NA Account Platinum border + icon

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Hello. A friend of mine stopped playing league and gave me his account. It was 2018 elo season 2 and it has platinum cup icon and border. It's also 0-1 in placement matches so that you are good to go! Champions: 65 - Ahri - Akali - Alistar - Amumu - Anivia - Annie - Ashe - Blitzcrank - Caitlyn - Cassiopeia - Cho'Gath - Corki - Darius - Dr. Mundo - Evelynn - Ezreal - Fiddlesticks - Gangplank - Garen - Gragas - Graves - Heimerdinger - Janna - Jax - Karthus - Kassadin - Katarina - Kayle - Lee Sin - Malphite - Master Yi - Morgana - Nasus - Nidalee - Nocturne - Nunu - Orianna - Poppy - Renekton - Riven - Ryze - Shaco - Singed - Sion - Sivir - Soraka - Talon - Taric - Teemo - Tristana - Tryndamere - Twisted Fate - Twitch - Vayne - Veigar - Vladimir - Warwick - Xerath - Xin Zhao - Ziggs - Zilean Skins: - Unchained Alistar - Goth Annie - Nottingham Ezreal - Deadknight Garen - Championship Riven Rune Pages: 9 (It has limited razor runes.) IP: 1611 I did my maths and 2018 season 2 is 1709 elo season 3, but if you buy a boost for the placement matches and make them 9-1 it will be platinum 2-4. Oh, and it has 7 wins left on IP boost. NOTE: Email included. Screenshots: imgur/a/FE89U Payment Type: PayPal. Price: I'm looking for $100.
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