WTS: Lvl 30 Account - 77 Champs, 57 Skins, 5 Rune Page & over 1k win!

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/29/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Make a reasonable offer please. Post will remain open for a few days. If the offer feels good, I'll likely sell it on the spot. You must send first & payment must be cleared before I provide the account information. No returns after exchange is made. Paypal is a MUST to avoid scam (MUST send money (USD) as purchasing goods). No exception. Summoner name: Kuroi Getsuga List of champions (77): Akali - Ahri - Alistar - Amumu - Anivia - Annie - Ash - Blitzcrank - Brand - Caitlyn - Cassiopeia - Cho'Gath - Corki - Mr. Mundo - Evelynn - Ezreal - Fiddlesticks - Fizz - Galio - GangPlank - Garen - Gragas - Graves - Heimerdinger - Irelia - Janna - Jax - Karthus - Kassadin - Katarina - Kayle - Kennen - Kha'Zix - Kog'Maw - Lee Sin - Lux - Malphite - Malzahar - Maokai - Master Yi - Mordekaiser - Morgana - Nasus - Nidalee - Nunu - Olaf - Orianna - Pantheon - Poppy - Rammus - Riven - Ryze - Sejuani - Shaco - Shen - Singed - Sion - Sivir - Skarner - Sona - Soraka - Swain - Taric - Teemo - Tristana - Tryndamere - Twisted Fate - Twitch - Udyr - Urgot - Viegar - Vladimir - Warwick - Wukong - Xin Zhao - Ziggs - Zilean List of Skins (57)(Multiple skins belonging to same champ will be on same line): - Blood Moon Akali - Unchained Alistar - Pharaoh Amumu - Reverse Annie - Definitely Not Blitzcrank - Apocalyptic Brand - Sheriff Caitlyn - Urfrider Corki - Frosted Ezreal - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks - Spooky Gangplank - Rugged Garen - Scuba Gragas - Hired Gun Graves / Jailbreak Graves - Blast Zone Heimerdinger / Snowmerdinger - Vandal Jax - Phantom Karthus - Harbinger Kassadin - Mercenary Katarina - Silver Kayle / Judgement Kayle - Karate Kennen - Jurassic Kog'Maw - Sorceress Lux / Spellthief Lux - Glacial Malphite - Overlord Malzahar - Assassin Master Yi / Chosen Master Yi / Headhunter Master Yi - Blade Mistress Morgana - Galactic Nasus - Demolisher Nunu - Forsaken Olaf - Ruthless Pantheon - Blacksmith Poppy - Freljord Rammus - Tribal Ryze - Royal Shaco - Frozen Shen - Augmented Singed - Lumberjack Sion - Bloodstone Taric - Super Teemo - Riot Girl Tristana / Buccaneer Tristana - Butcher Urgot - White Mage Viegar / Bad Santa Viegar - Blood Lord Vladimir (legendary skin) - Tundra Hunter Warwick / Firefang Warwick - Volcanic Wukong - Snow Day Ziggs - Time Machine Zilean Pages/Runes (all tier 3): - 5 rune page available - Runes: Marks x9 Greater Mark of Ability Power x9 Greater Mark of Penetration x7 Greater Mark of Attack Damage x1 Greater Mark of Mana x9 Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power Seals x9 Greater Seal of Cooldown Reduction x9 Greater Seal of Armor Glyphs x9 Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction Quintessences x3 Greater Quintessences of Ability Power x3 Greater Quintessences of Armor x3 Greater Quintessences of Armor Penetration x3 Greater Quintessences of Attack Damage x3 Greater Quintessences of Gold x2 Greater Quintessences of Health RP/IP: - 233 RP / 3685 IP Notable Achievement: - Over 1000 win in normal game
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