 23 SWTOR 1334730550 16793 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16453 16446 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730580 other jobs to have if possible THF SMN DNC. All subs levelled.

    Sea/Sky/Assault finished/Nyzul 99.

    Salvage gear wanted. Usukane and Ares is tops. Skadi secondary. Want top rare/ex gear for the jobs. IE: Important Abjurations, W L and N L. Homam and torques ala Justice and Love. Don't care about sellables or stuff that can be purchased.

    Don't really care about relics although if it has one, I won't complain. There is other stuff that I can't think of now. Been gone a long time. Let me know if you have anything that fits this or something close to it. No Humes thanks. 16794 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16454 16447 23 SWTOR 1334730628 16795 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16455 16448 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730648 Hi guys i have a Masamune Account and i want to buy a Kannagi Account or Trade my Masamune Account vs. a Kannagi account pls check it and send me pm.

    WTS Masamune Check it!!! 16796 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16456 16449 23 SWTOR 1334730702 16797 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16457 16450 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730717 Hello looking for a dual relic account
    A amano/yoichi account is what I'm really looking for.
    But if u have an account with
    Amano, bravura, or apoc paird with either yoichi, or gun
    That would be great.
    Ill also look into other accounts with multiple relic. 16798 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16458 16451 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730787 Selling off Transferable Ebisu accounts, if your interested send me a pm! Greatest money maker in all of vanadiel, don't miss out! 16799 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16459 16452 23 SWTOR 1334730853 16800 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16460 16453 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730859 looking for anything something with jobs finished and geared ti 90 please..........gil is on sylph server and must be picked up 16801 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16461 16454 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730924 Looking for any account that has a Yagrush. Must be at least a completed level 75 Yagrush. Not interested in almost finished products. Offering up to $1000.00 USD for a quality WHM account. PM me or respond to this thread. Will use WU + . Thank you.

    I'm aware that FFXI is unavailable for play right now. Just interested in starting my search for an account now. 16802 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16462 16455 23 SWTOR 1334730930 16803 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16463 16456 38 FFXI Accounts 1334730994 I quit a while back upon revisiting the game its clear I do not wish to return.
    If you are American and wishing to buy this, your going to have to download EU PoL to change the Member and Billing Information.


    Sandy Rank 5 Current
    Windy Rank 10
    Basty Rank 10
    POL Reg Codes: YES(Photo's)
    SEID security Q/A: Yes
    SE Account with Satchel Token Deactivated 80 All 6 Inventory's

    Promathia: COMPLETE! SEA YES
    ToAU Path: COMPLETE!
    Assault: Captain Rank
    WoTG: Crossroads of Time
    Campaign: Starlight Medal
    C.Prophecy - COMPLETE
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - Drenched!
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension - Not Purchased
    Abyssea's - 3/3 Purchased
    Nyzle: FLOOR 100/Runic Key/Disk
    Dynamis: All Access with all win's including Tav.
    Chocobo: Black w/whistle




    Also 2.85Mil in sellable's at current price's.

    Noteable Melee Rare/EX
    Valhalla Helm
    Velocious and Swift Belt
    Adaman Hauberk
    Epona's Ring
    Twilight Torque
    Hydra Haubert
    Crimson Cuisses & Finger
    Shadow Mantle
    Koenig Cuirass
    Bahamut Mask & Hose
    Iota Ring
    Buccaneer's Belt
    Homam Body, Hands, L and Feet
    Hydra Head and l
    Zha'Go's Barbut
    Valor Cape
    Nuevo Coselete
    Brutal Earring
    Askar Head, Body, Hands, Feet
    Ritter Gorget
    Hope Torque
    Byakkos Haidate
    Hecatomb cap
    Perdu Voulge, Sickle and Blade
    Hanibal's Sword
    Ungur Boomerang
    Tokon Hackimaki (Hand-to-Hand)

    Noteable Mage Rare/EX
    Nashira Seraweels and Gage's
    Justice Sword
    Hecate's Earring
    Goetia Mantle
    Caller's Pendant
    Twilight Cape
    Bahamut's Staff
    Morrigans Robe and Cuffs
    Vivian Ring
    Tamas Ring
    Zenith Head, Hands, L
    Goliard Head, Body and L
    Prudence Toruqe
    Crimson Scale Mail and Cuisses
    Marduk Hands
    Src Petasos+1 and Gloves+1
    Merciful and Altruistic Cape
    Gleemans Cape
    Moldy earring
    Omega Ring
    Morgannas Choker
    Balhran's Ring
    Loq. Earring
    Magnetic Earring
    Ice, Light and Dark Elemental Sea Obi's

    Weavens Apron, Belt and spec 88+2 Clothcraft
    Deimos Cuirass (35 Ares's body)
    Anniversary Ring 9/10 Charge's
    Olduum Ring
    Tavnazian Ring
    Chocobo Whistle
    M Abjur Ft.
    W Abjur Ft.

    And much much more

    2/5 Nashira (Hands and L)
    4/5 Homam (No head)

    3/5 God Gear (No Head or Body)

    1/5 Marduk's (Hands)
    2/5 Morrigan's (Body and Hands)

    3/5 Yigit (No Head or L)
    1/5 Pahluwan (L)
    4/5 Askar (No L)
    3/5 Goliard (No Hand or Feet)

    4/5 Iron Ram (No Feet)
    2/5 Oracle's (L and Feet)

    4/5 Aquarian (No feet)
    1/5 Neptunal (Head)
    4/5 Wyrmal (No Head)
    1/5 Earthen (Body)
    3/5 Martial (No Head or Hands)

    5/5 Duelist's
    5/5 Summoner's+Cape
    5/5 Valor+Cape (+1 L)
    5/5 Scout's
    5/5 Cleric's+Belt
    5/5 Koga
    3/5 Sorcerer's (No Body or Feet) (+1 Head and Hands)
    1/5 Bard's (L)

    5/5 Warlock's
    5/5 Healer's
    5/5 Ninja's
    5/5 Evoker's
    3/5 Wizard's (No L or Feet) (Head +1)
    1/5 Gallant's (Feet +1)
    1/5 Hunter's (Hands +1)
    1/5 Choral's (L)

    100% Cap Merit's: 805 Total 21 on Hand

    Attributes and Others:
    8/8 Max MP
    5/5 INT
    4/4 Critical hit Rate
    4/4 Enm Crit hit rate.

    Combat and Magic Skills:
    8/8 Enfeebling
    8/8 Elemental
    8/8 Archery
    8/8 Sword
    4/4 Shield

    5/5 Bar Spell Effect
    5/5 Cure Potency effect
    3/5 Shellra V
    5/5 Devotion
    1/5 Martyr
    1/5 Protectra V

    5/5 Ice Magic Potency
    5/5 Lightning Magic Potency
    5/5 Freeze II
    5/5 Burst II

    5/5 Ice Magic Accuracy
    5/5 Convert Recast
    5/5 Slow II
    5/5 Paralyze II

    5/5 Lullaby Recast
    5/5 Minuet Effect
    3/5 Nightingale
    3/5 Troubadour
    3/5 Foe Sirvinite
    1/5 Adventurer's Dirge

    4/5 Double attack
    3/5 Agressor
    3/5 Berserk
    5/5 Warriors charge
    5/5 Savergy.

    5/5 Sent Recast
    5/5 Rampart Recast
    5/5 Guardian
    1/5 Fealty
    4/5 Chivary

    5/5 Rapid Shot Rate
    5/5 Sharpshot Recast
    5/5 Snapshot
    3/5 Stealth Shot
    2/5 Flashy Shot

    5/5 Avatar Physical Accuracy
    5/5 Avatar Physical Attack
    1/5 Meteor Strike
    1/5 Heavenly Strike
    5/5 Wind Blade
    1/5 Geocrush
    1/5 Thunderstorm
    1/5 Grand Fall

    5/5 Subtle Blow Effect
    2/5 Huton Effect
    1/5 Doton Effect
    2/5 Suiton Effect
    5/5 Sange
    5/5 Ninja Tool Expertise

    36 ATMA's:
    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of the Voracious Violet
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of Gales
    Atma of Dunes
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
    Atma of the Ascending One
    Atma of the Scarlet Wing
    Atma of the Persistent Predator
    Atma of the Sea Daughter
    Atma of Aquatic Ardor
    Atma of the Hero
    Atma of the Full Moon
    Atma of Illusions
    Atma of the Banisher
    Atma of the Sellsword
    Atma of Echoes
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Dragon Rider
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Dark Depths
    Atma of the Zenith
    Atma of Perfect Attendance
    Atma of the Rescuer
    Atma of Nightmares
    Atma of the Einherjar

    Current T.Stone's 56 and counting 8hr Regeneration
    Current Cruor's 1.3mil and counting can cash them out for close to 2.6mil
    Current Dom Point's: 210k+

    Mythic Weapon Unlocking Progress
    Captain Wildcat Badge
    Runic Key/Disk
    110K/150k Assault Token's
    82k/100k Ampoules
    21/50 Assault's Re-recorded

    TLDR & Decked Very nice Hume with ALL KING BODIES, cap merits, GREAT foundation account with tons of SUPER hard to get RARE/EX, pickup do some abyssea for AF3 and your ready to go with a great account with over 1305 Days of playtime already out of the way.

    Starting bid: $400
    Buyout: Taking Offers.

    WU Prefered, Paypal if rep allows. is fine, buyer covers cost. 16804 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16464 16457 23 SWTOR 1334731010 16805 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16465 16458 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731063 This has been my main account for about 4 years now. I’ve been given the ultimatum of stay married or keep playing the game. Unfortunately, and against my better judgment (lol) I have to get rid of my guy. This account is packed with goodies and is a premium account 100%. It is an EU account so registering credit cards should be no problem if you play on PC, no need for 3D secure as far as I remember, but I haven’t changed the credit info in 4 years so things may have changed since.

    He is a hume male average height, black short hair and the basic face model. 10x jobs at 90, and 1 at 77. FFXIAH ranks him in the 40’s on the server and 1200’s overall. I will try to list as much gear and facts as possible here, but this add is going to be really long, I will also provide screenshots so you can see for yourself the massive amount of gear and greatness of this account.


    Sam is an 85 Masamune holder with 6/75 hearts done for stage 90, full af3+2, and a 5 hit build IN & OUT of Abyssea. I will provide photos of him in TP/WS/Full AF3 +2.

    At the moment he has 1 million gil (photos will show 1,979,132 gil but some of that is owed to someone) on him, 42 Abyssea Stones and around 1million cruor for brews/etc.

    Would also like to add that all 11 of the jobs were at 75 pre-Abyssea so most of their skill are at cap or very close to it.

    Level 94 Alchemy with Wood at 60, Smith at 50, Cloth at 53, and Cooking at 60.
    Every job is fully merited (897 merits) and 20 merits banked as well. Each level 90 has at the very least some AF3+1 with a lot of them having +2 pieces as well. Notable pieces of gear which are kind of a pain to get are Loki’s Kaftan, Twilight Helm Knife Cape Torque and Belt, Nocturnus Mail, Ocelot Gloves, Danzo Sune-Ate, Moonshade Earring (Aug. for Sam Atk +4, TP Bonus +25), Full set fo HQ Staves, Serpentes Gloves and Boots, Agasaya’s Collar, Aqua and Light Belts, Estoqueur’s Collar & Cape, and 8 storage slips filled with old-school gear from sky,sea, abjs. Etc. I will take and provide as many photos as I can in this ad.

    I’m basically looking for around $700 for this account. It is truly a great account and will make an awesome addition to anyone looking to get into/back into/ or dual box. Middle Man at your expense, and Western Union only because I do not have a PayPal account. 16806 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16466 16459 23 SWTOR 1334731082 16807 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16467 16460 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731132 Hello i'm looking to sell my account

    i'm the OO
    Hume M face 3, hair 3
    abyssea complete
    zilart, ToAU complete
    with all minis expansion,

    have BB, Ridill, many Abyssea items, many AF3+2, VW items..
    here one screen of my gears,

    Paypal or WU payment
    starting bid: 300USD Buyout: 700USD

    PM me if you interest.
    any question about things you want to know feel free to ask 16808 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16468 16461 23 SWTOR 1334731159 16809 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16469 16462 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731202 Race: Elvaan
    World (Server) Transfer available?: Yes
    Account Type: EU
    All Orig. owner info available!
    Reg. codes and CD Keys

    Payment options:
    Western Union
    Money Gram


    Starting bid: $600
    Buyout price: 1500
    I'm willing to use or VFAQ's ... No other site will be accepted!

    WAR 95 MNK 90
    WHM 83 BLM 95
    RDM 90 THF 93
    PLD 95 DRK 90
    BST 91 BRD 90
    RNG 95 SAM 95
    NIN 95 DRG 95
    SMN 30 BLU 90
    COR 90 PUP 8
    SCH 0 DNC 59

    Notable Items:

    Revenant Fists +2
    Daka +2
    Maschu +2
    Tobi +2
    Hiradennotachi +2
    Castellan's Shield
    Glyph Axe
    Celeritas Pole
    Perdu Voulge
    Vermeil Bhuj
    Twilight playerup.com

    Ravager's Mask +2
    Goetia Petasos +2
    Raider's Bonnet +2
    Creed Armet +2
    Bale Burgeonet +2
    Iga Zukin +2
    Twilight Helm
    Aias Bonnet
    Varangian Helm

    Ravager's Lorica +2
    Tantra Cyclas +2
    Goetia Coat +2
    Creed Cuirass +2
    Bale Cuirass +2
    Aoidos' Hongreline +2
    Unkai Domaru +2
    Twilight Mail
    Adaman Hauberk

    Ravager's Mufflers +2
    Creed Gauntlets +2
    Bale Gauntlets +2
    Temple Gloves
    Wizard's Gloves

    Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Tantra Hose +2
    Orison Pantaloons +2
    Goetia Chausses +2
    Creed Cuisses +2
    Unkai Haidate +2
    Iga Hakama +2
    Blood Cuisses

    Ravager's Calligae +2
    Tantra Gaiters +2
    Raider's Poulaines +2
    Creed Sabatons +2
    Unkai Sune-ate +2
    Iga Kyahan +2
    Homam Gambieras
    Hydra Sollerets
    Corsair's Bottes
    Skadi's Jambeaux
    Usukane Sune-ate
    Askar Gambieras
    Goliard Clogs
    Hecatomb Leggings +1

    Shadow Ring
    Dark Ring
    Omega Ring
    Jalzahn's Ring
    Luzaf's Ring
    Patronus Ring
    Rajas Ring
    Vulcan's Ring

    Black Belt
    Bullwhip Belt
    Goading Belt
    Seiryu's Kote
    Adaman Hauberk
    Creed Baudrier
    Cognition Belt

    Account has a lot more misc items but all jobs are fully geared and ready to play! 16810 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16470 16463 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731272 [WTS] [EU] 2 accounts 90 thf, 84 nin + 90 blm +++ 16811 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16471 16464 23 SWTOR 1334731312 16812 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16472 16465 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731342 [WTS] [EU] 2 chars for sale 16813 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16473 16466 23 SWTOR 1334731388 16814 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16474 16467 0 Anonymous 1334731412 [WTS] [EU] 2 FFXI Accounts 2 Empyrean 90, 1 Relic 95,Ragnarok 4th stage. 16815 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16475 16468 23 SWTOR 1334731465 16816 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16476 16469 0 Anonymous 1334731481 [WTS] [EU] 2 FFXI Accounts 2 Empyrean, 1 Relic,Ragnarok 4th stage. 16817 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16477 16470 23 SWTOR 1334731540 16818 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16478 16471 0 Anonymous 1334731550 [WTS] [EU] 2 FFxi accounts, 2 Empyrean 90, 1 Relic 95,Ragnarok 4th stage. 16819 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16479 16472 23 SWTOR 1334731615 16820 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16480 16473 0 Anonymous 1334731621 [WTS] [EU] 3 RELIC + EMP Spharai(95) Bravura(90) Kikoku(85) Kannagi(85) Elvaan 100Smith 80 Syn 16821 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16481 16474 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731689 hi,
    Starting price: 200€
    Preferred payment method: Paypal
    Price: no set price, send me suggestions via message
    What Server is the account located: Cerberus
    Is the Sever Transfer Ready: Yes
    Are you the OO: Yes i am original owner
    Do you have the Registration Codes: Yes
    Is the account linked to a SE Security Token: It is, activated atm but can be deactivated for sell, i am willing to send the token with the registration codes to anywhere

    Character Information

    Race: Hume
    Gender: Female
    Face/Model: Face 2, Hair A, Size medium

    Ranks, Points & Places

    Bastok Rank: 10
    San d'Oria Rank: 10
    Windurst Rank: 10
    Access to all Gate Crystals: Yes
    Conquest Points: 150588
    Imperial Standing: 24975
    Dynamis Access: All Dynamis including Dreamlands are available


    Assault Rank: Captain
    Assault Points:
    _____________Leujaoam: 2196
    _____________Mamool: 762
    _____________Lebros: 1848
    _____________Ilrusi: 1508
    _____________Periqia: 726
    Access to all Staging Points?: Yes

    Nyzul Isle

    Nyzul Isle Floor: 100
    Nyzul Isle Tokens: 38118
    Do you have a Runic Key?: Yes


    Einherjar Feathers: 9 ( Odin Pop)
    Einherjar Therion Ichor: 9220 Ampoules
    Odin Access: Yes


    Campaign Rank: Wings of Integrity §§§
    Campaign Allied Notes: 250356
    Access to all Gate Crystals?: Yes
    Access to all Cavernous Maws?: Yes


    RoZ - Do you have Sky access? Yes
    What RoZ Earring do you have? Suppanomimi
    CoP- Do you have Sea access? Yes
    What CoP Ring do you have? Tamas Ring
    ToA - Do you have access to Salvage, Nyzul Isle and Einherjar: Yes
    What ToA Ring do you have:Balrahn's Ring
    Have you completed Apocalypse Nigh? Yes
    What AN Earring do you have? Its available but not chosen yet


    What crafting skills do you have? Clothcraft 77, Goldsmithing 45, Cooking 40 others below 10
    What crafting skill items do you have? Magnifying Specs, Weaver's Apron
    What crafting key-items do you have? Gold, Cloth Purification, Cloth Ensorcellment, Spinning, Fletching
    Guild Points:36230


    What jobs do you have at level 75? WHM, RDM, SMN, BRD
    What jobs do you have at level 85? BLM
    What jobs do you have at 37+ (not counting level 75 jobs!)? WAR, NIN, SCH, THF, DRK, SAM, DNC


    Complete AF: BLM, RDM, WHM, WAR, SMN, BRD
    +1 AF:
    ______BLM Head, Body, Hands, L +1
    ______WHM Body, Hands +1
    ______RDM Head, Body +1
    ______BRD Hands, L +1


    Complete Relic: BLM, BRD, WHM (Redmage only missing boots,
    SMN missing head, l and feet)

    BLM Relic Belt
    Yigit full set
    Bard Relic head -1

    Salvage Equipment

    Complete Morrigan Set
    Anu's tiara, gages and gaiters
    Ea's brais and crackows

    Gil: aproximately 40.000 gil

    Important Items

    Avocat Pigaches
    Bounding Boots
    Byakko's Haidate
    Carbuncle Mitts
    Crimson Cuisses
    Empress Hairpin
    Evoker´s Ring
    Genbu's Shield
    Gleeman's Cape
    Jelly Ring
    Karura Hachigane
    Loquacious Earring
    Merciful Cape
    Moldavite Earring
    Morgana's Choker
    Musical Earring
    Nashira Turban, Manteel, Gages
    Obi's: Hyorin, Furin, Rairin, Korin, Anrin
    Omega Ring
    Optical Hat
    Oracle's Cap, Gloves, Braconi
    Relaxing EarringReverend Mail
    Rostrum Pumps
    Soboro Sukehiro
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate
    Walahra Turban
    Yinyang Robe
    Zenith Crown, Mitts, Slacks
    few ZNM Equip for what a DD job need to be lvling to equip it.

