Level 30 on North America Server

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Likes Received:
    Elo Rating: 1195
    Total Influence Points: 5207
    Total Runes: 230
    Total Skins: 34
    All Champions (List): Ahri akali alistar amumu ashe anivia annie blitzcrank brand caitlyn cassopeia cho'gath corki darius diana dr. mundo draven elise evelynn Ezreal Fiddelsticks fiora fizz galio ganplang garen gragas graves hecarim irelia janna jarhvan IV jax jayce karma karthus kassadin katarina kayle kennen kog'maw LeBlanc Leona lulu lux malphite malzahar maokai master yi miss fortune mordekaiser morgana nasus nautilus nidalee nocturne nunu olaf orianna pantheon poppy rammus renekton rengar riven rumble ryze shaco shen shyvana singed sion sivir skarner sona soraka swain syndra talon taric teemo tristiana trundle tryndamere twisted fate twich udyr urgot varus vayne veigar viktor vladimir warwick wukong xerath xin zhao yorick zed ziggs zilean zyra
    All Runes (List): mark of fortitude, mark of furor, mark of malice, greater mark of alacrity, mark of, greater mark of furor, greater mark of insight, greater mark of malice, greater mark of strength, greater mark of vitality, razor mark of precision, lesser seal of reliance, seal of strength, greater seal of alacrity, greater seal of furor, greater seal of intellect, greater seal of malice, greater seal of potency, greater seal of resilience, greater seal of vitality, greater glyp of alacrity, greater glyph of celerity, greater glyph of focus, greater glyph of insight, greater glyph of intellect, greater glyph of malice, greater glyph potency, greater glyph of warding, greater quintessence of alacrity, greater quintessence of avarice, greater quintessence of desolation, greater quintessence of malice greater quintessence of potency, greater quintessence of resilience, greater quintessence of swiftness, greater quintessence of speed.
    All Skins (List): infernal alistar, sad robot amumu, noxus hunter anivia, sherwood forest ashe, zombie brand, resistance caitlyn, frosted ezreal, bandito fiddelstik, hextech galio, spooky gankplank, tempest janna,jurassic kog'maw, coral reef malphite, shadow prince malzahar, galactic nasus, astro nautilus, french maid nidalee, pentakill olaf, scarlet hammer poppy, full metal rammus, bloodfuty renekton, headhunter rengar, warlord shen, lumberjack sion, justicar syndra, panda teemo, aristocat vayne, vandal vladimir, big bad warwick, pentakil yourick, major ziggs,
    Account Creation Date: 20/11/12

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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