WTS: Warframe's "I QUIT" Market

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Hello friends, League of Legends is a great game. But, I'm moving on with my life and I don't have as much time for video games. I'll probably come back on a smurf and start playing again. But as a starter, I want to sell all my level 30 accounts. Without further ado, let's get into it. Contact : andrevv.ling OR PM me NOTE. OBO means OR BEST OFFER. Account # 1 - $187 OBO Rank : Silver 5, in promotion series, currently 1/3 RP : 223 IP : 588 Rune Pages : 8 Champions Ahri Akali - Crimson Akali* Alistar - Unchained Alistar Amumu Anivia - Birds of Prey Anivia Annie Ashe - Amethyst Ashe Blitzcrank Brand Caitlyn - Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Casseopia Cho'Gath - Nightmare Cho'Gath*, Jurassic Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Dr. Mundo Draven Elise Evelynn Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal*, Pulsefire Ezreal** Fiddlesticks - Dark Candy Fiddlesticks** Fiora Fizz - Fisherman Fizz* Galio Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gangplank** Garen - Desert Trooper Garen* Gragas Graves Hecarim - Reaper Hecarim Janna Jarvan IV - Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV** Jax - Angler Jax* Jayce Karma Karthus Kassadin - Deep One Kassadin Katarina - Slay Belle Katarina* Kayle - Judgement Ka Kennen Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix Kog'Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin Leona - Valkyrie Leona Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai - Haunted Maoki** Master Yi - Headhunter Master Yi Miss Fortune - Road Warrior Miss Fortune* Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus - Riot K-9 Nasus** Nidalee Nocturne - Void Nocturne Nunu Olaf - Glacial Olaf Orianna Pantheon - Myrmidon Pantheon Poppy - Noxus Poppy* Quinn Renekton Rengar Riven - Battle Bunny Riven Rumble Ryze - Dark Crystal Ryze Shaco - Mad Hatter Shaco, Masked Shaco Shen - Forzen Shen*, Warlord Shen Shyvanna Singed - Augmented Singed Sion Sivir - PAX Sivir** Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Syndra Talon Taric Teemo - Super Teemo Thresh Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana, Buccaneer Tristana, Firefighter Tristana*** Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne Veigar Vi Viktor Vladimir - Count Vladimir Volibear Warwick - Tundra Hunter Warwick Wukong - General Wukong Xerath Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin Zhao Yorick Zac Zed Ziggs Zilean - Time Machine Zilean* Zyra Runes Marks +1.3 Armor Pen. x 9 +.95 Physical Dmg x 9 +1.7 Attack Speed x 9 +.87 Magic Pen. x 9 +5.9 Mana x 9 Seals +1.4 Armor x 9 +.43 Physical Dmg x 9 +6.9 Mana x 9 +.1 AP per level(1.9 AP at Level 18) x 9 +1.08 HP per level(19 HP at Level 18) x 9 +.59 Ability Power x 6 Glyphs +1.2 AP x 9 +.28 Physical Dmg x 9 +.64 Attack Speed x 9 +1.3 MR x 9 +11 Mana x 9 +.17 AP per level(3.1 AP at Level 18) x 9 +.15 MR per level(2.7 MR at Level 18) x 9 Quintessences +2.4 Armor Pen (Headless Horsemen) x 3 +5.0 AP x 3 +2.3 Physical Dmg x 3 +26 HP x 3 +38 Mana x 3 +1.5% Movespeed x 3 +.28 HP regen per level(5.1 HP regen at level 18) x 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # 2 - $97 OBO Rank : Platinum 5, 75 LP RP : 98 IP : 608 Rune Pages : 3 Champions Akali Anivia Ashe Blitzcrank Corki Dr. Mundo Eilise Evelynn Gangplank Hecarim Heimerdinger Jax Karthus Kassadin Katarina Master Yi Nasus Nocturne - Eturnum Nocturne*** Nunu Pantheon Renekton - Rune Wars Renekton Rnegar Ryze Shaco Shen Singed Sion Soraka Taric Trryndamere Twisted Fate - Tango Twisted Fate Twitch Vi Zed Runes Marks +1.3 ArPen x 9 +.95 Phys Dmg x 9 +.87 MagPen x 9 Seals +1.41 Armor x 9 Glyphs +1.3 MR x 9 Quints +5 AP x 2 +2.3 Phys Dmg x 3 +1.5 Move Speed x 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # 3 - $57 OBO Rank : Silver 3, 75 LP RP : 23 IP : 2047 Rune Pages : 3 Champions Akali Alistar - Unchained Alistar Amumu Annie Ashe Cho'Gath - Nightmare Cho'Gath Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiddlesticks Garen Gragas Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Jax Karma Kassadin Katarina Kayle - Judgement Kayle Kennen Lux Malzahar MasterYi Mordekaiser Nasus Nidalee Nunu Olaf Pantheon - Perseus Pantheon Poppy Rammus Renekton Riven Rumble Ryze Shaco Shen Singed Sion Sivir Sona Soraka Teemo Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Udyr Veigar Warwick Xin Zhao Zilean Runes Marks +1.3 Armor Pen x 9 +.95 Physical Dmg x 1 +.87 Magic Pen x 9 + 5.9 Mana x 1 +2.2% Crit Dmg (RAZER MARK OF PRECISION) x 1 Seals +1.2 Mana Regen / 5 @ lvl 18 x 9 Glyphs +1.2 Ability Power +.28 Physical Dmg x 1 -.83% Cooldown x 9 +2.7 Magic Resist @ lvl 18 x 9 Quits +5 Ability Power x 3 -1.67 Cooldown x 1 +26 Helath x 1 +2.0 Magiv Pen x 1 +1.5 Movement Speed (RAZER QUINT OF SPEED) x 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account # 4 - $47 OBO Rank : Bronze 2, 54 LP RP : 287 IP : 1794 Rune Pages : 4 Champions Ahri Akali Alistar Annie Ashe - Amethyst Ashe Barand Casseopia Cho'Gath Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiora Fizz - Fisherman Fizz Galio Gangplank Irelia Janna Jax Karma - Traditional Karma Karthus Kayle Kennen - Arctic Kennen LeBlanc LeeSin Malphite Malzahar Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nautilis Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Poppy Renekton Riven Rumble Ryze Shaco Singed Sion Sivir Soraka Swain Teemo Tryndamere Twisted Fate Udyr Vayne - Heartseeker Vayne Veigar - White Mage Veigar Viktor Warwick - Feral Warwick Xin Zhao Ziggs Runes Marks +1.3 Armor Pen x 6 +.95 Physical Dmg x 9 +1.7% Attack Speed x 6 +.87 Magic Pen x 9 Seals +1.4 Armor x 9 +1.2 Mana Regen / 5 @ lvl 18 x 10 Glyphs +2.7 Magic Resist @ lvl 18 x 9 Quints +5 Ability Power x 3 +2.6 Armor Pen x 3 +2.3 Physical Dmg x 2 +2.7 HP Regen / 5 secs x 2 +2.0% Spellvamp Bonus x 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Retired Skin (Un-buyable) **Limited Edition Skin (Holiday/Limited Availability) ***Legacy Skin
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