    Notable Items

    Themis Orb
    Aern Organ x2
    Astral Leather
    Den coffer key
    Eldieme Chest key
    Garlaige Chest Key
    Garlaige Coffer Key
    Kuftal Coffer Key
    Luminan Tissue x1
    Quicksand Coffer Key
    Sylvan Stone
    Unlit Lantern
    Zvahl Chest Key

    Other Equipment

    Anniversary Ring (5/10)
    Cerise Doublet
    Chi und Phi Necklace
    Delkfutt Key
    Dream Boots +1
    Fortune Egg
    Galliard Trousers
    Gelong Staff
    Glamor Jupon
    Glory Crown
    Kingdom Stable Collar
    Mercenary´s Captain Gaiters
    Olduum Ring
    Opo-opo Crown
    Pilgrim´s Wand
    Powder Boots
    Purgatory Collar
    Razor Axe
    Rutter Sabatons
    Shaman´s Cloak
    Star Necklace
    Tavnazian Ring


    Enfeebling Magic Skill.........8
    Elemental Magic Skill..........8
    Spell Interruption Rate........2

    Divine Seal Recast............3
    Cure Cast Time..................3
    Regen Effect......................4
    Protectra V........................1
    Shellra V............................5

    Elemental Seal Recast ........2
    Ice Magic Potency................3
    Lightning Magic Potency.... 5
    Freeze II..............................4
    Burst II................................5
    Tornado II...........................1

    Convert Recast..................5
    Ice Magic Accuracy............4
    Lightning Magic Accuracy..1
    Slow II................................4
    Paralyze II..........................4
    Phalanx II..........................2

    Lullaby Recast..................3
    Minuet Effect.....................5
    Nightingale ......................1

    Avatar Physical Accuracy...3
    Avatar Physical Attack ......2
    Wind Blade........................1

    Let me know about any questions you have!

    starting Price at 200€
    16822 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16482 16475 23 SWTOR 1334731691 16823 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16483 16476 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731758 Hello and thank you for looking at my account I have for sale.

    I am the Original Owner of this account and have all the OO info and cd keys which I will be handing over with the sale of this account.
    As you'll see all jobs on my account are very well equipped and highly meritted.
    My account is fully equipped and ready to play, There is plenty of gil and sellables which I've listed as best as I can, This account is basically set up
    ready for you to play as soon as you log in.

    My empyrean Warrior and Samurai are superbly equipped and have excellent 5 or 6 hit set ups and the best WS sets.
    You WILL kick love you with this account and have lots of fun absolutely guaranteed.

    My PLD and MNK are both well equipped too especially PLD which has a wide variety of different gear sets.

    A Middle man is an absolute must I will not deal with anyone who doesn't want to use one.
    I will also only accept western union payment for this transaction or Paypal from extremely reputable buyer/sellers only.

    I currently have an active security token and there is also an FFXIV character attached to it which I havn't played since launch.
    I can't even remember what I leveled on it I think it's a lv21 Conjurer with a bunch of craft jobs that are about lv8-12.
    If I come to an agreement with a buyer and has been paid for I will then deactivate the token for to inspect the account.

    I've tried to be as in depth as I can with my account details but If I've missed anything please let me know, Whoever buys this from me will be delighted.

    Account Info:

    OO info available
    Hume Male rank 10 Sandy
    Server transfer available
    Approx 5,200k in gil and over 16,000k in sellables


    90 WAR 90 SAM 90 PLD 90 MNK
    80 RNG, 51 THF
    49 RDM, NIN, DRG


    Zilart Complete
    CoP - Complete
    ToAU - Complete
    WotG - Way of the father
    Nyzul Isle floor 100
    First Lieutenant Assault rank
    Dynamis Tavnazia access
    All add on's completed
    All Abyssea bosses killed

    Account Highlights:

    Ukonvasara 85 17/75 Lv90
    Masamune 85
    5/5 Ravager's Armour +2 Set
    5/5 Creed Armour +2 Set
    4/5 Unkai Armour +2 Set
    3/5 Tantra Armour +2 Set
    5/5 Usukane Set
    Adaman Hauberk
    Byakko's Haidate
    Crimson Cuisses
    Black Belt
    Ares's Cuirass
    Shadow Mantle
    Bahamuts Mask
    Valhalla Breastplate
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Knife
    Twilight Belt
    Danzo Sune-ate
    5/5 Valor Armour Set
    5/5 Melee Armour Set
    5/5 Scout's Armour Set

    Noteable R/EX Equipment:

    Heafon Knuckles
    Siege Bow
    Ravager's Orb
    Tantra Tathlum
    Varangian Helm
    Koenig Schaller
    Hero's Galea
    Hecatomb Cap
    Myochin Kabuto
    Walahra Turban
    Zha' Go's Barbut
    Anwig Salade (+4 str/agi. acc +15 ws dmg +2%)
    Timarli Jawshan
    Koenig Cuirass
    Ace's Gloves
    Timarli Dastanas
    Versa Mufflers
    Koenig Handschuhs
    Hecatomb Mittens
    Unkai Kote +1
    Tantra Gloves +1
    Hunters Bracers +1
    Temple Gloves +1
    Iron Ram Dastanas
    Homam Manopolas
    Seiryu's Kote
    Crimson Finger Gauntlets
    Saotome Kote
    Blitzer Poleyn (PDT -4% Cure Pot +5%)
    Homam Cosciales
    Iron Ram Hose
    Ace's Leggings
    Tantra Gaiters +1
    Homam Gambieras
    Iron Ram Greaves
    Hecatomb Leggings
    Ravager's Gorget
    Unkai Nodowa
    Creed Collar
    Ziel Charm
    Snow Gorget
    Breeze Gorget
    Collosus's Torque
    Sylvan Scarf
    Magoraga Beads
    Hope Torque
    Faith Torque
    Ritter Gorget
    Morgana's Choker
    Bullwhip Belt
    Goading Belt
    Creed Baudrier
    Snow Belt
    Scout's Belt
    Buccanneer's Belt
    Breeze Belt
    Water Belt
    Seigel Sash
    Impulse Belt
    Anguinus Belt
    Tactical Mantle
    Unkai Sugemino
    Atheling Mantle
    Metallon Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Ravager's Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Delta Earring
    Creed Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Tantra Earring


    Thundersoul Ring
    White Tathlum
    Thew Bomblet
    Blitz Ring
    Pyrosoul Ring
    Incantor Stone
    Arhat's Jinpachi +1
    Darksteel Cap +1
    Byrnie +1
    Zahak's Mail
    Kirin's Osode
    Dusk Gloves +1
    Arhat's Gi +1
    Coral Cuisses +1
    Coral Greaves +1
    Coral scale mail
    Alkyoneus's Brc.
    Mermans Earring x2
    Heavy Gauntlets
    Tarasque Mitts
    Incantor Stone
    Ruffian Legging
    Shield Torque
    Lamia Mantle +1
    Cerberus Mantle
    Settler's Cape
    Kemas Earring
    Buckler Earring
    Geist Earring x2
    Ruby Earring x2
    Hoard Ring
    Topaz Ring x2
    Sapphire Ring x2
    Coral Ring x2
    Bifrost Ring
    Argos Shield
    Green Ribbon +1


    6 Jewel of Vision
    6 Coin of Wieldance
    5 Jewel of Wieldance
    1 Card of Vision
    1 Coin Of Voyage
    17 Orthrus's Claws
    4 Sylvan l Seals
    6 Sylvan Body Seals
    1 Sylvan Head Seal
    Nexus Cape
    Fafnir Statue
    Behemoth Statue
    Shadow Lord Statue
    Adamantoise Statue
    Prishe Statue
    Divine Might Galka/Elvaan Statues
    Monarchs Orb
    Tavnazia Ring
    Novennial Ring 10/10 charges
    Dem ring x2
    149 H Kindred Crests
    270 Kindred's Crest
    140 Kindred's Seals
    350 Beastmans Seals


    12 HP
    8 STR
    8 Hand to Hand Skill
    8 Great Katana Skill
    8 Great Axe Skill
    4 Shield Skill
    8 Enhancing Magic Skill
    8 Divine magic Skill
    5 Critical Hit Rate
    5 Enmity Increase


    5 Double attack rate, 3 Berserk Recast, 2 Aggressor Recast
    5 Warriors Charge 3 Tomohawk 2 Savagery


    5 Store TP Effect, 5 Meditate Recast
    5 Overwhelm, 4 Blade Bash, 1 Shikikoyo


    5 Sentinel Recast, 5 Rampart Recast
    5 Guardian, 3 Chivalry, 2 Fealty


    5 Counter Rate, 5 Kick Attack Rate
    5 Penance, 3 Mantra, 2 Formless Strikes


    5 Sharpshot Recast, 5 Rapid Shot Rate Increase
    5 Snapshot, 4 Recycle, 1 Flashy Shot


    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of the Twin Claw
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof
    Atma of Tremors
    Atma of the Savage Tiger
    Atma of the Voracious Violet
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of Vicissitude
    Atma of Stormbreath
    Atma of Gales
    Atma of Thrashing Tendrils
    Atma of the Stronghold
    Atma of the Harvester
    Atma of Dune
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of the Siren Shadow
    Atma of the Impaler
    Atma of the Adamantine
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of Baleful Bones
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Desert Worm
    Atma of the Undying
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Smoldering Sky
    Atma of the Demonic Skewer
    Atma of the Golden Claw
    Atma of the Strangling Wind
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of the Sanguine playerup.com
    Atma of Minikin Monstrosity
    Atma of the Would-be-King
    Atma of Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Shimmering Shell
    Atma of the Avaricious Ape
    Atma of the Brother Wolf
    Atma of the Earth Wyrm
    Atma of the Ascending One
    Atma of the Scorpion Queen
    Atma of a Thousand Needles
    Atma of the Smiting Blow
    Atma of the Lone Wolf
    Atma of the Crimson Scale
    Atma of the Scarlet Wing
    Atma of the Omnipotent
    Atma of the War Lion
    Atma of the Frozen Fetters
    Atma of the Plaguebringer
    Atma of the Shrieking One
    Atma of the Holy Mountain
    Atma of the Lake Lurker
    Atma of the Crushing Cudgel
    Atma of Purgatory
    Atma of Blighted Breath
    Atma of the Persistent Predator
    Atma of the Stone God
    Atma of the Sun Eater
    Atma of the Despot
    Atma of the Solitary One
    Atma of the Winged Gloom
    Atma of the Sea Daughter
    Atma of the Hateful Stream
    Atma of the Foe Flayer
    Atma of the Endless Nightmare
    Atma of Entwined Serpents
    Atma of the Horned Beast
    Atma of Aquatic Ardor
    Atma of the Fallen One
    Atma of Fires and Flares
    Atma of the Apocalyps
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Dragon Rider
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Dark Depths
    Atma of the Zenith
    Atma of the Rescuer
    Atma of the Einherjar
    Atma of the Illuminator




    The Inventory screenshot is a little outdated but gives a good indication of what's there

    Buyout is $1000 which I think is a very decent price for such a well equipped and ready to play account. 16824 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16484 16477 23 SWTOR 1334731767 16825 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16485 16478 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731828 Original Owner
    Transfer is Avaible
    Cd Keys Yes
    600k Gil

    WAR45 MNK89
    WHM90 BLM22
    RDM4 THF90
    PLD90 DRK33
    BST30 BRD90
    RNG90 SAM5
    NIN90 DRG0
    SMN12 BLU0
    SCH0 COR12
    DNC19 PUP0

    There is a Verry Big list of Gear , Missions and Many More.
    For interested Persons Contact me Trought E-Mail : R1noco1 to Talk about and Price. 16826 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16486 16479 23 SWTOR 1334731843 16827 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16487 16480 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731896 Missions~
    RotZ - The Last Verse
    CoP - The Last Verse
    ToAU - Teahouse Tumult
    Assault - Seargeant Major
    Altana - Daughter of a Knight
    C.Prophecy - Complete
    M.KupoD'etat - Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
    S.Ascension - Battaru Royale

    WAR90 MNK71
    WHM41 BLM85
    RDM90 THF90
    PLD90 DRK95
    BST76 BRD49
    RNG17 SAM95
    NIN95 DRG85
    SMN90 BLU15
    COR85 PUP03
    DNC01 SCH00


    Redemption (lv.85)
    Caladbolg (lv.85)
    Kannagi (lv.85)
    Twilight Knife
    Thunder Sachet
    Eisen Grip
    Rose Strap
    Vermeil Bhuj
    Twilight playerup.com
    Maleficence +2 (DMG+42, OAT)
    Radennotachi [Trial 651]
    Ravager's Orb
    Fenrir's Stone
    Uther's Grip
    Indra's Staff [Trial 2182]
    Sentinel Shield
    Skogul Lance
    Rapidus Sax
    Shamshir +2 (VIT+9 PDT-10)
    Kokushitsu +2 (DMG+36 OAT)
    Awilda's Gun
    Raider's Boomerang
    Genbu's Shield
    Seigneur Shield

    Zelus Tiara
    Twilight Helm
    Bale Burgeonet +2
    Commodore Tricorne
    Ace's Helm
    Crimson Mask
    Hecatomb Cap
    Raider's Bonnet +1
    Sorcerer's Petasos
    Summoner's Horn
    Nashira Turban
    Bahamut's Mask
    Karura Hachigane
    Unkai Kabuto +2
    Ravager's Mask +1
    Veloce Zucchetto
    Acuben's Helm
    Iga Zukin +2
    Varangian Helm
    Duelist's Chapeau
    Walahra Turban

    Twilight Mail
    Bale Cuirass +2
    Ares's Cuirass
    Creed Cuirass +1
    Tristan's Breastplate
    Valor Surcoat
    Commodore Frac
    Rapparee Harness
    Nocturnus Mail
    Duelist's Tabard
    Crimson Scale Mail
    Yinyang Robe
    Unkai Domaru +1
    Neuva Coselete (Enm+5 Fast Cast +5)
    Iga Ningi +2
    Loki's Kaftan
    Augur's Jaeran
    Adaman Hauberk
    Gloom Breastplate

    Bale Gauntlets +2
    Iga Tekko +2
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Augur's Gloves
    Saotome Kote
    Sorcerer's Gloves
    Duelist's Gloves
    Raider's Armlets +1
    Assassin's Armlets
    Zenith Mitts
    Hecatomb Gloves +1
    Homam Manopolas

    Bale Flanchard +2
    Homam Cosciales
    Blood Cuisses
    Creed Cuisses +1
    Raider's Culottes +2
    Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Unkai Haidate +2
    Teutates Subligar
    Inmicus Cuisses
    Sorcrer's Tonban +1
    Iga Hakama +2
    Ambusher's Hose
    Ocelot Trousers
    Byakko's Haidate
    Koenig Diechlings
    Hecatomb Subligar

    Ace's Leggings
    Bale Sollerets +2
    Iga Kyahan +2
    Ares's Sollerets
    Danzo Sune-Ate
    Augur's Gaiters
    Gallant Leggings +1
    Ravager's Calligae +1
    Rostrum Pumps
    Homam Gambieras
    Zenith Pumps
    Praeda Sabatons
    Goliard Clogs
    Creed Sabatons +1
    Skadi's Jambeaux
    Hecatomb Leggings

    Magoraga Beads
    Bale Choker
    Iga Erimaki
    Snow Gorget
    Soil Gorget
    Agasaya's Collar
    Creed Collar
    Unkai Nodowa
    Ziel Charm
    Prudence Torque
    Morgana's Choker
    Parade Gorget
    Love Torque
    Twilight Torque
    Ritter Gorget

    Twilight Belt
    Snow Belt
    Soil Belt
    Goading Belt
    Anguinus Belt
    Impulse Belt
    Hyorin Obi
    Rairin Obi
    Anrin Obi
    Aquiline Belt
    Sorcerer's Belt

    Atheling Mantle
    Iga Dochugappa
    Boxer's Mantle
    Abyss Cape
    Nexus Cape
    Gleeman's Cape
    Twilight Cape
    Metallon Mantle
    Libeccio Mantle
    Tactical Mantle

    Hecate's Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Hirudinea Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Intruder Earring
    Pixie Earring
    Unkai Mimikazari

    Epona's Ring
    Strigoi Ring
    Alert Ring
    Demon's Ring (MAB+2 M. Crit +3)
    Rajas Ring
    Omega Ring
    Karka Ring
    Evoker's Ring
    Luzaf's Ring
    Adler Ring
    Meridian Ring
    Omniscient Ring (Lightning Resist +13)
    Dark Ring (PDT-4)
    Jelly Ring
    Bomb Queen Ring

    Sobek's Skin x1
    Glavoid Shell x1
    Ulhuadshi's Fang x1
    WAR Seal: Body x2
    WAR Seal: Feet x2
    WAR Seal: Hands x7
    BLM Seal: L x4
    RDM Seal: L x5
    RDM Seal; Head x2
    PLD Seal: Hands x1
    PLD Seal: Head x4
    SAM Seal: Feet x4
    THF Seal: Feet x5
    Ardor Stone x2
    Ardor Jewel x1
    Balance Stone x10
    Balance Card x1
    Balance Stone x4
    Vision Stone x4
    Vision Coin x2
    Wieldance Stone x1
    Wieldance Jewel x2
    Coin of Decay x12
    Coin of Birth x10
    Coin of Advancement x1
    Coin of Glory x1
    D. Abjuration: Body

    pm me with offers ty 16828 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16488 16481 23 SWTOR 1334731922 16829 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16489 16482 38 FFXI Accounts 1334731966 WTS ::: 85 UD Priest ::: 334 ilvl ::: Haomarush EU

    Misposted! 16830 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16490 16483 23 SWTOR 1334731996 16831 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16491 16484 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732038 [WTS] [EU] 89 mnk --- 6x 90 -- Good account 16832 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16492 16485 23 SWTOR 1334732072 16833 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16493 16486 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732104 Character Info 1 (Required)
    Jobs and Levels?
    90 War,Mnk,Whm,Rdm,Blm,Thf,Brd,Pld
    85 Drk
    75 Bst, Rng, Sam, Nin, Drg, Smn
    67 Dnc
    37 Blu, Sch
    24 Cor
    23 Pup

    Hume Male

    Face Type?

    World (Server) Transfer available?: No
    If no, when is it available?:August 7th

    Account Info (Required)
    Account Type: EU Account

    Are you the original owner?: No
    If no, do you have original owner's info?: No
    SE ID attached? Yes
    Do you have the Secret Question & Answer? Yes
    Do you have PoL or FF CD keys?: Yes
    First and last 4 digits of credit card available?: No
    Is your account activated? Yes
    If yes, are there any unpaid fees? Mules or server transfers you performed. (Check new services on account): No
    Were you ever banned?: No
    If yes, why?:
    Did you ever do a chargeback? No

    Purchase Info (Required)
    Minimum bid?: WU Only (200 min)/Gil (15m min)
    Buy out?: 400 or 30m gil
    Are you taking best offers?: Yes
    How many days is this sale?: 1 week
    Preferred payment?: WU

    Character Info 2(Optional. You can erase this part if you want.)
    Gil on hand?: 250k
    Conquest Points?:763k
    Rank in Cities?: All nations rank 10
    Dynamis Status?: All cleared

    Zilart: Done
    Zilart Missions Completed?: Yes
    If yes, earring? Ethereal Earring

    COP: Done
    COP Missions Completed?: Yes
    If yes, ring? (Not picked)(Dropped it and is available to be picked now)

    ToAU: Done
    ToAU Missions Completed?: Yes
    If yes, ring? Ulthalam's Ring
    Imperial Standing?: 119
    Assault rank?: Captain

    WoTG: Crossroads of Time
    WotG Missions?:
    Allied notes?: 8k
    Campaign Rank?: Wings of Intergrity

    ACP Completed?: Done
    MKE Completed?: Rescue! A Moogle's Labor of Love
    ASA Completed?: Burgeoning Dread

    Crafts?: 96 Cooking, 49 Goldsmithing, 36 Fishing

    Storage Slip 1 Items:
    Enyo's Mask
    Enyo's Cuisses
    Enyo's Leggings
    Njord's Ledelsens
    Hoshikazu Tekko
    Anu's Tiara
    Anu's Brais
    Anu's Gaiters
    Ea's Dastanas
    Ea's Brais
    Nemain's Slops
    Nemain's Sabots
    Askar Manopolas
    Goliard Chapeau
    Goliard Saio
    Goliard Cuffs
    Goliard Trews
    Goliard Clogs
    Perdu Voulge
    Yigit Turban
    Yigit Gomlek
    Yigit Gages
    Yigit Serweels
    Yigit Crackows
    Gleeman's Cape

    Storage Slip 2 Items:
    Koenig Schaller
    Koenig Handshuhs
    Koenig Diechlings
    Koenig Schuhs
    Zenith Mitts
    Crimsons Greaves
    Suzaku's Sun-ate
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Merciful Cape
    Altruistic Cape
    Astute Cape
    Nashira Manteel

    Storage Slip 3 Items:
    Iron Ram Hauberk
    Patronus Ring
    Sonia's Plectrum
    Sturm's Report
    Ariesian Grip
    Cougar Pendant

    Storage Slip 4 Items:
    Healer's Cap
    Healer's Duckbills
    Wizard's Coat
    Wizard's Gloves
    Wizard's Tonban
    Wizard's Sabots
    Warlock's Chapeau
    Warlock's Tabard
    Warlock's Gloves
    Warlock's Tights
    Warlock's Boots
    Gallant Coronet
    Gallant Surcoat
    Gallant Gaunlets
    Gallant Breeches
    Evoker's Horn
    Evoker's Doublet
    Evoker's Bracers
    Evoker's Spats

    Storage Slip 5 Items:
    Healer's Briaut +1
    Healer's Mitts +1
    Healer's Pantaloons +1
    Wizard's Petasos +1
    Gallant Leggings +1
    Evoker's Pigaches +1

