Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Hello, i sell GOLD EU/EAST ACC, price 100€, for more information contact me on facebook ... name Petr Šíbal sfacebook/petrsibal or PM HERE! Riot Points: 283 Influence Points: 26 873 Heroes(skins): Ahri (Midnight Ahri), Akali (Singer Akali), Alistar (Golden Alistar), Amumu, Anivia (Bird of Prey Anivia),nnie, Ashe (Sherwood Forrest Ashe), Blitzcrank (Boom Boom Blitzcrank), Brand(Vandal Brand),Caitlyn (Resistance Caithlyn),Cassiopeia (Siren Cassiopeia),Cho'Gath (Battlecasr Prime Chogath),Corki, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal,Fiddlesticks (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks),Fiora, Galio, Gangplank, Garen (Sanguine Garen), Gragas, Graves (Mafia Graves),Irelia (Infiltrator Irelia),Janna (Tempest Janna), Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus (Grim Reaper Karthus), Kassadin (Harbinger Kassadin),Katarina, Kayle, Kennen (Karate Kennen), Kog'Maw (Caterpillar KogMaw) ,LeBlanc (Prestigious LeBlanc),Lee Sin (Traditional LeeSin + Dragon Fist), Leona, Lulu, Lux (Sorceress Lux), Malphite, Maokai (Totemic Maokai),Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Morgana (Blachthorn Morgana), Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne (Ravager Nocturne),Nunu, Olaf, Orianna (Sewn Chaos Orianna), Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus (Freljord Rammus), Rengar, Riven,Rumble, Ryze (Tribal Ryze), Shaco, Shen (Blood Moon Shen), Shyvana, Singed,Sion, Sivir, Skarner,Sona (Guqin Sona), Soraka, Swain (Bilgewater Swain), Syndra, Talon (Crimson Elite Talon), Taric,Teemo (Recon Teemo), Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot (Battlecast Urgot),Varus, Vayne (Aristocrat Vayne), Veigar (Leprechaun Veigar), Viktor, Vladimir (Count Vladimir + Blood Lord),Volibear (Thunder Lord Volibear), Warwick (Tundra Hunter Warwick), Wukong, Xin Zhao (Commando XinZhao),Yorick (Undertaker Yorick), Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra Runes [[ 15x RUNE SLOT ]] (9x/3xQuint TIER3): MARKS Ability power +0.59 Armor +0.91 Armor Penetration +1.3 Physical Damage +0.95 Attack speed +1.7% Cooldowns -0.16% Critical Chance +0.93% Magic Penetration +0.87 Magic Resist +0.77 Ability power per level +1.9 SEALS Ability power +0.59 Armor +1.4 Physical Damage +0.43 Attack speed +0.76% Critical Chance +0.42% Magic Resist +0.74 Ability power per level +1.9 Energy Regeneration +0.63 Healt Regeneration +0.43 Mana Regeneration +0.41 Gold +0.25 / 10 Scaling Healt +19Healt/level Scaling Mana +21Mana/level GLYPHS Ability power +1.2 Armor +0.7 Physical Damage +0.28 Attack speed +0.64% Cooldowns -0.65% Critical Chance +0.93% Magic Penetration +0.63 Magic Resist +1.3 Scaling Ability power per level +3.1 Scaling Magic Resist +2.7/level Scaling Mana regen +0.005Mana/level Mana +11.3 Quintessences (3x) Ability Power +5 Armor +4.3 Armor Penetration +2.6 Physical Damage +2.3 Attack Speed +3.4 Cooldowns -1.64% Crit. Chance +1.9% Gold +1/10 Health +26 Health Regen +2.7 LifeSteal Bonus +2.0% SpellVamp Bonus +2.0% Magic Pene. +2.0 Magic resist +4.0 Mana +38 Mana regen +1.3 Move Speed +1.5% AP per level +7.8/18lvl Health +49/18lvl
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