    Storage Slip 6 Items:
    Warrior's Lorica
    Warrior's Cuisses
    Cleric's Cap
    Cleric's Briault
    Cleric's Pantaloons
    Cleric's Duckbills
    Sorcerer's Petasos
    Sorcerer's Tonban
    Duelist's Tabard
    Valor Coronet
    Valor Surcoat
    Valor Gaunlets
    Valor Breeches
    Valor Leggings
    Monster Jackcoat
    Monster Gloves
    Monster Trousers
    Monster Gaiters
    Bard's Cannions
    Koga Chainmail
    Koga Tekko
    Wyrm Armet
    Wyrm Mail
    Summoner's Horn
    Summoner's Doublet
    Summoner's Bracers
    Summoner's Pigaches
    Mirage Keffiyeh
    Mirage Jubbah
    Pantin Tobe
    Etoile Tights
    Etoile Toe Shoes
    Argute Mortarboard
    Argute Gown

    Storage Slip 7 Items:
    Cleric's Mitts +1

    Storage Slip 8 Items:
    Lancer's Pelerine
    Navarch's Mantle

    Triplus Dagger
    Rapidus Sax
    Homam Zucchetto
    Homam Manopolas
    Homam Cosciales
    Atheling Mantle
    Brutal Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Epona's Ring
    Ulthalam's Ring
    Radiant Lance
    Tantra Tathlum
    Walahra Turban
    Tandava Crackows
    Hecate's Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Vivian Ring
    Nobles Bed
    Bookshelf x4
    San d'Orian Flag
    Bastokan Flag
    Windurstian Flag
    Jeunoan Flag
    Behemoth Statue
    Fafnir Statue
    Shadow Lord Statue
    Prishe Statue
    Blue VCS Plaque
    Boxer's Mantle
    Burning's Fists
    Inferno CLaws
    Dancing Dagger
    Main Gauche
    Vorpal Sword
    Brace Blade
    Carbinier's Axe
    Double Axe
    Sturdy Axe
    Seawolf Cudgel
    Sea Robbers Cudgel
    Mage's Staff
    Elder Staff
    Fenrir's Stone
    Happy Egg
    Fortune Egg
    Relic Shield
    Shunten Hachimaki
    Glory Crown
    Empress Hairpin
    Nuevo Coselete (Fast Cast +5 Enmity +5)
    Carbuncle Mitts
    Bahamuts Hose
    Rostrum Pumps
    Bounding Boots
    Parade Gorget
    Chocobo Whistle
    Swift Belt
    Goldsmiths Belt
    Knights Earring
    Diabolos's Earring
    Jelly Ring
    Tavnazian Ring
    Olduum Ring
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Echophoria Ring
    Batokan Ring
    Empress Ring
    A.Abjuration Ft
    M.Abjuration Hn
    W.Abjuration Hn
    Seal of Genbu
    Seal of Seiryu
    Seal of Byakko
    Seal of Suzaku
    A Bunch of Testimonies for Maat fights
    Sylvan Stone
    Luminian Tissue
    Aern Organ x39
    Hpemde Organ
    Yovra Organ
    Luminion Chip x23
    Ivory Chip
    Smalt Chip
    Smoky Chip
    Charcoal Chip
    VCS Reg Card
    White Puppet Turban
    Soultrapper 2000
    Ru'Aun Coffer Key
    Vlg Coffer Key
    Ntn Coffer Key
    Judgement Key
    Vermiel Bhuj
    Bronze Zaghnal
    Bibiki Seashell
    Askar Zucchetto
    Shaded Specs
    Augur's Jaseran
    Yingyan Robe
    Byakko's Haidate
    Askar Gambieras
    8/8 Elemental Obi's
    Nexus Cape
    Signal Earring
    Omega Ring
    Evoker's Ring
    San d'Orian Carrot x20
    Mithran Tomato x8
    Aisha: Ichi
    Tantra Gaiters
    Goetia Sabots
    Estq Houseaux
    Creed Sabatons
    Bale Sallerets
    Ferine Ocreae
    Aoidos' Cothurnes
    Buckler Earring
    Star Ring
    Behemoth Hide
    Kukulkan's Fang
    Cirein. Lantern
    Tantra Body Seal x1
    Raiders Body Seal x2
    Lancer Body Seal x2
    Savant Body Seal x2
    Tantra Hand Seal x1
    Estq Hand Seal x2
    Raider Hand Seal x1
    Bale Hand Seal x2
    Aoid Hand Seal x1
    Sylvan Hand Seal x1
    Lncr Hand Seal x1
    Caller Hand Seal x1
    Mavi Hand Seal x1
    Cirque Hand Seal x1
    Charis Hand Seal x1
    Nvrch Feet Seal x2
    Balance Jewel x1
    Balance Card x1
    Voyage Jewel x1
    Cobalt Cell x1
    Jade Cell x1
    Themis Orb
    Prism Powder x2
    Silent Oil x9
    Earth Carol II
    Saltena x3
    Dire playerup.com (DMG +12 Wind -4 Earth +4)
    Death Sickle
    Uther's Grip
    Varagian Helm
    Optical Hat
    Blood Cuisses
    Ace's Leggings
    Shadow Mantle
    Shihei x7
    Shinobi-Tabi x105
    Wyrm Beard
    Behemoth Tongue
    Forbidden Key
    Sanjaku-Tenugui x107
    Kindred Crest x63
    H. Kindred Crest x35
    Beastmen Seal x382
    Kindred Seal x130

    Stout Arm
    Voracious Violet
    Noxious Fang
    Thrashing Tendrils
    Deep Devouver
    Mounted Champion
    Razed Ruins
    Minikin Monstrosity
    Sand Emperor
    Frozen Fetters
    Blighted Breath
    Beast King
    Dragon Rider
    Alpha and Omega
    Hybrid Beast
    Perfect Attendance

    Ivory/Scarlet Sojourn
    Azure/Ivory Celerity
    Ivory Avarice
    Ivory Confluence
    Ivory Expertise
    Ivory Fortune
    Ivory Kimet
    Ivory Acumen
    Ivory Perspicacity
    Ivory Reaper
    Ivory Guerdon
    Ivory Furtherance
    Ivory Merit
    Lunar x3

    Zone Boss Wins: Kon,Misx,Ulg,Tah,LaThiene,Altep,Atto
    Cat Wins: Rani, Kutharei, Iratham
    Travers Stones: 37
    Cruor: 1,894,742
    All Red Procs
    All Yellow cept Blue Mage
    Almost all Blue procs 16834 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16494 16487 23 SWTOR 1334732148 16835 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16495 16488 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732174 [WTS] [EU] 90 nin 90 thf 90blm 90 rdm 78 whm much more 16836 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16496 16489 23 SWTOR 1334732224 16837 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16497 16490 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732243 Hey,
    Just want to sell my Account. Nothing special here.
    Account was made 07. Hasn't achieved anything big or awesome so far.


    All 4 Big Expansions + 3 Abyssea ones

    200k~ Gil


    65 Inventory Slots

    Rank 10 Bastok

    NIN 90
    WAR 46
    Dancer 55

    Katana: 380
    Evasion: 350
    Ninjutsu: 230
    Parrying: 110


    [Group 1]

    Subtle Blow Effect 5
    Katon Effect 1
    Hyoton Effect 1
    Huton Effect 1
    Doton Effect 1
    Raiton Effect 1
    Suiton Effect

    [Group 2]
    Ninja Tool Expertise 4
    Katon: San 1
    Hyoton: San 1
    Huton: San 1
    Doton: San 1
    Raiton: San 1
    Suiton: San 1

    Max HP 6
    STR 1

    Katana 8
    Evasion 4
    Ninjutsu 8
    Critical Hit Rate 4
    Spell Interruption 4

    Iga Zukin + 1
    Hope Torque
    Brutal Earring
    Qirmiz Tathlum
    Rajas Ring
    Snipers Ring
    Sasuke Tekko
    Ninja Chainmal
    Atheling Mantle
    Bullwhip Belt
    Iga Hakama + 1
    Iga Kayahn + 1
    Charm Wand /+1
    Emperor Hairpin
    Scorpion Harness
    Meridian Ring
    Tavnazian Ring
    Dcl.Grd Ring
    Beastman Seals 72
    Kindred Seals 8
    Ancient Beastcoin 31
    Iga Hand Seals 2
    Swift Belt
    Heafoc Mitts
    Danzo Sune Ate
    Ninja Kayahan
    Iga Erimaki
    Ungur Boomerang

    Mozu (Trial 1509) All VNMS for Kannagi done.

    Atma of the Voracious Violet
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of Thrashing Tendrils
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of the Untouched
    Atma of the Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Sea Daughter

    Abyssea Mega Boss:
    Vision of Abyssea Areas DONE
    Scars - Nothing
    Heroes - Only Grauberg

    Feel free to ask questions .
    I'm not looking for much. Just want to get rid of it. 16838 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16498 16491 23 SWTOR 1334732298 16839 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16499 16492 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732313 [WTS] [EU] 90 Ukon, 85 Masa, blackbelt account. 16840 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16500 16493 23 SWTOR 1334732377 16841 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16501 16494 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732381 Galka face 3A
    RoZ: Complete
    CoP: Complete
    ToAU: Complete
    WoTG: In the Name of the Father
    Nyzul 100 floor
    ACP: Done, other two are barely started.

    Currently on Asura, server transfer up.
    PoL key, SE ID/pass available



    Very well geared account, with an awesome warrior (nearly as good as you can get w/o ukkos fury). Perfect if you want to get back into the game with a strong main and room for advancement on other jobs.

    Bought the account from Kendrah, a professional buyer/seller, and now I'm selling it after playing it for about 3 months. I don't have much itrader rep, but I do have a link to previous transactions I've done regarding account sales.

    Starting bid @ $250.
    Buyout @ $450.

    WU only, at buyers expense. PM to make an offer, or request any info I may have missed. 16842 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16502 16495 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732450 [WTS] [EU] 90 war nin brd sam 80+ BLM BLU 16843 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16503 16496 23 SWTOR 1334732454 16844 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16504 16497 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732520 I just got this account and I got offered a better account. Willing to trade for Gil as well.

    Level 90 WAR/NIN/BRD/SAM 86BLU, 87BLM

    Galka face 3A
    RoZ: Complete
    CoP: Complete
    ToAU: Complete
    WoTG: In the Name of the Father
    Nyzul 100 floor
    ACP: Done, other two are barely started.

    Gil on Hand: 1,500,000 on hand.
    Cruor: 1,000,000 (= 5 brews :P )
    Server: Leviathan.
    Transfer is down.
    PoL key, SE ID/pass available.

    Majority of all the gear has been moved to the Porter Moogle.
    Has all the major atmas needed ~ RR, VV, , Stout Arm, SS, AA, Beyond, Heaven, Seadaughter, Ebon hoof, Impen. Tower etc. Too many to list.

    Has a Caraboose pop as well as several other pops.

    Shin Access. Account has Twilight helm, Twilight mail and Twilight belt. Just missing cloak, dagger, cape and neck.

    Starting bid @ $300.
    Buyout @ $500.
    Or Gil Trade.

    Looking to sell this account quickly.

    WU only, at buyers expense. PM to make an offer. 16845 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16505 16498 23 SWTOR 1334732530 16846 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16506 16499 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732590 Bastok/Sandy//Windy Rank 10
    POL Reg Codes: YES
    Server Xfer is Available.
    tied to SE account.

    Promathia COMPLETE! SEA YES
    ToAU Complete
    Assault Captain
    WOTG: not complete, forget where i left off.
    Campaign: COMPLETE
    C.Prophecy - COMPLETE
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - purchased
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension - COMPLETE!
    Abyssea - Scars/Vision/Hereos Purchased 9/9 ZONE BOSS
    Nyzle: FLOOR 100
    Dynamis: All Access

    20-25M in items on account.
    Full 5/5 Usukane/Marduks/Morrigans
    have 25 sobek skins, need helms and empyrean katana Kannagi done!
    Has all good atmas in game 9/9 zone boss kills over 300 stones.
    many af +1 and +2, has 3 staffs and a couple other magians completed, some seals and +2 quest items in moghouse.
    top 10 account on server.


    WU only. PM questions and offers. no buyout set but will sell by next weekend. 16847 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16507 16500 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732659 Please feel free to message me with any questions.

    Race: Elvaan F - Face 6B
    Nation: Bastok
    Server Transfer: Available
    Original Owner: Yes
    CD Keys: Yes
    All Expansions: Yes

    All red and yellow Abyssea proc WS/spells for above jobs.

    Gil on-hand: 6,100,000 (around 600k extra currently on AH)
    Sellables: 1,500,000
    Abyssea Cruor: 700,000

    Nyzul Isle: 100
    Abyssea missions complete
    Dynamis-Xarcabard access

    Merit Points

    - MP 12/12
    - STR 8/8
    Combat Skills
    - H2H 8/8
    - Dagger 8/8
    - Great Axe 8/8
    - Sword 4/8
    - Evasion 4/4
    Magic Skills
    - Enfeebling Magic 8/8
    - Elemental Magic 8/8
    - Blue Magic 8/8
    - Critical Hit Rate 5/5
    - Spell Interruption Rate 5/5
    - Berserk Recast 5/5
    - Double Attack Rate 5/5
    - Warrior's Charge 5/5
    - Savagery 5/5
    - Kick Attack Rate 5/5
    - Counter Rate 5/5
    - Invigorate 5/5
    - Penance 5/5
    Black Mage
    - Ice Magic Potency 5/5
    - Lightning Magic Potency 5/5
    - Freeze II 1/5
    - Burst II 1/5
    - Sneak Attack Recast 3/5
    - Trick Attack Recast 2/5
    - Triple Attack Rate 5/5
    - Assassin's Charge 5/5
    - Feint 1/5
    - Aura Steal 4/5
    - Reward Recast 5/5
    - Call Beast Recast 5/5
    - Beast Affinity 5/5
    - Beast Healer 5/5
    Blue Mage
    - Physical Potency 5/5
    - Magical Accuracy 5/5
    - Enchainment 5/5
    - Assimilation 5/5
    - Haste Samba Effect 5/5
    - Reverse Flourish Effect 5/5
    - Saber Dance 1/5
    - Fan Dance 4/5
    - Closed Position 5/5


    Character has Twashtar (80). Itzpapalotl scales @ 14/50, Orthrus Claws @ 3/50.
    Character has shedloads of weapons, armor, AF seals and +2 items.

    See screenshots below for an extensive list of items.

    5/5 THF AF3+2
    4/5 BLM AF3+2 (w/ +1 feet)
    2/5 WAR AF3+2 (L, Feet)
    1/5 MNK AF3+2 (L), with +1 head, hands, and feet
    1/5 BLU AF3+2 (L), with +1 head
    1/5 BST AF3+2 (L)
    1/5 DNC AF3+2 (Feet), with +1 head, hands, and l


    Click below for screenshots of character and items (by category)
    Character | Weapons/Ammo | Armor | Accessories | Seals & +2 Stuff | Atma
    (Please note: Sellable items not included in pictures)


    Open to offers, no buyout at this time (I wouldn't know what to put it at..), highest satisfactory offer wins.

    PayPal only please, buyer pays for .

    Please message me if you have any questions.

    Thank you for reading 16848 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16508 16501 23 SWTOR 1334732681 16849 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16509 16502 23 SWTOR 1334732754 16850 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16510 16503 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732790 Hume male
    90 war/nin/pld
    86 drg
    85 brd/sam
    83 smn

    San'd: Rank 10
    COP,ToaU,Promathia: complete
    Assault: Captain
    WotG: Fate in Haze
    Crystalline Prophecy: Fin
    Abyssea: All expansions

    Wind Skill:8
    Crit hit:4
    Most all of the important merits for specific jobs

    Perdu Voulge
    Sekka+2 x2 (Eva+20)
    Ungur Boomerang
    Fire bomblet
    Pole grip
    Rose strap
    Varangian Helm
    Walahra turban
    Optical hat
    Aurore doublet
    Shadow Breastplate
    Perle Moufles
    Seiryu's kote
    Dusk gloves
    Shair Gages
    Ochimusha kote
    Byakko's Haidate
    Aurore gaiters
    Usukane Sune-ate
    Aurum Sabatons
    Orochi Nodowa
    Snow gorget
    Evasion Torque
    Peacock amulet
    Sentry belt
    Warwolf belt
    Swift belt
    Survival belt
    Forager's mantle
    Boxer's mantle
    Brutal earring
    Ethereal earring
    Fowling earring
    Assault earring
    Heed ring
    Flame ring
    Tavnazian ring
    Olduum ring
    Blitz ring
    Rajas ring

    Mog Safe:
    Woodville's axe
    Aquilo's staff
    Terra's staff
    Jupiter's staff
    Apollo's staff
    Pluto's staff
    Harlequin's horn
    Ebony harp +1
    Iron ram horn
    Mary's horn
    Bugard strap +1
    Ravager's mask
    Perle salade
    Teal chapeau
    Karura hachigane
    Bard's roundlet
    Teal saio
    Shadow coat
    Bard's justaucorps
    Teal Cuffs
    Choral cuffs
    perle brayettes
    Marduk's shalwar
    Mahatma slops
    Aurum cuisses
    Ravager's calligae
    Rostrum pumps
    Shadow clogs
    Oracle's pigaches
    Morgana's choker
    Wind torque
    Aristo belt
    Hierarch belt
    Mesmeric cape
    Ixion cape
    Loqaucious earring
    Delta earring
    Pixie earring
    Musical earring
    Iota ring
    Omega ring
    Nereid ring x2
    Cursed hauberk

    Silver sea card
    H.Abj Head
    Drachen brais +1
    Zhayolm card
    Aoido's calot
    Pahluwan khazagand
    A.Abj feet
    Attestation of invulnerability
    Empress hairpin
    Ares's sollerets
    Wyrm beard
    Acha d'armas
    Ulthalam's ring
    blunt lance
    pisces subligar
    wyrm greaves
    Metal chip
    Trainee axe
    Virgo subligar
    Malflame ring
    Creed armet
    Leo subligar
    Anu's tiara
    Dinner jacket
    Enlil's tiara
    Diana corona
    Supremacy earring
    Assault jerkin
    Iga zukin
    Gallant surcoat
    Macha's cuffs
    Glory crown
    Askar zucchetto
    Creed cuisses
    Power sandals
    Enyo's mask
    Adaman celata
    Hikazu gote
    Vilma's ring
    Iga hakama
    Shaolin belt
    War mufflers +1
    Jeweled collar
    Myochin Sune-ate
    Wyrm brais
    Melee crown
    Saotome kabuto
    Aoido's cothurnes
    Smart grenade
    Iron ram hose
    Smoky chip
    Shinimusha hara-ate
    Wyrm finger gauntlets
    Coral cuisses +1
    Gaudy harness
    Dinner hose

    Mog Locker:
    Erebus's lance
    Gleaming spear
    Soboro sukehiro
    Thew bomblet
    Tiphia sting
    Sword strap
    Unkai kabuto
    Shura kabuto
    Myochin kabuto
    Jujitsu gi
    Myochin kote +1
    Saotome kote
    Aurum gauntlets
    Usukane hizayoroi
    Suzaku's sune-ate
    Amir boots
    Rutter sabatons
    Cerberus mantle
    Resentment cape
    Dark ring
    Ruby ring
    Jaeger ring
    Iga kyahan
    Gules leggings
    Hanzo tekko

    Mog Satchel:
    Genbu's kabuto
    Hecatomb cap
    Perle hauberk
    Askar korazin
    Koenig cuirass
    Hecatomb harness
    Aurum cuirass
    Koenig handschuhs
    Hecatomb mittens
    Ares's flanchard
    Koenig diechlings
    perle solerets
    Askar gambieras
    Koenig Schuhs
    Hecatomb leggings
    Shadow gorget
    Warrior's stone
    Jelly ring

    Mog Sack:
    Macuahuitl +1
    Fetter lance
    Incantor stone
    Bibiki seashell
    Koenig shield
    Terror shield
    Lancers mezail
    Wyrm armet
    Homam zucchetto
    Bahamuts mask
    Aces helm
    Koenig schaller
    Valor coronet
    Iron ram sallet
    Drachen armet
    Gallant coronet
    Nuevo Corselete(fast cast+5 Enmity +5)
    Homam corazza
    Valor surcoat
    Wyrm mail
    Homam manopolas
    Askar manopolas
    Valor gauntlets
    Tarasque mitts +1
    Iron ram dastanas
    Drachen finger gauntlets
    Homam Cosciales
    Valor breeches
    Crimson cuisses
    Creed sabatons
    Homam gambieras
    Galant leggings +1
    Iron ram greaves
    Bounding boots
    Love torque
    Ritter gorget
    Chanoix's gorget
    Shield torque
    Parade gorget
    Trance belt
    Wyrm belt
    Lancer's pelerine
    Valor cape
    Buckler earring
    Cassie earring
    Odium ring
    Hercules ring
    Bomb queen ring

    Has various atma and abyssite with relevant ones like RR/VV. Looking to start at $200 WU or paypal if rep allows. Buyer pays for .

    i404.photobucket/albums/p...207_203535 16851 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16511 16504 23 SWTOR 1334732832 16852 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16512 16505 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732859 hello everyone

    i`m the original owner for this account. Never suspend for problem wither other players or anything, still in same server since i start play ffxi

    Server transfer up : Yes
    SE Account : Yes with username and password
    Token : disable. you will Enjoy Mog Satchel

    How many mules : 2 . one in jeuno , second in Sandoria

    Register Code Available : Yes the code with me ( I have FFXI manual with me if buyer need it i`ll send but buyer will pay the shipping costs, have picture for a proof )

    Note : Picture for everythign you want to know about this account


    Pitcure 2 :
    Rest of Seals

    Gils : 1m53k on main character . mule 1: 238k mule 2 : 0

    Missions :
    Sandoria : 9-1

    Zilart : The Sealed Shrine

    Cop: Down (Done )

    Treasure of Aht Urhgan : Puppet in Peril

    Wings of Goddess : The Queen of Dance
    A Crystal prophecy : Banishing the Echo

    Jobs :
    War 95 mnk32
    whm 92 blm 77
    Rdm 66 thf 94
    pld 89 drk 3
    bst 5 brd 20
    rng 12 sam 95
    ning 90 summoner 12

    Note : Whm Doesn't have Raise 2 or 3

    Abyssea: Clear

    Conquest point : 175156
    Imperial standing : 167092
    Allied note : 73156
    Dominion Notes: 280576

    Atma : in Picture


    HP: 9
    MP: 1

    Str : 5
    Dex : 1

    Others :
    Critical hit Rate 4
    Spell interruption Rate 3
    Combat skill :
    GK : 8
    Evasion 4
    Axe 3
    GA 1

    Magic Skill :
    Healing Magic skill 2
    Enhancing magic skill 1

    Warrior :
    Double Attack 4
    Savagery 1

    Thief :
    Trick Attack Recast: 1
    Triple Attack Rate: 5
    Feint : 1

    White mage :
    Cure Cast Time : 3 merits
    Shellra V : 1

    Ice Magic Potency : 1
    Freeze II : 1

    Paladin :
    Sentinel : 5
    Chivalry : 3
    Guardian : 2
    Fealty : 1

    Samurai :
    Third Eye Recast : 1
    Store TP Effect : 3
    Meditate Recast : 4
    Zanshin Attack Rate : 2
    Shikikoyo : 2
    Ikishoten : 3
    Overwhelm : 5

    Subtle Blow Effect : 5
    Ninja Tool Expertise : 5

    Bid start @400$ , buyout 500$

    i`ll close auction on sunday 12 ( GM+1 ) for high bidder

    please : i`m not interested to trade this account . please Serious buyer

    Only WU and if you need ,buyer will pay for it or
    after i receive money 1hrs and he can get the details. 16853 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16513 16506 23 SWTOR 1334732908 16854 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16514 16507 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732929 Hello, want to sell this account, looking for $200+
    Character transfered on Phoenix a week ago, unknown on server.
    I' am the only owner of the account.
    Square Enix account also has FFXIV account linked to it.

    has most spell on whm, just a few missing, most spell on ninja apart from the elemental ones.

    lots of sellables stuff, didnt sell or give anything.
    heres a list of most important stuffs, might be missing some things from the list but that's gives you a idea.

    HUME MALE size small - RANK 10 Bastok
    Samurai is also unlocked, only need to speak to the guy in Norg
    1,528,659 gils on main
    708,878 gils on mule

    5/5 stuble blow
    1 katon san
    1 hyoton san
    1 huton san

    5/5 cure cast time
    5/5 bar spell
    5/5 devotion
    2 protectra
    2 shellra

    2 double attack

    5 critical hit rate

    8 katana
    4 evasion
    1 parrying



    ungur boomerang
    atheling mantle
    terra, apollo, pluto staff
    perle armor set
    uther's grip
    destrier beret
    bounding boots
    thunder belt
    aurore set
    flame belt
    eradico mitts
    twilight cape
    estoqueur's cape (might have earring as well)
    navarch's mantle
    nexus cape
    2 Hachimaki , axe and h2h
    brisk mask
    hannibal sword
    stanch cuisses
    skogul lance
    magnus toporok
    chiroptera dagger
    magnus dagger
    walahra turban
    orison cape 16855 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16515 16508 23 SWTOR 1334732985 16856 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16516 16509 38 FFXI Accounts 1334732999 [WTS] [EU] 99 Fishing (Ebisu Rod), 99 Cooking Mule account 16857 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16517 16510 23 SWTOR 1334733064 16858 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16518 16511 0 Anonymous 1334733073 [WTS] [EU] 99 Fishing (withEbisu Rod), 99 Cooking Mule account 16859 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16519 16512 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733137 Sell account...
    THF,SAM,WAR 95
    BLU 90,PLD80

    Rank 10 Bastok - Hume
    sekka+3 eva path
    Ocelo. Headpiece
    Gotia Body +2
    Iga Hands +2
    Revanger Body +1
    and some more equip

    Goldsmi 41
    woodwork 59
    leathercraft 53
    Synergy 40

    + addictional account whm 86

    Buy-in 700$ Buy-out 900$ 16860 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16520 16513 23 SWTOR 1334733138 16861 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16521 16514 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733206 Price and details at end of thread.
    Hello, im new here, i first wanted to buy currency but changed my mind, the reason i'm selling this account is because i asked my mom for a supercharged for my bday for my new mustang and she told me she will give me only 4k and it worth 6k so im looking to sell to save money.

    This account is brand new, i created it on june-july last year, quit on october and came back on january, it has 114days gameplay, and most of it is because i never log off.

    RARU FEMALE, It has 73million gil on hand, TRUE MONEY MAKER, Fishing 100 +6 with ebisu fishing rod, can make 2mil daily or even more if have Gugrusaurus buyer you can make like 6mil daily if you fish 200 n sell for 30k.
    Not linked to Square Enix ID, Server Tranfer READY!

    RNG, WAR, BLU, BST, DNC, 99
    NIN 91 and DRK 81

    It has Gandiva 85, Ebisu Fishing Rod, Bellona Ring(1.5-2mil), Mars Ring (1.5-2mil), i think that's the only worth gear i have sellabe since everything these days is rare/ex.
    1.3mil on Cruor
    25k Conquest Points

    Max HP 15/15
    STR 12/12
    SWORD 8/8
    GA 8/8
    STAFF 8/8
    ARCHERY 8/8
    Blu Magic 8/8
    Enmity - 8/8
    Crit Hit 8/8

    Berserk 5/5
    Double Attack 5/5
    Warrior Charge 5/5
    Tomahawk 1
    Savagery 4

    Reward 5/5
    Call Beast 5/5
    Beast Affinity 5/5
    Beast healer 5/5

    Unlimited Shot 5/5
    Rapid Shot 5/5
    Snapshot 5/5
    Recycle 5/5

    Blue Mage
    Physical Potency 5/5
    Magical Accuracy 5/5
    Diffusion 5/5
    Assimilitation 5/5

    Haste Samba 5/5
    Reverse Flourish 5/5
    No Foot rise 5/5
    Fan dance 1/5

    Weapon Skills(just unlocked em for fun)
    Requiescat 1/5
    Upheaval 1/5
    Apex Arrow 4/5

    Fishing Gear + Gil (Have around 80 Gugrusaurus in inventory+MH)




    Ranger TP

    Ranger WS(Can easily get better)

    Some coins


    The gil itself is worth 870 when 12$/1mil, wanting to sell the account with the gil, it has ebisu it can make you 2mil or even more daily fishing, it also has gandiva and bst that can go to dynamis and also make gil farming currency.

    Middle Man is a must, from ONLY, Western Union ONLY, PM with offers, don't PM saying to talk via or , PM only, and post on thread if interested.

    Bids starts at 900, do not have a buyout, buyout offers in PM! EST time, i go sleep at 4am, so start the bidding. 16862 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16522 16515 23 SWTOR 1334733215 16863 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16523 16516 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733276 Smithing 16
    Clothcraft 52
    Alchemy 58
    Woodworking 39
    Goldsmithing 0
    Leathercrafting 28
    Bonecraft 2
    Cooking 0
    Fishing 1

    WAR 5 MNK 2
    WHM 1 BLM 75
    RDM 41 THF 75
    PLD 0 DRK 0
    BST 5 BRD 75
    RNG 42 SAM 0
    NIN 41 DRG 0
    SMN 75 BLU 75
    COR 75 PUP 20
    SCH 60 DNC 41

    gil +4.000.000 (dont know exactly but over 4 million)

    Zilart Awakening
    Promathia Dawn
    ToAU Shades of Vengeance
    Assault Superior Private
    Altana The Queen of the Dance
    Campaign Allied Ribbon of Glory
    C.Prophecy Ode of Life Bestowing
    M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension

    Account has ALL expensions available!!

    some items:

    Ixion Cape
    Witch Sash
    Blau Dolch
    Scorpion Harness
    Ixion Cloak

    Face used: No idea, didnt play for over a year
    Race: Hume, Male

    Price: 90 USD

    Payment: PayPal only

    I am moving on to FFXIV thats why I am selling this account. Going to the first one who offers 90 USD for it. When I received the money ill send u the levelets and info on MSN/Yahoo or what ever u wish. If u pay by using paypal the payment is made within 2 minutes so you will have your account right away.


    Todd 16864 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16524 16517 23 SWTOR 1334733292 16865 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16525 16518 23 SWTOR 1334733368 16866 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16526 16519 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733407 I'll link all photo and bored to talk, who want buy this account just sent me a PM, i will accept only WU and with a if u have low Feedback!

    Price start: 1000
    Buyout: not set

    Only very interested don't let me lose time.

    Server Ragnarok
    Hume male blond hair
    Server transf : UP 16867 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16527 16520 23 SWTOR 1334733444 16868 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16528 16521 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733475 All Missions Done exept wings of goddess which is done to 50%
    In the Storge Slip are more Items AF , AFv2 , Sky Items including Byakko Haidate
    and a 5/5 Hecatomb set + more Salvage Items

    Started on Redemtion all VNM's Done but did finish Apoc to 90
    and it will beat and Emp wp for Drk Avergae Cata are 2.5k-4k on IT mobs

    5/5 Ares
    5/5 Morrigan
    and more.

    6-7 Pages opf Atmas and like all Abysites

    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of the Heavens
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof (STR+50)
    Atma of the Stormbird
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of the Drifter
    Atma of Dunes
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Desert Worm
    Atma of the Undying
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Demonic Skewer
    Atma of the Golden Claw
    Atma of the Gnarled Horn (AGI +50(
    Atma of the Strangling Wind
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion (VIT+50)
    Atma of the Razed Ruins (DEX+50)
    Atma of the Tusked Terror
    Atma of the Sanguine playerup.com
    Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity (INT+50)
    Atma of the Would-Be King
    Atma of the Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
    Atma of the Brother Wolf
    Atma of the Despot
    Atma of Aquatic Ardor
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Sea Daughter
    Atma of the Apocalypse <------------ (Auto-Reraise III + Fast cast 10% (Occ. 95%) + Triple Attack +15%!!!!!!!!
    Atma of Dread <-- (Treasure hunter)
    and More....

    all 8 Jobs are full merit
    did relly enjoy this account and its now for Sale

    got 41 Mil on the account
    rest is all seeable on the Screenshots.

    its a EU Account and can only be bought with the Gil on it

    i can also get another Mars ring and a Belona's Ring or a Auroele.

    Server Transfer is also Ready

    Start Biding , i will add a Buyout tomorrow 16869 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16529 16522 23 SWTOR 1334733520 16870 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16530 16523 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733546 All Missions Done exept wings of goddess which is done to 50%
    In the Storge Slip are more Items AF , AFv2 , Sky Items including Byakko Haidate
    and a 5/5 Hecatomb set + more Salvage Items

    Started on Redemtion all VNM's Done but did finish Apoc to 90
    and it will beat and Emp wp for Drk Avergae Cata are 2.5k-4k on IT mobs

    5/5 Ares
    5/5 Morrigan
    and more.

    6-7 Pages opf Atmas and like all Abysites

    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of the Heavens
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof (STR+50)
    Atma of the Stormbird
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of the Drifter
    Atma of Dunes
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Desert Worm
    Atma of the Undying
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Demonic Skewer
    Atma of the Golden Claw
    Atma of the Gnarled Horn (AGI +50(
    Atma of the Strangling Wind
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion (VIT+50)
    Atma of the Razed Ruins (DEX+50)
    Atma of the Tusked Terror
    Atma of the Sanguine playerup.com
    Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity (INT+50)
    Atma of the Would-Be King
    Atma of the Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
    Atma of the Brother Wolf
    Atma of the Despot
    Atma of Aquatic Ardor
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Sea Daughter
    Atma of the Apocalypse <------------ (Auto-Reraise III + Fast cast 10% (Occ. 95%) + Triple Attack +15%!!!!!!!!
    Atma of Dread <-- (Treasure hunter)
    and More....

    all 8 Jobs are full merit
    did relly enjoy this account and its now for Sale

    got 41 Mil on the account
    rest is all seeable on the Screenshots.

    its a EU Account and can only be bought with the Gil on it
    Please WU + which pays the Buyer

    Server Transfer is also Ready
    I'm the Orginal Owner which i can Prove

    Start Biding at 1300$ Buyout is at 2000$
    be serious on your Bids 16871 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16531 16524 23 SWTOR 1334733596 16872 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16532 16525 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733615 Selling Relic + Empyrean account!!
    I bought this 3 month ago on this website for 1200$ with only Relic and some gears, now it's awesome account i'll
    show all gear here.

    Character info
    Rank 10 Windurst Rank 10 Sandy
    Hume m

    Transfer is UP
    POL keys are available.
    Linked to a SE ID + Token deactivate.
    3,4m in liquid gil. EASILY 9-10M in gear.

    RoZ - Finished
    CoP - Finished
    WotG - Cait Sith
    ToaU - Eternal Mercenary
    ACP - Purchased, not completed
    ASA - not purchased
    AMK - not purchased
    All the Abyssea expansions are purchased.
    Corporal Rank

    76 - BST
    49 - DNC 46 - WAR 23 - SMN
    Full merits ALL
    All relevant atmas for all jobs at 90 and abyssites including 5/5 merit abyssites, increasing HP and MP by a lot, in abyssea.

    All notable gears:

    DRK Gerar's:

    Apocalypse LV 90
    Twilight playerup.com
    Ultimatum - DMG+14 just need start trial for trade Chloris buds.
    Fire bomblet
    Twilight helm + Mail
    FULL AF3+2
    FULL ares set
    Homam l + feet + hands.
    Shadow brstplate
    Blood cuisses
    Ace's leggings
    Bale chocker
    Goadling belt
    Bale earring
    Abyssal earring
    Hoard ring

    NIN gears:

    Qirmiz thatlum
    Full God equip.
    AF3+2 4/5 miss 2 coin for head +2
    Jingang hose
    Danzo-sune ate
    Ninja kyahan
    Iga erimaki
    Iga Dochugappa
    Iga mimikazari
    Triumph earring
    (other evasion gear i'll show down in thf equipment)

    MNK gear's:

    Furor cesti
    Taurine cesti
    Hades sainti
    Tantra thatlum
    AF3+2 3/5 miss head and hands.
    Melee gaiters
    Hermes sandals
    Twilight torque
    Magoraga bead necklace (Utsusemi casting time -10%)
    Chivalrous chain
    Warwolf belt
    Black Belt
    Cerberus mantle
    Spiral ring
    Dark ring - (Augumented with: Spell interruption rate down 4% + Physical damage taken -5%)

    BLM gear's

    All Staves +1
    Loquacious earring
    stone gorget
    FULL AF3+1 and l +2
    Twilight cloack
    Wizard coat
    Augur's jerasan + gloves
    Lemegeton medallion
    Sorcerer's belt
    Goetia mantle
    Hecate's earring
    Moldavite's earring
    Snow ring
    Diamond ring (augumented with INT+1)

    RNG gear's:

    Aeolus arrow
    Virtus crossbow
    Vision bow
    Carabinier's Axe
    Exequy gun (Latent: Coronach)
    FULL AF3+1 and l +2
    Seiryu's kote
    Crimson hands
    Scout's belt
    Impulse belt
    Buccaneer's belt
    Sylvan Chlamys
    Libeccio mantle
    Sylvan Scarf
    Clearview earring ( Rng acc and att +4 from brulo)
    Volley earring
    Behemoth ring +1 x2

    DRG gear's:

    Vougier's Contus
    Oathkeeper: (Trial 435 /2/4)
    Brisk mask
    AF3+2 Body + hands and miss 1 card for l, +1 feet
    Lancer's torque
    Lancer's pelerine
    Wyrm armlet

    BRD gear's:

    FULL AF3+1
    Yogit Gomlek
    Marduk l + head
    Aiodos matinee
    Aoido's belt
    Marching belt
    Harmony cape
    Omega ring
    Nereid ring

    RDM gear's:

    Duelist chapeau
    Duelist Tabard
    Eradico mitts
    Serpentes hands + feet (Cure potency +5%)
    Stone mufflers (Enhances stoneskin)
    L and feet +1 + Body 7/10 seals for +1
    Morgana's chocker
    Hirearch belt
    Aslan cape
    Graiai earring
    Bifrost ring

    SAM gear's:

    Soboro sukehiro
    Thew bomblet
    ALL AF3+2 miss head
    Varagian helm
    Myochin kabuto
    Byrnie +1
    Heafoch mitts
    Unkai nodowa
    Unkai mimikazari
    Unkai sugemino
    Light gorget + belt for Fudo.
    Saotome belt

    THF gear's:

    Twilight dknife
    Triplus dagger
    Rapidus sax
    Dakini - Trial 27 working for kila+2
    Ungur boomerang
    ALL AF3+1 body +2 and miss 1 stone for hands +2
    Optical hat
    Scorpion harness +1
    Assasin armlets TH+1 and Thief knife TH+1 miss only feet for full TH
    FULL Hecatomb need only buy Curseb body for get it already have Abj.
    Ocelot trousers
    Agasaya's collar
    Twilight belt
    Anguinus belt
    Scouter's rope
    Atheling mantle
    Cavaros mantle
    Cuchulain's mantle
    Boxer'z mantle
    Raider's earring
    Kemas earring
    Ethereal earring
    Vulcan's ring
    Thunder ring
    Rajas ring

    this account is very awesome!!!
    Got all important atmas including PANDEMONIUM WARDEN ONE!! Atma of the hell guardian!!
    Also have Clothcraft 99 + Body and spetacles!!

    Starting bids 1500$ Buyout not set.
    Only who is interested pls, don't want lose time for scammers, i got this account from Maidak that is a very good ppl
    so only send me PM if interested.

    PAYPAL NOT ACCEPTED, ONLY WU! And ONLY with i never do a translation W/O ^^
    thank you and happy bid!

    Also i will trade this is some offer good like other relic or empy account ty. 16873 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16533 16526 23 SWTOR 1334733673 16874 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16534 16527 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733684 Account Details~
    Elvaan M Face - 6 Hair - A
    Transfer is available
    Comes with 100k gil
    Linked to Square Enix ID.
    Original owner information available
    CD keys available

    RotZ - The Celestial Nexus
    CoP - Dawn
    ToAU - Eternal Mercenary
    Assault -
    Altana - Cait Sith
    C.Prophecy - The Echo Awakens
    M.KupoD'etat - x
    S.Ascension - x

    WAR90 MNK90
    WHM11 BLM17
    RDM01 THF37
    PLD75 DRK75
    BST00 BRD22
    RNG47 SAM90
    NIN90 DRG00
    SMN00 BLU00
    COR00 PUP00
    DNC45 SCH00


    90 Caladbolg
    90 ukonvasara
    Erlking's Kheten (DMG+5 STR+3)
    Bibiki Seashell
    Smart Grenade
    Olibanum Sachet
    Sekka +2 (AGI+9 EVA+20)
    Radennotachi [Trial648]
    Soboro Sukehiro

    Ravager's Mask +2
    Bale Burgeonet +2
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Walahra Turban
    Optical Hat
    Unkai Kabuto +1
    Shura Zunari Kabuto

    Ravager's Lorica +2
    bale cuirass +2

    Ravager's Mufflers +2
    Bale Gauntlets +2
    Seiryu's Kote
    Hecatomb Mittens
    Ochimusha Kote

    Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Bale Flanchard +2
    Ace feet
    Byakko's Haidate
    Melee Hose

    Askar Gambieras
    Hecatomb Leggings
    Aurum Sabatons
    Denali Gamashes
    Rutter Sabatons
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate

    Parade Gorget
    Rancor collar
    Bale chocker

    Swift Belt
    Goading Belt
    Atheling Mantle
    Unkai Sugemino

    Brutal Earring
    Aesir Ear Pendant

    Rajas Ring
    Ulthalam's Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Iota Ring

    Beastmen's Seal x20
    Kindred's Seal x60
    Kindred's Crest x54
    H. Kindred's Crest x22
    PLD Seal: Head x2
    PLD Seal: Body x1
    PLD Seal: Hands x1
    NIN Seal: Hands x1
    SAM Seal: L x8
    WAR Seal: Feet x2
    Wieldance Stone x1

    Bids start @ $500Buyout @ $700 preferred payment with paypal 16875 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16535 16528 23 SWTOR 1334733749 16876 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16536 16529 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733752 Hi, I'm selling Basic stripped EU account on Fenrir atm.All expansions. It will come with 1 main Job 95 and 1 sub job 47of your choice. come with 2 Atmas of your choice(excluding Atma of the Apocalypse)
    Your new account will delivery to you within 1 week from date of purchases(other server rather than fenrir will take much longer aprox.3 weeks).All account will come with original code ,SE Account ID,Password,DoB,Address of your choice.Character name of your choice as well.
    Payment accept:Paypel or Gil
    Price is $175 (covers $30 of Digital download price and cash withdraw fee from paypal) or 12M gil.You will need to pay 50% in front and 50% when account delieverd to you.
    step by step:
    orders(pay 50% of total price or gil)--->fill infor that needed to create a new SE account of your choice--->Create character of your choice--->start lvling--->Account delivery(pay 50% of total price or gil)--->Code delivery(done!)
    PM me for more details if you interested THX! 16877 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16537 16530 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733822 Posted this earlier and the thread was all sorts of messed up so here I am reposting it.

    Looking to sell my account. I am the OO and all registration codes will come with the account.

    Race: Hume Female, black ponytail
    All Add-ons purchased and registered.
    CoP: Complete, Rajas Ring
    ZM: Complete
    ToAU: Complete, Uthlathams Ring
    WoTG: Prelude to a Storm
    90- MNK BLM RDM
    83- WHM
    80- BRD
    76- SAM
    75- SMN, SCH

    FULL RDM AF3+2

    Traverser Stones: As of last count (which was like, 2 weeks ago) I had 283. I have all 3 abyssites for decreased stone recharge time, so do the math. I'm assuming well over 310 as of now. Stones will never be a problem on this account.

    All major abyssites and atmas have been obtained. Shinryu has been defeated, and his atma has been unlocked.

    3 Lunar abyssite (obviously), etc.

    World Transfer IS up.

    4/8 HP
    4/8 MP
    5/5 STR
    8/8 H2H
    8/8 Dagger
    4/4 Evasion
    8/8 Enfeebling
    8/8 Elemental
    4/4 Enmity Decrease
    4/4 Critical Hit Rate

    5/5 Counter
    5/5 Kick Attacks
    5/5 Invigorate
    5/5 Penance

    5/5 Cure Cast Time
    5/5 Barspell Effect
    5/5 Shellra V
    4/5 Devotion
    1/5 Protectra V

    5/5 Ice Potency
    5/5 Lightning Potency
    5/5 Freeze II
    5/5 Burst II

    5/5 Convert
    5/5 Ice Accuracy
    5/5 Slow II
    5/5 Paralyze II

    5/5 Minuet Effect
    5/5 Lullaby Recast
    5/5 Nightingale
    5/5 Troubadour

    5/5 Store TP
    5/5 Meditate
    5/5 Overwhelm
    1/5 Shikikoyo
    1/5 Blade Bash
    1/5 Ikishoten

    5/5 Avatar Physical Accuracy
    5/5 Avatar Physical Attack
    5/5 Heavenly Strike
    1/5 into each of the rest

    5/5 Modus Veritas Duration
    5/5 Helix Accuracy/Attack
    5/5 Enlightenment
    5/5 Stormsurge

    Pictures speak a thousand words, so heres a multitude of snapshots I took.

    No buyout as of yet. Start the bidding at $200.00.

    Only accepting Money order/western union/etc. Will accept PayPal from people I deem fit to use it.

    Middle man can be used at the buyers expense, otherwise the buyer pays me upfront. 16878 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16538 16531 38 FFXI Accounts 1334733892 EU Account
    bastok 10 sandy 10 windy6
    Zilart Awakening
    Promathia Dawn
    ToAU Eternal Mercenary
    Assault Superior Private
    Altana Crossroads of Time
    Campaign Brass Ribbon of Service
    C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascen(Fin)
    dyna wins: sandy bastok windy jeuno...valk..bub..qufim
    has all abyssea addons
    Server Transfer available
    No gil or valuables in the acc
    Full raider's +1 plus other +1 for other jobs
    There is +2 items for upgrades


    WAR 49 MNK 30
    WHM 49 BLM 90
    RDM 90 THF 90
    PLD 1 DRK 37
    BST 20 BRD 9
    RNG 9 SAM 58
    NIN 49 DRG 28
    SMN 22 BLU 1
    COR 7 PUP 1
    SCH 87 DNC 37


    HP 3
    MP 5
    STR 3
    DEX 1
    Dagger skill 8
    EVA 4
    Parrying 4
    enfeebling 8
    elemental 8
    Crit hit 4
    spell interruption rate 4


    Grimoire recast 2
    max sub 1
    stormsurge 5


    ice potency 5
    lightning potency 5


    Flee recast 3
    sneak atk recast 1
    trick atk recast 1
    triple atk rate 5
    assassins charge 1
    feint 5
    aura steal 1
    ambush 1


    convert recast 5
    ice acc 4
    wind acc 1
    Dia3 4
    Slow2 3
    para2 1
    phalanx2 1
    Bio3 1

    The account is active at the moment, im looking for offers gil or cash.
    Will only take WU for payment, at buyer's expense.
    Im not the original owner but have all info on this account, even have info with name and adress of original owner (Bills, Driving Licence, etc).
    PM me if you any questions!

    Thanks for your interest. 16879 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16539 16532 23 SWTOR 1334733898 16880 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16540 16533 23 SWTOR 1334733975 16881 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16541 16534 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734024 hi all

    i'm new to the site and after all these year's have decided to take the dive and sell my account i'm growing distant from ffxi and haven't logged on in over a week.

    i have little INFO on the account at tho moment because as i said havent logged on in over a week and due to that haven't paid my fee's so cannot access the account at this moment.what i am going to do is post a little info and update accordingly as soon as i pay the fee's so i can look at all my gear and post it.

    Rank:5 Bastok hume

    jobs: DNC90 PUP90 SMN90 NIN90 BST86-89 THF86 SAM77 BLM60 all other jobs mostly 30+
    some other low level jobs and brd isn't unlocked.
    1 main char 3 mules one mule is level 50+ i think

    all abbysea areas unlocked!
    all other expansions unlocked!(excluding ACP & ASA)

    Craft's:BC57 WW40-50 Cooking 60+ fishing 17+ Alchemy:29
    with these craft's you can make your own shehie and ink.
    a rough guess you can make a 2k elm log in to a x2 10k stacks of shehie on my server.

    lots of gear,maybe 1mil+ sellables lots of rare ex and merits i will post soon as i pay my fee's

    account is linked to a Security token can mail the token or deactivate on request.

    i have all CD keys i think in the original boxing.i am not the OO of the account but the OO is my brother inlaw who gave me the account years ago to get me in to the game and since then i haven't stopped playing lol(as you know one addictive game)

    PM for more info please and enquirys

    i'm looking for around £200 for this account. 16882 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16542 16535 23 SWTOR 1334734054 16883 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16543 16536 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734093 Elvaan male black hair
    Original owner: yes
    Registration codes: yes
    Server transfer available: yes
    Account type: EU
    SE Q&A: yes

    CoP: complete
    RoZ: complete
    ToAU: complete
    WoTG: Fate in Haze
    Abyssea: all expansions done, Shinryu access
    Nyzul Isle: F100 / Runic Key
    Dynamis: All wins except Tavnazia
    Atmas: All important Atmas/Abyssites
    Merits: All 90s fully merited
    Gil: 300k

    Bravura is Lv90, Aegis is Lv85
    Definately one hell of a melee/tank account, ready to rock.

    Byakko's Haidate, Hecatomb Mittens+1, Hecatomb Leggings+1, Adaman Hauberk are augmented. For details about augments or any other questions PM me.

    Starting Bid: $1500
    Transaction through Service at buyers expense ONLY 16884 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16544 16537 23 SWTOR 1334734130 16885 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16545 16538 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734163 Hume Sandy Spike Hair
    Bastok/Windurst 10
    POL Reg Codes: Yes
    OO Info: YES, Photo ID
    Server Xfer is Available
    Token Deactivated
    SE Q&A: YES!

    Zilart Complete!
    Promathia Complete!
    ToAU Complete!
    Assault FL
    WoTG Cait Sith
    Campaign: Starlight Medal
    C.Prophecy - Complete
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - Complete
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension - Complete
    Abyssea - Scars/Vision/Hereos Purchased Shinryu Access
    Nyzle: FLOOR 100
    Dynamis: ALL ACCESS

    Approx 1m in sellables

    Noteable Melee Rare/EX
    Ukonvasara 85 17/75 Lv90
    Masamune 85
    5/5 Ravager's Armour +2 Set
    5/5 Creed Armour +2 Set
    4/5 Unkai Armour +2 Set
    3/5 Tantra Armour +2 Set
    5/5 Usukane Set
    Adaman Hauberk
    Byakko's Haidate
    Crimson Cuisses
    Black Belt
    Ares's Cuirass
    Shadow Mantle
    Bahamuts Mask
    Valhalla Breastplate
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Knife
    Twilight Belt
    Danzo Sune-ate
    Heafon Knuckles
    Siege Bow
    Ravager's Orb
    Tantra Tathlum
    Varangian Helm
    Koenig Schaller
    Hero's Galea
    Hecatomb Cap
    Myochin Kabuto
    Walahra Turban
    Zha' Go's Barbut
    Anwig Salade (+4 str/agi. acc +15 ws dmg +2%)
    Timarli Jawshan
    Koenig Cuirass
    Ace's Gloves
    Timarli Dastanas
    Versa Mufflers
    Koenig Handschuhs
    Hecatomb Mittens
    Unkai Kote +1
    Tantra Gloves +1
    Hunters Bracers +1
    Temple Gloves +1
    Iron Ram Dastanas
    Homam Manopolas
    Seiryu's Kote
    Crimson Finger Gauntlets
    Saotome Kote
    Blitzer Poleyn (PDT -4% Cure Pot +5%)
    Homam Cosciales
    Iron Ram Hose
    Ace's Leggings
    Tantra Gaiters +1
    Homam Gambieras
    Iron Ram Greaves
    Hecatomb Leggings
    Ravager's Gorget
    Unkai Nodowa
    Creed Collar
    Ziel Charm
    Snow Gorget
    Breeze Gorget
    Collosus's Torque
    Sylvan Scarf
    Magoraga Beads
    Hope Torque
    Faith Torque
    Ritter Gorget
    Morgana's Choker
    Bullwhip Belt
    Goading Belt
    Creed Baudrier
    Snow Belt
    Scout's Belt
    Buccanneer's Belt
    Breeze Belt
    Water Belt
    Seigel Sash
    Impulse Belt
    Anguinus Belt
    Tactical Mantle
    Unkai Sugemino
    Atheling Mantle
    Metallon Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Ravager's Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Delta Earring
    Creed Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Tantra Earring
    5/5 Valor Armour Set
    5/5 Melee Armour Set
    5/5 Scout's Armour Set

    6 Jewel of Vision
    6 Coin of Wieldance
    5 Jewel of Wieldance
    1 Card of Vision
    1 Coin Of Voyage
    17 Orthrus's Claws
    149 H Kindred Crests
    270 Kindred's Crest
    140 Kindred's Seals
    350 Beastmans Seals
    4 Sylvan l Seals
    6 Sylvan Body Seals
    1 Sylvan Head Seal
    Nexus Cape
    Fafnir Statue
    Behemoth Statue
    Shadow Lord Statue
    Adamantoise Statue
    Prishe Statue
    Divine Might Galka/Elvaan Statues
    Monarchs Orb
    Tavnazia Ring
    Novennial Ring 10/10 charges
    Dem ring x2

    12 HP
    8 STR
    8 Hand to Hand Skill
    8 Great Katana Skill
    8 Great Axe Skill
    4 Shield Skill
    8 Enhancing Magic Skill
    8 Divine magic Skill
    5 Critical Hit Rate
    5 Enmity Increase

    5 Double attack rate, 3 Berserk Recast, 2 Aggressor Recast
    5 Warriors Charge 3 Tomohawk 2 Savagery

    5 Store TP Effect, 5 Meditate Recast
    5 Overwhelm, 4 Blade Bash, 1 Shikikoyo

    5 Sentinel Recast, 5 Rampart Recast
    5 Guardian, 3 Chivalry, 2 Fealty

    5 Counter Rate, 5 Kick Attack Rate
    5 Penance, 3 Mantra, 2 Formless Strikes

    5 Sharpshot Recast, 5 Rapid Shot Rate Increase
    5 Snapshot, 4 Recycle, 1 Flashy Shot


    Atma of the Stout Arm
    Atma of the Twin Claw
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof
    Atma of Tremors
    Atma of the Savage Tiger
    Atma of the Voracious Violet
    Atma of the Noxious Fang
    Atma of Vicissitude
    Atma of Stormbreath
    Atma of Gales
    Atma of Thrashing Tendrils
    Atma of the Stronghold
    Atma of the Harvester
    Atma of Dune
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of the Siren Shadow
    Atma of the Impaler
    Atma of the Adamantine
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of Baleful Bones
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the Desert Worm
    Atma of the Undying
    Atma of the Impregnable Tower
    Atma of the Smoldering Sky
    Atma of the Demonic Skewer
    Atma of the Golden Claw
    Atma of the Strangling Wind
    Atma of the Deep Devourer
    Atma of the Mounted Champion
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of the Sanguine playerup.com
    Atma of Minikin Monstrosity
    Atma of the Would-be-King
    Atma of Demonic Lash
    Atma of the Shimmering Shell
    Atma of the Avaricious Ape
    Atma of the Brother Wolf
    Atma of the Earth Wyrm
    Atma of the Ascending One
    Atma of the Scorpion Queen
    Atma of a Thousand Needles
    Atma of the Smiting Blow
    Atma of the Lone Wolf
    Atma of the Crimson Scale
    Atma of the Scarlet Wing
    Atma of the Omnipotent
    Atma of the War Lion
    Atma of the Frozen Fetters
    Atma of the Plaguebringer
    Atma of the Shrieking One
    Atma of the Holy Mountain
    Atma of the Lake Lurker
    Atma of the Crushing Cudgel
    Atma of Purgatory
    Atma of Blighted Breath
    Atma of the Persistent Predator
    Atma of the Stone God
    Atma of the Sun Eater
    Atma of the Despot
    Atma of the Solitary One
    Atma of the Winged Gloom
    Atma of the Sea Daughter
    Atma of the Hateful Stream
    Atma of the Foe Flayer
    Atma of the Endless Nightmare
    Atma of Entwined Serpents
    Atma of the Horned Beast
    Atma of Aquatic Ardor
    Atma of the Fallen One
    Atma of Fires and Flares
    Atma of the Apocalyps
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Dragon Rider
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Dark Depths
    Atma of the Zenith
    Atma of the Rescuer
    Atma of the Einherjar
    Atma of the Illuminator

    Loaded ABYSSITES!


    700k+ Cruor

    tldr& Devastating DD on the 2 most potent DD jobs, Dual EMP, drop 8k Ukko's with this monster. Totally pimped Paladin as well which is rare. All the old school gear thats still awesome, Valhalla/Ebody/W l, this is a POWERHOUSE

    Starting bid at $750 buyout at $1250

    WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows(6 months site history and 20+ feedback). 16886 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16546 16539 23 SWTOR 1334734207 16887 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16547 16540 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734233 Mithra Brown Hair
    Bastok Rank 10
    Reg Codes: YES
    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    ToAU: Knight of Gold
    Assault: PFC
    WoTG: Cait Sith
    Campaign: Bronze Ribbon
    C.Prophecy: Complete!
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Unpurchased
    A Shantotto Ascension: Unpurchased
    Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased + SHINRYU Access
    Nyzul: FLOOR 0
    Dynamis: All Access

    300k in misc sellables

    Noteable Melee Rare/EX
    Redemption Lv.90 Quietus
    Armageddon Lv.85 Wildfire [Trial 2644]
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Helm
    Twilight Belt
    Black Belt
    Revenant Fists +2 Victory Smite
    Harrier +2 Jishnu's Radiance
    Badelaire +2 Chant du Cygne [Trial 2773]
    Ganesha's Mask
    Wroth playerup.com
    Aliyat Chakram
    Thokcha [AGI+11 Evasion+22]
    Lux Pugio
    Mekira Meikogai
    Fajin Boots
    Dilaram's Sollerets
    Mantis Eye
    Houyi's Gorget
    Valkyrie's Breastplate [Trip.Atk+3, Zanshin+5]
    Fulgurante [DMG+48, Occ.Atk. Twice]
    Abyss Gauntlets +2
    Melee Gaiters +2
    Bale Gauntlets +2
    Bale Sollerets +2
    Bale Flanchard +2
    Bale Burgeonet +2
    Bale Cuirass +2
    Bale Choker
    Bale Earring
    Sylvan Golvettes +2
    Sylvan bottillons +2
    Sylvan Bragues +2
    Sylvan Gapette +2
    Sylvan Caban +2
    Sylvan Chlamys
    Sylvan Earring
    Sylvan Scarf
    Tantra Gloves +2
    Tantra Cyclas +2
    Tantra Gaiters +2
    Tantra Hose +2
    Tantra Crown +2
    Tantra Tathlum
    Charis Bangles +2
    Charis Tights +2
    Charis Shoes +2
    Charis Casaque +2
    Charis Tiara +2
    Raider's Vest +2
    Raider's Armlets +2
    Raider's Culottes +2
    Raider's Bonnet +2
    Raider's Poulaines +2
    Raider's Boomerang
    Navarch's Bottes +2
    Navarch's Gants +2
    Navarch's Frac +2
    Navarch's Tricorne +2
    Navarch's Culottes +2
    Charis Necklace
    Assassin's Armlets
    Tandava Crackows
    Valhalla Helm
    Aias Bonnet
    Loki's Kaftan
    Kirin's Osode [Dbl.Atk+2, Crit.Hit Dmg+3%]
    Seiryu's Kote [Store TP+2, Crit.Hit Rate+3]
    Byakko's Haidate [Store TP+4, Crit.Hit Dmg +4%]
    Crimson Finger Gauntlets [MND+6, Snapshot+3, Marksmanship+5]
    Crimson Cuisses [Evasion+5, Fast Cast+3]
    Hecatomb Leggings [STR+3 AGI+1 playerup.com+3]
    Shura Zunari Kabuto [Atk+3, Wep.Skill+2%,Skillchain Dmg+2%]
    Shura Kote +1 [Evasion+8, Counter+3, Spell Int.Down 5%]
    Genbu's Kabuto [Haste+2, Subtle Blow+5]
    Ambusher's Hose
    Homam Gambieras
    Aquiline Belt
    Pavor Gauntlets
    Impulse Belt
    Zelus Tiara
    Goading Belt
    Terebellum Mantle
    Shadow Mantle
    Torero Torque
    Anguinus Belt
    Ace's Leggings
    Atheling Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Brutal Earring
    Triplus Dagger
    Schutzen Mittens
    Heafoc Mitts
    Ocelot Trousers
    Ocelot Gloves
    Epona's Ring
    Noesis Helm
    Magoraga Beads
    Agasaya's Collar
    Love Torque
    Dark Ring [MDT-5% , Breath Dmg-3%]
    Dark Ring [MDT-5% , Breath Dmg-4%]
    Brisk Mask
    Thunder Sachet
    Light Belt
    Soil Belt
    Light Gorget
    Soil Gorget
    Meridian Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Inmicus Cuisses
    Tactical Mantle
    Antea [Trial 159]
    Enkidu Mittens
    Denali Kecks
    Mirke Wardecors [Eva+10, Fast Cast+5]
    Rajas Ring
    Strigoi Ring
    Pixie Earring
    Duelist's Boots +1
    DNC AF2 3/5
    MNK AF2 2/5
    COR AF2 2/5
    DNC AF1 3/5
    THF AF1 1/5

    Noteable Mage Rare/EX
    Strophadic Earring
    Twilight Cape
    Mavi Tayt +2
    Mavi Kavuk +2
    Mavi Basmak +2
    Mavi Mintan +2
    Mavi Bazubands +2
    Estoqueur's Chappel +2
    Estoqueur's Sayon +2
    Estoqueur's Chappel +2
    Estoqueur's Fuseau +2
    Estoqueur's Houseaux +2
    Estoqueur's Gantherots +2
    Estoqueur's Cape
    Duelist's Chapeau
    Strendu Ring
    Hecate's Earring
    Augur's Gloves
    Oneiros Grip
    Eradico Mitts
    Genbu's Shield [Cure Pot.+5%, Cure Spellcast Time-4%]
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Serpentes Sabots
    Siegel Sash
    Aqua Sachet
    Loquac. Earring
    Karin Obi
    Goliard Saio
    Moldevite Earring
    Succor Ring
    Diamond Ring [INT+2]
    RDM AF2 3/5 (Inc. Chapeau)
    RDM AF1 3/5

    Coin of Birth x30
    Beastman Seals: 8
    Kindred Seals: 14
    Kindred Crests: 14
    High-Kindred Crests: 12

    8 HP
    7 MP

    10 STR
    2 DEX

    8 playerup.com
    8 Hand to hand
    8 Great Sword
    4 Sword
    4 Evasion

    8 Enhancing
    8 Enfeeble
    8 Blue

    5 Crit Hit
    5 Spell Int. Down

    1/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10

    5 Requietscat
    5 Resolution
    5 Entropy

    Traverser Stone: 124
    3/3 Lunar Abyssites
    Abyssite of Discernment: Yes
    Abyssite of Cosmos: Yes
    5/6 Sojourn
    2/3 Celerity
    2/3 Avarice
    2/3 Confluence
    2/3 Expertise
    3/3 Fortune
    2/3 Kismet
    1/3 Prosperity
    3/3 Destiny
    3/3 Acumen
    3/9 Lenity
    3/3 Perspicacity
    2/3 Reaper
    2/3 Guedron
    2/3 Furtherance
    3/6 Merit
    Stout Arm
    Baying Moon
    Savage Tiger
    Voracious Violet
    Cloak and Dagger
    Noxious Fang
    Siren Shadow
    Clawed Butterfly
    Desert Worm
    Impregnable Tower
    Smoldering Sky
    Demonic Skewer
    Golden Claw
    Glutinous Ooze
    Gnarled Horn
    Strangling Wind
    Mounted Champion
    Razed Ruins
    Bludgeoning Brute
    Winged Enigma
    Sanguine playerup.com
    Tusked Terror
    Minikin monstrosity
    Would-be King
    Blinding Horn
    Demonic Lash
    Murky Miasma
    Merciless Matriarch
    Brother Wolf
    Earth Wyrm
    Ascending One
    Scorpion Queen
    Burning Effigy
    Smiting Blow
    Lone Wolf
    Crimson Scale
    Scarlet Wing
    Raised Tail
    War Lion
    Frozen Fetters
    Shrieking One
    Holy Mountain
    Crushing Cudgel Purgatory
    Blighted Breath
    Persistent Predator
    Stone God
    Winged Gloom
    Sea Daughter
    Sundering Slash
    Entwined Serpents
    Horned Beast
    Fallen one
    Fires and Flares
    Beast King
    Luminous Wings
    Dragon Rider
    Alpha and Omega
    Griffon's Claw
    NM Key Items

    Voidwatch Stones: 179
    Enriched Atmacite:
    Discipline Lv.10
    Coercion Lv.10

    Super buff mithra here, great rare/ex nice HQ stuff Valkry Breastplate WITH augment, VW gear -8 DT body, 18% movement speed, Black Belt, double emps 1 90, 179 Voidwatch stones, VW temps/atmacite/enriched. Very current up to date badass mithra, capped merits with new WS

    Bid Start @ $400, Buyout $750

    WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows. 16888 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16548 16541 23 SWTOR 1334734283 16889 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16549 16542 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734302 Hume Male Brown Hair
    Sandy/Windy Rank 10
    Reg Codes: YES
    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Exquisite Mog House!

    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    ToAU: Teahouse Tumult
    Assault: FL
    WoTG: Into the Beast's Maw
    Campaign: Brass Wings
    C.Prophecy: Complete!
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Unpurchased
    A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
    Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased + SHINRYU Access
    Nyzle: FLOOR 100
    Dynamis: All Access

    300k in misc sellables

    Noteable Melee Rare/EX
    Verethragna Lv.85 Victory Smite
    Caladbolg Lv.85 Torcleaver
    Daka +2 Rudra's Storm
    Penitence +2 Quietus
    Black Belt
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Belt
    Twilight Knife
    Twilight playerup.com
    Twilight Helm
    Tantra Crown +2
    Tantra Gaiters +2
    Tantra Gloves +2
    Tantra Cyclas +2
    Tantra Hose +2
    Tantra Tathlum
    Bale Sollerets +2
    Bale Cuirass +2
    Bale Guantlets +2
    Bale Burgeonet +2
    Bale Flanchard +2
    Bale Choker
    Bale Earring
    Raider's Vest +2
    Raider's Bonnet +2
    Raider's Armlets +2
    Raider's Culottes +2
    Raider's Poulaines +2
    Raider's Boomerang
    Iga Zukin +2
    Iga Ningi +2
    Iga Hakama +2
    Iga Kyahan +1
    Iga Tekko +1
    Creed Cuirass +2
    Creed Armet +2
    Creed Cuisees +1
    Creed Sabatons +1
    Ravager's Mufflers +2
    Ravager's Cuisses +2
    Ravager's Lorica +2
    Ravager's Calligae +2
    Ravager's Mask +2
    Assassin's Armlets
    Trotter Boots
    Triplus Dagger
    Kartika [Attk+5 [Trial8]]
    Atheling Mantle
    Zelus Tiara
    Velocious Belt
    Hecatomb Mittens [Crit.Hit Dmg+2%, Dagger Skill+3]
    Hecatomb Leggings [STR+2, playerup.com Skill+2]
    Hecatomb Harness
    Torero Torque
    Fortitude Torque
    Faith Torque
    Love Torque
    Prudence Torque
    Boxer's Mantle
    Brutal Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Epona's Ring
    Uther's Grip
    Homam Corazza
    Homam Manopolas
    Homam Gambieras
    Homam Cosciales
    Homam Zucchetto
    Ace's Mufflers
    Ace's Leggings
    Skadi's Chausses
    Furor Cesti
    Heafon Knuckles
    Ocelot Gloves
    Ocelot Trousers
    Goading Belt
    Aias Bonnet
    Loki's Kaftan
    Byakko's Haidate
    Mirke Wardecors [Acc+10, Dual Wield +3]
    Adaman Hauberk
    Heafoc Mitts
    Iota Ring
    Snow Belt
    Ares's Sollerets
    Seigneur Shield
    Ulthalam's Ring
    Auric Dagger
    Hecatomb Cap
    Hecatomb Subligar
    Ermine's Tail
    Bartholomew's Knife
    Fortitude Axe
    Crisis playerup.com
    Koruri [Trial 579]
    Virtuoso Belt
    Prouesse Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Bloodbead Ring
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Rajas Ring
    Perdu Hangar
    Bahamut Zaghnal
    Warlord's Axe
    Lumberjack [Trial 364]
    Ungur Boomerang
    Walahra Turban
    Hisshi Hachimaki
    Optical Hat
    Rapparee Harness
    Seiryu's Kote
    Askar Korazin
    Askar Zucchetto
    Denali Bonnet
    Denali Kecks
    Timarli Jawshan
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Shadow Helm
    Rose Strap
    Soboro Sukehiro
    Chaos Gauntlets +1
    Assassin's Bonnet +1
    Assassin's Cape
    Valor Coronet +1
    Ninja Tekko +1
    Ninja Kyahan +1
    Chaos Burgeonet +1
    NIN AF2 5/5
    PLD AF2 5/5
    WAR AF2 5/5
    MNK AF2 5/5
    DRG AF2 1/5
    WAR AF1 5/5
    SAM AF1 1/5
    NIN AF1 1/5

    Noteable Mage Rare/EX
    Varduna's Staff +2
    Indra's Staff +2
    Orison Mitts +2
    Orison Cap +2
    Orison Cape
    Goetia Coat +2
    Goetia Petasos +2
    Goetia Sabots +2
    Goetia Chausses +2
    Goetia Gloves +1
    Goetia Mantle
    Goetia Chain
    Estoqueur's Fuseau +2
    Estoqueur's Chappel +2
    Estoqueur's Houseaux +2
    Estoqueur's Collar
    Estoqueur's Cape
    Mavi Kavuk +2
    Mavi Tayt +2
    Mavi Basmak +2
    Mavi Mintan +1
    Mavi Earring
    Mavi Tathlum
    Aoidos' Hongreline +1
    Aoidos' Rhingrave +1
    Aoidos' Manchettes +1
    Caller's Doublet +1
    Caller's Pendant
    Duelist's Chapeau
    Tatsumaki Sitagoromo [PDT-4%, Movement Speed +8%]
    Augur's Jaseran
    Augur's Gaiters
    Augur's Gloves
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Serpentes Sabots
    Facio Bliaut [Refresh +1, Conserve Mp+2, Cure Potency+12%]
    Crooner's Cithara
    Cantabank's Horn
    Pan's Horn
    Gifted Earring
    Hecate's Earring
    Loquac. Earring
    Omega Ring
    Morrigan's Cuffs
    Crimson Cuisses
    Musical Earring
    Goliard Chapeau
    Goliard Clogs
    Moldevite Earring
    Genbu's Shield
    Prudence Rod
    Aesir Torque
    Gleeman's Cape
    Celeritas Pole
    Zenith Crown
    Zenith Mitts
    Zenith Slacks
    Morgana's Choker
    Nashira Crackows
    Nashira Seraweels
    Nashira Turban
    Siegel Sash
    Relaxing Earring
    Warlock's Chapeau +1
    Wizard's Coat +1
    Wizard's Petasos +1
    BLM AF2 4/5
    RDM AF2 5/5
    BLU AF2 2/5
    BRD AF2 1/5
    BLU AF1 5/5

    Emperion Upgrade Items:
    Helm of Briareus x2
    Isgebind's Heart x2
    AF3+2 Upgrade Items:
    Vision Stone x5
    Vision Coin x6
    Vision Card x2
    Ardor Coin x6
    Ardor Card x9
    Wieldance Stone x6
    Wieldance Jewel x6
    Voyage Stone x5
    Voyage Jewel x6
    Balance Card x6
    AF3+1 Misc. upgrades:
    Tanner's Apron
    Tanner's Gloves
    Tanner's Ring
    Coin of Advancement x29
    Coin of Glory x30
    Coin of Decay x30
    A.Abj: Feet
    Beastman Seals: 0
    Kindred Seals: 0
    Kindred Crests: 150
    High-Kindred Crests: 128

    7 HP
    5 MP

    6 STR
    2 DEX

    8 Dagger
    8 Hand to Hand
    8 Great Sword
    2 playerup.com
    4 Evasion

    8 Elemental
    8 Enfeeble
    8 Healing

    4 Crit Hit
    5 Enmity Increase
    1 Spell Int. Down

    3/10 6/10
    10/10 10/10
    4/10 10/10
    5/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10
    1/10 9/10
    10/10 10/10
    7/10 8/10
    0/10 1/10
    10/10 10/10
    2/10 0/10
    8/10 10/10
    10/10 10/10

    Cruor: 2,055,762
    Traverser Stone: 849
    3/3 Lunar Abyssites
    Abyssite of Discernment: Yes
    Abyssite of Cosmos: Yes
    5/6 Sojourn
    3/3 Celerity
    3/3 Avarice
    2/3 Confluence
    1/3 Expertise
    3/3 Fortune
    2/3 Kismet
    1/3 Prosperity
    3/3 Destiny
    3/3 Acumen
    4/9 Lenity
    3/3 Perspicacity
    3/3 Reaper
    2/3 Guedron
    2/3 Furtherance
    5/6 Merit
    Stout Arm
    Twin Claw
    Baying Moon
    Ebon Hoof
    Savage Tiger
    Voracious Violet
    Cloak and Dagger
    Noxious Fang
    Thrashing Tendrils
    Baleful Bones
    Clawed Butterfly
    Desert Worm
    Impregnable Tower
    Demonic Skewer
    Glutinous Ooze
    Gnarled Horn
    Strangling Wind
    Deep Devourer
    Mounted Champion
    Razed Ruins
    Bludgeoning Brute
    Rapid Reptilian
    Winged Enigma
    Sanguine playerup.com
    Tusked Terror
    Minikin Monstrosity
    Would-be King
    Demonic Lash
    Shimmering Shell
    Murky Miasma
    Avaricious Ape
    Merciless Matriarch
    Brother Wolf
    Earth WYrm
    Ascending One
    Scorpion Queen
    Thousand Needles
    Burning Effigy
    Smiting Blow
    Lone Wolf
    Crimson Scale
    Scarlet Wing
    Raised Tail
    Sand Emperor
    War Lion
    Frozen Fetters
    Shrieking One
    Holy Mountains
    Lake Lurker
    Crushing Cudgel
    Blighted Breath
    Persistent Predator
    Stone Gof
    Sun Eater
    Solitary One
    Winged Gloom
    Hateful Stream
    Foe Flayer
    Endless Nightmare
    Sundering Slash
    Entwined Serpents
    Horned Beast
    Aquatic Ardor
    Fallen One
    Fires and Flares
    Beast King
    Dragon Rider
    Alpha and Omega
    Hybrid Beast
    Dark Depths
    Roaring Laughter
    NM Key Items

    Super Account, OLD SCHOOL not burned, 2 emps tons of af3+2, black belt, e body, crafting 97 leather, just needs to be brought to 99, tons of playtime skills are all high, magian staves, this has all the HARD stuff complete, just needs some exp parties to cap off the jobs

    Bid Start $450 Buyout $700

    WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows. 16890 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16550 16543 23 SWTOR 1334734359 16891 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16551 16544 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734372 Title says it all. I am offering E-Money Exchange Service.

    What e-currencies i offer?

    *Liberty Reserve
    *Ukash (GBP , EUR , AUD )
    *Paysafecards (GBP , EUR )
    *Wester union

    What are your rates?


    *Scammers stay off .
    *Please Trade in decent amounts to maintain viability and feasibility.
    *I will sent first only highly trusted members whit good feedback.


    MSN -- exchangemoneyplace

    YAHOO -- exchangemoneyplace@yahoo

    ICQ NUMBER -- 627116758 EMAIL -- exchangemoneyplace

    SKYPE -- exchangemoneyplace 16892 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16552 16545 23 SWTOR 1334734434 16893 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16553 16546 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734441 Sick Account BB monk Haste Gear without AF3 25%haste+ Samurai AF+1 Warrior90 Paladin AF3+2 Redmage +2 Relic not AF3
    Ninja & Black mage & Warrior for Abyss all skills capped to lv90.
    there is still jobs to lv thats why this account is not a bummer ! you can build this on your own Zilard done CoP done some minor missions need to be done but whery easy with these gears /jobs PM for ScreenShots / info about this account.

    Ps. you will not be disappointed

    Raven2010 16894 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16554 16547 23 SWTOR 1334734509 16895 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16555 16548 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734511 Account info

    Eu account (made in 2003)
    I still have the original box in storage and can send this out via royal mail.

    Pld,War, whm, rdm, blm, drk

    All expansions

    HP4 MP4
    Atri: 5/5 Str
    Sword: 8 Axe 4 Gaxe: 4 Shield: 4
    Enfeeb/Ele magic 8/8
    Emn+ :3
    Crit rate: 3
    spell interuption: 3
    Warrior: 10/10 full done (5/5 DA)
    WHM: 10/10 fully done (5/5 shell)
    BLM: 10/10 full ice/lightening build
    RDM: 10/10 full para set 4/5 bio 5/5 ice acc 3/5 convert
    PLD: 10/10 full sentinel 5/5 Chiv 5/5 Rampart 5/5
    DRK: LR effect 4 / LR recast 4

    Notable gear:
    Defending ring
    Fire bomblet
    Rav mask +1
    Heca cap
    E body
    Dusk gloves +1
    Rav l +2
    Homam l
    W l
    Rav feet +1
    Creed feet +1
    Homam feet
    Hermes sandals
    Fortitude torque
    Velocious belt
    Loquacios earring (sp)
    Brutal earring
    Aesir ear pendant
    Triumph ring
    Toreador ring
    Ulthalams ring
    Satva ring
    Koenig body
    5/5 HQ staves
    Byakko's l
    Neuvo body (ACP)
    Creed l +1
    (Empy Gaxe ready for Glavoid shells) +10 itz Scales

    Server transfer is ready
    looking to get around the 400 mark for this at the buyers expense and a good reputation will also help

    Will post SS's in 1 sec 16896 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16556 16549 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734582 Account Details~
    Elvaan M Face - 6 Hair - A
    Transfer is available
    Comes with 500k gil
    Not Linked to Square Enix ID.
    Original owner information available
    CD keys available

    RotZ - The Celestial Nexus
    CoP - Dawn
    ToAU - Eternal Mercenary
    Assault -
    Altana - Cait Sith
    C.Prophecy - The Echo Awakens
    M.KupoD'etat - x
    S.Ascension - x

    WAR90 MNK90
    WHM11 BLM17
    RDM01 THF37
    PLD75 DRK75
    BST00 BRD22
    RNG47 SAM90
    NIN90 DRG00
    SMN00 BLU00
    COR00 PUP00
    DNC45 SCH00


    Erlking's Kheten (DMG+5 STR+3)
    Bonesplitter [Trial371]
    Bibiki Seashell
    Smart Grenade
    Olibanum Sachet
    Sekka +2 (AGI+9 EVA+20)
    Radennotachi [Trial648]
    Soboro Sukehiro

    Ravager's Mask +1
    Genbu's Kabuto
    Walahra Turban
    Optical Hat
    Unkai Kabuto +1
    Shura Zunari Kabuto

    Ravager's Lorica

    Ravager's Mufflers +1
    Seiryu's Kote
    Hecatomb Mittens
    Ochimusha Kote

    Ravager's Cuisses +1
    Byakko's Haidate
    Melee Hose

    Askar Gambieras
    Hecatomb Leggings
    Aurum Sabatons
    Denali Gamashes
    Rutter Sabatons
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate

    Parade Gorget

    Swift Belt

    Atheling Mantle
    Unkai Sugemino

    Brutal Earring
    Aesir Ear Pendant

    Rajas Ring
    Ulthalam's Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Iota Ring

    Beastmen's Seal x20
    Kindred's Seal x60
    Kindred's Crest x54
    H. Kindred's Crest x22
    PLD Seal: Head x2
    PLD Seal: Body x1
    PLD Seal: Hands x1
    NIN Seal: Hands x1
    SAM Seal: L x8
    WAR Seal: Feet x2
    Wieldance Stone x1

    Bids start @ $200
    Buyout @ $350 16897 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16557 16550 23 SWTOR 1334734585 Dies wurde verkauft.
    16898 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16558 16551 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734651 Selling My account, have tons of gear too much to mention, Basicly has ALL HNM gear from all HNMs besides Defending ring and Riddle. This char is also stacked with all Rare/Ex from abyssea.
    to many atma to list, 3M curor 5M gil on hand. TH6

    16 Lvl 90 jobs well geared, Maat's cap

    Super Tank, Super DD, lots of fun.

    EU client~ 16899 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16559 16552 23 SWTOR 1334734661 16900 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16560 16553 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734720 as stated looking to sell my personal accounts have been playing a long time and have come to the end of my ffxi life apparently theres something called a real life that i should try so here goes.

    10x99 jobs
    almost all atmas
    1100 stones
    full +2 for mnk
    full TH for thf
    well geared in all jobs
    bst is new to 99 but has all +2 and good axes
    full twilight gear
    vere is 85 afew scales off 90
    has around 5m on account
    also has around 50m worth of dynamis currency
    fully merrited in all jobs weapon skills capped are h2h and axe

    as stated comes with PL account has war sch blm whm bst dnc 99 over 500 stones lots of atmas fully merrited in all its jobs whm is very well geared as is dnc and bst both accounts are linked to same se id so need to be sold as a pair so understand this when you bid.

    all in all near on 60m in gil/currency im the OO and have all info needed no retarded bids mr washington im not into selling you so dnt attempt. let the bids start!!! 16901 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16561 16554 23 SWTOR 1334734738 16902 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16562 16555 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734789 Fairly new to this but I would like to sell my ff11 account it has 93 mil gil on hand.
    All jobs are 99
    100 Alchemy
    80 synergy
    60 all sub crafts
    Fishing 25
    Has 3 Emperyan weapons -katana,sword,gun(85) all 3.
    I am the only previous owner of this account.
    It has been linked to a xbl account but would give it up if need be.

    Rank 10 all nations.
    Zilart, Cop, Treasures all done.
    Nyzul floor 100 .

    Has all abyssea armors +1 with the exception of brd head and shcolar body(base)
    A fair amount of +2's also.

    A few negatives about this account
    Has very little cruror,Conquest points,allied notes or imperial standing.

    Should you want more details about the gears on the character or just in general p/m me .

    Server transfer is up.
    WU ONLY!!!
    Gil and account could be bought seperate if need be. Please also p/m me wtih offers or suggestions on the value of this account
    Thanks. 16903 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16563 16556 23 SWTOR 1334734813 16904 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16564 16557 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734862 Sadly I just don't have time to play ffxi anymore so just throwing info out there for offers.

    Race: Mithra
    Rank: 10 San d'oria
    Job Levels:
    WAR 47 MNK 99
    WHM 99 BLM 56
    RDM 99 THF 35
    PLD 40 DRK 1
    BST 34 BRD 34
    RNG 1 SAM 33
    NIN 60 DRG 99
    SMN 1 BLU 8
    COR 1 PUP 1
    SCH 1 DNC 91

    Bonecraft 63
    Leathercraft 35
    Goldsmithing 12

    Zilart The Sealed Shrine
    Promathia The Secrets of Worship
    ToAU The Black Coffin
    Assault Private Second Class
    Altana Crossroads of Time
    Campaign Iron Emblem of Service
    C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy
    M.KupoD'etat Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
    S. Ascension A Shantotto Ascension

    I have quite a few merits mainly spent on whm & mnk

    I have a variety of abyssea af piece for my highest jobs but have the complete WHM set inc. cape & locket.

    Many rare/ex items inc. joyuese, bounding boots, emperor hairpin, o-kotes, suppanomi, 2/3 black belt items & lots more.
    Gil is approx. at 4mil 16905 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16565 16558 23 SWTOR 1334734889 16906 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16566 16559 38 FFXI Accounts 1334734932 Like title say,i sell 2 ffxi accounts eu linked to the same square enix account.I'm the original owner and i have all info/codes about the accounts.
    First account has a mithra with 95 drk,blm,thf,whm with this equipment:
    Twashtar 90
    Mandau 95
    Ragnarok 4th stage
    thf af3+2 5/5
    blm af3+2 5/5
    whm af3+2 5/5
    epona's ring
    tamas ring
    ulthalamas ring
    surya's staff +3(heal potency +23%)
    and lot of more equip.....
    Gils on hand 3,6m
    Second account has a female hume with 90 smn,nin,mnk with this equipment:
    Kannagi 90
    Revenant fists +2
    af3+2 ninja 5/5
    af3+2 smn 5/5
    evoker's ring
    epona's ring
    ulthalamas ring
    tamas ring
    and lot of more equip
    Both characters are on ragnarok server and transfer is up.
    I have purchased all abyssea expansions for both account and chains of promathia,zilart,aht urghan,a cristalline prophecy.
    Atmas i got for the character are too much to write here but most important they got(both) are rr,vv,mm,apocalypse,allure,omnipotent,ecc...
    Starting bid is 800,buyout 1500$, payment is wu or paypal(lf you use paypal you have to wait that i transfer the money to my bank account before i send information about the account)
    is accepted but buyer has to pay it.
    Here are some ss of both accounts:






    imageshack.us/photo/my-images...412392670/ 16907 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16567 16560 23 SWTOR 1334734964 16908 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16568 16561 23 SWTOR 1334735039 16909 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16569 16562 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735064 INFORMATION:
    EU Account
    Galka Rank 7+ sandy
    Server Transfer available (Leviathan currently)

    80 MNK,SAM

    Sea access
    Sky access
    Dynamis-Ta v: win
    + done a lot of campaign on this account so will be high (ish) level/campaign points

    MNK AF2 hands/l/back
    SAM AF2 head+1/hands+1/body+1
    MNK AF1 5/5 (+1 LEG)
    SAM AF1 5/5
    Rajas ring
    Bushinomimi (DM earring)
    Brutal Earring
    Askar feet
    Rutter feet
    God gear head/hands/l/feet
    Shura head/l/body
    Hagun (augmented +1dmg)
    Amemet mantle +1(augmented)
    Forager’s mantle(augmented)
    SAM af3+1 head
    Brown Belt (quest done, so ready to get black belt)
    O-kotes ex/rare
    +3haste feet ex/rare
    Wyrm Beard(Fafnir) got (1/3 for black belt)
    + Many more seals for af3 quests
    + Other ex/rare items that I cannot remember

    WHM as holla/dem/mea/altep/haste spells which may provide to be useful

    I sold my main account on this site and 96mil (separately) just over 2months ago, this was my in real life friends account that quit November and definitely as 0 interests in the game.

    The information I have given here is what I can remember off top of my head, I may have missed a few items out.

    Currently inactive at the moment and did not want to pay 1months fees for just 6 days.

    Looking for best offers for this account at the moment, its a great account to get you back into the game. Would not take long at all to pimp out.

    PM me any questions/offers/requests (additional information you may need).

    Thanks for your interest and time.
    Only screen shot of character i could find 16910 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16570 16563 23 SWTOR 1334735115 16911 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16571 16564 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735134 Am selling my Current FFXI Account that I play personally. I am not charging for the account, but rather the time spent leveling this character.

    Character includes:

    Maat’s Cap + complete AF for every job but sch and dnc ( because its not out yet..)

    WAR 75 MNK 75
    WHM 75 BLM 75
    RDM 75 THF 75
    PLD 68 DRK 67
    BST67 BRD 75
    RNG 74 SAM 67
    NIN 75 DRG 66
    SMN 75 BLU 75
    COR 75 PUP 75 ( all attachments, frames, heads & up-to-date skills)
    DNC 52 SCH 52

    All spells for all jobs ( Blu 100/100)

    Destroyers unlocked
    Dissector unlocked
    Rampager unlocked
    Gun of Trials ~ 20% unlocked
    Lieutenant’s Cape has 90+/100 charges
    Puppetmaster has all attachments (that cost a pretty penny)
    Senjuinrikio is unlocked
    Mamool,Lamia and Trollbane chakrams are all 10/10 charges
    Heart Snatcher is unlocked

    Rank 10 Windurst Rank 10 Bastok (all world Ops current for Bastok) First Lieutenant (one assault away from captain rank).
    ROTZ/COP/TOAU/WOTG all missions current
    Maxhp 7 Maxmp 1
    Attributes Str +4, Vit +1
    Sword +6, h2h +6, Parry +4, Evasion +4
    Enfeebling +1, Elemental +1, Blue magic +2
    Crits lvl 4, enemy crit lvl 1
    War double attack lvl 5
    Blm Flare 2
    Thf triple attack lvl 2
    Smn: avatar phy lvl 2, phys att- lvl 3
    Blu: Phy pot lvl 1, Mag accuracy lvl 1, Convergence lvl 1, Assimilation Lvl 2
    Pup: Automaton mag skill lvl 4 ( fire 4)

    Weapon skills:
    (gun of trials 20%), Decimation, Black Halo, Evisceration, Steel Cyclone, Asuran Fists, Blade: Ku, Retribution, Savage Blade

    Mog safe, storage, mog locker all unlocked to 80 slots. Inventory 70

    CP 17K, ISP 22K, Allied Notes 36K ( allied with sandy)

    Copper Emblem of Service, thousands of assault points, dozens and dozens of rare/ex items equip

    Dynamis access including Xarcabard, Sky warps

    2million gil cash, server transfer ready

    PM me for more info/details/questions 16912 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16572 16565 23 SWTOR 1334735192 16913 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16573 16566 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735203 I want to sell my Mithra EU-Account!

    WHM, RDM, BLM 90
    MNK 86
    SAM, DNC, BRD 85
    COR 82
    SMN 78
    SCH 76
    PUP, DRG, PLD, THF, WAR 75
    DRK, RNG 70
    BST, NIN 66
    BLU 40

    558 Merits, 327 traverser stones, 1400000 cruor, many diffrent seals...

    Zilart The last verse
    Promathia The last verse
    ToAU Eternal Mercenary
    Assault First Lieutnant
    Altana In the name of the father
    Campaign Dawnlight Medal

    Gil: 33 Mil

    Smithing 100
    Clothcraft, Alchemy, Woodworking, Goldsmithing, Cooking 60
    Leathercraft, Bonecraft 40+

    Atma of the stout Arm
    Atma of Allure
    Atma of the Ebon Hoof
    Atma of the Voracious Vilolent
    Atma of the Beyond
    Atma of the Cosmos
    Atma of Calamity
    Atma of the Clawed Butterfly
    Atma of the desert Worm
    Atma of the Inpregnable Tower
    Atma of the Strangling Wind
    Atma of deep Devourer
    Atma of the Razed Ruins
    Atma of Minkin Monstrosity
    Atma of the Would-be King
    Atma of the Demonic Lash
    Atma of Murky Miasma
    Atma of the Ascending One
    Atma of the Lone Wolf
    Atma of the Scarlet Wing
    Atma of the Persistend Predator
    Atma of the heir
    Atma of the fullmoon
    Atma of Illusions
    Atma of the Banisher
    Atma of the Sellsword
    Atma of the Echos
    Atma of Ambition
    Atma of the Beast King
    Atma of the Kirin
    Atma of the Dragon Rider
    Atma of the Impenetrable
    Atma of the Alpha and Omega
    Atma of the Ultimate
    Atma of the Hybrid Beast
    Atma of the Dark Depths
    Atma of the Zenith
    Atma of the Rescuer
    Atma of the Einherjar
    Atma of the Bushin

    Valor coronet
    Etoile Tiara
    Optical Head
    Walhara Turban
    Zenith Crown
    Goetia Petasos +1
    Sorcerer's Petasos +1
    Usukane Somen
    Genie Tiara
    Marduk's Tiara
    Morrigan's Coronal
    Maat's Cap
    Estoqueur's Chappel +1

    Etoile Casquada
    Kirin's Osode
    Nashira Manteel
    Corsair's frac +1
    Rapparee Harness
    Koga Chainmail
    Assain's Vest
    Goliard Saio
    Shura Togi
    Marduk's Jubbah
    Morrigan's Robe

    Valor gauntles
    Assassin's armelets
    Homam Manopolas
    Crimson Finger Gloves
    Ochimusha kote
    Koga Tekko
    Estoqueur's gantherots +1
    Usukane Gote
    Zenith Mitts
    Oracle's Gloves
    Sorcerer's Gloves
    Summoner's bracers
    Carbuncle Mitts
    Marduk's Dastanas
    Morrigan's Cuffs
    Sheik Gages

    Valor Breeches
    Assassins Culottes
    Goetia Chausses +1
    Bale Flanchard +1
    Cirque Pantaloni +1
    Charis Tights +1
    Byakko's Haidate
    Nashira Seraweels
    Skadi's Chausses
    Endiku Subligar
    Koga Hakama
    Usukane Hizayoroi
    Sorcerers's Tonban
    Genie Lappa
    Oracle's Braconi
    Estoqueur's fuseau +1
    Marduk's Shalwar
    Morrigan's Slops
    Zenith Slacks
    Blood Cuisses

    Tandava crackows
    Cirque Scarpe
    Skadi's Jambeaux
    Corsair's Bottes +1
    Rutter Sabatons
    Sorcerer's Sabots
    Saotome Sune-Ate
    Unkai Sune-Ate
    Usukane Sune-Ate
    Summoner's pigaches
    Oracle's Pigaches
    Goetia Sabots +1
    Genie Huaraches
    Morrigan's Pigaches
    Herald's Gaiters

    Justice torque
    Hope torque
    Prudence torque
    Faith torque
    Creed baudrier
    Parade Gorget
    Uggalepih pendant
    Enhancing torque
    Grandiose Chain
    Peacock Charm
    Goetia Chain
    Morgana's Choker
    Piper's torque
    Dark torque
    Enfeebling torque
    Elemental torque
    Wizard's torque

    Charis Feather
    Thew Bomblet
    Jasper Tathlum
    Tantra Tathlum
    Phantom Tathlum
    Aqua Sachet
    Ravager's Orb
    Hedgehog Bomb

    Vulcan's Ring
    Iota Ring
    Dark Ring
    Balrahn's Ring
    Tavnazian Ring
    Rajas Ring
    Neptune's Ring x2
    Aquilo's Ring
    Hoard Ring
    Omega Ring
    Snow Ring
    Serket Ring
    Sorcerer's Ring
    Ether Ring
    Icesoul Ring
    Auster's Ring
    Vulcan's Ring

    Static Earring
    Sapphire Earring
    Melody Earring +1
    Cassie Earring
    Clearview Earring
    Graiai Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Relaxing Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Morion Earring +1
    Novio Earring
    Novia Earring
    Loquacious Eaaring
    Musical Earring
    Celetial Earring x2
    Dark Earring
    Enfeebling Earring

    Warriors stone
    Commodore Belt
    Cirque Sash
    Saotome koshi-ate
    Aristo Belt
    Karin, Hyorin, Furin, Dorin, Rairin, Suirin, Anrin Obi
    Black Belt
    Argute Belt
    Pentinent's Rope
    Witch Sash
    Velocious Belt

    Lancer's Pelerine
    Libeccio Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Atheling Mantle
    Cuchulain's Mantle
    Amemet Mantle +1
    Goetia Mantle
    Nexus Cape
    Merciful Cape
    Altruistic Cape
    Asute Cape
    Aslan Cape
    Umbra Cape

    Monk, Blackmage, Paladin, Bard, Ranger, Ninja, Dragoon, Summoner, Puppermaster, Dancer, Scholar, Redmage

    Warrior, Monk, Whitemage, Beastmaster, Bard, Dragoon, Corsair, Puppetmaster, Scholar, Redmage
    Send me a PM with an offer if you are interested or have any questions! 16914 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16574 16567 23 SWTOR 1334735268 16915 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16575 16568 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735273 Hey, I don't have time to play so I'm selling. On the upside, I had to reactivate to take the images, so you get a paid month

    Race: Hume
    EU account, though I don't think this matters now you pay with crysta? I dunno
    Transfer is available

    Subs: DNC 60
    Other jobs are too low to bother listing

    Crafts: 87 Cloth, with WW, LC, BC subs

    4M Gil on hand, with over 1M Cruor to condense if you want to.

    Mission status:
    Rank 10 Sandoria/Bastok
    CoP: Complete Rajas Ring
    RoZ: Complete Suppanomimi and Ethereal Earring
    ToA: Complete Ulthalams Ring
    ASA: Complete Mage L (PDT/Cure augments)
    MKD: Complete
    ACP: Complete PLD Body Fast Cast/Enmity

    Relics Aegis 95
    Empyreans Kannagi 85, Ochain 90, Verethragna 90
    There's also 8 Sobek Skins and 4 Briareus Helms to go to Almace, the sword is currently on VNM stages.


    Zenith Mitts
    Zenith Crown
    A.Abj L
    A.Abj Feet
    Hecatomb Harness +1
    Hecatomb Mittens +1 Augmented with Crit DMG +4, Dagger +4
    Hecatomb Leggings +1 Augmented with STR+2 Attack +2
    Hecatomb Cap
    Blood Cuisses
    Blood Finger Gauntlets
    Koenig Hands
    Koenig L
    Shura Togi
    Shura Haidate
    Shura Kabuto

    God Armor 5/5:

    Kote augmented with Crit rate +2%, and STP +2
    Haidate Augmented with Crit DMG 4%, STP 3

    Salvage Armor:

    5/5 Usukane
    4/5 Morrigan's (Missing 35 head only)
    3/5 Marduk's (Missing 15 body, and 35 Feet)
    2/5 Skadi's (Have L/Hands, missing 35 body/feet/head)
    2/5 Ares's (Have Body/L, missing 35 Feet/hands/Head)

    Assault Armor:

    Yigit Crackows

    Campaign Armor:
    5/5 Iron Ram

    Nyzul Armor:

    Askar Feet/Body
    Goliad Feet/Head/Body

    O/U Armor:

    5/5 Homam
    1/5 Nashira (L)

    Empyrean Armor +2:
    5/5 Creed
    5/5 Tantra
    5/5 Goetia
    5/5 Raider's
    5/5 Iga
    4/5 estoqueur's (Head is +1)
    Ravager's 2/5 (Hands/L)
    Orison 3/5 (L, Hands, Body)
    Bale 1/5 (L)
    Aiodos 1/5 (L)
    Sylvan 1/5 (L)
    Unkai 2/5 (L, Feet)
    Caller's 2/5 (Feet, L)
    Mavi 1/5 (L)
    Navarch's 2/5 (Hands, Body)
    Cirque 1/5 (L)

    Empyrean +1:

    Orison Cap
    Estoqueur's Chappel
    Ferine L
    Aiodos Body
    Unkai Head
    Unkai Body
    Unkai Hands
    Lancer's L
    Caller's Body
    Navarch's L
    Charis' L
    savant's L

    Base Empyrean Items:

    WAR Feet
    WAR Orb
    MNK Tathlum
    WHM Feet
    WHM Cape
    BLM Neck
    BLM Cape
    RDM Cape
    THF Boomerang
    DRK Feet
    BRD Feet
    BRD Neck
    RNG Feet
    RNG Cape
    SAM Neck
    SAM Cape
    BLU Feet
    COR Cape
    PUP Scarpe
    DNC Feet
    MNK earring
    WHM Earring
    BRD Earring
    SAM Earring
    SMN Earring
    NIN Earring
    PLD Neck
    PLD Earring


    5/5 Duelist
    5/5 Sorcerer
    5/5 Melee
    5/5 Valor
    5/5 Assassin
    WHM Body/Hands
    BRD Body
    SAM Head/Body/Hands/Feet
    SMN Feet/L
    BLU Body
    COR L
    SCH Head


    MNK Hands/L
    BLM Head/Body
    RDM Head
    THF Feet

    AF1 Collected for leveled Jobs, stored at NPC


    All HQ Staves
    Mantis Eye
    Thew Bomblet
    Ocelomeh Headpiece
    Arhat Jinpachi +1
    Arhat Gi +1
    Darksteel Mittens +1
    Hachiryu Haidate
    Herald's Gaiters
    Novio Earring
    Twilight Torque
    Magoraga Beads
    Rancor Collar
    Ire Torque +1
    Orochi Nodowa
    Faith Torque/Love Torque/Prudence Torque/Hope Torque
    Warwolf Belt
    Black Belt
    Atheling Mantle
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Merman's Earring x2
    Epona's Ring
    Shadow Ring
    Dark Ring x2 (5% PDT and 5% MDT)
    Merman's Ring
    Jelly Ring
    Rajas Ring
    Militant Knuckles
    Bibiki Seashell
    Astral Aspis
    Bahamut's Mask
    Ace's Helm
    Emp Hairpin
    Raparree Harness
    Ochimusha Kote
    Sarutobi Kyahan
    Bounding Boots
    Snow Belt
    Thunder Belt
    Resentment Cape
    Reign Grip
    Errant Body
    Entois Trousers
    Ruffian Leggings
    Fylgja Torque +1
    Ritter Gorget
    Morgana's Choker
    Shield Torque
    Stone gorget
    Peacock Amulet
    Creed Waist
    Roundel Earring
    Cuchulain's Belt
    Velocious Belt
    Qiqirn sash +1
    Lamia mantle +1
    Pixie Earring
    Hospitaler earring
    buckler earring
    Meridian Ring
    Odium Ring
    Alert Ring
    Communion Ring
    Hercules Ring
    Bloodbead Ring
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Serpentes Feet/Hands
    Optical Hat
    Loki's Kaftan
    Lithe Boots
    Torero Torque
    Tiercel Necklace
    Twilight Belt
    Metallon Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Stormsoul Ring
    Twilight playerup.com
    Teiwaz (trial item for Surya's)
    Twilight Helm
    Twilight Mail
    Zelus tiara
    Hero's Galea
    Varangian Helm
    Adaman Barbuta (3% Cure pot)
    Ocelot Gloves
    Dusk Gloves +1
    Heavy gauntlets
    Tumbler Trunks
    Igqira L/Head
    Ace's Leggings
    Rostrum Pumps
    Blessed Pumps/Mitts
    Trotter Boots
    Agasaya's Collar
    Snow Gorget
    Shadow Gorget
    Dark/Ele/Enfeeb/Wind torques
    Cognition belt
    Cognizant belt
    Impulse Belt
    Hyorin Obi
    Water Belt
    Swift Belt
    Twilight Cape
    Searing Cape
    Nexus Cape
    Hecate's Earring
    Sorcerer's Earring
    Triumph Earring
    Hades Earring +1
    Relaxing Earring
    Antivenom Earring
    Enfeebling Earring
    Bifrost Ring
    Omega Ring
    Diamond Ring x2 (both with INT+2)
    Novennial Ring (unused)
    Fajin Boots (movement speed +18%!)
    Heafoc Mitts
    Ocelot Trousers
    Teutates subligar
    Danzo Sune ate
    Carabiner's Axe
    Bounty Sickle
    Rounsey Wand
    Celeritas Pole
    Egoist Tathlum
    Angel Lyre
    Kingdom Horn
    Cornette +1
    Bugard strap +1
    Pole grip
    Cenobite's Coiffe
    Aias Bonnet
    Walahra Turban
    Taranis' Harness
    Augur's body
    Darksteel harness +1
    Minstrel's coat
    Haubergeon +1
    Glamor Jupon
    Eradico Mitts
    Timarli dastanas
    Timarli Body
    Tatsumaki Sitagoromo (ASA L, Cure pot/PDT)
    Siegel Sash
    Aqua Belt
    Bullwhip belt
    Aristo Belt
    Marching belt
    Scouter's rope
    Harmony Cape
    Tactical mantle
    Umbra Cape
    Tav Ring

    Extra: Lots of seals I collected, all 20 L are at very least +1, so you don't need to ever do Bastion. Lots of +2 Items, and Empyrean Items. Shown in image.

    Not Pictured:

    About 70 Kindred's seal, and various others
    All OPs done/Crags visited/Past OPs

    Image Supplied, apologies for what I'm expecting to me a massive Image.

    I haven't sold before, but I had a look at the service, I'm willing to use that, and I am Paypal Verified. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'll check here when I get time. Thanks. Looking for around 2000$, it's a nice account ^^

    Edit: Oh I almost forgot, It's a Hume Male, 2A, and registrations codes are available if you want them.

    Edit2: I missed my entire Mog Safe somehow. There's PLD Feet+1, Kila +3 (STR), Blitz Ring, Triumph Ring, Attestation of glory, furniture, and various other items not really worth mentioning. I can supply a picture if you want me to. 16916 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16576 16569 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735343 Hi all, firstly I have the CD keys and I'm the original owner of the account.


    - Hume Female 1A
    - WHM, NIN, BLM, BST 90 and RDM 80. (All appropriate Sub Jobs are leveled)
    - 8,400,000 gil on the account and 2,400,000 gil in sellables (10,800,000 gil in total)
    - Mog Satchel unlocked and token will be removed
    - All expansions
    - Server Transfer is up next month
    - Completed all abyssea zones and Shinryu
    - Dynamis - Xarcabard unlocked
    - 800,000 Cruor
    - Almost all Atmas (for a list, please PM)
    - All Gobbie Bag quests finished


    - Windurst: Rank 10
    - Chains of Promathia: Completed
    - Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Completed
    - Rise of the Zilart: Almost Completed (Won Divine Might)
    - Moogle Expansion: Halfway through it
    - Everything else hasn't been started


    - MP 12/12
    - INT 8/8
    Combat Skills
    - Axe 8/8
    - Katana 8/8
    - Evasion 4/4
    - Parrying 4/4
    Magic Skills
    - Enfeebling Magic 8/8
    - Elemental Magic 8/8
    - Dark Magic 8/8
    - Critical Hit Rate 5/5
    - Spell Interruption Rate 5/5
    White Mage
    - Cure Cast Time 5/5
    - Bar Spell Effect 5/5
    - Martyr 1/5
    - Devotion 4/5
    - Shellra V 5/5
    Black Mage
    - Ice Magic Potency 5/5
    - Lightning Magic Potency 5/5
    - Freeze II 1/5
    - Burst II 1/5
    Red Mage
    - Ice Magic Accuracy 2/5
    - Earth magic Accuracy 2/5
    - Slow II 1/5
    - Paralyze II 1/5
    - Reward Recast 3/5
    - Call Beast Recast 5/5
    - Beast Affinity 3/5
    - Subtle Blow Effect 5/5
    - Hyoton Effect 4/5
    - Ninja Tool Expertise 3/5
    - Hyoton: San 3/5


    Click Here for Screenshots of Items and Character

    Item Notes
    - Sellable Items aren't listed
    - Sekka+2 has AGI and Evasion Augment
    - Dalmatica has Fast Cast +1 and Quick Magic +1% Augment
    - Surya's staff +2 has Cure Potency +22% Augment
    - Facio Bliaut has Evasion +1, Refresh +1, and Cure Potency +13% Augment

    Paypal only, and buyer pays for .

    Buyout 500$.

    Thanks for viewing and PM with questions! 16917 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16577 16570 23 SWTOR 1334735345 16918 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16578 16571 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735413 Account details are as follows below:

    Hume M Face 2A

    Jobs Levels
    91 THF
    75 SAM DRG

    Sandy: Rank 10
    Windy Rank 9
    Zilart/CoP: The Last Verse
    ToAU: Eternal Mercenary
    WoTG: Into the Beast's Maw
    ACP: Completed
    ASA: Completed

    All zone wins, and almost all Atmas.




    Combat Skills:
    Hand-To-Hand 8/8
    Dagger 8/8
    Greatsword 8/8

    Berserk Recast 1
    Double Attack Rate 5
    Warriors Charge 2
    Tomahawk 1

    Counter Rate 5
    Kick Attack Rate 5
    Formless Strikes 2
    Invigorate 3
    Penance 5

    Sneak Attack 4
    Trick Attack 1
    Triple Attack Rate 5
    Assassin's Charge 2
    Feint 5
    Aura Steal 3

    Cure Cast Time 5
    Bar Spell Effect 5
    Devotion 2
    Protectra V 1
    Shellra V 1

    Convert Recast 2
    Ice Magic Accuracy 4
    Wind Magic Accuracy 4
    Dia III 1
    Slow II 3
    Paralyze II 1
    Phalanx II 1
    Bio III 3
    Blind II 1

    Ice Magic Potency 5
    Lightning Magic Potency 5
    Flare II 1
    Freeze II 1
    Tornado II 1
    Burst II 1
    Flood II 1

    Sentinel Recast 5
    Rampart Recast 4
    Chivalry 1

    Lullaby Recast 3
    Minuet Effect 5
    Nightingale 4
    Troubadour 3

    Subtle Blow Effect 5
    Katon Effect 4
    Raiton Effect 1
    Ninja Tool Expertise 5

    Physical Potency 5
    Magical Accuracy 5
    Convergence 5
    Assimilation 5

    Last Resort Recast 5
    Last Resort Effect 5
    Dark Seal 5
    Muted Soul 1
    Deseprate Blow 4

    Healing Magic 8
    Enfeebling Magic 8
    Elemental Magic 8

    Enmity Increase 5
    Critical Hit Rate 4
    Spell Interruption rate 1

    Equipment worth mention
    WAR+2 5/5
    MNK+2 5/5
    BLM+2 5/5
    NIN+2 5/5
    DRK+2 5/5
    BLU+2 5/5
    WHM+2 3/5
    PLD+2 2/5
    Rest you can see in the screenshot. Also stored a few normal AF Pieces at NPC.

    Nyzul Isle
    Access to top floor


    ABJ. Gear
    Adaman Hauberk
    Hecatomb Head
    Hecatomb Hands
    Hecatomb Feet
    Hecatomb L
    Crimson Leggings

    Loki's Kaftan

    Ocelot Gloves
    Eradico Mitts
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Augur's Gloves
    Ninja Tekko+1
    Seiryu's Kote

    Byakko's Haidate
    Tatsu. Sitagoromo (+8 Movement Speed -4% Physical Damage Taken)

    Serpentes Sabots
    Augur's Gaitors
    Ninja Kyhan+1
    Hermes Sandals

    Black Belt
    Twilight Belt
    Goading Belt
    Velocious Belt

    Brutal Earring
    Ethereal Earring
    Hecate's Earring

    Epona's Ring
    Rajas Ring

    I am the Original owner of the account. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
    Server Transfer is good to go aswell.
    Bidding starts at $600 USD Buyer Pays for Midleman. Buyout $1000 16919 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16579 16572 23 SWTOR 1334735424 16920 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16580 16573 23 SWTOR 1334735503 16921 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16581 16574 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735545 Missions:
    Zilart: The Celestial Nexus
    Promathia: Dawn
    ToAU: President Salaheem
    Assault: Private Second Class
    Altana: Back to the Beginning:
    Campaign: Bronze Ribbon of Service
    C.Prophecy: A Crystalline Prophecy
    M.KupoD'etat: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat
    S.Ascension: Enemy of the Empire

    WAR: 90
    BLM: 75

    Orison Cap +1
    Hermes Sandles
    Kirin's Osode
    Byakko's Haidate
    Loquacious Earring
    Rajas Ring

    PM me with offer 16922 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16582 16575 23 SWTOR 1334735576 Hit me up am Ziel. Sie suchen, um aus den Spielen, da es nichtgenau das, was ich dachte. Suchen Sie 30 $ paypal
    16923 visible 0 0 0 a:0:{} 0
    16583 16576 38 FFXI Accounts 1334735614 Hume Female - 3A
    EU Account
    Server Cerberus, Transfer is available.
    Linked to Square enix ID token detached.

    Gear Screenshot.


    Bastok Rank 10
    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Windurst Rank 10

    Zilart The Last Verse (Suppanomimi)
    Promathia The Last Verse (Rajas)
    ToAU Eternal Mercenary (Ulthalam's Ring)
    Assault First Lieutenant
    Altana Fate in Haze
    Campaign Wings of Honor
    C.Prophecy A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.) (Prismatic Key, body needs to be made.)
    M.KupoD'etat A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.) (Selenian Cap, MND+6 Fastcast+2 Cure potency +3%)
    S.Ascension A Shantotto Ascension (Fin) (Desultor, Rng.Acc+7 Barrage+1)

    Abyssea Quests are completed up to date. Shinryu defeated etc

    174,610 Conquest Points
    331,160 Ampoules
    35,138 Imperial Standing
    130,794 Allied Notes
    2,191,726 Cruor

    987 Beastmen's Seals
    355 Kindred Seals
    381 Kindred Crests
    144 High Kindred Crests


    Smithing 0
    Clothcraft 0
    Alchemy 9
    Woodworking 20
    Goldsmithing 0
    Leathercrafting 0
    Bonecraft 32
    Cooking 35
    Fishing 0
    Synergy 70


    WAR 95 MNK 95
    WHM 95 BLM 90
    RDM 91 THF 90
    PLD 95 DRK 95
    BST 95 BRD 95
    RNG 95 SAM 95
    NIN 95 DRG 95
    SMN 95 BLU 24
    COR 23 PUP 24
    SCH 60 DNC 75

    Most 95 jobs are capped out on EXP. Most 90 jobs are 1 TNL.

    HP 8 MP4
    STR 8/8
    Hand-to-Hand 8/8
    Katana 8/8
    Great Katana 8/8
    Archery 8/8
    Enfeebling 8/8
    Elemental 4/8
    Singing 8/8
    Wind 4/8
    Crit Hit Rate 5/5
    Spell Interruption 5/5

    Beserk Recast, 2
    Warcry Recast, 1
    Aggressor Recast, 2
    Warrior's Charge, 5
    Tomahawk, 4
    Savagery, 1

    Counter Rate, 5
    Kick Attacks, 5
    Formless Strikes, 5
    Penance, 5

    White Mage;
    Cure Cast Time, 5
    Regen Effect, 5
    Devotion, 4
    Protectra V, 1
    Shellra V, 5

    Black Mage;
    Ice Potency, 5
    Lightning Potency, 5
    Flare II, 1
    Freeze II, 3
    Tornado II,1
    Quake II, 1
    Burst II, 1
    Flood II, 1

    Red Mage;
    Convert, 5
    Ice Acc, 5
    Slow II, 3
    Paralyze II, 2
    Phalanx II, 5

    Shield Bash, 5
    Sentinel, 5
    Fealty, 1
    Chivalry, 5
    Iron Will, 4

    Dark Knight;
    Last Resort Recast, 5
    Last Resort Effect, 5
    Dark Seal, 1
    Diabolic Eye, 4
    Desperate Blows, 5

    Call Beast, 5
    Sic, 5
    Feral Howl, 3
    Beast Affinity,

    Minuet, 5
    Madrigal, 5
    Nightingale, 5
    Troubadour, 5

    Sharpshot, 5
    Rapid Shot Rate, 5
    Stealth Short, 2
    Flashy Shot, 3
    Snapshot, 5

    Store TP Effect, 5
    Meditate, 5
    Blade Bash, 5
    Overwhelm, 5

    Subtle Blow, 5
    Suiton Effect, 5
    Ninja Tool Expertise, 5
    Suiton: San, 5

    Jump Recast, 5
    High Jump Recast, 5
    Deep Breathing, 5
    Angon, 5

    Summoner; (All avatars)
    Physical Acc, 5
    Physical Attack, 5
    Heavenly Strike, 5
    Grand Fall, 5

    Haste Samba Effect, 3
    Reverse Flourish Effect, 2
    Fan Dance, 1
    Closed Position, 4


    Kannagi(80) 2/50 Sobek Skins

    18/1500 Heavy Metal Plate

    Mythic Progress;

    Medusa: O
    Gulool Ja Ja: O
    Gurfurfur the Manacing:O

    Salvage Bosses 4/4

    Odin: O

    Alexandrites: 3,688/30,000

    Nyzul Tokens 81,193/150,000 (Wyrmseeker of Areuhat)

    Balrahn's Eyepatch (Handed in to NPC)


    Nyzul 1/1 (Floor 100)
    Leujaoam 8/10
    Mamool Ja 9/10
    Lebros 8/10
    Periqia 7/10
    Ilrusi 7/10

    Sarameya's Hide: O
    Tyger's Tail: O
    Tinnin Fang: X

    Notable Gear

    Trial Weapons
    Surya's Staff +2 (Cure potency +22%
    Sekka +2 (AGI+9 Evasion+20)
    Kannagi [Trial 2094] 2/50 Sobek Skins

    Maat's Cap
    Black Belt
    Hecates Earring
    Strendu Earring
    Fajin Boots
    Triplus Dagger
    Twilight Helm
    Twilight Knife
    Epona's Ring
    Adaman Hauberk
    Twilight Belt
    Velocious Belt
    Ocelot Gloves
    Atheling MAntle
    Brutal Earring
    Taurine Cesti
    Clearview Earring
    Terebellum Mantle
    Aqua Gorget
    Aqua Belt
    Rajas Ring
    Loki's Kaftan
    Strigoi Ring
    Rounsey Wand (Still in Deliverybox)
    Felibre's Dague
    Ace's Mail
    Mextli Harness
    Magoraga Beads
    Shadow Mantle
    Torero Torque
    Augur's Jaseran
    Augur's Gloves
    Siegel Sash
    Aesir Ear Pendance
    Genbu's Shield
    Loquacious Earring
    Magnetic Earring
    Rostrum Pumps
    Danzo Sune-Ate
    Nexus Cape
    Sarameya's Hide
    Tyger's Tail

    Hachiryu Hiadate (Is currently in bazaar, so will need to be removed on log in.)

    Sea Items
    Justice Torque
    Faith Torque
    Fortitude Torque
    Prudence Torque
    Hope Torque
    Homam Corazza
    Homam Manopolas
    Homam Cosiales
    Homam Gambieras
    Nashira Turban
    Nashira Gages
    Nashira Seraweel
    Nashira Crackows
    Love Halberd
    Prudence Rod

    Walahra Turban
    Omega Ring
    Optical Hat
    Anguinus Belt
    Velocity Earring
    Chocobo Necklace
    Vermeil Bhuj
    Perdu Sickle
    Quint Spear
    Pitchfork +1
    Uchigatana (Ninja GK)
    Bahamut's Staff
    Serpentes Cuffs
    Carbuncle Mitts
    Evoker's Ring
    Boxer's Mantle
    Bloodbead Ring
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Denali Bonnet
    Goliard Chapeau
    Ominaeshi Yukata
    Goliard Clogs
    Zenith 5/5
    Zeniths Crown +1
    Bridal Corsage
    Wedding Dress
    Wedding Hose
    Wedding Boots
    Wyrmal Abjuration: Body
    Earthen Abjuration: Hands
    Hadean Abjuration: Hands

    Usukane Haramaki
    Usukane Hizayoroi
    Usukane Sune-Ate
    Skadi's Jambeaux
    Marduk's Jubbah
    Marduk's Tiara
    Marduk's Shalwar

    Phobos's Cuirass(25 Are's Body)
    Njord's Trousers(15 Skadi L)
    Hoshikazu Hachimaki(15 Usu Head)
    Hoshikazu Tekko(15 Usu Hands)
    Tsukikazu Jinpachi(25 Usu Head)
    Anu's Gaiters (15 Marduk Feet)
    Ea's Crackows (35 Marduk Feet)

    Warlock's Chapeau +1
    Warlock's Tabard +1
    Choral Cannions +1
    Choral Cuffs +1
    Evoker Pigaches +1
    Hunter's Jerkin
    Temple Crown
    Temple Cyclas +1
    Temple Gloves +1
    Ninja Chainmail +1
    Ninja Hatsuburi
    Ninja Tekko
    Ninja Hakama
    Ninja Kyahan
    Evoker Spats

    Warrior's Lorica
    Warrior's Cuisses +1
    Warrior's Stone
    Melee Cyclas +1
    Melee Hose
    Cleric's Cap +1
    Cleric's Mitts +1
    Cleric's Duckbills +1
    Cleric's Briault +1
    Cleric's Pantaloons +1
    Cleric's Belt
    Sorcerer's Perasos +1
    Sorcerer's Tonban
    Scout's Braccae
    Scout's Socks +1
    Scout's Belt
    Koga Chainmail +1
    Koga Tekko
    Summoner's Horn +1
    Summoner's Doublet +1
    Summoner's Bracers +1
    Summoner's Spats +1
    Summoner's Pigaches +1
    Dueslist's Chapeau
    Duelist's Tabard
    Duelist's Gloves
    Duelist's Tights
    Duelist's Boots
    Duelist's Belt
    Melee Gloves +1
    Melee Gaiters
    Melee Cape
    Assasin's Vest
    Valor Gauntlets
    Valor Leggings
    Abyss Flanchard
    Abyss Cape
    Monster Gloves
    Monster Gaiters
    Monster Belt
    Bard Cannions
    Saotome Kabuto
    Saotome Kote
    Koga Sarashi
    Wyrm Armet
    Wyrm Mail
    Wyrm Belt
    Mirage Keffiyeh
    Mirage Jubbah
    Mirage Shalwar
    Mirage Mantle
    Pantin Taj
    Etoile Tiara
    Etoile Casaque
    Etoile Tights
    Argute Mortarboard
    Argute Gown
    Argute Bracers

    Aoidos' Calot +2
    Aoidos' Hongreline +2
    Aoidos' Rhingrave +2
    Aoidos' Cothurnes +1
    Aoidos' Matinee(Neck)
    Aoidos' Belt

    Iga Zukin +2
    Iga Hakama +2
    Iga Kyahan +2
    Iga Tekko +2
    Iga Erimaki(Neck)

    Unkai Kabuto +2
    Unkai Domeru +2
    Unkai Kotem +2
    Unkai Hiadate +2
    Unkai Sune-Ate +2

    Sylvan Gapette +2
    Sylvan Caban +2
    Sylvan Glovelettes +2
    Sylvan Bragues +2
    Sylvan Bottillons +1
    Sylvan Scarf(Neck)
    Sylvan Chlamys(Back)

    Tantra Crown +1
    Tantra Cyclas +2
    Tantra Gloves +2
    Tantra Hose +2
    Tantra Gaiters +2

    Ravager's Mask +2
    Ravager's Lorica +2
    Ravager's Mufflers +1
    Ravager's Cuisses +1
    Ravager's Calligae +2

    White Mage
    Orison Cap +2
    Orison Bliaud +2
    Orison Mitts +1
    Orison Panaloons +2
    Orison Duckbills +1
    Orison Earring
    Orison Cape

    And the rest...

    Bale Burgeonet +1
    Bale Cuirass +1
    Bale Gauntlets +1
    Bale Flanchard +1
    Lancers Cuissots +1
    Vallers Bracers +1
    Caller Pigaches +1
    Cirque Capello +1
    Cirque Scarpe +1
    Charis Tiara +1
    Charis Bangles +1
    Charis Tights +1
    Savant's Bonnet +1
    Savant's Gown +1
    Savant's Pants +1
    Estpqueur's Fuseau +1
    Ferine Quijotes +2

    Base Feet.
    Savant's Loafers
    Charis Toeshoes
    Lancer's Schynbalds
    Goetia Sabots

    AF3 Seals


    AF3+2 Items
    Vision Card x2
    Ardor Stone x9
    Ardor Coin x4
    Ardor Jewel x2
    Wieldance Stone x1
    Wieldance Card x1
    Balance Stone x8
    Balance Jewel x3
    Balance Card x1
    Voyage Stone x2
    Voyage Coin x8



    About 300k on hand.

    Some items are in mog slips, so I may have missed some things, but I know I've got the majority at least. This account has had no warnings, I am the original owner, but no CD keys. I've been playing this game for about 6 years or so, and my time has come. Unfortunatly boredom of the game has led me to selling my account. She will sadly be missed, but life goes on.

    You are purchasing a Final Fantasy XI account.
    The start price is ?1,000 (aprox. $1.5k) this is including Fees, which I am happy to arrange. Open to offers. PM for any further details.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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